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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12033643 No.12033643 [Reply] [Original]

Going camping next week. I’ve decided to use some of my emergency food stores. Recommend me a good meal from pic related

>> No.12033681

A no-brainer is biscuits and gravy with pan fried crispy spam sheets about 3/8” thick before cooking. For the yellow rice you want the spam in 3/8” cubes before cooking. Sardines go unmodified as a meatballs & marinara side. Vienna sausage, both cans, sliced, 1 bag beans. Chicken breast + smoked salmon, cooked in spam fat, on top of a layer of potato for a casserole. Don’t waste the cheese tortellini MRE, try to just harvest the cheese (powder?) and use as a scarce seasoning where it makes sense. Get 10 sleeves of your favorite crackers and tuna + thin spam + cracker = energy. Good luck, faggot.

>> No.12033690


How about a uh...spam and...tuna sandwich

>> No.12033697

pour the salt down your dick hole and eat the jar of jif with your hands

>> No.12033706

Good ideas here
I’m just seeing if any culinary anons can recommend some tasty combos

>> No.12033725

I can’t prove it, but I suspect the 2 cans of the beans and franks, or whatever those are, I can’t read them + a nice scoop of peanut butter + the plain beans, plus a super fine spam dice, so they release all oil/fat then disintegrate would be kinda good.

>> No.12033738

THOSE stores are meant for an emergency. Enjoy starving when shit hits the fan.

>> No.12033780

you should be storing rice, beans, pasta, sugar, flour etc for emergency situations, not a handful of overpriced mountain meme meals

>> No.12033854

Or OP could eat them because they're close to expiry and get more you stupid fuck

>> No.12033864

One of those ice cream sandwiches but dig out the ice cream, replace it with spam, slather it in peanut butter, and cover it in salt

>> No.12033897
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>spam ice cream sandwiches, peanut butter drizzle, encased in a primordial salt
>it’s brilliant

>> No.12033931

I like to rotate my stock

>> No.12033950

based retard

>> No.12034026
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I also dehydrate a lot of fruit and jerkey. Thats my trail snack.

>> No.12034096
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>Love Spam
>Love tuna
Genuinely considering this right now, damn it Anon. Are you just joking or have you actually tried it?

I'm pretty boring, I like dicing the spam up and mixing it with rice with a bit of butter. Could see it being decent with the meatballs, though. Just regular Spam, though, Anon? Bacon and hickory smoke are good, though the Classic variant's just fine as well.

>> No.12034326

take the MREs, the beans and franks, the vienna sausages, and a pack of the ice cream with you
>all that spam
I'd be eating spam/eggs/rice for breakfast or making spam BLTs, personally

>> No.12035138

while smokin crack like they do on brixton street in tha uk nibba phuark YE

>> No.12035166
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I bought one of those yellow rice packets. Not camping, but wondering what I should do with it.

Any ideas?

>> No.12035247

Chicken breast