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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12034878 No.12034878 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude, why are you eating toast with your pasta? Didn't you know carbs with carbs are bad? You should try keto, I feel like I've lost so much weight!

>> No.12034894

stop trying to cope your obesity away and get a gym membership you fatass

>> No.12034905

>"dude just quit drinking soda"
why do sk*nny """people""" drink sugared soda? diet tastes better anyways.

>> No.12034912

Imagine drinking soda at all


>> No.12034913

if it was disgusting, it wouldn't be the biggest money maker on earth

>> No.12034916

Following that logic, cancer is amazing.

>> No.12034918
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I'll just have a water

>> No.12034924
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>diet soda causes cancer. My mom told me so.

>> No.12034941

Cancer is amazing, but it's something people get rather than a for sale brand name commodity.

>> No.12034963

The bread is to soak up the excess sauce left on the plate after the pasta is gone.

>> No.12035638

Well they're right.

>> No.12035671

Big ass carb potions are a great way to get diabetes like the other 1/3rd of Americans.

>> No.12035698

Calories (really obesity / being overweight), not carbs. Carb status is irrelevant to getting diabetes, it only matters if you already have insulin resistance problems and your body isn't able to handle spikes in blood sugar like a normal healthy body would.

>> No.12035703

A thread died for this r9k autism.

>> No.12035757


I drink iced tea all days. 2 liters (daily intake of liquids) only have 400 calories, so I'm fine as long as I count it as a small snack.

>> No.12035788
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>he orders breadsticks with his pizza

>> No.12035809

You're fine as long as you don't become overweight. Fat people love to muddle this issue and pretend being fat doesn't matter and that it's about eating healthy, but 90% of Type 2 Diabetes gets diagnosed in overweight people, and this is a disease that makes you rapidly lose weight at onset if you're sick enough, so even the remaining 10% aren't necessarily just random skinny people who became diabetic in spite of their low weight. More likely is they were overweight and then pissed it all out after their pancreas completely gave out. A remaining portion of that minority segment might legitimately be skinny and have no history of overweight BMI, and in those cases the next risk factor cited isn't what food they were eating but rather their genetics. If your pancreas is working right you can eat or drink carbohydrates and not have problems. That's kind of the whole point of what diabetes / insulin resistance even means: It's the point when your body is no longer working right, almost always because you were overweight and put more strain on it then it could handle, that spiking your blood sugar can cause you harm. That's not what broke your body in the first place, it's what you're vulnerable to after your body's already broken, a lot like how AIDS patients die from opportunistic diseases like tuberculosis, but that doesn't mean tuberculosis is what caused their AIDS.

>> No.12035816

t. 350 pound leech.

>> No.12035822

Egg and chips

>> No.12035836

t. bundle of toothpicks

>> No.12035839

Fat people are the ones drinking diet sodas or water thinking it'll matter. Skellies don't give a fuck because their big picture calorie intake is nowhere close to what would get them fat. It's the classic pennywise / pound foolish saying.
>Oops, I ate 5,000 calories.
>Better just have a glass of water with dessert.
>Feels so good being healthy ;)

>> No.12035845

>so I'm fine
What about fluoride and stuff? It depends on how much tea you're using but I know some people have developed health problems after drinking a gallon a day.

>> No.12035889

I think you're right that the worst thing he has to worry about is the water itself, not the sugar.
>Drinking two liters of water per day may not benefit most individuals and even could be harmful, investigators say.
>At the Canadian Society of Nephrology annual meeting here, re-searchers from the University of Western Ontario, also in London, presented a study showing a significant correlation between excess urine production—which is usually caused by excess fluid intake—and proteinuria.
>The large population-based study un-covered a fivefold higher risk of proteinuria among people with polyuria than among those with normal urine volume, even after taking into account such factors as age, sex, and estimated glomerular filtration rate.
2 liters of water per day is excessive and that 8 gorillian glasses of water daily to stay hydrated meme is complete disinfo bullshit kept afloat by literal bottled water company shilling.
>Medical myths
>The advice to drink at least eight glasses of water a day can be found throughout the popular press. One origin may be a 1945 recommendation that stated: A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 millilitre for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.
And your body is also way more sensitive to dehydration than it is to hunger, so unless you're concerned about the risk of "chronic starvation" from accidentally not eating enough food each day you really shouldn't be concerned about "chronic dehydration" from accidentally not drinking enough fluids each day. Your sense of thirst is pretty fucking effective at preventing dehydration.

>> No.12036070


But even my urologist said that 2 liters a day is recommended. And the guy literally studied bladders and urine and that kinda shit!

>> No.12036083

>originated in 1945 when there was no bottle water industry
>b-but it's a conspiracy to promote bottle water sales
Let me guess, the joos?

>> No.12036092

How is 400 calories a light snack? Unless youre exercising a lot or youre like 6'4'' thats a small meal. Im curious now. How many calories so you consume in a day?

>> No.12036131

>But even my urologist said that 2 liters a day is recommended.
Cool anecdote. It's still a common misconception.
>Let me guess, the joos?
Nope, Danone.
>Over the last few weeks, those who visited the British Medical Journal's website might have noticed an advert for a new public health initiative, Hydration for Health. It is sponsored by Danone – which owns the Evian, Volvic and Badoit bottled water brands – and urges healthcare professionals to encourage people to drink more water, claiming that "evidence is increasing that even mild dehydration plays a role in the development of various diseases".
>Margaret McCartney, a GP and columnist, saw these adverts and complained about it, writing an article for the BMJ (who admitted "we hadn't followed our own guidelines. The advertisement bypassed our editorial checks") about the lack of evidence – and citing the shortcomings of many studies – that people should be drinking more water.
>originated in 1945
Just because that seems to be the earliest possible source people can find for the myth doesn't mean that's when it started getting memed to death. Look at all the keto hype that's come up in the past year or two, the fact Type 1 Diabetic children a hundred years ago were on ketogenic diet as the shitty alternative to insulin at a time before insulin shots were available as a treatment for them doesn't make more contemporary fad diet popularity trends nonexistent.

>> No.12036152


Is it an anecdote because from your perspective, I'm just a random stranger on the internet making a claim from personal experience?

Well whatever. I will act according to the advice I got from my urologist, a highly trained professional. You do you.

>> No.12036163
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ketoers are the new vegans

>> No.12036164

all your meme science is anecdotal. There is no need to over-hydrate, and 8 glasses a day was supposed to be the estimate of total water ingested a day (counting the water we get from food), and it was an arbitrary amount at that. But saying drinking water will actually harm you is just silly (as long as your not a crazy person). Drink when you're thirsty, or when you have a headache, or when you want to stave off food cravings, whenever you want. Water isn't going to hurt you. The "dangers of chronic dehydration" have been overblown, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be drinking water

>> No.12036233

70%+ of the us population is overweight or obese. Who knew certain corporations stuffing foods with salt sugar and fat to make them “desirable” would yield many obese people that are literally addicted to said foods.

>> No.12036252


>> No.12036332

sugar and trans fats are bad
salt and saturated fats are good
these distinctions are important, too much salt can be bad like too much of anything, but a lot of older studies also lump together saturated fats and trans fats

>> No.12036334

well, drinking too much water can actually kill you in certain circumstances but its rare

>> No.12036362

2000 milligrams of salt a day at a maximum .... Le average young American eats 10,000 milligrams a day... that just ain’t cutting it heart disease wise. Saturated fat is still bad in the quantities that processed foods tend to have em in and it likely comes from controversial palm oil + trans fat is still in a lot of fast food foods.

>> No.12036366

Toast? Is this breakfast pasta?

>> No.12036394
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>Honey we are having spaghetti tonight
>Here's some bread to have with the sgetti'
>Why don't you put some butter on that anon?

>> No.12036410

This post was brought to you by America's Salt lobby.

Salt: it's what's for dinner!

>> No.12037737

What the fuck? I drink 2-2.5L of water per day. Should I cut back? I feel like I would be really thirsty

>> No.12037859
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>salt and saturated fats are good
i fucking hate this board.
you all are so fucking stupid. i mean this. every thread. it's unbelievable the stupid shit you read on here. this thread is all misinformation written by people with 90iq who unironically think they're 140iq.
this board is worse than /x/. it's worse than /r9k/.
i'm fucking out.

>> No.12037868

>400 calories
>light snack

You must be over 300 lbs to have 400 calories to fucking spare lmao.

>> No.12037870

lol when I have lost the most weight in my life i smoked cigarettes and drank diet soda all the time

sure, I had to brush my teeth three times a day to prevent staining, but I had that svelte body boiiiiii

>> No.12037885

this is unironically the best board on 4chan imo. everything on 4chan has gotten so bad. b/ especially went to shit, its just people wanking to facebook pics all day

>> No.12037900


>> No.12039375
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So how much dietary carbs are recommended for each meal? I'm trying to get the necessary amount needed for my daily consumption needs. I try to make sure I'm supplementing my dietary vegetable allotment of pizza to go with my daily consumption of corn syrup infused fizzy drinks and the bag of corn/potato chips I have and also all the extra large fries I order and the side order of plain rice with my take out plus the sugar desserts after every meal.

>> No.12039387

Thank goodness those pop tarts only have 1.5 grams of fat per serving, you could lose a lot of weight just eating those with every meal.

>> No.12039391

I work with a dude who downs a 2L jug of OJ a day.
Skinny as fuck, looks like a crack head, but damn can he work. Buzzer to buzzer, I don't think I've ever seen him work. He might be a crack head. Makes a lot of money tho. Welders, most are inhuman machines.

>> No.12039404

That's because they work next to a constant heat source under a fuck ton of fire resistant padding and heat resistant materials.

>> No.12039405

It gets hot in welder's leathers. Your body burns a bit extra to stay at normal temperature. Not as much as you're talking about, but a decent amount. Maybe the guy is on adhd meds.

>> No.12039420

We are structural welders. Pre heating pieces to 275+F, the most 'leathers' we wear are gloves, everything else is cotton based clothing. A good welder doesn't need leather jackets and shit, unless it's overhead. But that's Ironworker bullshit.

>> No.12039445

>the most 'leathers' we wear are gloves
I report u 2 safety man.

>> No.12039452

To even be more specific, the only people that really deal with weight issues are white collar cubicle cucks. Blue collar physical work completely eliminates this. I can eat and drink whatever I want, whenever I want because I burn so many calories a day at work. I work around office workers, lab workers, and blue collar, physically active workers all in the same building. The office workers are fucking disgusting fat fucking slobs. They literally eat all fucking day and it doesn't help that the company I work for offers free fountain drinks in the cafeteria. Everytime I see some fat fuck take the elevator up one floor instead of taking the goddamn stairs, i'm filled with rage. It's mostly women who are morbidly obese too. Just get a job where you are moving around all day. People were not meant to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. I didn't start to despise fat people until I got my current job working around office workers. I see their frequent bathroom visits shitting their guts out, their frequent visits to the soda machine for their 8th mug of coke for the day, the non stop snacking at their desk, all the while complaining that they can't lose weight due to "glandular issues" and how skinny people are so lucky because they can eat whatever they want and stay thin. Or my favorite excuse, "I don't have time to exercise." Meanwhile they have pets at home that never get walked because "We just don't have time" Everyone has 30 fucking minutes a day to go for a walk. I'm sorry, my rant is over now.

>> No.12039457

and then we find out you are the stinky rat and make hr fire you.

>> No.12039462


>> No.12039468

I made the post you replied to there and find it really fucking strange how common it is now for random people around you to have gotten their stomach stapled. Ask around at work if any of you work at an office to see if anyone knows about stomach stapling, and I guarantee you someone will tell you they know X person in the office down the hall had it done last year or something along those lines.
We live in a time and place where people need to have their stomachs closed off surgically so they don't die from complications of obesity.

>> No.12039490

Abdolutely nothing wrong with saturated fat. Any study you find that says so is outdated and superseded by larger more recent studies that say saturated fat protects against heart disease and other illness. So shut up, you're the dumb one.
And a moderate amount of salt is fine. You have to go down to almost zero to have any real effect on blood pressure. Eating fresh fruits and veggies also counteract the problems with excess sodium intake.

>> No.12039507

Also, we have a gym at work as well. We all get 1 hour lunch breaks. That's plenty of time to eat lunch and get a workout in, but guess what? The gym is almost completely empty all day. The only people that use it are the nips and they use it religiously. I won't ask anyone about stomach staples because i'm sure they would get offended and run to HR about it. Sadly it is the white american's at the company that are the fattest. The pajeets are all fairly dumb but very polite as well. The chinese are rude as fuck as to be expected, the japs are all incredibly serious and you can tell they are disgusted by the american fatties. It's strange working at a very large corporation and seeing how the different groups of people operate. It doesn't help that the cafeteria offers extremely cheap food options and the unhealthy options are incredibly cheap. You can get the equivalent of a large fry for $1.25, a double cheeseburger meal that comes with fries and an additional side is $5. They even offer healthy meals that are under 500 calories for $4 but nobody buys them. All the options to be healthy are spoon fed to these fat fucks and they still refuse them and make excuses. Sometimes I hate my fellow americans.

>> No.12039535

heh... nice try. fired with cause, for 'lack of work ethic'.

>> No.12039719

My mom insists on eating bread with EVERYTHING. Including pasta. I tried to tell her and she just ignores me. Stupid bitch.

>> No.12039772

That is a good point. Why do you need bread while eating pasta?

>> No.12039781

You can get used to diet soda pretty quick. It really is what's keeping me on track.

>> No.12039830

He's right though
>b-but muh authority figures said
They also want you to go vegan with the exception of eating insects

>Sugar industry heavily lobied against saturated fats
>Carbs are still the bottom of the food pyramid
Hmm really makes you think

>> No.12040544

Bro do you work in my office?
Middleton reporting