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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12025181 No.12025181 [Reply] [Original]

Post your babies, /ck/

>> No.12025232
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Nothing fancy

>> No.12025236

All it really takes.

>> No.12025406
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as per request

>> No.12025411

Weird flex

>> No.12025437

Why the watches too? It’s a fine collection to be sure, but which of those are you most familiar with? Which one do you use most often?

>> No.12025440

For bringing an edge back to a knife that can't cut a tomato even with a pressured sawing motion, what grit do you start with?

>> No.12025484

I'd start with something between 320 and 400. Depends a bit on the bevel though. If your blade is properly thin and you have already set a nice bevel at the correct angle and the problem is just a rounded apex a 1000 grit would suffice. It might taake a bit longer but you wouldnt need a whole low grit stone that will be used very rarely (even if it is one half of a combo stone). Or use oiled low grit sandpaper for the rough work.

>> No.12025500

>No gun
>No liquor
>No high denomination bills


>> No.12025529

Oh there are some nice stories with several of the knives. Sixth from the right, with the shiny blade, is a "Goldhamster" brand knife, my very first proper kitchen knife. It must be well over 20 years old. Neither the brand nor the hardware shop in my hometown I bought it in exist any longer.

The one on the far left is a super rare WMF bonnus point promotion knife that was never sold regularly in shops. It came as crooked ass a banana , from the factory apparently, and I had to bend it stright by hand. Incredibly how much bending and force it could take.

Second one from the left with the green handle is a knife I bought on ebay, from an apprentice cook who had given up and was looking for another line of work. It was the bluntest knife I hae ever seen in my life. You could have karate chopped the edge with your hand and wouldnt have suffered a scratch. Maybe he gave up the training because of his shit knife ...

The one to the left of the one with the white handle is one of the last Wüsthof Le Cordon Bleu knives in 26cm ever made. Production had long stoopped when I found a brand new one sold as used on ebay.

Fifth from the left is a WÜsthof Classic wide blade that I bought from a former professional cook who had retired. It must be at least 30 years old. You can see the hard use but the blade had no actual wear at all, apparently it had never been sharpened. No idea how that is possible.

>> No.12025535

If you want proper answers to your question it might help to spell properly. What the fuck is "knoifes?" If you don't care enough to spell properly then why should I care enough to answer your question? Ponder that one punk.

>> No.12025543

Even worse, it's clear you're not spelling it properly on purpose like some attention seeking little child.

>> No.12025552

>which of those are you most familiar with? Which one do you use most often?
Just noticed that I didnt actually answer your question, LOL. The carton boxes with the golden lids on the left contain two 240mm Tojiro DP gyutos that I have had thinned by a master knife maker. The top one is probably the knife I use most.

>> No.12025566

Post your chef’s knives, you know the one. The one you use all the time.

>> No.12025572
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I like this one, what model is it?

>> No.12025584

I'm not a professional chef and don't claim to be one so I just use cheap yet functional knives. Nothing worthy of pictures.

>> No.12025597
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>> No.12025645
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>> No.12025651
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How come you knife aficionados aren't using your ginsus?

>> No.12025653

Post a close up of the watches

>> No.12025661

They look like cheap knockoffs that tourists buy on Canal street for $5 then break after 20 minutes.

>> No.12025683

Original Ginsu 1 Ad

>> No.12025685

are german knives really that good?

>> No.12025691

They're great if you like buying into german bullshit, it certainly didn't help them win WW II did it?

>> No.12025706

OP, I have a Zwilling knife just like yours, and it's getting dull. I have heard that the shitty pull-through handle sharpeners and the sharpening sticks can actually damage nice knives. How do you sharpen yours?

>> No.12025730

It is a chef knife from the Platinum series by manufacturer "Felix"" from Solingen. AFAIK Mercer equipped a lot of culinary school in the US with that knife that they had produced for them by Felix, but rebranded with their own badge.


It is a well-made knife. Extremely front heavy though, but it is the 9'' version. The 8'' version might be less so. And of course some people like front heavy.

>> No.12025740
File: 22 KB, 675x450, gl-g80$01-global-gl-g80-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best

>> No.12025749

they are very robust and sturdy and pretty easy to sharpen too. Thinner and haarder Japanese knives are usually ahead in cutting performance but will rust, chip and bend when abused or used to do stuff that would leave a German knife totally unfazed.

>> No.12025850

thank you. that is actually what i m looking for.

zwilling - here i come...

>> No.12025857
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Are these knives a meme?
pic related.

>> No.12025879

>tfw you browse this board with Hannibal Lector

>> No.12025920

Actually I would recommend Wüsthof or Messermeister over Zwilling. The Zwilling knives I have seen lately had really stupid profiles, with the possible exception of the Four Star knives.

>> No.12025936
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It is just a bunch of Casios and Seikos. Plain, sturdy, reliable, with just a touch of sporty/martial looks, just the way I like them. My absolute favourite of the bunch is my Seiko SSC 147.

>> No.12025951

Go to a river and look for a rock that has been smoothed out by the currents and rub it on your knife.

>> No.12025991

Nothing beats whetstones and a guy who has invested some time in learning to use them. Everything else is just a crutch that is a PITA to use

>> No.12026016

Can you recommend a whetstone for general sharpening? I don't know anything about this stuff and don't want to mess up my knife

>> No.12026018

four star looks a little bit pricey in comparison to your other recommendations.

i guess they make you pay for the name/label too, right?

the thing is: my gf votes for zwilling. how can yo say no to redhead with a faible for knives...

...and a nasty temper...

>> No.12026038
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I like my Mickey Mouse watch that my mom left to me in her will. She didn't have much to leave to her children but what she did leave had meaning and heart behind them.

>> No.12026091

OP here, I use this sharpening tool called an Acusharp by the manufacturer, ordere mine from Kult of Athena. I use it on all my kitchen knives and pocket knives, I sharpen my kitchen knife every other day, and I’ve yet to actually do any damage to them and it keeps everything very sharp.

>> No.12026132
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>> No.12026144
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Select ribeye is a bit underwhelming though.

>> No.12026152

I used to find those by the Atlantic, also sea glass. Not necessarily to sharpen knives but because they look cool and feel real good. I have one sitting right next to me right now on a table. They get tossed around by the sand in the ocean for a few hundred years then emerge then they're pretty cool.

>> No.12026223

Any name brand 1000 grit or 400/1000 grit combo whetstone will do - King, Naniwa, Suehiro etc But is is mostly about technique, you can get perfectly decent results with some oiled sandpaper glued to a tile or a wooden baord.

>> No.12026232

>i guess they make you pay for the name/label too, right?
Have you shopped around a bit? It might be just that one store. Other than that Zwilling, Messermeister (actually that is just the name Solingen manufacturer Burgvogel sell their knives under in the US) and Wüsthof are equal in Quality. they use the same steel too, so it is just a question of materials, shape and looks.

>> No.12026238

I cant tell the minute and the hour "hand" apart ...

>> No.12026253
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One of mine.

>> No.12026255
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The other.

>> No.12026259
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Ideally I want the Gyuto they make as well for slicing meat etc. It’ll take some saving up though.

>> No.12026285

On all watches, the rule is the arm closest to the rim (longest arm) is the minutes.
Also, 10:10 is the default setting for clocks.

>> No.12026342

You dont say??? I frigging knew that. There doesnt seem to be more than 1/10th of an inch difference between the arms here.

>> No.12026368

Long straight short bent.

>> No.12026440
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Bought the set.

>> No.12026493
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England reporting in.

This is the sharpest knife I can legally own.

>> No.12026520

Wouldn't even that require some kind of licensing fee?

>> No.12027090

what kind of knife should I have to filet fish?

>> No.12027125

Thank you. I'm gonna get a 1000 grit, I don't think I'm cool enough to do some DIY whetstone replacement like that.

>> No.12027126

We have a thread open. Just catalog

>> No.12027147

I ruined my shun classic chef 8" because the faggots at knife store never told me you had to sharpen weeb knives differently. I used it for a couple years in restaraunts and it never held an edge, and even experienced cooks who showed me how to hone it and stuff never mentioned theres a particular way to sharpen jap knives vs. German.

Anyways, can i send it back to get fixed ? I heard its a bitch and you need to take alot off the blade. I have a wusthoff now with non meme edges that i can use meanwhile but the shun is kinda sentimental

>> No.12027164

>can i send it back to get fixed ?
Fix it DIY, its not hard to get a conver or flat grind

>> No.12027468

Thank you for having at least one true Sabatier knife.
Is the knife four over to the right from the Sabatier with the wood colored hadle also French?

>> No.12027503
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Just one more week.

>> No.12027612

Sexy steel but the handles look a touch boxy. How do they feel in hand?

>> No.12028221

It is a 26cm replica vintage Güde knife. It is not explicitly a French profile, but with the long and not extremely wide blade it also has a pretty long almost flattish spot towards the heel. the profile is very similar to the Sabatier.

>> No.12028270
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Old pic but these are my main knives for work, except for my butchery knives/slicer as they were on my sharpening bench for a tuneup when I took this. Boning knife and fillet knife are just Victorinox ones, still my original ones from my first cooking job. Slicer is a Kotetsu R2 drop-point suji that I really like.

Left to right: Takeda stainless-clad 250mm gyuto, Kujira AS 240mm gyuto (much heavier knife than the Takeda, and used for different jobs) clad in handmade iron damascus, Masakage Koishi AS ko-bunka that I use for little jobs and cutting herbs and such, and a Fujiwara Maboroshi stainless-clad W#1 210mm gyuto that I mostly use at home now.

>> No.12028422

i think you meant loicensing

>> No.12028435
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Not cooking but Anon made a designated bacon knife