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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12005326 No.12005326 [Reply] [Original]

First time posting here, rate my dinner

>> No.12005342

its fine

>> No.12005345

pasta looks dry. steak is well-seasoned. would've added some spinach myself.

>> No.12005384

How many calories is that?

>> No.12005389

Steak looks fine maybe slightly overdone, I would not have gone with pasta but that's just me.

>> No.12005395

To the pasta, or are you saying you'd just have some spinach as a side?

How would you prepare it?

>> No.12005400

This is a vegan board, carnist. Come back with a plate of veggies next time.

>> No.12005418

Depends how fresh it is. If it's still crisp and fresh, I like to eat it raw to add a contrast to the heaviness of the pasta. If it looks kinda meh, you could add it to the sauce a minute or two before taking off the burner. If you want to be fancy and do it separately, probably lightly saute in a little butter or oil with some garlic and/or red chili flakes. You only need to cook it a little.

>> No.12005444

Not sure I would pair pasta with steak but good on ya m8. Maybe if you explained the pasta and the steaks seasoning it would make more sense.

>> No.12005466

A fucking delight

>> No.12005476
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do you faggots unironically enjoy eating little twigs with your steak like what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.12005480

Nice table cloth martha stewart, every day a picnic

>> No.12005487

Yup. Variety is the spice of life.

>> No.12005490

i haven't eaten in 40 hours so it looks pretty good.

>> No.12005496

fasting, anon?

>> No.12005501

How many calories is this?

>> No.12005503

You'd better eat a fist full of vitamins if you wanna live to see morning, faggot

>> No.12005512


how'd you guess?

>> No.12005514

Way better than the Burger King that I had for dinner.

>> No.12005515


oh you silly american

>> No.12005551


>> No.12005557
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>> No.12005590

Steak looks like a shitty cut. Don't put dried Rosemary on a steak. Average/10

>> No.12005610

Good job making a thread and not replying once. I hope you choke on that steak.

>> No.12005973

looks good to me, Anon! Enjoy!

>> No.12006034

pretty sure they responded here: >>12005395

>> No.12006039

>maybe slightly overdone
It's clearly rare and yet doesn't even have a decent sear.
It's customary to post a money shot (cut open the steak and show us how it's actually cooked on the inside) - I'm not optimistic.

>> No.12006040
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you shouldn't be. op is peacefully slumbering now.

>> No.12006101

thats definitely an above wal - mart level cut by looking at the marble. The problem is it looks pan cooked :)

>> No.12006103

also what the hell is that rosemary doing it makes the steak look 3 times as ugly

>> No.12006138

Why do we fastingfags always go to /ck/? It's like torturing yourself.

>> No.12006220

Try 100 hours, faggot

>> No.12006243

t. masochist

>> No.12006255


>> No.12006259

looks like a slop o shit desu

>> No.12006284


>> No.12006287

420, check em

>> No.12006292

ur mom

>> No.12006480

Don't like the addition of herbs much and those aren't steak frites.

>> No.12006492

>he can't appreciate vegetables
fucking pleb

>> No.12006536

>pasta and steak
What kind of fucking weird combination is this

>> No.12006538

The kind a caveman could only have dreamed of

>> No.12006765

When I wrestled in high school, I'd cut like a retard and pretty much fast for three days before weigh-ins. I'd spend my free time browsing /ck/, food videos on youtube, or sleeping. God do I miss it.

>> No.12006795
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How’s mine?

>> No.12006796

I don’t like twiggy bits on my steak. I’m assuming those are thyme branches. Otherwise it looks nice.

>> No.12006802
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I baked for the first time, made lemon raspberry scones. I used a third of how much butter the recipe called for, and didn't have cream so I mixed some butter with milk because that's what some shitty internet blog suggested, and that made it into a soggy mix, so I had to add another cup of flour. Not scone-like, but still good.

>> No.12006816
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Lunch the other day.

>> No.12007764


>> No.12008668

>two starches

>> No.12008888

Those fries look like shit

>> No.12008984

Protip: no one likes eating whole Rosemary needles. Chop them up.

>> No.12009004

Looks 'meh'

looks much better.

to be fair I never care how food looks as long as it tastes good. I put literally zero effort into my plating but I cook really well. as long as it tastes good, that's all that matters really.

>> No.12009017

looks 10/10 but I still agree with >>12008668

>> No.12009055

>Double black
Nice, my favorite JW, but mostly because it tastes the most similar to bourbon of any scotch I've had. It's been too long, my last purchase was at Dubai duty-free in 2013. How's the availability these days?

>> No.12009375


>> No.12009403

Who the fuck eats steak with pasta? Christ..

>> No.12009422

looks fake and gay

>> No.12009433
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>> No.12009435


>> No.12009448

Looks like you dropped it on the floor

>> No.12009504

This looks like a bunch of dried herbs. The rosemary might as well be 5 month old pine needles.

>> No.12009731

Would be better if you added some pasta and also a nice loaf of bread to this meal

>> No.12010217

more veggies and cut that pasta in half, drop the pasta and have a beer.

>> No.12010249

>pieces of sticks or twigs on my fucking steak
try hard and gaypilled

>> No.12010259

Save the Rosemary for the Porkchop, Steak is Salt and Pepper or Montreal Steak Spice.

>> No.12010261

Ok whomst the fuck eats a side of pasta with steak?

>> No.12010270

>better post the same thing everyone else in the thread has

>> No.12010278


>> No.12010310

8/10 would date

>> No.12010312


>> No.12010574
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H-h-how about mine?

The pierogi was frozen and the salmon was pre-seasoned, and the asparagus probably could have done with a couple minutes less under the broiler but it all tasted good in the end

>> No.12010589

your plating is messy, but I'd definitely eat. love me some pierogi

>> No.12010635

i like it. it's like a weird steak frites. might slice up some steak into my next pasta

>> No.12010767

It looks good anon

>> No.12010832

Is it the physical intimacy that you miss?

>> No.12010834

it's probably getting to touch another dude's balls while groups of people watch.

>> No.12010894

needs way more veggies get some veggies on there maybe some veggies and activated eggs and some nice de-acidised veggie clubroot (organic) get also some veggies for health like parsnips and microsalad with veggie shavings like carrote and some veggies for side dish

>> No.12010895
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>> No.12010935

I mean there is a satisfaction in manhandling other people, which thankfully for me was the case for me most of the time. But I miss the camaraderie of our team, plus I was our captain.

There is something magical about stuffing your face with a pb&j after a grueling weight cut.