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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12031145 No.12031145 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: places that don't actually exist

>> No.12031149

I don't get it. They exist all over the place. I live right next to one.

>> No.12031153


>> No.12031158


>> No.12031167

they are so bad, that they may as well not exist
•Burger King
never heard of him

>> No.12031177

What? There’s own right down the steeet in my backwater town

>> No.12031182
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I live right next to one, but I realize that most people don't. Let me assure you, it exists, and let me assure you it's better than anything McDonald's has to offer, even if it is the shittiest food on the planet
>it doesn't make sense, but it does make sense at the same time

>> No.12031183

Lots of people don’t even know what sonic is because all of their commercials were two dudes being gay in a car

>> No.12031186

I don’t see the appeal to this place. Eat in your car, except in stead of drive through you can wear for somebody to roller skate to you, or not if they don’t know how. Oh and by the way, we have a drive through as well, just in case you want to eat in your car.

>> No.12031187

You're not missing much. Everything is so cheap and shitty. At best they just look good. Take their shitty shakes for instance, you think it's going to be good so you go in for some of the whipped cream and whoops, it's imitation cool whip.

>> No.12031193

I guess only backwatertownspeople have these in their back yard

>> No.12031200

I'll get WC maybe twice a year and every time I'm satisfied but also regret my actions.

>> No.12031209

This. If I want to eat in my car, I just park in the McDonald's parking lot. No one will shoo me away. And the food is twice as good.

>> No.12031218

Well it's fast food so of course you're going to regret what you've done to your body. Taste-wise, I think it's top notch.

>> No.12031220

I went to McDonald's yesterday and got a Filet-O-Fish combo and a Bacon Clubhouse Burger. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audio book when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered from was outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to McDonald's for dinner last night and got a Big Mac combo and a 10 piece Chicken McNuggets with barbecue dipping sauce. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?

>> No.12031230

damn Terrence malick made up and built a fast food chain for a brief scene in his film "To the wonder"

>> No.12031238
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Bullshit. Some other guy said this the other day. Word for word.

>> No.12031239

Oh my god. That's good pasta.

>> No.12031251

I haven't heard that one in a long time. You should have started a thread with it, if you wanted to troll the retards.

>> No.12031255

No, I live in Dallas and my apartment's right next to one, that's a pretty major city. They apparently have 3,606 Sonic restaurants in 45 U.S. states, so you're probably the flyover, not everyone else.

>> No.12031263

I live in Massachusetts and I go there once every one or two weeks.

>> No.12031267

It's very common. The exact same thing has happened to me multiple times. I probably spoke about it here.

>> No.12031271

Based new englander

>> No.12031275

I get it. Sonic ads are on TV here, but there are almost no locations around.

>> No.12031331

That's actually what hooked me in the first place

>> No.12031486
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I need it brotendos

>> No.12031510

Absolutely based it's been so long. McChicken fags btfo

>> No.12031525

they put one of these in to replace the old KFC in my town last year
i also live in a small northeastern city with a liberal arts college, so its not really out in the sticks

>> No.12031800

I think there might be one here in Chicago. I might have gone there once, but I can't remember.

>> No.12031817

I'd hide my shame too you fat fuck

>> No.12031819

They have 200 locations in Tennessee and Oklahoma, each. With only a handful in every other state. It's kind of a southern fast food place.

>> No.12031821

Cracker Barrel

>> No.12031827

Oh wait. 900 in Texas. Maybe it's more of Texan place. Although they have Whataburger, so I don't know how Sonic survives there.

>> No.12031833

It's not that good.

>> No.12032154

It exists but they’re really not that great. Could be better if they raised their standards for food quality, cleanliness, and worker compensation. As it it they’re on the path to brankruptcy.


>> No.12032162

>imagine running a restaurant where the only thing you make properly is the soda.

The soda is very good though.

Cherry Limeade and Ocean Water are both highly refreshing on a hot summers day

>> No.12032168
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>> No.12032181

Sonic is ONLY OK to visit in the summer time after 8pm to get half price shakes. But really you should never visit them because they treat the car hops like normal restaurant servers and pay them shit despite all customers treating it like a normal fast food restaurant. No one wins at sonic.

>> No.12032206

>But really you should never visit them because they treat the car hops like normal restaurant servers and pay them shit despite all customers treating it like a normal fast food restaurant.
Maybe because they have a drive thru.

Why the fuck would I want to sit in my car for 20 minutes waiting for a carhop to carry my shit out to me in hopes of a tip, when I can just go through the drive thru and have my food in 2 minutes and be on my merry way?

Sonic tries to evoke the 1950s aesthetic of drive in restaurants, when hopping in your car and going cruising on a leisurely joyride to nowhere was some kind of novelty, except it's 2019

>> No.12032207
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god damn recession, bring back my sandwich you daytrading fucks

>> No.12032241
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>> No.12032252

My mom would always get chicken and potatoes from this place. It was like some kind of an addiction for her.

>> No.12032334

You see I thought that too. But then a friend took me to one and I believed. It's like the door to Hogwarts you just gotta believe it's there.

>> No.12032376

Quarter pound double and Fries for $3.

After McDonald's killed all their good coupons, Sonics is cheaper for better food.

>> No.12032486
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I only know of one in my state but I remember the jingle clear as day.

>> No.12032494

I always confuse this place with Red Lobster. Haven't seen either irl.

>> No.12032503

You're not missing out.

>> No.12032504

Oh man I got one close to me and they have pretty decent burgers and shakes. Never see them when I travel though

>> No.12032509

Red Lobster is pretty good, if overpriced. Boston Market is utter boomer shit.

>> No.12032515

>Red Robin
>decent burgers
You've never had a decent burger in your life.

>> No.12032520 [DELETED] 
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These are the worst fucking excuses for a burger I have ever had in my life.

Dry as shit, crushed, no fucking taste at all. The only thing good from Sonic is the chili dog and shakes and that's only because it's impossible to fuck up a chili dog

>> No.12032521
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this place does not actually exist outside of childhood hallucinations

>> No.12032531

Idk man the one near me in Canada is really not that bad. They're thick and juicy patties, got a few different interesting options, buns are always toasted, cheese isn't american plastic shit. They aren't the best but when you're drunk and just want a decent burger with some awesome as fuck fries and a thick milkshake it's a good go to. Also the red robins seasoning is fucking great.

>> No.12032654
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A Raising Cane's just opened up on my block and whenever I mention it, one of my friends always tells me how this place is so much better. I've never seen a Zaxby's and aside from him I've never even heard of it.

>> No.12032665

There are two in my town.

>> No.12032668

this guy must be in indianapolis. we have sonic commercials but there's no fucking sonic. it's hella gay

>> No.12032673

You're not missing out, don't worry

>> No.12034398

Go to your local airport they all have one

>> No.12034405

There are 4 within a 10 mile radius of my house, and they fucking suck 8 dolllars for a meal that is just dipped in grease

>> No.12034757

I live right near one and literally go to Sonic's way too much because it's so convenient.
Fucking hate their milkshakes, though. They always put the add-ins at the top and it ends up just pure vanilla at the bottom.

>> No.12034763
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>tfw I live near all these restaurants and visit them all pretty frequently
*laughs in Phoenix, Arizona*

(srsly though this place is basically just a sea of chain restaurants)

>> No.12034768

I have this and a Sonic right across the street from each other in my town.

>> No.12034783
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I actually saw one once around 2002, but haven't seen one since

>> No.12035134

I loved Fresh Choice. Salad binge for lyfe

>> No.12035155
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my brother always eats and praises their food, my parents met at a perkins to the point I wouldn't exist in this world without perkins, and yet I can't stand a bite of their garbage breakfast and dinner lineup.

>> No.12035157

They used to offer that god awful, so-called pizza on Army posts, We had one back on Fort Benning. It was terrible. The only reason the trainees ate it was to enjoy a break from the chow hall and MREs. But it was an untenable "food."

>> No.12035361
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I saw one in a Mall in New York in the early 2010s until 2014.

Here's the story.
>it's 2011, i'd arrive at the mall
>goes through the food court
>sees a bunch of random choices
>picks sbarro's
>arrive at the table to eat the pizza
>it's good
Shall I go to the 2012 chapter?

>> No.12035369

But she probably wanted fatty's chode, if he wasn't trolling.

>> No.12035376

On route 1 ?

>> No.12035386

I don't like Sonic much, but
>when hopping in your car and going cruising on a leisurely joyride to nowhere
is still aesthetic as fuck. Maybe moreso than it has been in a long time. Take a chick to an abandoned field and do some doughnuts while ignoring her retardation and you'll probably get your dick sucked.

>> No.12035395


lmao that place is in a local mall. i live in a time-warp though

>> No.12035396

Burgers are the one thing RR does right. Blind idealogue hatred isn't a good look, homie.

>> No.12035397


>> No.12035400

>le reddit turd rod worshipper
Opinion safely disregarded.

>> No.12035408

I used to live near DC, I'd always see commercials for them but never actually saw a Sonic. Moved out west and finally found some. Idk why they advertise so much in an area that doesn't even have any Sonics

>> No.12035410

I live in a rich coastal county, and there still one in our mall. It's pretty good for what it is, I don't get the hate.

>> No.12035445

Sonic is good for seducing nubile waitresses for one night stands. The food is just a hurdle.

>> No.12035480

I live northeast of Baltimore and there's one like 5 minutes from my house

>> No.12035498

more like "places that taste mediocre and are over priced for what it is"
seriously fuck sonic. Those kikes serve the flattest burgers I've seen and charge premium.

>> No.12035514
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>> No.12035518

good milkshakes though

>> No.12035529

Just went there yesterday to get a footlong coney and an orange slush mmmm

>> No.12035577

Sonic isn't even mediocre. I live next to one so I really wanted to like it for the convenience of zero distance food. But it's just awful. Everything they make leaves your stomach with a vague sense of low quality greasy regret just a shade below full blown food poisoning. Their corndogs are probably the closest thing to halfway edible. Drinks all taste like watered down garbage, shakes are similar to the food and do not sit well.

>> No.12035658

Never seen a raising canes before. Zaxbys is all over the south though

>> No.12035672

I saw red robin commercials all my life. Never actually saw the restaurant itself until I was like 20. They don't exist where I'm from. Some with long john silver's. I've seen one location ever.

>> No.12035985

God their meatloaf and mac&cheese are so fucking good. And it always smells amazing inside. Criminally underrated.

>> No.12035988

Don't listen to them, they are probably niggers.

>> No.12035992

They are mostly in malls, almost every mall in fact. Also airports.

>> No.12035995

I have literally never seen one.

>> No.12035998

Oh, so theyre an A&W rip off?

>> No.12036003

seriously? we've had that place cater our work past two thanksgivings and it's been absolute trash. everyone was pissed they didn't order mac n cheese but the turkey and ham was total garbage.

>> No.12036007

Did I fucking say anything about ham or turkey you nonce cunt?

>> No.12036023

I refuse to believe anything is good there

>> No.12036585
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>> No.12036593

Similar doesn't necessarily mean rip off.

>> No.12036599
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I'm still convinced this is from some 90's TV show or something. Everything about this place is too fake looking to be real.

>> No.12036610

I used to get the popcorn chicken there any time I'd go out to eat.

>> No.12036628
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only for canada, there's literally 2 in my entire province

>> No.12036821
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>> No.12036919

As a Texan people generally use it for just drinks. Considering they will literally make what ever the fuck you want if it's doable

>> No.12037034
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The one I used to go to closed down in 2001... I still remember it like it was yesterday.

>> No.12037547

There has never been a Sonic in Canada yet we constantly got their ads on TV growing up. Maybe my memory is just shit but the funny thing is I can't recall seeing ads from any other US-only chains. Just Sonic.

>> No.12038261

You're missing out on the best damn wings and tenders from a drive thru

>> No.12038276

They have the best fast food breakfast burrito though: the supersonic breakfast burrito.

>> No.12038292

They came into town, stayed for 2 years, and were gone. Their parking lot never had more than 3 cars but had about 25-30 spaces

>> No.12038791
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Lots here in Leafland

>> No.12038826

I've never seen you does that mean you don't exist?

>> No.12038876

All the boomers in my town meet up here after church.

>> No.12038894

I wish they didn't exist. The food sucks and the drinks are overpriced but decent. Nothing you can't get at almost any other fast food place.

>> No.12039626
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>I refuse to believe anything is good there
literally just had it yesterday you spastic little shit, their meatloaf is god tier like >>12035985 said

>> No.12040250
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It makes sense in rural towns where people have strong attachments to their cars and privelige to drive, and aren’t far removed from old time soda shops that were in drugs stores. The above applied to my home town and they had bimonthly car shows at our local sonic. Unfortunately they finally closed down after 14 years, their prices are just too expensive for the level of income here.
Rip cherry limeades

>> No.12040262

no you don't.
You are my Tyler Durden,except you are ugly and boring.

>> No.12040267

We /BackWater/ now!

>> No.12040493

I've only ever had the "zalad" from Zaxbys but the blue cheese dressing and nuclear sauce are pretty fucking good, and I'm a hot wing/blue cheese snob. If it were closer I'd be eating it 3x a week.

>> No.12040897

There is one, used to be two, in my town

>> No.12040903

Thee is one in Joliet, Illinois. I stop there on my way bypassing Chicago on my semi-annual trips to Michigan.

I had to do a contract job in Indianapolis. They have on downtown and three on the outskirts, since Indy is the where the corporate headquarters is.

>> No.12041740

only knew of one sbarro and it was in the local mall. closed a long time before the rest of the tenants decided to get out. mall was eventually demolished and property renovated into a strip mall.

they made a good stromboli and it was one of the only fast places i could think to get one from. typically only ever saw one guy working there however, felt bad for him.

>> No.12041750

Pro: nerds in slushies
Cons: Cheese fries is american single unmelted on cold fries
10/10 pretty good
also I've never seen a popeye's in my fucking life

>> No.12041934


>> No.12041947

>also I've never seen a popeye's in my fucking life
There's a Popeye's right next to the Sonic which is right next to my apartment. Popeye's sucks by the way, it's very low quality breaded chicken made the kind of way where you have all these chunks of rock solid breading. Might be OK if you have those titanium replacement teeth.

>> No.12041999

Cane's tendies and sauce are better, but that's literally all they have, unlike Zaxby's

>> No.12042013
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>> No.12042015

It was a novelty back when families did things together, it was a break for mom from cooking, and there was no television or telephones or internet.
Nowadays it's much better to eat at home than in a car, too close to people you hate.

>> No.12042533

Used to have a dozen around me, all replaced by sweet tomatoes or something not food related

>> No.12042610

ITT: if it doesn't exist in california it doesn't exist

>> No.12042665

Good drinks. Decent breakfast. Everything else is crap
>White Castle
The absolute worst fast food I've ever had.
If you've had Chipotle or Moe's, no need to try it. More of the same.
I miss it, bros
>Boston Market
If McDonald's bought a rotisserie.
>Red Robin
Fries are good and bottomless. Burgers are meh at best.
>Raising Cane's
Trying and failing to be Zaxby's.
Italian for "greasy"
Boston Market with table service. Not worth it.
Fake and gay
Does, in fact, exist. They had a few in Hawaii, where I used to live. Interesting to try, but overall, nothing special
Used to be amazing. My hometown had one of these before we ever had a McDonald's. It's shit now.

>> No.12042685

bruh sonic is a banger outta here with that bullsit

>> No.12042887


Regency Square had one in the early 2000's when it was still a mall and had people shopping. Today the food court has questionable asian food vendors and nigger run bbq, chicken, soul food shit. This used to be an ok mall but all the urban youth took it over which caused the nicer retailers to up and leave. Today it's nothing but nigger-centric retail shit. JSO set up a substation there to keep things in check but all the diversity overwhelmed them so they gtfo. The whole area is now a middle class ghetto with melanin enriched residents that spend all hours chanting 'duval' with an up / down inflection.

All the civilized people now shop at St. Johns TC because it's a newer and nicer open air mall that also has a cheesecake factory. Unfortunately it lacks a sbarro.

>> No.12043582

Ive been to one. 6th ave, tacoma wa. Its a front for drug dealing.

>> No.12043707
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Based DINOS tattoo

>> No.12043854

Vegasfag here, we finally got one of these a couple of years ago and it was one of the worst burgers I ever had. Gave me the shits too. The chicken rings were good tho.

>> No.12043881

Also DFW, and there's 7 within 10 minutes of me.

>> No.12044817

I always loved looking at the rotisserie chicken cook

>> No.12045331
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fuck off sonic jew, we're on to you

>> No.12045337

>I live right next to one
must suck being PWT

>> No.12045383

I live in a country where there's none, but even I know for a fact that they exist because I've seen one in a porn video

>> No.12046785

Went there last night. All you need to know is you can substitute tots for free, and you can get candy in your slushees. Which is really fucking good when high

>> No.12046802

They updated their logo

>> No.12046805

Never seen one. Only experience is the frozen little sliders which ARE A JOKE

>> No.12046814

I live in Illinois. There hadn't been one here until maybe 10 years ago. Before that, they ran commercials here for some reason, advertising things like free root beer float days. One commercial even showed a map of all the Sonic locations, and it clearly showed that there wasn't one within 100 miles of where that commercial aired. I'm confused to this day.

>> No.12046877

Whenever I pass a White Castle I remember to lock my car doors.
Totally forgot about Quiznos. It's no surprise they fell off the map.
These are disappearing too.
I don't think A&W was ever big to begin with, but they are amazing.

>> No.12046902
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>> No.12047643

White Castle is exactly what you want when you want to eat fast food
It's just the right kind of satisfying garbage

>> No.12047740
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Portland Oregon here.

>> No.12047988

Shame. I always thought Quiznos was better than Subway.

>> No.12048000
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Plot twist: They're both terrible.

Pic related is god tier. Unlike Cane's, I can actually enjoy them alone without sauces.

>> No.12048010

The spaghetti is so confusing to me. It looks like playdough

>> No.12048017

I think there's only been 2 or 3 times in my whole life that I HAVEN'T gotten food poisoning from Arby's

I wish they were more prevalent in the south. Fucking love A&W

>> No.12048035

This. My hometown has a Sonic and an old-fashioned family-owned carhop as well. It's nice to relax in your own vehicle with your own music, just an added form of independence.

Plus, if you eat at a carhop, it's less sad-looking than scarfing down a drive-thru burger at some random Wal-Mart parking lot while people stare at you in disgust as they walk by.

>> No.12048216
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>this entire post

>> No.12048886

used to live in burbank, ca really near to one of those, place looks a complete mess but the food was good

>> No.12048887

I'm within biking distance of one

>> No.12048893

I've never seen a hardey's in my entire life

>> No.12048895

That and Moody Gardens were the best part of visiting Galveston as a kid.

>> No.12048935

That's occular trespassing bro. You should film it and sue next time.

>> No.12049015

>10% discount with college ID
>20% chance of the runs

>> No.12049040

But Sonic is fire as fuck. I live in Texas so maybe there's a regional manager keeping shit magical here, but I haven't been to a bad sonic. Leagues better than other fast food joints other than dq.

>> No.12049051
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>> No.12049172
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What a shitty new logo.

>> No.12049185

Mmmm boy give me a bag full of onions with steamed beef and greasy bread.

>> No.12049187

I miss their broccoli and cheese soup so much.

>> No.12049194

Twice my mom took me there and immediately after those times her car broke down so she never took me back again because she thought they were bad luck.

>> No.12049229

Pizza Hut. I've lived four different places across two US states with multiple Domino's, Papa John's, and more recently Little Caesars all within a 10 minute drive but for the Hut it's nothing but corpses of restaurants that all closed down sometime in the past decade or two. The fuck happened? They used to be the McDonald's of Pizza.

>> No.12049394

Never heard of it. Is it in the south

>> No.12049419


Judging by

>Mom took me to A&W
>Mom's car broke down after we went there so it was obviously badly maintained, of at all

I'm just going to guess your mom is poor and retarded.

>> No.12050066
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you're all missing out