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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 810x455, Chick-fil-A17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12022201 No.12022201 [Reply] [Original]

*serves meat during lent*

>> No.12022204

>southern evangelicals

>> No.12022209



>> No.12022212

Thank christ

>> No.12022217

Lent isn't real.

>> No.12022222

God isn't real.

>> No.12022225


>> No.12022228


>> No.12022233


>> No.12022236

American christians don't into lent. I didnt hear about it until my late teens

>> No.12022237
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>> No.12022252

chick-fil-a is a protestant(baptist)/evangelical-headed organization so it's irrelevant

>> No.12022256

Protestants don't have the discipline for Lent.let them keep hating and getting fatter while we get stronger and lose weight.

>> No.12022261
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>> No.12022336

Baptists don't celebrate Lent

>> No.12022373
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It’s over

>> No.12022385

>hypocrisy thy name is homophobic evangelical christian Chik-fil-a
So what's new?

>> No.12022387

just threw all my crucifixes in the garbage

>> No.12022462

Time to buy some fedoras I guess

>> No.12022561

>faggot who has no object and entity to center himself when he's wandering astray and has anxiety
oof, go listen to your xyz post-xyz music more faggot

>> No.12022568
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>> No.12022685

Thank you God for using this anon's post as a test for us all.
The fact that a post of this magnitude could happen only proves your intelligent design

>> No.12022743
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My local chick-fil-a sells fish during lent

>> No.12022760
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Christcucks rekt and chekd

>> No.12022798

>God is cope

>> No.12022833

wtf I hate Jesus now

>> No.12022854
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You can't fool me that easily, God

>> No.12022931



>> No.12023154

>HE 12,019
>Still believing in Sky Daddy


They do recognize Lent, but they do so by taking a vow to abstain from one particular thing for the entire 40 days. What exactly an individual abstains from can be as simple as a
certain food like chocolate, or a favorite leisure activity like golf. This is a personal vow that is entirely voluntary, you don't have to give something up for Lent if you don't want to. Source: Grew up United Methodist, realized religion is dumb and there is no such thing as a god when I was 17.

>> No.12023163

fuck off, heretic

>> No.12023177

this is so much better and relevant to (((board culture))) than ReviewBrah.
Thanks mods. Thank you so much

>> No.12023591

Being catholic= enabling pedos

>> No.12023600

holy shit

>> No.12023613


>> No.12023616

People making a big deal out of the numbers, but yeah. Once you realize god isn't real, it opens up a lot of opportunities as long as you keep good social morals.

>> No.12023618

Is ReviewBrah banned now for some reason?

>> No.12023628
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>realized there wasn't a god at 17
>hasn't grown up since and realized God is real
makes you think desu

>> No.12023657

Six twos.
Which add up to twelve.
Twelve is six and six.
Six. Six. Six.

Nice fuckin' try, Satan.

>> No.12023665

If God was real I don’t think he’d have allowed the Jews to be nearly genocided, Burger King to exist, or Trump to have won in 2016.

>> No.12023731

Satan even fails at his own trips. Pathetic

>> No.12023737

What makes you think God is interventionist? He gave us the tools we need. The rest is up to us.

>> No.12023752

>Fish isn't meat

Catholic "logic" everyone

>> No.12023764

it really is fucking stupid isn't it
and it's hardly a sacrifice anyways

>> No.12023829

Allah wins again infidels

>> No.12023957

How does not giving a shit necessarily open up new opportunities?

>> No.12023994

Take it to /pol/, discord tranny.

>> No.12024009

You get to fuck whoever you want without feeling guilty.

>> No.12024010


>> No.12024041

Oh so your just a moral relativist. You're even worse than the evangelicals and the ibadi muslims

>> No.12024064

Not the one you were replying to but I don't need some hypocritical church to tell me right from wrong. They're nothing to specify that for others, especially with made up shit like lent.
A lot of people "need" to be led to the slaughter, like cattle and that's what they choose, some of us don't.

>> No.12024078

Based and ignoring the bible as soon as it affects business but still pretending to be devote pilled.

>> No.12024498

fuck Catholics

>> No.12024528

>Implying that Allah and the Judeo-Christian God aren't one and the same.
Different sand people, different rules, different prophets, same sky fairy.

>> No.12024689

So what's prayer for, just divine chat

>> No.12024712

I do fuck a Catholic.

>> No.12024727

if god was real this would not have happened.

>> No.12024964
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>his mom does his laundry
Fucking based desu

>> No.12024994
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no u

>> No.12025005

I'm abstaining from all meat during lent, even fish. I always thought that was a dirty loop hole, like you're trying to outsmart your faith, kinda cheesy.
I'm not catholic tho I'm orthodox

>> No.12025011

Is egg also not considered meat? It's weird how fish and eggs are allowed to eat but chicken isn't.

>> No.12025034

I don't consider egg a meat. It's not fertilized, it's literally just chicken period.

>> No.12025046

Oh bloody hell man. When you pray to God you're allowing yourself to sit at the edge of your existence, saying "God, I'm here, I need your help. I can't get my life together on my own". You know they've done studies on these things man? People who pray are happier, more satsified and even tend to report higher incomes at their jobs. This is no joke man and to the atheists who say "oh you're just praying to a flying spaghetti monster", they haven't thought about this seriously for a second. And that's that.

>> No.12025050
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uh oh

>> No.12025053

I don't think anyone is denying that the placebo effect is real, anon.

Blissful ignorance is both blissful and ignorant.

>> No.12025056

>prosperity gospel
Yikes. The Bible doesn’t say you’ll know Christians by their wealth and happiness you goof. You could get the same results with some new age power of positive thinking.

>> No.12025063
File: 780 KB, 2405x1603, 10q-jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol wonder who's behind this post?

>> No.12025119
File: 67 KB, 800x387, Touched_by_His_Noodly_Appendage_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find and worship the true god (pic related), heretic, instead of worshipping a crucified jew criminal.

>> No.12025125

Are Americans even Christian? I know most of them are some kind of su@human half Adventist half jehovahs witness. Their religion makes me physically sick...

>> No.12025185

So you're one of those guys without a conscience, I think there's an official term for that...

>> No.12025196

>not needing god to threaten you to function means you don't have a conscience
big yikes

>> No.12025203

No, but he's talking about "doors opening up" when all you care about is how others percieve you. When it's well documented that when normal functioning people get away with something bad their normal functioning brain still eats itself alive over it.

>> No.12025254

Uhm no sweetie I am real and Trump rigged the election.

>> No.12025259

More like it opens up new orifices for people to stick their cock in you.

>> No.12025308

damn, those fish fillets look good

>> No.12025322


But they don't like the gays so it's even.

>> No.12025782
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>> No.12026014
File: 32 KB, 554x400, 110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get DABBED on christicucks!

>> No.12026035

Good thing nobody gives a fuck what you think

>> No.12026036

everyone was so muscular a million years ago when they took pictures like this. What the heck happened?

>> No.12026061

What happened is that the artists hired muscular models for their work. Most models were men too, so you will find female characters with very masculine bodies that have boobs slapped onto them.

>> No.12026107

>being a xtian

>> No.12026111

Lent is a catholic thing, enjoy hell.

>> No.12026170

When you realize organized religion has basically shrouded all of the real spiritual truth that was and real prayer is replaced by some dogmatic garbage where they tell you to think in your head to God basically implicative that it doesn't know what your struggles are and is limited to communication only by your mind contradictory to scripture. Mind rituals like modern "prayer" can be as useful as positive affirmations or belief in general, I can assure you that you are not swaying the ultimatum.

>> No.12026228

What are examples of real prayer?

>> No.12026267


>> No.12026276

This. You can very easily tell which Christians are burgers because they all have tinges of prosperity gospel.
God only promises you suffering and death, the rest is up for grabs. Most people probably won't even go to heaven by Christianity's rules, so they struggle with life, die, and then go to Hell for their troubles. It ain't fun. Even the devout aren't promised an easy life, just a better shot at a good afterlife. Sounds like a bum deal to most.

>> No.12026386

Based. I'm pretty sure it's owned by Baptists too. I'm even Catholic and I think it's fucking hysterical

>> No.12026495

>doesn't ever think about where conscience comes from
absolute state of fedora tippers

>> No.12026792

Then why didn't you prevent it?

>> No.12026810
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"Christians" in the US, particularly the ones who wear it on their sleeve and are most vocal about it, only worship this god.

>> No.12026844
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God gave us wet pussy > Satan gave us numbers
4chan uses numbers to prove God is not real < 4chan get wet pussy revoked

>> No.12026861

Someone call the Vatican, immediately.

>> No.12026864
File: 525 KB, 1147x579, i will find you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12026881

Because they're protestants. If you want someone to cater to you satanic, pedophile cult there's literally EVERY other establishment for you and your ilk.

>> No.12026885

>board slow enough to get digits
>idiots go insane

>> No.12027005


>> No.12027065
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>> No.12027158
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>> No.12027399

They also consider beaver a fish officially

>> No.12027425

but he didn't allow the jews to be nearly genocided
hence why it didn't happen

>> No.12027430

Christ was not the son of god

>> No.12027450

Egg definitely isn’t meat, though any embryo inside it would be.

>> No.12027451

>Warn against prosperity gospel
Fuck off

>> No.12027459


>> No.12027489

I've actually thought about it quite a lot. Conscience is a set of instincts which are adaptive for living in social settings. This explanation has much more predictive power than just saying god done it.

>> No.12027499

You don't even know the history of it do you?

>> No.12027557

get out of here kike!

>> No.12027568

>doesn't ask where those instincts come from
>doesn't ask how those instincts are stored
>doesn't wonder how a human living in a materialist reality can step outside of that materialism and even ponder what an instinct is
almost there

>> No.12027587

1. They are adaptations which were selected for over thousands of years reinforced by memetic adaptations in the surrounding society.

2. They are stored in the structure of your brain in some cases. In others it's just a matter of what the society around you stores in their brains collectively.

3. Extremely versatile reasoning abilities which were selected for over millions of years.

>> No.12027610

The history is literally just some bible verse that describes "meat of animals that walk upon the earth" or something to that effect. But since fish SWIM they created a loophole for it and pushed the meme so hard for 2000 years that even completely nonreligious people will describe fish as being a separate category from meat. It's retarded, because it's fucking meat.

>> No.12027611

Imagine being protestant heathens

>> No.12027614

>doesn't ask what the structure of evolution is
not quite, free yourself from the materialist spook

>> No.12027626

This question makes it apparent that you don't know the first thing about the "structure of evolution." Go to church hayseed.

>> No.12027633

your response proves you have the intellectual capacity of a chimp which is why you responded like one. grow up.a few years and ask theze questions again. all mediating forces in the universe have structure and shape including evolution which is effectively anti-entropy in a universe governed towards disorder

>> No.12027635

holy SHIT

>> No.12027651

Yea, now I can masturbate. Thanks not God!

>> No.12027669

Dude you're assuming that your interlocutor is a thoughtless idiot from the get-go. Your entire method of argumentation is to violate the principle of charity. All you offer is insults and you're butthurt that someone insulted you back for making a baseless assertion? Get real.

>> No.12027675

Will the christ cucks ever recover?

>> No.12027722

c o p e

>> No.12027838

I'd most certainly agree that the abrahamic concept of God is false. However, God does exist.
You'd have to be a huge faggot to think all of this was merely an error, mistake, chance or whatever.

>> No.12027863

I do not believe in the existence of god(s) anymore. It does not affect me.

>> No.12028011
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lmao at all the coping christcucks itt

>> No.12028095

>it opens up a lot of opportunities as long as you keep good social morals.
Mmm, yes. The modern world sure is a bastion of good morality and progression.

>> No.12028108

Most people require a belief in a higher, judgmental power in order to maintain morality. If you're able to do without, that's great, but you shouldn't try to destroy the idea of God to dumb, poor people. You're potentially in a fortunate position that most people aren't able to reach. Don't take it for granted.

>> No.12029379

>you shouldn't try to destroy the idea of God to dumb, poor people

Will christcucks ever recover?

>> No.12029449

>require a belief in a higher, judgmental power in order to maintain morality
But they don't maintain a morality even when believing in a skypilot punishing the immoral or those who fail to follow the ethical teachings. This once again demonstrates the the absolute uselessness of religion except as a social, tribalistic group identity. This is illustrated clearly with rightwing christian evangelicals who violate virtually every teaching of christ with impunity, yet scream loudest about how "christian" they are. Absurd.

>> No.12029505

we're drinking, cursing, fornicating "Christians"

>> No.12029523

>rightwing christian evangelicals
this is why atheists aren't taken seriously. they have the same religious knowledge of the spirit-only evangelical they ironically criticize. Read the Church Fathers, the Gnostics, read any major Confession before you strawman "religion". Absolutely pathetic and does a disservice to your point of view

>> No.12030864

shut the fuck up faggot virgin nigger atheist

>> No.12031887

It isn’t carnem, it’s pisces.

Plus it’s supposed to be a peasant food because the poor can’t raise a calf but they can easily catch a fish

>> No.12031907

>But since fish SWIM they created a loophole for it
It’s not a loophole. I bet you’d say Locusts being kosher but beetles not being kosher is also a “loophole” even though it’s a classification that just didn’t translate to the Anglosphere very well

>> No.12031917

>Christian, not Pope following Catholic
>Also serving fish until lent is done

>> No.12031921

ah, your a soyboy
that explains everything

don't overdose on that estrogen now

>> No.12031934

I know that already

>> No.12032650

They're not saying it's meat. Also, not defending RCC, orthodox here

>> No.12032707

chicken is not meat. you can eat them because they are birds.

>> No.12033702
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>> No.12033770

Checked, based, and redpilled.

>> No.12034267

This. Even McD invented the McFish to obey God. Dominus vobiscum brother, only 5 weeks to go

>> No.12034351

Yes they denied Christ and have suffered ever since.

>> No.12034513
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>his religion has lent

You need better gods boy

>> No.12034766

I never understood how people don't consider fish a meat. If it came from a living animal, it has to be a meat right?

>> No.12036165
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>> No.12036326

Where is their God now?

>> No.12036494

lent isn't actually giving up meat.

>> No.12036514

Some people think that for something to be meat it has to come from a land animal.
Those people also happen to be fucking idiots.

>> No.12036521

>tried to get a chtistian girl to eat a steak on good Friday

Never got to fuck her...

>> No.12036541

I was wondering why this dumb thread was sticking around for so long. Finally open it up and now I know.

>> No.12036545

The shitty bait chick-fil-a threads always stay for fucking ever.
This one's no exception.

>> No.12036548

John 11:35

>> No.12036562

fast food is terrible, god isn't real, and all of you should be shot if you eat fast food

>> No.12036574

I think the rule is you can't eat warm blooded animals. Fish and reptiles are still allowed.

Get you some gator, boy.