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File: 791 KB, 1000x1510, 1552304344712[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12022453 No.12022453 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Europeans don't have access to spray can cheese? What do they use instead, on like crackers and stuff?

>> No.12022495

We use 'Difficult cheese'.

>> No.12022506

I’m surprised they can legally call that cheese

>> No.12022508
File: 234 KB, 1190x767, 1552304685998[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spray can is more convenient.


>> No.12022512
File: 405 KB, 2254x1500, 1552306571594[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US has all kinds of cheeses that don't seem to be available in the EU.

>> No.12022523

I once ate only ez cheese for two days in college during spring break when the college cafeteria had closed and I had no money to buy food so I had to survive on what I had in my dorm room. Two cans of ez cheese. One was bacon flavored. You would not believe the shits I took.

>> No.12022533

Technically it's a "cheese product"

>> No.12022534
File: 85 KB, 1366x616, 1552307302453[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europeans don't know this feel

>> No.12022536

They can't, not even in Burgerstan. If you look at the labels it will say something like "processed cheesefood spread" and then in larger print somewhere else "MADE WITH REAL CHEESE" to comfort the unintelligent masses who never bother to read anything unless absolutely necessary. In truth the stuff they make it from probably is actually cheese, but some of the lowest quality stuff you can get. Then they mix it with a bunch of oil, some whey, food dye, preservatives, and artificial flavorings. So basically not cheese anymore, but was once something that could be considered cheese.

>> No.12022539
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>> No.12022543 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12022554
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Does anyone buying this product actually think this is real cheese? Of course not. We know what we’re buying and that it is probably taking years off our lives but that’s our choice damnit!

>> No.12022559

The sharp cheddar is the tits.

>> No.12022569
File: 28 KB, 428x410, 0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But real cheese tastes better? I mean I get it if you're really struggling with money and a can of Easy Cheese is like $2 but if you can buy even a cheap block of actual cheese why not?

>> No.12022583
File: 329 KB, 1600x1200, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have it in Europe because it contains harmful chemicals that are banned by the EU. We use spreadable cheese in little tubs like this, which ain't much better for you.

>> No.12022584
File: 207 KB, 806x1000, s-l1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you going to store a block of actual cheese in your car and spray parts of it into your mouth while stopped in traffic as a snack? Try to think logically about this issue.

>> No.12022642

>Is it true that Europeans don't have access to spray can cheese?
>What do they use instead, on like crackers and stuff?

>> No.12022657

Retarded poors do I think. I’ve literally never eaten that shit before. My mom wouldn’t allow it in our house

>> No.12022666


>> No.12022667 [DELETED] 

looks tasty

>> No.12022732

>Easy cheese
Surely Cheasy would have been better

>> No.12022745

>think about it logically

>> No.12022749
File: 368 KB, 1600x1067, cheesetray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do they use instead, on like crackers and stuff?
Normal cheese?

Here's an example of a very modest cheese tray. It doesn't even have any expensive cheese in it, by the way. Some herb cheese spread, generic meme pepper cheese and havarti, if I had to guess.

>> No.12022753
File: 13 KB, 200x247, C1708E10-5520-45E3-B02A-15AF1531BA4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12022868

I like EZ cheese but somehow velveet doesn't make me feel sick the day after, just give me constipation.

>> No.12023041

Stuff like that is found next to nachos.

>> No.12023052

would that sludge even be considered “liquid”?

>> No.12023070

I prefer cheese that that is made with less than 25 ingredients from a lab.
Then again, if it isn't processed to absolute shit and filled with chemicals, it is probably unrecognizable to your collectively fucked up taste buds.

>> No.12023075
File: 95 KB, 480x480, Image-list12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans don't know how to make ch-

>> No.12024513
File: 162 KB, 1200x935, 1200px-Velveeta_Cheese[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is in its solid form. It does turn into a sort of liquid when heated, though. I bet your fancy European cheeses can't do THAT.

>> No.12024562

Spray cheese isn't illegal in Europe but it's not much affordable, the only flavor I seen here is cheese, bacon sounds good

>> No.12024563

I could give you a blind fold taste test and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Your palate isn't as superior as you want to think it is

>> No.12024566

>bacon sounds good
It's not.

>> No.12024579

I wouldn't. The only food suitable for cars is hard candy because it keeps nearly forever.

>> No.12024582

Why do yurotards get angry about cheese in a can when they brag about their exclusive plastic chocolate eggs that we can't buy?

>> No.12024602

perustettu ja punapilleröity

>> No.12024626

Not really. The trolling goes both ways you know. Speaking of Kinder, we don't have Cadbury eggs but either those toy filled ones or the type that comes in real egg shell, contains some overly sweed almond mousse and costs 10€ / piece.

Kind of mystery how WE let kids eat things that come with small easily swallowable stuff inside. Especially those cheap knockoffs that have either a single piece army man/pony or something so there's not even the incentive to assemble it.

The only real issue here is that we seem to view cheese and crackers differently; for you it's pretty normal "zakuski" or a snack so spray cheese is just fine, for Euros cheese and crackers is equal to cheese tray and time to rake that wine to decant. Like here >>12022749 . It's not even that the cheese would be significantly better than spay cheese (2/3 between "cheese product" and cheese) but there's the ritual.

>> No.12024648

I'm sure everybody will find a real cheese that tastes better, you just have to find the right kinds for your taste.

>> No.12024667

Nah, it's amusement. Kinder eggs are garbage too since the toys got cheap and shitty, it's just amusing they were illegal because people can't be trusted to not give them to toddlers.
And we have way worse than both of this, I've seen pre cooked spaghetti for example.

>> No.12024669

I think this stuff is somehow related to the American body odour problem.

>> No.12024682


Kinder Surprise eggs are real chocolate, though.

>> No.12025632

>can't buy Kinder eggs in America
Excuse me? Yes you literally fucking can

>> No.12025641

thank god

>> No.12025665

>received a can of this stuff as a lil' knickknack gift from a friend who traveled to the US for a bit
>can't ever bring myself to even try it
Something about the concept just strikes me as so profoundly wrong that I just can't bring myself to touch the stuff.

>> No.12025669

We prefer our health

>> No.12025726


>> No.12026500

Greekfag here, in my army days I had mre 'yellow' cheese in a tin can with a gazilion years self life (that must pretty much exist in any europenis army mre variants) we might have something similar but I guess the spraycan cheese must be tastier.