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File: 917 KB, 2250x1754, tonys_smoked_salmon_jerky[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12009705 No.12009705 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Europeans eat jerky? Jerky sales are much lower in Europe than in North America.

>> No.12009716

they're too busy eating dick

>> No.12009719

Low test

>> No.12009723

Cant afford it

>> No.12009724

Another regular Friday night shitposting, eh? Go out some time, anon.

>> No.12009725
File: 100 KB, 1300x867, 4EA0842C-1B98-4C40-A69C-7BEABA866F10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all their preserved meats are 10000000000x tastier than fucking jerky
>hint: if it needs to be packaged in plastic, it’s fucking shit

>> No.12009728

Jaws aren't strong enough

>> No.12009729

get back to bed muhammad

>> No.12009734
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>> No.12009740
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Jerky is more of a casual snack. It doesn't have the same role as a giant hunk of gabagool that costs €80 or something.

>> No.12009742

>hint: if it needs to be packaged in plastic, it’s fucking shit
So if it’s loaded full of preservatives, and thus does not need to be covered in plastic, it’s better? Faggot.

>> No.12009750

Oh so you like phoneposting in bed while ready to masturbate and cry to sleep. Fine by me.

>> No.12009755

Welcome aboard, catfuckers.

>> No.12009764

Jerky is a survival food and Europeans can't into survival

>> No.12009765

(high falsetto) OOOOLoooOoooooooOooooooooooo OOOOLoooOoooooooOooooooooooo...
(Low voice) well ain't no cowboys jewwwwwwwwws

>> No.12009773


>loaded full of preservatives

>salt and a bit of sodium nitrate

Truly devilish

>> No.12009791

I don't really eat jerky much because its not that nice desu.
Brit btw, pork scratchins or some salami etc. Works wonders instead of basic ass jerky

>> No.12009802

meat is haram

>> No.12009890

Okay calm down Tyrone.

>> No.12009910

feel bad for europoors and non texans for not having access to Buc-ee's garlic and black pepper jerky or pecan pralines

>> No.12009911

If the market is anything like it is in america then it's probably because the shit it expensive. I love beef jerky but the store I go to sells 8oz of jerky for damn near 20 dollars. I can make damn near 2 pounds of the shit myself for that price.
Comparing a snack you can buy at walmart to a $900 ham is retarded. Don't act like snaking on pieces of iberico is something everyone in Europe does on a regular basis.

>> No.12010080

Fucking this. Amerishart meat and dairy products are absolute garbage tier
Imagine eating cheese not covered in wax and eating packaged factory made 'preserved' meat that needs to be refrigerated

>> No.12010103

I can never find it in stores. And when I do it's pretty expensive and barely contains two bites.
It's tasty though.

>> No.12010120

>eating processed packaged store "meats"
>high test
Oh you poor 'murrican.

>> No.12010436

>Euros can't into survival
They don't need to into survival.
They have an Aldi on every street corner, where they can eat FRESH food, instead of paying three times as much to chew on gristly shoe leather.

>> No.12010455

it's outrageously expensive

>> No.12010496

I assume it's just more popular in the US since it started in the Americas. Looking it up, jerky as a thing originated with indigenous Americans, then got adopted by the people who settled/took over the region. Apparently it was a staple of settlers.
Over here there wasn't that kind of settler culture so I guess it wasn't needed so the demand never met the demand in the USA. I don't know if I've tried jerky, or if I have it's been a long time.
I'm more familiar with Biltong, the South African equivalent. That shit is nice.

>> No.12010525

Jerky is a cultural food to americans. makes them feel like rootin tootin cowboys or something. It's not actually good to eat.

>> No.12010528

>Looking it up, jerky as a thing originated with indigenous Americans, then got adopted by the people who settled/took over the region.
Yeah, the natives called it pemmican (not how they spelled it), and is crushed dry meat pounded together and mixed with fat to harden into a kind of block. Sometimes berries were used in the mixture too. It was really big with the French fur traders since they would be out in the frontier for months on end, so it was food that was easy to store and preserve.

>They don't need to into survival.
It's always a useful skill in the event civilization breaks down, or just a total regional power outage that lasts more than a day.

>> No.12010531

>It's not actually good to eat.
It depends on the jerky, some is delicious. A lot of it is admittedly pretty bad though, the reason being the meat often isn't dehydrated enough and therefore doesn't last very long.

>> No.12010533

Why does everyone associate jerky with Americans when it started in Canada and is still eaten by the boatload there?

>> No.12010536

Canada = America as far as euros are concerned.

>> No.12010543

>It's always a useful skill in the event civilization breaks down, or just a total regional power outage that lasts more than a day.
I can't speak for other European countries obviously but our infrastructure is usually good enough that power cuts are rare and brief, if at all. Also, I don't think we as a people think too much about survival in the event of civilization breaking down or things like that. We've been around since before the birth of Christ. Presumably if things went to shit we'd just regress a few centuries or go back to feudal farming or something.
I do wonder if that sort of survivalist thinking is unique to US/Canada, since the countries are much newer relatively and the people descended from frontier and settler types.

>> No.12010551

Seems decently popular here in austraila

>> No.12010563

Does anyone know where to buy jerky that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and isn't slim Jim's? Seems every year the prices go up

>> No.12010566
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I order the superior version instead.

>> No.12010640

>I do wonder if that sort of survivalist thinking is unique to US/Canada, since the countries are much newer relatively and the people descended from frontier and settler types.
There is that but a lot of it is the fact that everything is so spread out. There are some towns that are literally hundreds of miles from ANYTHING else in civilization, and is society collapses then they're on their own.

>> No.12010666

Jerky is trash, biltong master race

>> No.12010672

Jerky is always way too expensive for me to even bother with it.

>> No.12010687

biltong sucks cock

it has the texture of slices of wax or something

>> No.12010824

Make your own, it's always the cheapest option.

>> No.12010830

does sharia law allow jerky?

>> No.12010848
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Because Europeans eat cured sausage instead.

>> No.12010855

I like jerky, but it isn't really avialable wher i live and quite expansive for what i get.

>> No.12010860
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>It's always a useful skill in the event civilization breaks down
We don't normally fantasize about the end of the world or WW3 here.
We are basically born outdoors where I live so surviving in that event would work out just fine.

>> No.12010867

A lot of European preserved meat has to be refrigerated. Do you just not refrigerate all of it, you cave man?

>> No.12010875
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>> No.12010879
File: 502 KB, 1000x527, jerky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I find a really good deal for Jack Links on amazon. They show up every once in a while.

1 pound bags for ~$11.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.12010944
File: 165 KB, 600x523, gallery_2644_22_1423646649_4637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reindeer and moose jerky is common in northern Scandinavia. A lot of people air dry their own meat by letting it hang outside in the spring.

>> No.12010947

Because it costs like 2.49€ (~3€) for not even two ounces of that stuff.

>> No.12011465

I bought some because of this thread at the local co-op, it cost £1.50 for 40g. Using some quick maths that's about $1.95 for 1.4oz or $22 a pound. It tastes alright.

>> No.12011471

If you don't want some super premium quality it's usually 60 to 80 euros and available even in aldi tier convinience stores, just not all year around. That much meat in packed jerky is more expensive.

>> No.12011472

I guess you don't eat dehydrated fruit or dried herbs and spices either

>> No.12011475

Its dried meat what processing is gong on here?

>> No.12011493

>a total regional power outage that lasts more than a day.
The thing I would worry the most about in that scenario is how to eat all the food in the freezer before it goes bad. You can't even invite the neighbours for a party since they would have the same problem.

But I agree that the most basics skills like how to start a fire, some eatable wild plants and stuff like that should be tought in schools more, only for other reasons.

>> No.12011502

Historically, the reason was that jerky is extremely inefficient in terms of meat used per amount of finished product, compared to sausages or other types of dried meat (ex. bresaola). Again, historically, most of the breeds raised in Europe were dairy breeds, with meat breeds in smaller amounts. Also, since sheep farmers weren't murdered by cow herders (unlike the US), the amount of pasture was limited; this, again, lent preference to dairy breeds. Lack of pasture also meant that pork remained a European staple.
Yet another (more recent) reason is the amount of indirect subsidies the US cattle industry gets (in the form of corn subsidies). This lowers the cost of meat, which in turn lowers the cost of jerky in the US compared to Europe. Europeans make jerky mostly regionally, and often from venison.

>> No.12011508

It's expensive as fuck. I sometimes make my own though.

>> No.12011531

Someone reply to and say something about my funny comment.

>> No.12011592

I went to spain and had iberico once. God I love that shit

>> No.12011617

I found a website where I bought a shitload of it, been eating it while trying to lose weight. Bought like 3 kgs in total in various flavors for 150€. It's tasty as hell but it can really fuck up your stomach if you overconsume, black shit that get sprayed all over your toilet bowl. Must be because of all the salt needed to dry it.

>> No.12011754


>> No.12011762

Jerky is really expensive in Norway.

>> No.12012583

we have our own traditional survival meats

>> No.12012588

They dont have the teeth for it

>> No.12012592

We do eat jerky, just not as much.
I love a nice bag of jerky every now and again.
My mate's dad is South African and he made some proper authentic biltong, was so fucking nice.

>> No.12012616

Bet your salmon and other fish jerky is hellah cheap though.

>> No.12012620

There are other cured meats available, most southern eu countries have their own version of prosciutto as well as a bunch of cured sausages(chorizo, blood sausage, bread sausage etc), not sure about specifics the center/north but they seem to have a bunch as well

>> No.12012621

This is bait comparing jerky to prosciutto

>> No.12012625

old trapper has good jerky

>> No.12012634

I only tried Jerky once and it tastes ok but I prefer Landjäger for a snack

>> No.12012694

expensive as shit

>> No.12012922

Because over here, with the money you could use for jerky, you can afford astronomically better stuff.

>> No.12012967

Mein neger

>> No.12012985

this thread is bait you dull nigger

>> No.12012986

Ditto. Had a Spanish dude we worked with while over there bring in a ham for us. We apparently ate it wrong because we were eating it in chunks instead of thin sliced but it was still good.

>> No.12012991

>just a total regional power outage that lasts more than a day.
>American infrastructure

>> No.12013252
File: 1.40 MB, 5312x2988, german_jerky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't Europeans eat jerky?
We do, smoked fish but not that heavy dryed.And Schinken and Speck are Jerky too.
I love Jerky but it cost too much with a mäh taste. So DIY this year and possible with smoking.
This is my jerky now

>> No.12013516

They don't have wolves to lure to their cars.

>> No.12013529

This. Most people forget that after the insane taxes many euros literally have about 1/4 or less disposable income when compared to an average American.

>> No.12013535

Make your own. Just takes time, other than that pretty simple.

>> No.12013607

based effortpost
salt won't fuck up your stomach. Some spices, sodium nitrate, and whatever meat-substitutes and shit muricans use to preserve their jerky might do it. Sourcream and dill dosen't fuck your stomach. Sourcream and dill Pringles™ does.

>> No.12013875

For a snack it's stupid expensive here. We have too high of a standard of quality for meat to get it at a reasonable price here. There are also imported American ones that are expensive as fuck because of the transport while they're still really shit quality. Also they have no cultural niche as a standard camping etc. food.

>> No.12013928

Jerky is okay, but harder to find and costlier than dry sausage, which we do eat often as a snack (in France at least, other countries have other traditions).
Also dry-cured ham.

>> No.12014045

where'd ya get that idea

>> No.12014264


>> No.12014275

>60 to 80 euros
No fucking way
For how much jerky? There's no way a normal sized bag costs that much.

>> No.12014353


Is this so hard?

>> No.12014398

Considering I'm not from Germany and am not going to sift through everything European Amazon domain, yes, it was too hard. Especially when I can get a eurofag to do the work for me.

>> No.12014487
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>Especially when I can get a eurofag to do the work for me
Sending a open link instead giving the price. My feel about your retardness was damn right

>> No.12014499

More like an open twink lol fuckin fag.

>> No.12015221

No, seriously it's always remarkably expenaive for normally quite small amounts of food.

>> No.12015316

Salmon is delicious, but salmon jerky is fucking abhorrent.

>> No.12015814

Is it similar to crackling? Because is so it’s very surprising that it isn’t more popular

>> No.12015817

You cannot buy it in germany?

Is there a brain inside your head?

>> No.12015824

It's not.

>> No.12015826

No, it's nothing like cracking.

>> No.12015873

this person eats mcds on a daily basis and wants (You)'s

>> No.12015897

Jerky is expensive and yuropoors are a standard deviation poorer than Americans

>> No.12015907

jerky is fucking retarded what the fuck have we been doing with our lives what the fuck
why the fuck do we not have more of this in america we're so fucking stupid what the fuck
everything is undignified covered in plastic and garbage they are all fucking killing us fuck this god damn nazis bombing grandmas house in world war two making me born in america god damn it all I want to come back home where I belong

>> No.12015919
File: 410 KB, 221x196, mortal kombat 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine what i was forced into being born in this hell hole

>> No.12016552

Jerky is delicious

>> No.12016573

I tried it once and it didn't appeal to me. Its like survivor food.

>> No.12016729

All possible reasons. Maybe a combination of the 3.

>> No.12016935

If it's packaged it's probably boiled of all good and bad bacteria and majority of the flavour.

See any traditional aged meats and there is a coating of mold over all of it, but within the meat still keeps a rich colour and distinct taste

>> No.12017105

kankerlekker godverdomme

>> No.12017157
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the point still stands

>> No.12017168
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We have Speck.

>> No.12017423
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poles have this

>> No.12017790


>> No.12017821

It's not good for you, and Euros evidently know that better than Americans.

>> No.12017834
File: 351 KB, 1500x998, bresaola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imported american jerky is expensive here in Europistan, also we do have a variety of preserved meats that are tasty and awesome like;
speck,bresaola, coppa, prosciutto, salami and cacciatore in Italy
Katenspek and Rauchschinken in Germany
pasturma, apaki, siglino and Lefkadian salami in Greece
jamon, chorizo, fuet and cecina in Spain
jambon de Bayonne, jambon de Savoie and saucisson sec in France
Polish dry sausage, Hungarian salami
These are the ones I have tried and liked there are many more...

>> No.12018073

this shit is amazing

>> No.12018147

I had no idea fish jerky existed

>> No.12018366

Sehr gut, freund.