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11999189 No.11999189 [Reply] [Original]

Starting lent soon, I tend to fast.

Every year I cut out booze, sugar and only have meats and dairy on certain days. Plus no food on Fridays or wednesdays.

This year I am upping the ante: all that plus no meat at all.
What am I in for? Will I wither away?

>> No.11999197


just eat plenty of fish and seafood like the lenters of the olden days

>> No.11999206

Grains and vegetables. Just for 47 days youll be fine. I used to give up meat booze and tobacco every year but it started to affect my family so I switched over the no meat to drinking only water. No tea, coffee, booze, milk etc.

>> No.11999224

peanuts give complete prot, too

>> No.11999497

This is a protestant board Catholic scum.

>> No.11999525

>Will I wither away?

being vegetarian for a while won't kill you, anon. try shakshuka, it's almost perfect for lent

>> No.11999528

>You who gave up quite a bit for Lent despite not being Catholic? Jesus :3
But really though many protestant denominations have no direction either way on whether or not you should observe Lent with a personal sacrifice like OP. I know in my church the rule is that you are free to do it but dont try and force others to do it

>> No.11999559

It was literally never even mentioned at my church.

>> No.11999578

Have you asked for direction on it? Because its not mentioned in mine either because its not a required thing. As you go further and furthur into the liberal churches you do start to find some that believe Lent is "too catholic" and will frown on it or even expressly forbid it

>> No.11999605

Meant for >>11999559

>> No.11999801

I know it caused a bit of stir at the Lutheran church in our town. The preacher is a pretty nice guy, but he gets a lot of flak for being "too catholic," such as the time he used incense for the church's 100th anniversary or that he gives up stuff for lent.

At any rate, does anyone have some easy to make non-meat dishes for lent? Ash Wednesday snuck up on me so I ate pancakes for lunch today, but I'd like to cook something that's an actual meal for Fridays.

>> No.12000275

I do similar. It's hard. Carbs, soups, and legumes are always important to me. Bread with every meal.

>> No.12000331

Is there any basis in script to support the adherence to Lent?

>> No.12000362

I love how they don't count fish as meat

>> No.12000397

are eggs considered vegan, or is it considered a meat?

>> No.12000499
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>> No.12000573

Orthodox or Protestant

>> No.12000765

I swear to fucking God I will get my crusader helm out right fucking now

>> No.12000839

As much as Christmas or Easter. The church assigned meaning to a part of the calendar to create group remembrance of significant events in the new testament. I'm not Catholic, but I don't mind playing along with Lent as a way of remembering Jesus' time in the desert

>> No.12001042

As far as I know they're fine for Lent, but actual Vegetarians and Vegans consider them to be meat.

>> No.12001044

Vegetarians do not consider eggs meat

>> No.12001057


No food on Fridays OR Wednesdays? What the fuck is wrong with religious people lol

>> No.12001085

No. It's pagan sun god worship, like everything else. The idea is that you give up one earthly pleasure so that Tamuz can have that experience in the afterlife. Now there is far less child murdering involved with lent than there is with other pagan traditions, like easter.

>> No.12001198

my grandparents do the no eggs/dairy/meat during all of Lent, i'm thinking of joining them. it's not too long really.

>> No.12001215

Dont be such a pussy. If you're going to fast, then fast. Water. That's it.

>> No.12001271


I'm Episcopalian so what do I know but from what I understand is the whole idea is to emulate Christ's fasting in the wilderness in which he was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-2; Mark 1:13) though it has very little connection with Easter itself. The whole idea is to rid oneself of that which inhibits us from having a better fellowship with Christ (which can honestly be done at any time, but I digest). This year I'm going to forgo alcohol and porn and hopefully keep it all away for good.

>> No.12001276

>being Catholic or religious at all

>> No.12002626

I do it, it's kinda sad that many people don't even realize that this was the traditional fast for centuries, it's not even that difficult today with how available shit is. The biggest difficulty for me is if I'm with family or friends, I sometimes forget to check of stuff has dairy or I'll eat some stuff just on reflex. I find it fun to try lots of vegetable based meals, especially salads with different oils and vinegars.

>> No.12003263

You’ll unlock the true vegan divine powers AKA true enlightened anti racist anti xenophobia vegod!

>> No.12003276

Yeah... this just seems like cheating. I'm not going to try and "pull a fast one" on my faith

>> No.12003282

I'm orthodox you cuck

>> No.12003293

>Water for 40 days
Ok annon, you go first

>> No.12004646
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>thinking a 40d fast is difficult
your faggotry is truly inspiring

>> No.12004662

>pulling a fast one on something completely fine
No wonder you have faith. You’re fucking retarded.

>> No.12004671

Is this (vegan hoarding for "muh complete proteins") why buckwheat is so expensive now?