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File: 137 KB, 640x480, Doner_kebab,_Istanbul,_Turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12028073 No.12028073 [Reply] [Original]

Will doner kebabs or currywurst ever catch on in the states.
In Denver last summer i could find only a couple doner and no curry.

>> No.12028077

Burger King

>> No.12028078

Spicy ketchup and sausage, not very exciting
We already have Gyros, here.

>> No.12028086

No, because no one in Amer*ca could make a decent Döner.

>> No.12028090
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>Spicy ketchup and sausage, not very exciting
Why are the germans so gay for it?

>> No.12028091

The Turk fears Greek and Armenian Americans, so of course he'll never come here.

>> No.12028097

The Germans are gay for anything that seems foreign. Who knows why, considering German food is pretty good, already.

>> No.12028102

I feel like kebab is too similar to gyro. We already have gyro (invented in Chicago, not Greece). And Indian food is already pretty popular so what's the point of currywurst? Indian food is miles better than a sausage with some curry flavoring.

>> No.12028113

I had real Doner right here in the America States, at a restaurant opened by a European immigrant in my neighborhood. While I appreciate the other fresh ingredients that American gyros lacks, it's otherwise indistinguishable from gyros.

>> No.12028120

Curry powder and bratwurst seems foreign in Germany does it. Interesting.

>> No.12028638

bread is different, sauce is different, meat is different, way more veggies.

a real döner is absolutely different from a gyros, the only thing they have in common is that they are meat in bread.begone tastelet.

>> No.12028646

no it does not. its ment to be simple comfort food you eat while drunk or as an unhealthy lunch.

>> No.12028820

>We already have Gyros, here.
Gyros in the USA is usually made from a premade stick of spiced ground lamb and beef, that is pressure formed into a giant stick, then frozen and mailed out arount the country to lazy ‘Greek’ restaurants.
It fucking tastes weird and disgusting.
If I could find actual authentic Lamb, Beef, Pork, or maybe chicken Gyros, I’d be willing to try it, but once was enough for the usual crap gyros.

>> No.12028826
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Arby's Gyro with fries is probably my favorite discovery of 2019.

We have german restaurants in the states but they're mostly pubs. The fare at the one local in my city was 5-stars.

>> No.12028832

Hopefully not, half of those places make overpriced shit food and 90% of them are dirty as fuck and barely skirt by the health and safety laws.
I’d rather a trend start with places that serve a variety of game meats and stews in the sense of traditional Western European comfort food cuisine.

>> No.12028839

doner meat is the shittiest tier of all meats

>> No.12028844

We have tacos al pastor which are much better, who needs that european crap?

>> No.12028851

they got better bread, for one

>> No.12028932

>Spicy ketchup and sausage, not very exciting
Did you try the Berlin Currywurst or Ruhrgebiet Currywurst? Ruhrgebiet Currywurst is way better because it is served with an actual tomato sauce and not just ketchup.

It sort of replaced Gyros because there are more Turks in Germany. It was styled as a Turkish interpretation of hamburgers. Most often Döner is made with minced and heavily processed veal and therefore more affordable. I personally doubt that exact version will come to the states in a larger scale.

>> No.12029030

Thats literary Kebab in Germany.

Well, the Kebab assemblers have a 3 years butcher education and took further specialized kebab assembly courses. Also the kebab contains a buttload of salad, but still, it's pretty much the same.

>> No.12029159

In southeast Michigan we have the biggest Arab population in US so you can find a shawarma place anywhere

>> No.12029169

The tomato sauce sucks ass, the ketchup is better, had it multiple times in Germany, it's fucking nothing special.

>> No.12029171

Fucking stay on your side of the state. I'll enjoy western and northern Michigan with the rest of the whites.

>> No.12029194

Kebab? Probably not. Americans have their post pub good culture. Would be tough to try and fit in there with the donner kebab.

>> No.12029245

>invented in Chicago, not Greece
This does not seem true

>> No.12029312


>> No.12029508

>afraid of gayreeks and Armeniggers we genocided to hard that they fled to USA
You wish, Kostas.

>> No.12029547

Currywurst is only in germany. We don't even have those here in France.
Also kebabs are suspicious meats, retard. Better kill yourself.

>> No.12029578

Ill kill myself when i am good and ready you stuck up frog, and not a moment sooner

>> No.12029589

Probably not doner kebab because like others have said, we already have gyros. Currywurst might catch on because Indian food seems to be getting more popular.

>> No.12029636

It's already here, you underage fuckface. We call them by the Greek name here (Gyro) though.

>> No.12029639

Just wait. You have a growing Muslim community and they don't eat gyros because it's pork meat. When you get more Muslims they'll open up kebab stores on every street corner.

>> No.12029645

Based and shariapilled!

>> No.12029673

Based based Poster. Inshallah brother, lets show those whitoids how superior the TURKISH SUCUG is.

>> No.12029696

Gyros are lamb or beef.

>> No.12029710

You can find any kind of food in the Dallas / Fort Worth area of North Central Texas.

>> No.12029723

We have more Muslims here, in Dearborn than there are in Baghdad. If you're in the Detroit area, you'll find everything related to halal foods right here, in Dearborn, Michigan.

>> No.12029788

The real answer is Turkish immigrants in US of A come from the educated bunch, programmers, doctors, engineers, academia etc.
So no doner cutting branch of t*rks

>> No.12029905

>We have more Muslims here, in Dearborn than there are in Baghdad
Thats a myth

>> No.12030991
File: 100 KB, 310x174, S2e8_Jan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why is indian food so damn expensive?

>> No.12031024

Doner kababs are considered high end cusine in america, they call it shawarma.

>> No.12031060
File: 154 KB, 1036x796, 1435646560760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah'll 'ave the extra tasteh long pig kebab box meal Ahmed. Lots of cheese 'nd saus, ya knows I like it sausy.
luvlehy. thanks ahmed
smells abit like chantelles perfume, ya seen her 'bout mate? fookin lush

>> No.12031097

>Will doner kebabs or currywurst ever catch on in the states.
In the US, there are enough people who eat pork who will enjoy a greek gyro, with pork/beef instead. A greek or lebanese restaurant with shawarma or gyro with delicious dairy rich freshly made tzatziki will always be better than the shitty sauce for doner kebabs. Also there is the al pastor tacos at mexican restaurants.

I see currywurst an option at any german restaurants. I don't really know any suburban and city areas without a german american club and at least a couple choices of german restaurants, beer halls or bars with german food. It'll always be at Oktoberfests too. For ketchup with dry curry powder shaked on it? It's not like this is haute cuisine. Once a year is good enough.

>> No.12031102

It's no more expensive than a shitty boring steak dinner. How poor are you?

>> No.12031105

Döner is shit everywhere except Germany. Even in places like the Netherlands or France, which border Germany, I don't understand why it's so hard.

>> No.12031111

It may not seem true, but it is. It was created by Greek immigrants to Chicago. Gyro in Greece mostly means chicken, not the wadded beef known in the states.

>> No.12031117

Is it shit in Turkey too?

>> No.12031129

I don't know, never been to Turkey. But why is it so bad anywhere in the west except Germany? It's weird.

>> No.12031137

How much different could ground and then sliced meat be? It's just ground meat. I just think German food is so bland that you guys think gyros is a flavor explosion compared to what you normally eat. Well, maybe if it has way more fat and a lot less salt compared to American gyro. But that's the only way it could possibly be better. The place I went to swore up and down that it's IDENTICAL to german doner. I guess they may have lied to me.