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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 175 KB, 500x375, ethiopian-food-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12025864 No.12025864 [Reply] [Original]

ethiopian "food"

>> No.12025869

mite b gud

>> No.12025871

you're a pleb
i love their lamb stew

>> No.12025874

>5 tins of gerber baby food emptied on a plate together

>> No.12025883

>communal plate with everyone else's dirty hands and half eaten shitty bread


>> No.12025896
File: 355 KB, 963x604, Lebleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so adventurous anon. Thank god you noticed that Japanese guy forgot to cook that bluefin tuna too.

>> No.12025902

that's a million times more appetizing than the op

>> No.12025912

There's usually some sort of pita bread included. It's basically like greek food

>> No.12025913

Ethiopian food doesn't look appetizing or aesthetically pleasing, but it is pretty good. There is nothing the make that I don't like.

>> No.12025918

a good meal is pleasing to the eyes and the mouth

>> No.12025922

I had this recently for the first time and it was very good. The red lentil thing at 1 o’clock was delicious

>> No.12025929

are you an actual child?

>> No.12025937

This would imply that it is impossible for something that is not pleasing to the eyes to taste good, which is wrong. Ethiopian food is proof.

>> No.12025941
File: 23 KB, 359x480, Stogie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should. It's meat.

Worked with a lot of Ethiopians, most from the city, some from the country. All 100% sweethearts. They considered it rude not to invite me to eat with them, and brought their own food on and off. I almost never joined as I didn't want to barge in. They'd also stop mid conversation because they considered it rude not to quickly translate anyone who wasn't speaking in english.

Great food but almost always foods soaked up with breads, probably to avoid waste. I never asked or looked it up. I know they were all Christian and had some of the oldest Christian churches in existence.

>> No.12025950

>a good meal is pleasing to the eyes
It can be, but sometimes a perfectly seasoned stew won't look pretty but will be incredibly satisfying to eat. And there are plenty of pretty foods that don't taste good, lots of stuff posted on social media just so it looks good for a picture but how it tastes wasn't as important.

>> No.12025961


That bread does look shitty. Like pieces of a foam mat or something

>> No.12025962

Yeah, reminds me of dragma.

>> No.12025965
File: 67 KB, 634x521, 493EB1A000000578-5395877-Crumpets_are_tricky_treats_to_make_as_it_s_hard_to_get_the_cruci-m-1_1519026336665[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like pieces of a foam mat or something
That's because it's leavened but only cooked on one side. Crumpets kind of look the same way.

>> No.12026029
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Yak Butter Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how much /ck/ seems to crossover with other boards loving Star Trek, it surprises me people get autistic about foods looking different than things you can find outside an American/European shopping mall. You'd think they'd have more fun with unusual textures.

>> No.12026072

I wish I could enjoy the injera more. I love sourdough but something about the sourness combined with the spongy texture was just off putting for me. And what's the point of eating Ethiopian without injera?

>> No.12026093

I fucking love injera, but it’s hard to make at home without that special pan, so I’ll often make Ethiopian stews but leave the injera out.

>> No.12026100

Looks pretty good desu. Id love to try it.

>> No.12026122
File: 71 KB, 600x461, ewa_agoyin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had pic related once, though I think it's a Nigerian dish.The bean paste itself was very tasty, and the bread was super soft. Only downside was the extreme amount of gas that came the following day.

>> No.12026126

Heh looks like a big slop o barf that someone shat out all over the table pathetic

>> No.12026129

This shit is great. People who complain probably never even tried it.

>> No.12026142

Looks delicious to me. What's your problem, OP?

>> No.12026151

This. Every post saying it's slop or barf sounds like something a flyover would type up.

>> No.12026173

Ethiopian food is great; easily the best food in Africa (I mean, they're really only competing with North Africa, which is just Middle Eastern food, and South Africa, which is literally Dutch people food living in Africa - so not much to write home about).

>> No.12026185

Looks like some indian took a poo in the middle of that plate and expects you to pay for it. Lot's of luck expecting that from me, it's not going to happen.

>> No.12026189

Diarrhea looks delicious to you?
Seek therapy before you go native and it's too late.

>> No.12026190

You don't like South Asian food? Pleb.

>> No.12026194

Pakistani paratha is, to my own surprise, one of my favorite breads

>> No.12026195

I see some greens, some veggies, some lentils and a spicy stew on freshly made bread. I thing you might need to have your eyes checked.

>> No.12026198

OP said Ethiopian, when was Ethiopia in Asia?

>> No.12026199

Looks like poo to me, to each our own.

>> No.12026201

Sure wish there wasnt so much hate for "flyovers". I'm 100% certain I'm a better cook than you and I like in one of the least populous states in the country.

>> No.12026206

India's not asia, it's a subcontenent all it's own. Ever notice a huge mass of mountains there from two continents colliding, that's because india broke off from nigger africa, that's what them so fucking retarded. They're not asian.

>> No.12026216

>i'm 100% certain I'm a better cook than you
Just because your hot dish is the first thing to go at the church potluck doesn't make you better than anyone here.

>> No.12026219

Hey, as long as their food isn't like their flying I will try anything once.

>> No.12026222

Anon said it looked like Indian poo.
Yes, India is a subcontenent, but there are more than one country that make it up these days, and when referring to the group the term South Asian is commonly used. Would you have preferred I said Deshi?

>> No.12026225

Ok three, but originally it was just india, now you have india, pakistan and kashmir, big fucking deal it's all the same shithole to me.

>> No.12026227

Their food is great though.

>> No.12026233

>we want to curl into a tight ball
>huddle against europe's back wall
>spend our days digging peat
>soured cabbage we don't eat!

Said a rapper once.

Just pol coming to to have a little holiday and to train their "debating" skills. I've seen similar shitposting happening lately on /n/. Suddenly you just can't have transit because niggers will just break it. And massive shilling for privatize everything - no entitlements - of course. It's obvious these people aren't bicycle enthuasists, train/plane/ship/etc autists or urbanism buffs, so what are they? I vote board tourists.
(To be honest though, maybe there is some crossemination between American freight train spotters, they may be more likely right wing economically.)

>> No.12026234

I'm talking the overall landmass not the nations on that landmass. Apparently there's some little one on some island that people aren't allowed to go to otherwise the natives kill them first and ask questions later. I think that's to southwest of india but the name of the place escapes me.

>> No.12026235

Yeah sure it is, if you like eating poo.

>> No.12026241

Do you practice that in front of a mirror with a baseball cap turned backwards?

>> No.12026250

I don't understand why anyone would want to pretend to be an American nigger. Get yourself some gold teeth while your at it for the full experience.

>> No.12026261

The thing about African food is it may look and taste appetizing in some instances but it's only just to fill the stomach. in other words, these dishes are not rich in essential nutrients which is why they get sick and still look malnourished

>> No.12026263

You've never even had it.

>> No.12026265

Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page spent a good chunk of their careers doing just that.

>> No.12026269

That's true of what poor people eat everywhere.

>> No.12026275

So what? I'm not them.

>> No.12026279

Right. They're famous rockstars and you're a nobody on the internet.

>> No.12026340

Exactly so I'm not them and they're not me. I don't pretend to be someone that I'm not. Do you?

>> No.12026355
File: 17 KB, 236x354, tahitian-dance-hula-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you often dress up like a celebrity and wear a Tahitian to-to?

>> No.12026361

So many assumptions. Why do you hate middle America so much?

>> No.12026389

>Why do you hate middle America so much?
Not the poster you're replying to but I've eaten the food there. From a food perspective it's a pretty hateful place.

>> No.12026395

I hate middle America because it hates me, the "city slicker". The hate goes both ways.

>> No.12026415

>me, the "city slicker"
Time for your pills gramps.

>> No.12026447

Most meat stews look like shit.

>> No.12026452

Because mexicans are disgusting

>> No.12026466
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12026498

It looks like shit but tastes amazing
You'd miss out if you choose not to try it, given the opportunity.
Fun story anon.

>> No.12026504

explain how that isn't food.

>> No.12026539

Eh, morrocan foods pretty good whilst being slightly different enough to warrant a mention

>> No.12026551

Couscous is literally the national dish of every African nation that touches the Mediterranean. "slightly different enough" is really a matter of opinion.

>> No.12027785

What's the soup on the right?

>> No.12028177

I've had ethiopian food b4 and much like indan food its good if prepared in a clean western kitchen. Also, Ive only ever been to the one restaurant, but the guys here passive agresively hate vegetarians and its fun to watch.

>> No.12028192

I love moroccan beef stew with the olives. Holy fuck it's so good.

>> No.12028202


>> No.12028211


>> No.12028655

it's just a shitty version of indian food

>> No.12028662

Middle America is a crime against culture.

>> No.12028669

>The stew was really quite good - big fat flat noodles, some potato, and pieces of yak.

>> No.12028756
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, An_image_of_a_toast_sandwich%2C_shot_from_the_side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>british """food"""

>> No.12028770

I see variety and flavour. Looks delicious. Reminds me of a thali meal.

>> No.12028825

A shittier version of shit, that's not saying much for either.

>> No.12028880

My dad got cholera after eating one of these

>> No.12028898
File: 378 KB, 1600x1069, 'MURRRICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>""""""""""""""""""""American Food""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.12028946

must be from sugandese, not ethiopia

>> No.12028949

Why is he wearing an overcoat all the time? What's he hiding in there?

>> No.12028953

Never heard of it.

>> No.12029177

Do you happen to know what it's called?

>> No.12030083

That's what all the green shit's for

>> No.12030095

Don't let it get to you anon, the retards using the word flyover are jealous that we don't have to dodge fuckin bum dung and hipster faggots every day.

>> No.12030206

>visiting aunt and uncle who live in a c rate city
>want to educate us lowly creatures, take us to a sketch ethiopian place off the highway that looks like hep C and the shits
>are like 10 of us
>we're all pulling off chunks of bread and pinching bits of colored paste to eat it
>bread is this browngrey foam looking shit
>huge mess everywhere, extremely unpleasant to eat like this, constantly reaching over each other
>entire table is a sloppy warzone
>still hungry afterwards
>tea was god tier though
Indian is the superior multicolored slop served on flatbread.

>> No.12030211

That shit is great. Also the crunchy lamb with green peppers. And their coffee is the best I've ever had

>> No.12030224

Nurgle mutations

>> No.12030249

I'll leavened you , sweetheart.

I'm gay btw, if that matters

>> No.12030276

My friend was in Cameroon and was offered a funny looking sausage. He ate it and thought the filling was a bit strange, so he asked what they stuffed the intestines with. Their answer?
>nothing, we don't empty them

>> No.12030283

his weight

>> No.12030324

No, it would imply ugly food doesn't make a good meal.

>> No.12030340

You can make it with a crepe pan