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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11999034 No.11999034 [Reply] [Original]

Why does steak have to be soaked in butter and seasoning for it to be delicious? Isn't it a bit of a cop out? You can put butter + salt on anything and it'll be amazing.

>> No.11999043

Good + Good = Even gooder

>> No.11999045

meat is all like that, it's pretty trash and a big reason people are moving towards plant based diets because they are realizing that meat just isn't meant to be ate by humans. Wild animals never had to "cook" out harmful bacteria and god forbid cook something well done to be edible.

>> No.11999046


Sometimes the pure meat flavor of a good rib-eye cooked in a blistering hot pan is enough. it usually is for me

>> No.11999050
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>> No.11999062

that's because your stomach pH is fucked up from eating an omnivoric diet. If you ate 100% raw carni your stomach pH would drop like a stone and you'd be able to safely eat almost anything you could find in raw (even close to rotting) meat.

>> No.11999064
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>> No.11999074

I think you completely missed my point. Humans can obviously eat meat. The question is why do people try to create so much nuance and craft around cooking steak when most of the flavor profile is simply attributable to butter and salt? Even the flavors gained from searing are just a result of caramelization and texture.

>> No.11999090

because why not? Humans are at a point where we already know the basics, the only thing left to do is play around attempt to take tradition and push it forward through experimentation and also the fact that cooking is a craft that is getting easier and easier to do through technology so people who are proficient at cooking are now trying to understand the science and art behind it.

>> No.11999251


>> No.11999275

I eat raw meat all the time, the only reason we cook it so much now is because meat is kept on shelves longer and is generally sourced from places further away. But if you have a butcher with a local source that's verified, you can eat that shit raw.

>> No.11999409

God vegans are so fucking retarded.

>> No.11999446

i use salt and a little bit of oil for cooking. 90 seconds each side, rest for a few minutes, love rare steak

>> No.11999510

Because it costs a lot of money and an animal dies? You're paying for a flavor sponge; that is it.

>> No.12000500


>> No.12000521

>Why does steak have to be soaked in butter and seasoning for it to be delicious?

it doesn't?

>> No.12000531

i never understood adding butter, especially rib-eyes. They're well fatty enough already. Just some salt and pepper is fantastic.

>> No.12000532

you know we had to refine the shit out of most of our plant based diet to make it edible right?

>> No.12000555

It doesn't if you get high quality meat. Good red meat can smell almost sweet and appetizing even when raw. But obviously fat and salt taste good too, and since we aren't really supposed to just eat a single thing, combinations of foods will taste better.

>> No.12000565

well try it then faggot and see

>> No.12000600

maybe i will once i give up on being in good shape

>> No.12000616


>> No.12000617

I had a steak like this earlier this week. I was cooking outside in the snow over a gas boiler so I was feeling kind of lazy. Didn't even add salt. It was pretty good but it definitely could have used a little salt to make it better.

>> No.12000659

Yeah. So why wouldn’t I cop out and add even better flavors as well.

>> No.12000693

>Why does steak have to be soaked in butter and seasoning for it to be delicious?
It doesn't. Steak is good on its own. Beef tastes good with absolutely no additions. It's expensive though, so you might as well go all out.

>> No.12000726

Same reason why steak needs ketchup. It just does.

>> No.12000738

Honestly I don't actually like the taste of butter with beef. It just doesn't do it for me personally. A nice fatty steak with salt and pepper is all I need.

>> No.12001466


I dont really like butter on anything other than cornbread. Its worst on steak IMO.

>> No.12001983

>people STILL fall for vegan trollposts

>> No.12001990

Elvis had 40 pounds of compacted meat in his colon when he died

>> No.12002111

That must have been one big gay nigga in morgue.

>> No.12002143

>Isn't it a bit of a cop out?
Your parents probably thought it was a bit of a cop out when you blamed all of your inadequacies on a learning disability and small dick, but they still love you regardless.

>> No.12002148

i focus the heat in my hands to cook steak by true will

>> No.12002154

I've always thought it was an overrated meat. I understand how delicious it can be but people act like its some sort of achievement to be able to cook steak well

>> No.12002421

Veganposting should net you an instant and permanent range ban.

>> No.12002605

I agree. I don't think you need more fat, particularly on ribeyes, you just need something that turns the fat more complex. What I've found that works well is red miso. A very thin spread on both sides while it comes up to room temperature richens and adds complexity to the rendered fats when cooking. Give it a try.

>> No.12003889

You eat shit quality meat if you need butter to make it good.