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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12014459 No.12014459 [Reply] [Original]

I cooked my first cheese omlet. How did I do?

>> No.12014465


>> No.12014468

Looks like you overloaded it. A common enough mistake for a first try.

>> No.12014470
File: 2.43 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20190309_215513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I flipped it

>> No.12014472

I would eat but it's because I have been starving for.2 days. No money for food

>> No.12014474

0/10 presentation but I bet it'll taste good

>> No.12014475

Keep trying, you'll get there eventually

>> No.12014476

Have you tried not being a piece of shit?

>> No.12014479
File: 64 KB, 680x766, a64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you cooked it wrong on purpose so that you could get angry replies on a Tibetan cattle raising forum.

>> No.12014483

This is the point where I usually say "fuck it" and just turn it into a scrambled egg mix
Still tastes fine, just not quite an omelette.

>> No.12014485

I need drugs before food. My mom will come over to orrow with food and money anyway

>> No.12014486

Go to a food bank, anon-kun. Nobody should be starving. They don't ask questions, they just take you in and give you food.

>> No.12014491

Why did you flip it in the pan? You should turn it over onto the plate when you get to the stage in OP.

>> No.12014534

It was my first try, I ate most of it and will try again tomorrow

Hey question eggs are $1.20/dozen or $2.40 for cage free. Worth it taste wise? Or should I just spend an extra $1 to find out

>> No.12014739

You won't notice a difference in the egg. If people tell you otherwise, they are wrong. This has been amply proven in blind testing. There can be a difference in the color of the yolk. I buy free range organic eggs for ethical and environmental reasons, but I'm not totally poor.

>> No.12014743

Lol , good try.

>> No.12014880

hope you die before then

>> No.12014885

a little brown, isn't it?

>> No.12014890
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>> No.12015398

looks like an aborted fetus

>> No.12015531

I think you used too much cheese which didn't allow the omelette to fold properly.

>> No.12015535


>> No.12015539

i never fuck up omelettes now thanks to chef john

>> No.12015542

Im so full right now and that picture almost made me puke

>> No.12015586

Did you really waste all of that just to make a shitty thread? There's no way that you didn't fuck that up on purpose.

>> No.12015613

What's wrong with that cheese?

>> No.12015615

The more cheap eggs make me feel like shit/lethargic when I eat them so I only eat the organic ones.

>> No.12015616

>now doesn't melt!

>> No.12015621

Really though, what's with the colour?

>> No.12016497
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>> No.12016522

Regarding that comment, yes. I do actually believe its your first cheese omlet.

Considering that fact, you did OK. It doesn't look like you burnt the fuck or lit your house on fire.

You just have to refine your technique.

>> No.12016738

Looks good, ignore these assholes who are so used to shit they see on TV to be useful.

>> No.12016744

I think that you're full of shit little baby.

>> No.12016749

Dude, that was fucking terrible. People aren't criticizing it for not being perfect, they're making fun of it because it looks like a nine year old made it.

>> No.12016754

Give it the real test, does your girlfriend like it? I bet that she'll appreciate the effort if you know what I mean.

>> No.12016757

Not everyone is an "internet expert" like you. So you might want to piss the fuck off.

>> No.12016763

Are you actually retarded or just pretending with this post?

>> No.12016764

Describe why that was so terrible?

>> No.12016767

Looks like 2 cups of shredded cheese half melted and dipped into egg batter

>> No.12016769

I just want to know why you faggots are so judgemental all of the time. You seem useless.
Here... >>12016764

>> No.12016776

>eggs are terribly uneven
>the fold is fucked up
>part of the cheese isn't event melted

Jesus Christ, is this your first day here? No one used to give a shit if people called something/someone terrible. The only people actually upset over anything is you. Not even OP was pissy when people made fun of it earlier in the thread.

>> No.12016778

I think that you folk are foretting the plot. The plot being was it enjoyable to the people who ate it?

>> No.12016783

So what, it isn't like it's for competition stuff. The only people who care about little things like that are faggots such as you.

It seems to me that you're pissy that I called you out on your bullshit.

>> No.12016810

>So what, it isn't like it's for competition stuff.
No one said it was. The egg looked like shit, OP asked how it was, he was told.

>The only people who care about little things like that are faggots such as you.
I don't even really care. I made a comment as one does on this site. Evidently OP cares since he made a thread about it. Evidently you care because you're whiteknighting a god damn egg.

>It seems to me that you're pissy that I called you out on your bullshit.
I'm not pissy about anything, I just think you're retarded. Your bullshit is actually something that exists, though, because you went from "Here... what's wrong with it?" to not even acknowledging the reasons and changing your tact to "Okay but it's not a competition lol".

Go make another faggy post, I'm not going to bother even responding.

>> No.12016818

Seems like I struck a nerve.
Faggots always get pissy when they're called out for what they are.

>> No.12017255
File: 163 KB, 344x601, Screenshot_20180909-140942_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a crepe? The thin parts should be scrunched while there is still liquid egg to fill in. You also are in severely underperforming cheese territory due to diminishing returns. In addition your cheese was likely fridge cold, so warm it up before hand.

Oh yeah howabout clean your pan first. You're welcome