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File: 33 KB, 323x400, busser-busboy-job-description.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12044262 No.12044262 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a busser from a restaurant and this is a public service announcement to please not leave a mess. It's common eating ethics. Thank you.

>> No.12044286

earn that tip bitch.

>> No.12044314

Uh, servers and bussers are different.

OP, I do this all the time. I'll stack all the dishes into 1 or 2 tidy piles with trash gathered in 1 and utensils all together. Some times I'll stack the cups too. My family seems to get embarrassed or see's it as something just awful or weird, but most of them haven't worked in the food industry. Fuck them. Now, when I take everyone's ledt overs that I like, I can agree that that is weird and gross, but I only do it with my immediate family, so i personally don't see the problem with it. Always cracking jokes asking if i want to take some sugar packets or something. Fugg you guys, don't waste food then and take it home yourselves.

>> No.12044332

You're there for your time, anon. Doesn't matter how much stuff you have to do, you're getting paid by the hour, so what's the difference between a mostly clean and a totally trashed table? That you have to hussle? I worked as a waiter and was my own busboy because only seven people worked at the restaurant. My only "colleague" up front was also the hostess/register operator/co-owner.

>> No.12044414

>It's common eating ethics
i believe you are in fact a "busser".

>> No.12044423

yeah i think its totally fucked up to leave a table trashed, very rude

>> No.12044672

This is the kind of fucked up mentality boomers/white trash/niggers have. g-d forbid you have common courtesy.

>> No.12044679

Clean it up wagie

>> No.12044693

Yeah I dislike leaving a mess at all.

It's not from being considerate, I just dislike bad hygiene and avoidable mess.

>> No.12045062

You're in the service industry. You are paid to serve. My job as a customer is to order food and if I receive good service tip well. My job as a customer is not to take my own order, cook my own food, or serve my own food; so why would cleaning up my table fall under my responsibility as a customer. I don't pay someone else to serve me food for me to take part in ANY of the work involved in preparing, cooking or serving food because otherwise I would cook at home.

>> No.12045093

How difficult is it to just not leave a massive mess when you're done eating?

At the same time though, who the fuck do you think you are, you little faggot? Wipe down my shit with a smile on your face or I'll tell your boss you tried to steal the quarters from my son's pockets

>> No.12045145

Restaurants are the biggest meme

>> No.12045154

Do your job and shut up

>> No.12045157

Haha trash human is lazy news at 11:00 haha lazy bit wants money for cleaning slop but doesn't like slop haha learn to code

>> No.12045158

what does a busser do if not clean

>> No.12045160

subjective. you probably bitch about a sugar packet. they're going to be at the restaurant all day, they'll have time to clean it.

>> No.12045163

Bussed when I was young. I pretty much still do it when I go out. I fucking hated messy people. Inconsiderate assholes.

>> No.12045181

>OP, I do this all the time. I'll stack all the dishes into 1 or 2 tidy piles with trash gathered in 1 and utensils all together. Some times I'll stack the cups too. My family seems to get embarrassed or see's it as something just awful or weird, but most of them haven't worked in the food industry. Fuck them.
You're just low class. It sounds like you are rebellious and don't understand how to listen to the advice of your family. You don't stack your items like you're impatient with them not having been picked up yet.

OP, I am sure most messes are literal children and proverbial children. People should hold food over plates, butter only their bite of bread, place utensils on plates or underplates as courses are cleared, and other things that don't fit the practices in modern restaurants. I'll place my salad fork on my salad plate to be collected when the salad plate is cleared before the main, and watch servers with their unclean fingers touching other utensils, soiled plates, etc forcefully remove said fork to lay it on my napkin like I'd use it again or even touch it again. My tabletop napkin is now soiled as well just in case I might have needed it beyond the one laying in my lap, I won't be able to do so now! Tsk tsk. No one knows etiquette or is trained well anymore.
As a busser, you should be so courteously codependent that people can't even feel compelled to wonder if they will get a refill on their water, or when a plate will be cleared.

>> No.12045203
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, 1525170751101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>eating out (usually order tendies)
>spill my ranch all over the table from dipping to vigorously
>leave tendy breading all over the bench of the booth
>tear up my straw cover into a million tiny little pieces and leave it all over the floor and booth
>tear up my napkin and do the same but with even more pieces
>mfw they do it for minimum wage

>> No.12045209

Do my bidding.

Based and redpilled

>> No.12045314

this but unironically

>> No.12045964


>> No.12046049

I always stack my dishes up at the end of the table

bussers get tipped out at some places

>> No.12046144

Can confirm it’s not too bad unless children are involved. Children in restaurants should be illegal.

>> No.12046403

OP here. Yesterday during my shift I had to pick up some dumb mom's Similac bottle. Fucking BABY FORMULA.

>> No.12046437

>job is to clean up tables
>complain about having to do your job and clean up the tables

I mean it's not like you're being asked to clean up the shit-covered restroom or something clearly outside your job description. This kind of mentality is why people like you will be stuck in dead end min wage jobs your entire life.

>> No.12046497

This thread is proof that right-wingers on 4chan are just low-empathy kids with authority issues and wouldn’t know social cohesion if they saw it.

>> No.12046988

What's ethical about guilting me into doing your job for you?

>> No.12046997

i haven't bussed for years but I remember once this single mother let her little niglet tear up every sugar packet in the dish and throw them all over the table

>> No.12047005

>i had to pick up a bottle and sweep up some sugar woe is me

Ex toilet scrubber here, laughing at you limp-wristed sissies.

>> No.12047199

>toilet scrubber
How much did you make on the side by letting old men have their way with you?

>> No.12048795


>> No.12048797

Make me you limey little faggot.

>> No.12048888
File: 1.85 MB, 498x346, 1551136981965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worked as busboy at outback shithouse.
>Nigress leaves behind $200 in welfare envelope.
>Keep it.
If you are on welfare you have no business eating out let alone ordering lobstah and scrimps

>> No.12048899

She needed that money for her dru- childs education you fucking racist

>> No.12048918

You don't have to clean the table just don't be a pig.

>> No.12048942

I don't leave stray food scraps on the tablecloth and put my utensils + napkin on my plate when I'm done. I don't do anything else besides stack plates if I want more table space. I'm not going to transfer all the food scraps to one plate and stack them for you unless I'm getting a discount for doing your job.

>> No.12048951

I stack my dishes when I'm done eating. I hope it makes your job easier because I'm not going to stop. It's a soothing project for me while I wait for the other people at the table to finish their conversations.

>> No.12049003

Thank you for your service, anon.

Amen, but it’s not just the right-wingers. It’s all of us.

>> No.12049048

Often times a busser will be responsible for fixing destroyed bathrooms.

>> No.12049207

stop stacking dishes!
it’s neurotic and it makes neurotic and it makes us hate you.
it’s as if one more person is saying «hurry up and do your job, get that table cleared”

>> No.12049233


Is this true? I stack the dishes and utensils and napkins at the end of my meal to be helpful to the staff

>> No.12049271
File: 303 KB, 600x600, 3FE029A301264330808527DC6F5546F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm homeless and every times I go to MacDonald I sit on a table for hours, unwashed since months, letting the acidity of my own sweat damages and stains the seat.
Then I go to the toilet and take a huge shit on the floor.

Then I leave

>> No.12049276

show bussy

>> No.12049281
File: 17 KB, 410x229, 1525906581158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12049507

your job is to eat and fuck off.
just don’t spill shit on the floors
eat. then leave.

>> No.12049548

damn straight beefcake

>> No.12049562

>>>12044262 (OP)
>stop stacking dishes!
>it’s neurotic and it makes neurotic and it makes us hate you.
>it’s as if one more person is saying «hurry up and do your job, get that table cleared
This is all true. You are NOT supposed to stack or push away your plates. It means they weren't cleared fast enough for you. It could also mean you shovel your food down faster than those around you, and other things.

>> No.12049564

>It means they weren't cleared fast enough for you.

what if it is my intention to convey exactly that?

>> No.12050275

well then, you’re an annoying twat.
that’s what