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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 786x960, meatloaf hack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11998666 No.11998666 [Reply] [Original]

Food hack thread. Anyone tried this one?

>> No.11998668

Jesus christ just use a lean beef. Fuck

>> No.11998675

Don't do this, it makes mustard gas

>> No.11998758

nice satanic trips my man

to ballpark the doneness of steak with touch, compare it to the feel of the meaty part of the palm of your hand (under your thumb). Bring the tips of your pinky finger and thumb together with a slight squeeze and use the index finger of your other hand to poke beformentioned meaty bit. Continue meeting your thumb with the rest of your fingers to gauge varying degrees of doneness.

pinky = well
annular = medium well
middle = medium rare
index = rare
6th finder = Alabama

>> No.11998760

Any more tips on how to suck all the flavor out of food, Satan?

>> No.11998764

Unless it is pyrex tier (canning jar), it will crack. I don't think that cooling air will displace this volume of water. Thanks for posting something that isn't the same /ck/ cancer though.

>> No.11998782

Seconding this. I've blown out enough cheap beakers to know that only pyrex tier shit is going to survive that.

>> No.11998833

Why do people post shit like this. I assume it blows glass shards in your face.

>> No.11998851


Just out of interest that technique is very similar to an old wives remedy for pimples/abscess. You heat a glass milk bottle in a pan of boiling water then quickly cool the rim and apply to the affected patch of skin. The glass as it cools will cause the pressure inside to change causing the pimple to burst and drawing out the pus as well. You then clean out the milk bottle and put it back out for the milkman to collect.

>> No.11999119

or just use a fucking meat thermometer jesus christ

>> No.11999133

Fucking grim

>> No.11999148

and then you drink it right?

>> No.11999151

or just don't buy disgusting cheap 73/27 ground beef in a tube

>> No.11999155


>> No.11999182

Used to work with a chick who came here from Viet Nam. She did the whole traditional medicine thing.
One day after she'd been coughing for a day or two from a cold she turned her back on me and pulled up her shirt and went "see?"
Like a dozen deep purple bruises on her back only a little smaller than my fist.
So my first thought was "goddamn, she's going to ask me to beat up her tiny husband for what he did to her"
But no, it was from "cupping", which is pretty much what you're describing. Essentially hickeys made with a warmed-up glass.
"This cold will be cured in a matter of days!" she declared.
I don't know how long she thought a cold lasts if you don't do that shit.

Nice girl, though. Catholic, and a hard worker.

>> No.11999191

>"This cold will be cured in a matter of days!" she declared.
don't colds get cured in a matter of days ANYWAY if your immune system isn't shit in the first place?

>> No.11999321
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>So my first thought was "goddamn, she's going to ask me to beat up her tiny husband for what he did to her"

>> No.11999328
File: 551 KB, 2048x1536, CJ71fZV[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olympic swimmers do this shit. Why? Because they're retarded and they think giving yourself bruises helps somehow. He looks like he has a disease.

>> No.11999542

That's what he means, Anon, he's implying the vietgirl was stupid for believing that

>> No.11999622

then lemon on your tongue then down the hatch

>> No.11999662

616 is not the number dude
Satanists the world over know that
Anyone who trusts one manuscript from Egypt over all the other manuscripts is being misled
Go watch Tares Among The Wheat

>> No.11999686

i kekd

>> No.12000345

oh great, meatloaf already tasted bland as fuck and now we can just suck what little flavor was left out of it

>> No.12000360

the jar is sealed by the meat
air expands in heat
I don't know if this would actually explode the jar but I think that's what the joke is

>> No.12000365 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.12000390

it is, because it's the earliest recorded evidence of it being 616. it's just so many retarded bands and edgy cringelords feel ashamed for getting "666" tattoo'd on themselves so they stubbornly refuse evidence

>> No.12000554

>Popping pimples
Enjoy your permanent acne scars

>> No.12000615

goodbye flavor country

>> No.12000650

Was she at least hot? I used to bang a Vietnamese chick and she was hot

>> No.12000656

cook potatoes with your meatloaf so the potatoes absorb the tasty grease instead

>> No.12002251


>> No.12003347


>> No.12003386
File: 83 KB, 750x500, 59a7e53724884946f95ddf67750500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw heating an untempered glass full of grease up to 350°+

>> No.12003450

They make jars that aren't for canning? Why?

>> No.12003467

Not unattractive, but not really my type. She was one of those skinny wiry Vietnamese people with the kind of work ethic that puts the Germans to shame. I just can't imagine someone like that being very interesting in bed. She'd probably just think of it as another chore to finish quickly and effectively so she could get started on the laundry.
Perfect wife material in other words.

>> No.12003488

If your application doesn't require resistance to thermal shock, why would you pay extra for that property?

>> No.12003713

Hipster faggots like to drink beer out of them.

>> No.12003786

What's the story here? He looks like an extra from a horror movie.

>> No.12003806

Acid attack in the UK, which is weird because the UK is such a diverse, peaceful place where everybody from different cultures gets along.

>> No.12003831

malt vinegar

>> No.12003843

That's plausible but if UK wouldn't he also have stabbing scars also

>> No.12003845

The horrible consequences of losing control of your spoon while preparing a vinegar salad dressing

>> No.12003847

Why would you ever put non-Pyrex glass in your oven?

>> No.12003849

They deserve glass in their meat.

>> No.12003850

Who to trust? An olympian or an anonymous fatass on a russian nesting doll discussion forum?

>> No.12003852

It helps promote blow flow to stiff/sore muscles and actually feels really good.

>> No.12003855
File: 98 KB, 634x506, 308FB6E000000578-3415645-image-m-4_1453733356852[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The attacker was white. He mistakenly thought Burnyface had raped someone (he hadn't), so he drove 300 miles to Burnyface's house and threw acid in a random innocent person's face. What a dumb fuckin idiot. Now Burnyface has to keep his face strapped on to his head with headgear. The attacker got 16 years, out in 8 with good behavior. Burnyface thinks he should get the death penalty.

>> No.12003865
File: 96 KB, 634x506, 1551987956966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12003873

Who to trust? A pot-smoking orangutan who's only life achievement is "go fast in water", or the entire world scientific community of doctors and PhD's who say giving yourself hickeys doesn't do anything but pop your superficial capillaries? Tough decision!

>> No.12004080

well he's world-famous, rich as fuck, and has a dozen gold medals. you are presumably none of those things and are instead arguing about zit-popping methods on a chaldean soothsaying forum. i'll take my chances

>> No.12004155

I pop pimples all the time a day never got any scars.

>> No.12004162

>when you go to a cheap plastic surgeon for the Asian treatment

>> No.12004209
File: 19 KB, 210x210, 006 - IqDduVZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha no response? Bye then!

>> No.12004340

>has never seen his face in the mirror under UV light

>> No.12004348

this is fucking ridiculous
touching your god damn hand will not inform you of how well done your steak is, retard

>> No.12004350

Bless this thread.

>> No.12004359

Not that anon, but

>People routinely scrutinize your face/skin under UV light

>> No.12004413


The glass bottle trick does it in a way that is less likely to leave scars.


Olympians do a lot of dumb shit in the belief it works despite those 'treatments' or 'practices' having no substantial medical backing. It's hard to separate the noise from signal in their case because of their intense training regimens to begin with - irrespective of doing whatever unfounded treatment they are on they are going to be more physically fit and capable anyway.

>> No.12004635

You're a dumb fuck who saw some shitty infographic on Facebook

>> No.12004786

For the lulz when it explodes and you really just wanted pizza anyway instead of some shitty roast meat.

>> No.12004938

pyrex has been shit for years now.

>> No.12004942

That’s cool as fuck

>> No.12005824

This works you mongoloid, its a regular tip. You touch the areas describe then touch your steak, especially if its an uneven cut in the thicker areas, and compare the feeling. It's a great way to ballpark how cooked through your steak is. When you combine it with knowing roughly how long the time is to each cooking stage it becomes hard to fuck steak up

>> No.12006043

Behold the Yankee imbecile and his kneejerk revulsion at God's greatest gift to mankind, the Sixie; for he will never know the simple and sublime pleasure of receiving a handjob from woman with six fingers. From the bottom of my 3rd world-tier poverty stricken heart, I pity you.

>> No.12006100

do you drink the grease out of the pan you stupid fat fucking piece of shit?
use the 95%, it's not going to fucking impact the flavor

>> No.12006105

Not sure if these count as hacks, but
>scrambled egg leftovers are easily scraped out of a pan if you let them sit for a while and harden
>flipping meat often doesn't dry it out, and actually cooks it faster and more evenly
>a thick piece of plate steel turns a grill into a griddle

>> No.12006107
File: 307 KB, 888x666, 1549849358136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use the grease to deep fry chicken the next day

>> No.12006184

Useless tip considering I only make meatloaf for sandwiches and refrigerate the shit shortly after.

>> No.12006242
File: 20 KB, 120x162, 32032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chaldean soothsaying forum

>> No.12006248
File: 24 KB, 200x200, 1505170737791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12006398

Because people have been canning for a millenia before pyrex was around and still would somehow succeed.

>first the jars are placed into hot oven for sterilization
>the air and radiant heat will heat the jars gently enough
>when off the oven, the jars are placed on a towel to insulate them from the cold counter
>the preservatives and the pickling juice is added in hot, while the jars are still hot, so less thermal shock
>the jars are also sealed hot, with lids also coming from boiling water, for that all important hygiene
>after sealed, they are left to cool into room temperature undisturbed where they are

Even if the jars were to crack, they would most likely just crack and hold their content. At worst they would split in hald and one has 2 liters of hot pickle juice on their lap if they are not prepared, but no explosions with flying glass.

Most people who home-can around here just use grocery store pickle jars they have accumulated themselves or asked around from relatives and those for sure haven't seen pyrex.

>> No.12006402

maybe because i own brosicilate, faggot?

>> No.12006407

Borosilicate retard.

>> No.12006425

alexa’s, add that to dictionary and spank this man

>> No.12006427

>Piercing the meat before it has a chance to relax
You deserve Dollar tree quality steak

>> No.12006450

But the juice is the best part. What am I supposed to pour on my potatoes?

>> No.12006488

>I read bunnyface

>> No.12006499

Burnyface should just go kill the dude, what else does he have to live for

>> No.12006510


>> No.12006520

Mummy's milkies

>> No.12006531

That story contains two examples of why victims aren't allowed to administer justice in civilisation.

>> No.12007291

because the firmness of ones hand doesn't differ person to person or change as you age

>> No.12007303

it's still close enough to be a functional guideline.

>> No.12007732


>> No.12007745


>> No.12007890

not real meatloaf

>> No.12007892
File: 50 KB, 700x461, 1545068458182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinking a tiny pierce is going to completely ruin a piece of meat

>> No.12007907

Good post

>> No.12008853

You deserve a bullet for that dumb fucking post anon

>> No.12008866

Really good bait, complemented with a smug anime image. 10/9

>> No.12008869

I dont give a flying fuck about how my face looks like under UV dipshit

>> No.12008879

Good fucking jesus on a stick, that is repulsing...I seriously hope this is just a ruse to get retarded middle-aged women blowing up mason jars into their food.

>> No.12009283

kek'd out loud thank you anon

>> No.12009338

> Pop pimples all day, no scars
> Decide to not pop pimples. See what happens.
> Leaves me pockmarked.
I just want to know what the right thing to do is

>> No.12009367

> Not being aware of the superior qualities of only the broiest of silicates.

>> No.12009382

Lab tier Pyrex is different than baking dish Pyrex. Might be the source of confusion per mention of beakers

>> No.12010734

Olympic athletes also grew mustaches when someone won who was too lazy to shave, and jokingly said that his mustache decreased his wind resistance.

>> No.12011803


>> No.12011835
File: 3.09 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190303_043441581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute shit, I check my daughter's face and hands with a UV light when she comes home and I never noticed anything like that. Liar.

>> No.12011859

Thanks for the nostalgic memories, anon.

>> No.12011964

is your life really that superficial?

>> No.12012032

to check for semen?

>> No.12012415

>well he's world-famous, rich as fuck, and has a dozen gold medals.
Fuck, I spent my adult life pursuing a career in biology when I really should have just learned how to swim fast. That I would be an expert of biological processes.

>> No.12012445

The only hack I got from this thread is that I could have been cooking my meat looks in my cast iron the entire time

>> No.12012464

Only in America.

>> No.12012474

Only Daddy's semen is allowed.
Jokes aside, if you actually check your daughter with a UV light then you're a dangerous father and should consider leaving your wife and child.

>> No.12012515

Looks like there's 2 things within mouths reach at the very least

>> No.12012598

I mean. The guy did get his face melted the fuck off. Im sure it greatly reduced his quality of life. Worse than death? Idk. If he gets to fondle those sweater puppies his old lady is smuggling maybe not.

>> No.12013550


>people's meatloaf gets greasy

This is why you use binders, kiddos

>> No.12013980

>PS2-era Armored Core
I find your use of ground beef drippings to fry chicken somewhat off-putting, but your taste in mecha is absolutely patrician.