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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 779 KB, 1080x1485, 20190305_221240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11994762 No.11994762 [Reply] [Original]

Do you miss it ? Ive never had one since 5yo

>> No.11994769

I never liked birthday cake, especially when they'd serve me a plate with a scoop of ice cream on it as well.

>> No.11994771

Holy shit I'm sorry you love sucked, do you want a hug?

>> No.11994784

If you’re over 16 you’re too old to celebrate your bday

>> No.11994788


>> No.11994805

I miss thinking that people care about me.

>> No.11994813

I once had one at age 8. The cream gave me diarrhea, stop eating anything with cream ever since

>> No.11994829
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T-thanks kind anon

>> No.11994832

You can just buy a cake whenever the fuck you want and stick some candles in it, if you're that curious.

Cheap cakes (nothing more than sponge with icing shit on it) suck, mudcakes are pretty decent, cheesecakes are great. If you want a stupidly good cake, you should make it yourself, most premades cut every corner they can.

>> No.11994836

I miss not being suicidal

>> No.11994842

I love birthday cake but I fucking hate the extremely sweet icing they use. Literally prefer pies now because of that. Cake a la mode is stupid. Maybe a brownie a la mode but cake? Fuck that

>> No.11994856

I would be so disappointed if my birthday "cake" was just a bunch of glazed donuts.

>> No.11994860

t. nobody has ever loved me

>> No.11994862
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>> No.11994874

You’re right being orphaned a couple times and physically abused by parents and siblings and verbally abused by teachers that will happen

>> No.11994887

i just ate my sisters old birthday cake for breakfast lol

some coffee variation from the asian bakery.

>> No.11994892

OR, just go to any competent bakery. Sorry Anon, you're not as good at baking as you think.

>> No.11994901

Because he shares it with 100 guests

>> No.11994908

>any competent bakery

Those seriously only exist in Europe

>> No.11994945
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Just because you don't get out much doesn't mean you should spout bullshit all over 4chan.

>> No.11994973

Birthday cakes are for kids.

>> No.11995001
File: 374 KB, 716x1024, 1537292090844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom still makes me the special birthday cake recipe she's been making since I was 2 years old and every year she makes it a different theme based on animals and other stuff I like

>> No.11995017

I always feel guilty when someone gets me cake because I can never remember people's birthdays, often I completely forget my own except when filling out forms
Sometimes I feel that my birth is not worthy of celebration but literally anyone else's is, so I don't include my birthday on social media. It makes me happy and sad to see friends and acquaintances celebrating each other's birthdays

>> No.11995030
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Your mommy sounds like a nice lady.

>> No.11995035

That's sweet, anon.

>> No.11995037

sounds very comfy anon

>> No.11995038

>OR, just go to any competent bakery.
Depends where you live. None of those here.

>> No.11995041

My mommy is the best
My biggest purpose in life is to make her happy. The only reason I've attained any kind of independent success is for her.

>> No.11995046

Is that David Beckham's son?

>> No.11995052

I've never seen a special cake with so much love. Care to share a photo of the cake ?

>> No.11995055

Yes. That's DB's wife account

>> No.11995063

>missing the point this hard

>> No.11995069
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>> No.11995070

Intentionally. I'm not going to enable your self-pity party, buncha faggots.

>> No.11995259
File: 1.06 MB, 2560x1440, 20180531_201119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a shrimp cake she made because I got pet shrimp recently

>> No.11995276

beautiful, anon

>> No.11995289

I'm 24 and I still get birthday cake. My grandma doesn't let anyone in our family go without it.

I love her.

>> No.11995294

So special. You can really see the love.

>> No.11995347

Your mom is awesome. The chocolate robin eggs are a fucking kino touch.

>> No.11995367
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I'm gonna dab all over that cake!

>> No.11995375

Did you ask her where the eggs come from haha

>> No.11995399
File: 155 KB, 1366x768, 1531303983060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can just buy a cake whenever the fuck you want and stick some candles in it, if you're that curious.

>> No.11995414

Nah. I'm alone most days of my life, but being alone on my birthday is the most special day of being alone. It just feels so nice sitting there quietly thinking it's your birthday. It's terrible to have other people come around spoiling it, acting as if they're being so nice to do so. They couldn't come around on a less special day? Any of the other 364 days of the year? No, it has to be my birthday. The one day I really enjoy being alone.

>> No.11995417

Thanks frens. I'll pass on the compliments to her.
I've told her she should do this professionally but she says she only has the energy to do it twice a year (me and my sister).

>> No.11995420

All me.

>> No.11995422

also >>11995276, didn't see your post

>> No.11995459


Include me in the screen cap please.

>> No.11995462

I'd like to do your sister twice a year.

>> No.11995482

Holy fucking shit. I think I've finally understand what it means when ppl say " i put love in it" when cooking. I'm touched

>> No.11995504
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You better do something nice for your mom when she have her birthday ya hear ?

>> No.11995514
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 389642F7-9F15-45C2-B2CA-24EA882AD156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mother is a diagnosed bipolar bitch who only speaks to me when she has to during the family christmas
[spoiler]her emotional neglect is the reason I want a mommy gf so badly

>> No.11995527

>mom buys me a birthday cake with the number 28 on it
>it's only me and her celebrating in a shitty apartment
>reality sets in
>still too pussy to neck myself

>> No.11995533

Neck together?

>> No.11995540
File: 403 KB, 1080x1080, 20190102_014045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy quad dub !

>> No.11995891

last time i had birthday cake i had to make it myself

>> No.11995913
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>> No.11995925
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checked holy shit

>> No.11995949

Sounds like you had it coming you wet blanket

>> No.11995965
File: 361 KB, 1122x1253, 482663F5-9A25-428F-B804-1C530FFBD54F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my cake today, was nice.