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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 400x324, Orange-Juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12030663 No.12030663 [Reply] [Original]

What foods or drinks do you use to make you feel better about your otherwise unhealthy living? For me, it's orange juice. I'm able to convince myself I won't get cancer even though I smoke and never exercise as long as I keep drinking a couple glasses of OJ daily.

>> No.12030673

it's just sugar, m8, you are literally feeding the cancer

>> No.12030677

No, sugar is just sugar. Orange juice has other stuff in it.

>> No.12030708

Also holy shit, will the keto meme never die? Sugar / carbs aren't really that bad and it's unrealistic to cut them out of your diet. Cancer feeds on sugar because everything feeds on sugar. Inverse of why cancer treatments kill you, because radiation and poison kills everything. When you get into broad enough categories of problems like that you start to run into vacuous truths like how oxygen and time cause DNA damage, aging, cancer, and death.

>> No.12030719

Kale and spinach salads which I drowned in olive oil and pepper

>> No.12030725

Orange juice is as bad as Coke

>> No.12030736

How much vitamin C does a can of Coca-Cola classic have? How much potassium does a Coke have? Any protein in Coke? Fiber? B-complex vitamins? Yeah, no. Fuck off.

>> No.12030772
File: 891 KB, 624x951, 1551625875409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got very overweight in middle schoo. couldn't figure it out and then I realized that the 3 or 4 glasses of juice I was having per day had as much sugar in it as any soft drink.

cut it out and slimmed down to a normal weight in about a year. juice is fucking horrible for you, unless you are squeezing your own.

>> No.12030786

t. Juice addict

>> No.12030820

Not everyone's a fatty (although I recognize a lot more people are nowadays). I'm significantly *under*weight, so calories for me are a benefit, not a negative.
>t. Juice addict
Wrong, I force myself to keep up with it because it makes me feel better about the stuff I'm actually addicted to, like cigarettes. My motivation is guilt, not craving.

>> No.12030853
File: 503 KB, 1511x2015, 1549527173024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you are not gaining weight off it its still basically killing you.

Processing excess refined sugars do the same damage to your body as alcoholism does. that's no joke, look it up.

I mean, if you just want to drink it because you enjoy it then you do you, but you aren't doing your body any favors my dude.

>> No.12030863

I drink 3 or 4 glasses of orange juice 2 days a week when I make a nice heart breakfast. I also have coffee. In all honesty those breakfasts are probably 1200-1500 calories all together (2-3 eggs, bagel with butter, cheese, 3-5 slices bacon). I usually skip lunch though.

>> No.12030884
File: 8 KB, 277x271, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orange juice
>refined sugars
I don't know which Sunny D bullshit you're drinking, but Florida's Natural is actual orange juice with sugar from oranges, not refined sugars. Not that it even matters in the way you're imagining to begin with.
>the same damage to your body as alcoholism does
Post proof you can get cirrhosis of the liver from sugar in your diet alone and zero alcoholic beverages consumed. I'll wait.
Friendly tip: You won't find proof because that's wrong.

>> No.12030913

He's probably thinking of obesity, not sugar.
>Sugar intake not directly related to liver disease
>Despite current beliefs, sugar intake is not directly associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, according to a new study. Rather, high-calorie diets promote the progression of this serious form of liver disease.
Truth is ANY kind of overweight is a bad overweight to be. Your body doesn't care if you got fat from bacon or from cupcakes, the risk factor is obesity, not sugar. After you already have liver problems added dietary sugar can agitate things, but that's an effect of the liver disease, not a cause.

>> No.12030986
File: 609 KB, 1200x747, 1550466505880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically said "look it up" because I don't want to have to go get proof for you myself. I don't feel like I need to convince you of anything after all.

imagine that! someone isn't interested in getting citation for something they already know for someone who won't read it or be convinced of anything anyways! shocker!

>> No.12031131

Based David lynch

>> No.12031136

Someone did find a citation. And you're wrong, dummy:
>Sugar intake not directly related to liver disease
Learn the difference between obesity and sugar and feel free to never post here again.

>> No.12031159

Doesn't it depend on what juice you get? I recon freshly squeezed, which they sell here as well, has less sugar in it than the one made from orange concentrate flavouring with added adjectives and some pulp which is the only real thing in there and sometimes even removed.

>> No.12031163

yeah, theres always a dozen resources that say one thing and a dozen that say the opposite when it comes to nutrition and dietary articles and paper.

I guess I am just choosing to believe the correct information, huh?

>> No.12031273

It's better to eat the orange rather than just the juice. The orange has fibre which means the sugars are released slowly, if you drink just the juice the body takes in all the sugar straight away spiking your insulin. Obviously it's still better to drink than soda or something, but you won't get that slow energy release with juice.

>> No.12031274

If you have to cast doubt on the entirety of truth as a valid concept in general that usually means you're a retard trying to defend a baseless claim and failing miserably at it. Just an FYI.

>> No.12031285

>mfw fruit is literally all we're supposed to eat

>> No.12031287

Also the difference is he had a source while you're just spouting off make believe mom-science. Sugar isn't the problem, *calories* are. Look it up, faggot.

>> No.12031290

Upset that your host isn't feeding you enough for your survival? I can smell the fear from here.

>> No.12031299
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durr my fad diet cures cancer

>> No.12031302
File: 389 KB, 745x726, 1546718779348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe you would jump at literally any article that tells you that you can keep drinking your precious sugy-dwink in good conscious. Ever hear of confirmation bias? Bet you didn't even read the thing.

>> No.12031329


>Early clinical studies suggest that reducing sugary beverages and total fructose intake, especially from added sugars, may have a significant benefit on reducing hepatic fat accumulation


>Added fructose in particular, as a component of added sugars, may pose the greatest risk for fatty liver disease. Considering that there is no requirement for added sugars in the diet, dietary guidelines should recommend reducing the intake of added sugars to just 5% of total calories in order to decrease the prevalence of fatty liver disease and its related consequences.

>> No.12031333

The only sugars we should be eating are from fruits. Our bodies are evolved specifically for eating fresh fruit and some leafy greens. Refined sugars in candy/sweets aswell as complex carbohydrates found in breads and pastas both contain very high amounts of sugar relative to the actual quantity of food. This means sugars are taken into the bloodstream far too quickly which spikes insulin and causes us to feel tired after eating, aswell as the fact they are so hard to digest. Complex carbohydrates also suffer from the fact that the body has to break the carbohydrates down in order to get to the sugars which takes extra effort.

>> No.12031335

>Early clinical studies suggest that reducing sugary beverages and total fructose intake, especially from added sugars, may have a significant benefit on reducing hepatic fat accumulation
Try reading next time. Here you go:
>After you already have liver problems added dietary sugar can agitate things, but that's an effect of the liver disease, not a cause.
>After you already have liver problems added dietary sugar can agitate things, but that's an effect of the liver disease, not a cause.
>After you already have liver problems added dietary sugar can agitate things, but that's an effect of the liver disease, not a cause.

>> No.12031348

t. Incel Keys

>> No.12031458

No b12, zinc, protein or really iron in fruits. You are an un-ironic retard. Please get a vasectomy.

>> No.12031763

>He doesn't understand how a species that evolved in the tropical rainforest should eat

>> No.12031772

Wild arugula on almost anything.

Massive amounts of chamomile tea; really want to make a 5 gallon vat and just drink it instead of water

>> No.12031780

>theres no small mammals, fish, or vegetables in the rainforest
>humans didnt leave the rainforest 100s of thousand of years ago for the most part
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