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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12041683 No.12041683 [Reply] [Original]

No plastic but ridiculously expensive. Ill pass.

>> No.12041687

Good to know. Keep us updated!

>> No.12041688
File: 19 KB, 443x430, 82628EF6-BC52-4A8B-BC3E-41C7A401D16E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boxed water

>> No.12041691

That's just fucking retarded. If I saw some idiot drinking out of one of these, I'd poke a hole in it

>> No.12041706

better than what?

>> No.12041720


>> No.12041737

They sell cans of water in work instead of bottles now. The hole under the ringpull is tiny, I'm not sure how you're supposed to drink from them without crushing the can

>> No.12041738

Bottled you fucking retard

>> No.12041749

i just take a mason jar and turn on the tap like a true patrician

>> No.12041769

How do I unsubscribe?

>> No.12041877
File: 81 KB, 520x546, e4a15f646d669dc4ff0f66a4cccfb5082a7881d4_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 1 at my not local meijer too see how it taste. Imagine the taste of boxed skim milk but it's actually after with the wax cardboard taste. I'll stick to fiji

>> No.12041908

>t. BPA boys

Wrong. Patrician tier is drinking from the hose on a hot summer day

>> No.12041923
File: 77 KB, 736x736, 1544636936487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worried about bpa
>drinks from a hot garden hose

>> No.12041929

Made me giggle

>> No.12041930


>> No.12041979


imagine living in a country where you cannot drink the tap water.

>> No.12042023

Just worried about the BPAIDF agenda against carton based harmony

>> No.12042044

Why not buy water in glass bottles. Unlike paper they’re reusable too

>> No.12042059

Just buy glass bottles, idiots.

>> No.12042117
File: 74 KB, 1105x1500, 61bno8RgVIL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do none of you retards know what a tumbler is? fucking get one already.

>> No.12042137

i don't like the lid

>> No.12042143

what would you reuse them for? farting in?

>> No.12042193

worry about the braap agenda

>> No.12042226

looks gay

>> No.12042463
File: 1.01 MB, 172x162, 1366473605820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks water only comes in bottles
>calls others retard

>> No.12042653
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>he doesn't buy canned water

>> No.12042683

It's just like my fallout game!

>> No.12042736
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>> No.12042900


>0.7 l

Why? Why not make the can the amount for a day? I mean you CAN survive with this much per day, but it is like the minimum. I guess it is because stabnard cans are cheaper.

>> No.12042932

But do they come with free Missing Child trading cards like milk boxes?

>> No.12042958

It won't hold smut anymore, so no thank you.

>> No.12042978

Is that anything like a cup?

>> No.12042989

Imagine buying water at the store.

>> No.12043002

Tasted like boxed wax piss....

Fuck the environment, put everything in plastic

>> No.12043283

Imagine being so poor that tap water is the main way you consume water

>> No.12043292

Most plastic bottles are made from PET these days, kiddo.

>> No.12043302

If your water is sold in a container instead of coming directly from the tap, it's bad.

>> No.12043342

Imagine being such a third-worlder you take pride in not drinking your country's tap water.

>> No.12043349

Imagine throwing money out the window for no good reason makes you superior to anyone else

>> No.12043388

I have only ever seen them at meijer right next to coconut water and theyre always dusty they dont sell.

>> No.12043408

What is the card lined with?

>> No.12043427


>> No.12043431

Tried it once
Tasted kind of bland

>> No.12043438

The box carton cannot be recycled because it is lined in wax/plastic.

>> No.12043444

Pretty based beer packaging to be desu

>> No.12043453

>No plastic
How is it glossy then?

>> No.12043454

It comes out of the faucet and it's free
How do you think Donald Trump got so rich? Writing a bunch of cheques to pay for shit that's free?

>> No.12043480

With a stainless steel straw, idiot.

>> No.12043487

not free
water bill or electricity for well pump

>> No.12043505

You're gonna pay that anyway for your shower, washing machine, etc. A couple glasses of water a day are so cheap as to be effectively free. And if you're that much of a poorfag, you can just go to McDonalds and ask for a cup of water, or go to the library and fill up a flask at the drinking fountain.

>> No.12043795
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Nothing really tastes as fresh as bar 'le duc.

>> No.12043843
File: 180 KB, 1281x697, Drink up Goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really believe flouride is doing anything to your brain? Wow keep falling for mind control conspiracies and wasting your money you retarded hippies!!1

>> No.12043985

Everything can be poisonous, it's all about the dosage. Intentionally fluoridated municipal water is perfectly safe. There are some locations that have water that's naturally high in fluoride to a dangerous extent, but that's a different matter.

>> No.12044027

Not talking about safety or lethality, just saying fluoride has a definite physiological effect and it isn't some conspiracytard shit to avoid tap water because you don't want a lump of calcified fluoride to be deposited on your brain.

>> No.12044036

It absolutely is conspiratard shit to avoid tap water because of fluoride, the amounts of fluoride in normal tap water are way too small to cause a problem.

>> No.12044048

I just don't think they should put fluoride in water without our consent. Let the retards who don't brush their teeth get cavities

>> No.12044060

It's not about not getting cavities, it's about thwarting 19th century-tier diseases dumbshit

>> No.12044071

fluroide isn't a once-a-day ultimate prevention. Just like sugar, it's based on time of exposure.

If you live to 110, maybe it'll be an issue. Otherwise it just cuts down on our tax dollars spent on dental care.

>> No.12044092

It won't kill you or even have an effect on your conscious mind but its right there obstructing your pineal gland, which is associated with sleep and melatonin. That's the end of any verifiable information that I've found but I'll add that I believe it inhibits dream recollection and that's why ""they"" put it there, so maybe that's conspiritard shit but I have a hard time believing having a gland in your brain become calcified over by this stuff has no effect on you either way.

>> No.12044294

Nobody should drink bottled water in 1st world countries.

>> No.12044295

This still doesn't make any sense to me. I always thought 90% of the tumblr userbase was there for porn.

>> No.12044419

If you look at the image the conspiratard posted above, there's a section called "How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland." This implies that there's some sort of bodily function that can take care of it. Most likely, the body can remove it as long as you aren't taking a substantial overdose.
The fact that it can be reversed means you shouldn't worry about the consumption of tiny amounts of fluoride building up. There's no chance for it to build up.

>> No.12044464

I'm on the Isle of Man and the Creamery here boasted that they're switching to biodegradable cartons - and not passing the cost on to the consumers!

Which is bullshit because they've gone from 568ml (1 Im. pint) to 500 ml and 1.136 L (2 Im. pints) to 1 L respectively.


>> No.12044466

I drink from them all the time and I already have gigantic tits without hormone therapy. Love my country! MAGA!

>> No.12044494

Pro-tip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GceNsojnMf0

>> No.12044596

Literally faucet water in a carton.
t. used to buy 6 packs of that stuff

>> No.12044617

>paying for water

>> No.12044632


Still do. Still plenty of it. They "don't allow" it anymore in the sense that if it gets reported it might, on a good day, under the right circumstances, get deleted. Most of them are just such collection pages, and those then they are quickly created again. The only "loss" would have been personal artist pages, and who would use tumblr of all things for that, own fault.

>> No.12044650

>sheltered libtard thinks bottled water is exclusive to burgerland and only bought by conservatives
big yikes!

>> No.12044660

Unless you have a private well then you're paying for water.

>> No.12044908


>> No.12046246

All package water is literally tapwater, unless you're one of those suckers who bought into the "raw water" meme.

>> No.12046273

Nah, just the regular "tap water is 2nd rate water" meme.

>> No.12046283

For Christs sake, just use a glass and turn on the tap.
If its not cold enough, use ice. If its got shit in it, use a filter.
I want to punch people who buy water.

>> No.12046291

Based and FrugalPilled

>> No.12046466

I love how this is an indicator that someone is salty.

>> No.12047844

If you look again at the image I posted above, you'll see the line
>Many people experiencing symptoms of heavy calcification of the pineal gland by the time they're 17
So it does build up and there are symptoms, I understand if you don't give a shit as long as you don't notice anything but if you're drinking tapwater, this is happening to you.

>> No.12047860

Taking a swig of pure, delightfully tasteless spring water in your honor, little man.

>> No.12047880



>> No.12048667


Get an RO water filter
Pour around 10 gallons into a bucket
Teaspoon in 3 scoops of baking soda to make it alkaline
Put every vitamin under the sun in that bitch, in capsule form, not pill. Pill binders are disgusting. Experiment with vitamins to see what is beneficial for you personally.
This should last you a week. Make sure the container is a glass aquarium because glass is better then plastic
Keep it in a cold place like a mini fridge
Congratulations, you just cleared your pineal gland and waterpilled yourself.

>> No.12048675

Deja blue canned water is superior

>> No.12048683

bf saw that at Whole Foods (which we stopped in just because were walking by) and found it fascinating. It costs more than the bottled water on the same shelf.

If you spend more money, you're usually causing more harm, by enabling others to do more harm. You can't pay to absolve your bourgeois decadence. You can consume less.

Stop being a dumbass and get a reverse osmosis system if you don't like your tap water. It tastes much better.

>> No.12048705

this water tastes like utter garbage, its basically unfiltered tap water and disgusting

>> No.12048777

>All package water is literally tapwater,
Have you really never seen mineral water?
Hell, it's somehow cheaper than brand shit like bon aqua and aqua minerale.

>> No.12048913
File: 52 KB, 240x300, e8716572cf7cc64128ff2f52c5f36f1e92da6512[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a fucking walter filter if you hate tap so much they're not expensive and you can store it in your fridge

>> No.12049119

The same reason why wine comes in .7 liter bottles, it is based on the average amount of liquid an adult male consumes with each meal, as such you're supposed to drink three of those cans, one with each meal.

>> No.12049151

Why not? Is there a real argument or is it just environmentard conspiracy theories?

>> No.12049165

Try out not masturbating and not watching pornography
Maybe even just for a week
Just to see how you feel
What do you have to lose?

>> No.12049176


It's not theories though.
He said 1st world because those most probably have highest quality tap water, and wasting resources to carry around fucking WATER (comparatively high density) 1000s of km around the globe when the equivalent can be gotten right there locally from the tap (depending on location the tap water can be nothing else but highest quality mineral water) is one of the stupidest and wastefullest things ever. There are of course exceptions, like when the to your home delivered perfectly fine water then comes out of your tap in questionable state because of your plumbing. But else, retarded and waste of resources.

>> No.12049188

>caring about resource waste
sounds like the poor people are bitching again

>> No.12049195

So nothing but conspiracy theories, fear mongering and pseudoscience.

>> No.12049235

Most bottled water is bottled locally and basically the same shit you get out of the tap.

>> No.12049241

If you can't drink tap water, you live in a shithole country.

>> No.12049251

t. straight frog

>> No.12049265
File: 221 KB, 1200x1404, 1200px-Fit_Finlay_at_Stampede_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use plastic
>throw it in trash cause world will probably die after me

>> No.12050639

I tried it once in New York City, and it tasted of cardboard. I will not drink boxed water again.