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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12053588 No.12053588 [Reply] [Original]

Can i cure my hangover with food?

>> No.12053591

Water + food that has enough salt to retain the water

>> No.12053594

You won't cure your hangover but you'll feel better for sure. It's better to eat heavily and drink lots of water while you're getting hammered.

>> No.12053597

drink water when drinking alcohol. you don't have to drink less alcohol, but do try to have 5-6oz of water every two shots or so.
people always claim fatty food helps hangovers, I make plenty of fatty greasy eggs and bacon and bagels grilled in bacon grease, hashbrowns in bacon grease, i've tried sweets, tried breads, no food helps my hangovers. just water

>> No.12053601

This, also avoid food that could cause nausea which would just make everything worse.

>> No.12053602

Ding Ding. Also, going too long on an empty stomach can cause nausea all on its own. Eating even a few hundred calories (and I mean eating, not drinking a soda) keeps your metabolism stable and limits potential sources of nausea.

>> No.12053960

Only cure for a hangover is time.

Like another anon said, drink a lot of water when you drink booze. Don't chug a lot when you finish drinking and are about to pass out because that won't help shit. Keep a good pace with it, like one glass of water after every drink.

It isn't 100% fool proof and you might still feel kinda woozy and tired the next morning, but you'll recover from it a lot faster. Hangovers might last 2-3 days after you hit your 30s if you don't do some preventative maintenance.

>> No.12053986

Pickle juice or mineral water.

>> No.12053988

A pint of hot and sour soup from a Chinese takeout joint and a big bottle of Perrier/topo chico is a miracle cure for me

>> No.12054160

You cure hangover with cannabis.

>> No.12054169

I find pancakes where banana is the main ingredient help with the mild nausea.

Also this

>> No.12054178


It wil help for sure, sleep and fap is also very helpful.

>> No.12054253


A couple puffs and your hangover headache is gone.

>> No.12054282
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What is alcohol dehydrogenase and it's resulting product
What is acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and it's resulting product
Both of these for 20000 ty

>> No.12054298
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>> No.12054304

1 glass of water, two ibuprofen, 1 glass Gatorade, 1 swig of liquor, and a regular breakfast aughtta do it.

>> No.12054330


Korean seolleongtang is the only thing that works for me

>> No.12054336

Best way to is to prevent the worst of a hangover, by eating something fatty/salty before sleeping, and drinking at least a pint of water, preferably more. The food helps, but really the more water you can drink in a reasonable period before sleeping, the better.

>> No.12054347

people might DUDE, but it's surprising how rare this knowledge is
it really is a miracle remedy for hangovers

>> No.12054362


Its instant relief.

>> No.12054372

its also gay

>> No.12054375

so are you but you don't hear us complaining

>> No.12054376

the only thing that can help a hangover is time.

>> No.12054388
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man i love that shit. korean hangover cures are great in general because most of it is broth based

>> No.12054416

This doesn't really work. Alcohol blocks the absorption of water, so all you're doing is making yourself piss even more often than you normally would while drinking.

>> No.12054422


>> No.12054960

Stick to straight liquor, either mix my drinks with water or I chase them with water and I feel fine for the most part the next day. Beer and mixed drinks give me hangovers from hell

>> No.12054966
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>Ding Ding


>> No.12055034

Oh yeah bud

>> No.12055037
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>> No.12055042
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Never, ever forget the hair of the dog that bit you

>> No.12055048

Any liquor + any sugar is an instant headache for me

>> No.12055054
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Ding ding!

>> No.12055420

There is no cure. The only thing you can do is remember how shitty hangovers feel and therefore drink less next time. There is an art to staying tipsy and enjoying alcholol without getting drunk and feeling like hell the next day.

Also, try to stick to one type of alcohol if you’re going to be drinking for hours. The worst hangovers in my experience come from having some wine, having a couple of different beers, and drinking whiskey in the same night.