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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 640x412, how-toxic-is-teflon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12044932 No.12044932 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, you love me

>> No.12044958

Thanx 4 the crust. oh wait..

>> No.12044960
File: 890 KB, 915x456, wok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no wok

>> No.12044966
File: 895 KB, 500x250, 793ECCAD-0C0F-4559-B2D9-534D2408C0E4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two weeks and i’ll have mine!

>> No.12045023
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>> No.12045027

I have actually never used Teflon.

>> No.12045033

Right? Just get stainless steel or ceramic and put a bit of butter or oil down.

>> No.12045061

All I've ever used is cast iron and I've never had a problem with cooking anything.

>> No.12045072

I have cast iron and I like it but it’s not worth using for everything. Why would I use my cast iron for my grilled cheese instead of my ceramic? Both are non stick but one requires way more time and energy to heat up, one requires more work to clean and store, one heats much less evenly. There is a time and a place for cast iron but not everyday.

>> No.12045079

I really don’t. I went stainless steel and I never went back.

>> No.12045098

My God do Americans really do this?

>> No.12045102

I have a small version of you that works amazingly for drunken omelettemaking, but apart from that I just don't have need for you.

>> No.12045112

Is it bad that I'm a 25 year old guy and can't cook eggs properly?

>> No.12045117

What do you mean by "cook eggs"?
You should definitely be able to make an omelette decently.
Buy some eggs and practice. It's not like they're hideously expensive.

>> No.12045121

No but eggs are cheap. Buy a few dozen and spend a whole morning practicing until you learn. I think I paid $0.80/dozen last time I was at the store.

>> No.12045122

Sunny side up / scrambled eggs etc
Idk what I'm doing wrong. I either overcook it or undercook it. Hard to get it right.
God I'm so pathetic.

>> No.12045124

Let the retards kvetching about harmless inert Teflon begin. Here's a clue they also believe in global warming

>> No.12045131

why don't your black flakes taste like pepper?

>> No.12045132

Sunny side up I can maybe understand, but scrambled? Come on man

>> No.12045134

can't put in oven

>> No.12045208

Have to have one. Don't like to use it but honestly for eggs it just makes your life so much easier.

>> No.12045212

Fucking practice asshole. We can't tell you. Your pans, your heat source, it is all variable. Learn your kitchen.

>> No.12045213

Maybe I'm too dumb for this shit.

>> No.12045249

No, you literally just need to practice a bit.

>> No.12045254
File: 242 KB, 1215x581, screenshot.2019-03-17 10.07.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai panfu

>> No.12045257

Who are you, my kid? Fuck you I hate your guts, little shit!

>> No.12045267

let me guess, you aren't using a gas range

>> No.12045278

I haven't really figured out what those are good for, actually

>> No.12045292

Anything where leidenfrost+dense food are not enough on their own

Not all egg dishes involve a toasted deep brown crust, not all meat dishes are steak and hamboigahs, not all vegetable dishes are hasselback potatoes

>> No.12045325

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.12045329

goes from zero to 600 degrees on a piece of shit gas range in a handful of minutes, I'm never using cast iron again

>> No.12045338

I never said you should use cast iron.

I'm sorry you were so easily taken advantage of, but it's only $100. Live and learn.

>> No.12045341

yes they are. well, the good food is, the rest is rabbit food.

>> No.12045342

>goes from zero to 600 degrees

how do you know?
you cant use IR thermometers on reflective surfaces iirc

>> No.12045345

Sunny side up is easy as hell man what are you talking about.


>> No.12045346

t. hamplanet who thinks vegetables are a punishment to be temporarily endured under medical supervision in response to a life-threatening health crisis

>> No.12045352

maybe it's not an accurate read but it smokes avocado oil and that's hot enough for me

I spent more at the bar last night, I've definitely got my month's worth on the pan

>> No.12045368

>I'm upper middle class
>I can't afford an actual copper pan so I'll just pretend they're for "candy makers"

>> No.12045372

literally only candy makers and bobby flay use 100% copper pans, you're deluded and only showing how retarded you are

>> No.12045391
File: 36 KB, 640x360, 674162533_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>namedrops television tier celebrity chefs
>wouldn't know a michelin star if he got smacked in the face with one
You probably think Olive Garden is fine dining

>> No.12045396

doubt most michelin kitchens splash on stainless lined copper when there are much cheaper options

>> No.12045397

>he's claiming to know michelin star chefs to prove that I'm the entitled one

>> No.12045412

Yeah because as we all know, fine dining is all about extracting maximum calories per penny out of the Sysco truck

>> No.12045424

show me 5 michelin kitchens using mostly or solely copper cookware then
think youll struggle

>> No.12045438
File: 18 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 michelin stars
You're not even trying to be subtle, we're done here. No (You) for you

>> No.12045456

>5 stars
hows your reading comprehension son

>> No.12045832

Obviously, you fucking mong

>> No.12045837

Best pan that I own.

>> No.12045847

Break eggs in bowl and scramble with fork
Pout into pan
Stir nonstop until theybstop being runny, should only be a minute or two

>> No.12045869
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 20180116_160823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's muh cast arn

>> No.12045918
File: 7 KB, 425x255, all-clad nonstick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All-Chad reporting in.

>> No.12045968

>oh wait...
...I bought into the cast iron meme so hard I actually believe you can't form a crust below 250C.

>> No.12045975

Once it hits you on the head, you never go back.

>> No.12046024

Funny thing (although, honestly, I doubt many will be surprised). If you watch the pictures of good food and recipes in the /ck/ cooking competition thread, you'll notice that many anons who CAN cook, use non-stick.

>> No.12046033

It's pretty.
I wouldn't want to cook in it because it would besmudge its beauty.

>> No.12046186
File: 5 KB, 282x283, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying your not the ugly sister

>> No.12046209

you would be wrong

>> No.12046216

I fucking hate cleaning those bitches

>> No.12046230

what the fuck
cleaning teflon takes five seconds

>> No.12046250

your mom besmudged my dick last night

>> No.12046255

Nothing beats teflon imo for eggs. I use ceramic or cast iron for most other stuff, though.

>> No.12046284

Yeah, she does that sometimes. It's got something to do with her dementia and terrible eye sight.

>> No.12046299

>80 cents a dozen
Damn, where do you live?

>> No.12046347

I bought a carbon steel pan, applied 18 layers of flaxseed oil and then my first batch of fried rice proceeded to stick to the pan.

I've been using my Teflon 8-inch omelet pan ever since.
I still haven't figured out how to get a non-flaking season on my carbon steel pan and have been wasting flaxseed oil and scrambled eggs on it for weeks

>> No.12046418

You didn't stir the rice enough, dingus

>> No.12046425

how can you stir that which becomes instantly stuck

>> No.12046501

you must become the stickiness

>> No.12046511

the rice needs to be cold

>> No.12046916

Got the same problem. My layers were so perfect I almost believed it was teflon. The rice didn't buy it though. Gonna try more oil and colder rice.

>> No.12046964

Just bought two new Tefals. They are nice for eggs, fish and occasionally textured soy strips if they are cheap and I'm feeling animal friendly.

Especially those soy strips stick like crazy in a non non stick pan.

>> No.12046980
File: 56 KB, 577x720, 1551149728176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceramic > Teflon

>> No.12047887

I bought one for $10 the other day on a whim. 100% worth it just to have a decent egg pan.

>> No.12048215

All your teflon's almost knocked completely off, but I still love you, babe.

>> No.12049250

I love you very much and I want to make nonstick babies with you.

>> No.12049652

Someone shill me a cookware set that doesn't have anything that will kill me in it. New to cooking.

>> No.12049657

Sets are dumb for two reasons:
1) no one brand does everything well
2) they tend to waste your money with sizes/shapes of cookware you don't need.

Instead, buy the individual pieces you need from whoever makes those the best.

>> No.12049659

I've got nothing against nonstick. The specific pan in OP is a piece of garbage though. It's thin, it's too small, and it has a plastic handle.

>> No.12049768

I literaly hate everything about this pan.
The aluminum is lightweight, so icooks like crap, and can be easily bent or dented.
The plastic handle looks unergonomic.
Plastic handles like that also inevitably get food stuck and encrusted on that section near the handle making the oan look unhygienic and dirty.
When you bang a spoon on the pan rim it will get deep dents.
The teflon surface will start to suck oretty quickly, and because it’s teflon, tou can’t use stainless or scotch brite scouring pads to clean the surface without ruining it.
I would literally prefer enameled steel.

>> No.12049770

plastic handles are good. they don't get hot

>> No.12049775

Plastic handles are fail, because they're weaker than metal and because they cannot go inside the oven.

Whether or not a handle gets hot is up to, you, the cook. Even a solid metal handle doesn't get hot unless you do something stupid with it, like put a small pot on a large hob.

>> No.12049785

>I literaly hate everything about this pan.
>The aluminum is lightweight, so icooks like crap
>The plastic handle looks unergonomic.
>Plastic handles like that also inevitably get food stuck and encrusted on that section near the handle making the oan look unhygienic and dirty.
Agreed with all 3.

>When you bang a spoon on the pan rim it will get deep dents.
Why would you ever do this?
>The teflon surface will start to suck oretty quickly
Only if you're an idiot and you over-heat it or you use metal tools in it.

>>and because it’s teflon, tou can’t use stainless or scotch brite scouring pads to clean the surface without ruining it.
Why would you need to use either? If your frying pan needs anything more than a quick wipe with a wet sponge to clean it then you fucked up somehow. Is it really that hard to stop burning food to your pans?

>I would literally prefer enameled steel.
but earlier you bitched about cookware which was thin and easily bent or dented? and now you're saying that's what you prefer?

>> No.12050091

>When you bang a spoon on the pan rim it will get deep dents.
>Why would you ever do this?
Use spoon to mix ingredients in pans,
Tap spoon on rim to remove extra stuck on food, so huge amount of food clumped on spoon doesn’t drip all over counter making mess while you continue cooking.
Stainless and cast irin pans don’t have an issue with this.
Aluminum and Anodized get dented easily and just start looking like shit quickly.
>The teflon surface will start to suck oretty quickly
>Only if you're an idiot and you over-heat it or you use metal tools in it.
Overheating a pan for things like steak are a stadard thing in cooking, and it’s also hard to tell how hot a pan is when full of food, sometimes resulting in the bottom layer of food getting too hot and burning to the pan.
Over time this causes the tefln surface to get encrusted and other that caustic cleaning products, it’s not easy to clean the teflon.
>and because it’s teflon, tou can’t use stainless or scotch brite scouring pads to clean the surface without ruining it.
>Why would you need to use either? If your frying pan needs anything more than a quick wipe with a wet sponge to clean it then you fucked up somehow. Is it really that hard to stop burning food to your pans?
See above, once food gets burned to the teflon, the surface is fucked.
Stsinless and regilar cast iron is much easier to clean and care for.

>> No.12050130

Have fun with your beetus and heart problems

>> No.12050158

>Use spoon to mix ingredients in pans,
WTF are you doing. Spoon is for scooping/measuring/serving. Not for mixing.

>Overheating a pan for things like steak are a stadard thing in cooking,
Absoloutely. But choosing a nonstick pan for this task is a silly decision. That is what something like cast iron or carbon steel is for.

>>sometimes resulting in the bottom layer of food getting too hot and burning to the pan
You're either a noob cook or a moron. This is not something that normally happens, it only happens when the cook fucks up. Just stir your food a little more often.

>>Over time this causes the tefln surface to get encrusted and other that caustic cleaning products, it’s not easy to clean the teflon.
Or you could just use it more carefully in the first place.

>>See above, once food gets burned to the teflon, the surface is fucked.
I avoid that concern by simply not burning food to the teflon.