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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11981610 No.11981610 [Reply] [Original]

>nobody comes

If a doctor ever gives me 24 hours to live I’m destroying as many of these fuckers as I can. I can’t take it anymore anons.

>> No.11981617

Sounds like a personal problem.
This is /ck/ btw. Not /g/

>> No.11981626

What do people usually buy at the grocery store anon?

>> No.11981653

Food! And guess what else isn't the topic of this thread....?
Go to /g/, they'd probably tell you what's going on.

>> No.11981654

These have improved substantially over the past few years. I haven't had a problem with these in a long time.

>> No.11981656

i've gotten lucky with them, the places I go the workers are just as tired of them so they turned the volume almost all the way off and they don't take nearly as long to register the weight of the items like they used to.

>> No.11981676

>Lane Closed
Why bother doing this? They're fucking computers. What's the point?

>> No.11981695

Never forget the time I was on vacation and accidentally hit the spanish button for this thing

>> No.11981719

>buying alcohol again
>want to avoid human judgement so use the robot cashiers
>scan booze
>can't finish purchase without an assistant coming over and validating it with their PIN
>they come over and punch the PIN in in a judgemental manner

I just want to fucking buy stuff, why are you still putting me through this shit.

>> No.11981726

Thx to this, I don't buy any fruits or vegetables anymore. Here, you have to wait for a human to come to check if you aren't trying to steal some shit.


>> No.11981751

I'm sorry you haven't figured out how to use these in the 10 years they've been out, ask your handler to do it next time

>> No.11981759

The till might not have cash in it for change, or just be out of order in general.

>> No.11981760

Unions are killing this industry

>> No.11981769

So fuck ass teenagers don't get them in legal trouble because they allowed a minor to purchase alcohol/cigarettes/spoons

>> No.11981784

>implying teenagers don't just ask any random person entering the store to buy booze for them

It's dumb. It doesn't solve what it's meant to solve. It's just a burden on people who aren't actually doing anything illegal.

>> No.11981785

I always run my $8.99/lb+ nuts as in-shell peanuts and apples as $0.99/lb fuji or whatever. That's what they get for making me do their job.

>> No.11981792


>> No.11981793

Put a sign on the machine saying "card only." Lots of places do that.

>> No.11981800
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>> No.11981868

If the machine can’t differentiate shit I’ve already paid for from shit I haven’t, I’m not the problem. Also, the new ones have cold, shrill voices without any warmth in them. They make me feel like I’m doing something wrong when I’m just trying to scan my damn groceries. They need to die.

>> No.11981898

Fuck em anon. You are who you are and if you want to buy some alcohol that is your right to do so. Also why do you care what someone working at a grocery store thinks? They're probably just annoyed the machine sucks

>> No.11982016

>An associate has been notified
>Staring at employee
>Employee staring at me
>Employee doesn't move an inch

>> No.11982058

>tfw you put unscanned items in the bagging area just so a woman's voice will talk to you

>> No.11982074

>10 years, he says
God, even 3rd worlders have had this shit longer than that. What 47th world fuckhole of a country do you live in where these things weren't introduced in the late 90s? Or are you a flyover?

>> No.11982093

They have a mute button.

>> No.11982097

But you said you hated standing in line for a cashier. Which is it sweetie?

>> No.11982102

literally go slower.

>> No.11982112

>have to keep item in bagging area

>not enough room to keep all of my items in the bagging area

>> No.11982120

mfw local supermarket has 16 self serve checkouts with the scales disabled because they're so glitchy and one really stupid overworked 18 year old girl working the section. I smile politely and as soon as some mom with 5 screaming kids gets her attention, I start grabbing handfuls of items, running it over the scanner, and bagging it up beep or not. I get multiple same items so I can grab all 5 frozen pizzas and scan one. I usually leave with 3 bags crammed full of shit and end up paying about 15 or 20 bucks and i give the staff member an understanding amile and get told have a nice day kek

>> No.11982148

>be one of the poor saps who watches over everyone using them
>single mom and her autism spawn is using the machine
>child keeps playing with the bag scale
>watch as she gets more and more upset with the machine
>slide over and let the kid know if he doesn't touch the scale he can go home faster
>mom glares at me
>they finish checking out much faster now
>she finishes and goes over to my manger and starts to yell at her that I verbally assaulted her autism spawn
>manager calls me over to tell me this happened and we laugh at her

The second worst thing about Walmart was the customers. The worst thing was their stupid self check machines.

>> No.11982169

No one is forcing you to use them, retard.

>> No.11982409

I’m a flyoverfag and can confirm they’ve been here since 2003

>> No.11982436

Walmart's amazing.

I recently tried Albertson's, and oh my god never again.

>what b-but it's already there
>look around, nobody coming
>clear that literally no assistance will come
>abandon ship and try another machine
>five minutes later hear another person at the original station realize they have my original first few entries on their bill while they're talking to a manager
God what a fucking shit show.

>> No.11982455

Nobody is judging you for buying alcohol and if they are they have bigger issues then you. You are just being paranoid m8

>> No.11982577


>> No.11982581

Let me give you a tip -- don't bag your shit. Scan everything, dump it over where the bags are, pay for your shit, THEN bag it. The scales absolutely hate when people bag stuff because the weight get really unpredictable.

I'm not defending the things. Just trying to help you not put your foot through one.

>> No.11982589

I only recently learned to use these, the one's at walmart are okay, fuck anywhere that won't let me put bags back in my cart as I go.


My boomer mom refuses to try to use these.

>> No.11982592

They seem to have weird rules. You need to have a bag in the baggage area at all times. If you put it on the floor or in a trolley, nope, that isn't working. It seems like something you can get used to, but they should be more intuitive.

>> No.11982596

shop at target, its easy as fuck

fuck kroger

>> No.11982605

Lidl employee here. In my experience, it's only brainlets who can't use self-checkout properly.

>> No.11982606

Use the checkout line.
Let these fuckheads eat their losses for trying to make you use their self checkout shit.

>> No.11982609

My store doesn't have assistants nearby. So when it starts freaking out, I literally form anxiety. It's become a real problem :(

>> No.11982621

It's better to not have assistants nearby. I don't usually use the machines because I live abroad. When I came back I made mistakes using these machines and had the same assistant come over four times to put in their pin. They were visibly annoyed and it was tense. Much more stressful than just being unable to pay.

>> No.11982632

Fresh fruit and veg don't have a barcode so you get them for free using the self checkout. It's great.

>> No.11982637


My friend works at a very upscale grocery store and he is always telling stories about all the cretin who are constantly trying to pull scams or generally shitting up the store. Dealing with the people that shop at a walmart on a regular basis must be hell.

>> No.11982647

>ring up $50 worth of goods
>not being able to pay
Wtf anon, a moment of help by a "tense" employee is nothing compared to that waste of time.

>> No.11982720

Don't use the machine if you've got a full shopping cart. That shit has limited space for a reason.

>> No.11983196

Are Americans really incapable of using basic machines which tell them exactly what to do?

>> No.11983202


Venezuela :^)

>> No.11983205

Kind of heartbreaking when you see that happen to an obviously overworked mother and she has to sort through everything deciding which items to remove. Inevitably there's a treat for the child somewhere in there and he starts crying when he sees he can't have it.

>> No.11983275

In the uk theyre supposed to be trialing facial recognition soon i think, you upload a picture of yourself and your proof of age documents to this website then when you go in store the self checkouts have cameras built into them, then when you scan an age restricted item it takes a picture of your face and checks it against the database and your proof of age documents then it lets you continue without needing a member of staff to verify. I think they are also trialing facial recognition with age guessing, kinda like those apps that try to guess peoples age from a picture, so you may not even need to upload any documents, it just looks at your face and guesses your age and if you look under 25 then it flags it for a member of staff, if you look over then it doesnt.

>> No.11983291

I've had this happen before. I swiped everything back into my basket, moved to another machine and scanned everything again. You could be standing there for 10 minutes if you wait for the one cashier to finish taking a shit or whatever. Cheap bastard stores only staffing one person for all the machines is ridiculous. They're already forcing us to do somebody else's job to buy something from them. The future sucks.

>> No.11983303

I never have this issue. I figure it's teens with weed dependency that can't figure out the most basic things in life and are putting other items in bagging area, leaning against it, dropping items on the scale throwing it off, or something.

>> No.11983323

>Move my hand across the scanner area
>Machine 'needs an associate'
>Associate puts in pin and the machine displays video of me from multiple angles claiming I 'forgot to scan an item' (attempted shoplifting)

>> No.11983335

It happens to me often just because I'm scanning a little too quickly. You have to scan and bag at a snail's pace for it to register correctly. You're basically stuck with the slowest possible human cashier equivalent every time. It sucks. The technology is shit and inferior in every way to a human cashier. The only buyer-side advantages are for customers with severe social anxiety (who probably order food online now anyway) or who intend to steal groceries.

>> No.11983346

Stop shopping at grocery stores and pharmacys. They mark up 50% on wholesale compared to Costco's 14%.

>> No.11983355

>self-scan $60 of groceries
>finish and select payment type
>machine freaks out and flashes
>manager comes over and paws through all the bags, cross-referrencing receipt for 5 minutes
>he can't find anything wrong, clears machine and gives me a suspicious look and says it's fine
>annoyed as fuck, I spend another few minutes cross-referencing the receipt myself and find that the scanner missed one $0.89 can of shitty tuna that I did scan
>point it out to manager, then ring up one can of shitty tuna for $0.89
>manager gives me a smug, condescending look as I leave
>get condescending look every time I shop there

>> No.11983389
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We should have listened.

>> No.11983402

look up ASMR, it'll improve your life.

>> No.11984250

good maybe they'll give store employees authority to execute search and arrest warrants haha for efficiency right bros

>> No.11984409

don't have this problem in europe

>> No.11984416

Only subhuman cannot use these

>> No.11984422

It depends on the store, anon. Some are shit as fuck and literally break whenever you do anything.

>> No.11984596

I work security and all night I watch brainlets try to use these things. It’s amazing how many of them can’t read. Lane says closed, they stand there and try to scan there items. Sign says Cash only? They’ll scan $100 worth of items and try to shove their cash in the slot. And my favorite is when they are done checking out they don’t press pay now and just slide their card. I saw a guy stare at the screen for 5 minutes after doing that.

>> No.11984674

>Grocery stores start carrying these
>Have 15 lanes but most of the time only have 1-3 cashiers, 5 if things are really busy
>Baggers aren't taught basic shit like don't put my fucking beef with cleaning chemicals, or fruit with meat, or anything else that takes fucking common sense to understand
>A lot of the times baggers aren't even there and will wander off, so I have to bag shit anyways if we want to move things along
>Cashiers say not to help bag and they'll do it.
>Just go over to self checkout, takes longer to unload and bag since there's no space
>Messages like OPs comes up
>Guy managing it has completely fucked off to oblivion or is having a conversation
At least there's no retard that's bagging things together that shouldn't be bagged together.

>> No.11984687

Then all the cashlets will get upset, and we can't have that.

>> No.11984845

/g/ here. when someone tells you that AI is taking over the world and will take away everyone's jobs, these machines are proof they are wrong.

>> No.11985088


>> No.11985098

Why is there not a button that allow me to put the 2 bags that fit on the scale into my cart? Everytime I use these stupid things I end up with a mountain of unbagged items that I have to sort out after I pay

>> No.11985099

the fact that these things don't have some sort of quantity option makes me want to "accidentally" forget to scan some of my 30 identical items. wet cat food is the only reason i refuse to use these.

>> No.11985109


holy shit can you imagine drinking FOUR WHOLE BEERS a night??!?!

>> No.11985110

I put chemicals meat and vegetables together in one bag all the time. It matters less than you think. The bottles are closed. The meat is sealed. See somebody about your OCD. You can develop tools to manage it.

>> No.11985112

Lol what? Kys

>> No.11985122

I think it's more akin to that being a grocery bagger was my first job as a teenager, and during the training this was one of the things that they stressed. It made sense to me, and just stuck with me.

>> No.11985254
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My local walmart had these for about a month before removing them because they lost a shit ton from nogs stealing.
T. Florida

>> No.11986239

This is exactly what happens to me! Some employees even look frustrated when I simply take my groceries to the next machine because I don’t want to wait for their nasty ass to hobble over to me and passive aggressively enter the code as slowly as possible while huffing at me like I’m the one with a problem

>> No.11986350


>> No.11988022

>Also, the new ones have cold, shrill voices without any warmth in them
Do you cum when you hear the female cashier voice?

>> No.11988034

I don't know how good they are where you live, but they're fine where I am. the only people i hear whining about them are boomers.

I'm literally in and out of supermarkets without a fuss. It's fucking convenient.

>> No.11988068

Maybe she should have kept her legs closed

>> No.11990001

Maybe if you weren't retarded, it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.11990454

Why the fuck do these systems work like that around the world? In The Netherlands you just scan your products, pay and leave.

>> No.11990461

once i started just filling my bags up without scanning and it didnt say shit... neither did the attendant

>> No.11990465

>why do americans!!!!!

>> No.11990506

Are you actually retarded or are you just pretending?

>> No.11990518

>be me
>go to The Warehouse (tm)
>notice they now have self checkouts
>but there's no weigh scale
>nobody supervising
It's not even a shop anymore you just take what you want and go basically

>> No.11990529

>having to wait for autismo over here to bag all his shit while the machine is screaming "PLEASE TAKE YOUR ITEMS"
You're the problem.

>> No.11990541

Only in the UK lol.

>> No.11990672

Alcohol and chicken

>> No.11990679

In retail you genuinely can not expect people to read or follow basic instruction

>> No.11991037

Fuck Walmart, but damn they have the best self checkouts ever. They don't do any weighing shit or anything

>> No.11991088

They're great in my cunt, I just don't like having to touch the screen that 5000 other aids victims with shit on their hands have touched before me. If they could make them completely contactless that'd be great.

>> No.11991100

>Machine always works for me
>No matter what I scan
>One time buy condoms and lube
>It doesn't work
>The call assistant light comes on
>A girl comes over
>leave everything and walk out
>sir? SIR? SIR! she calls
>Get angry and mumble to myself as I speed walk down the street
Of all the fucking times....

>> No.11991110

>not giving her the stare down as she eyes up the lube and condoms
>not giving her the dick down after the stare down
what a beta

>> No.11991113

>"an attendant is needed for assistance"
then somebody comes over and sees all my booze and says "ARE YOU HAVING A PARTY OR WHAT?"

I can't wait until groceries are 100% automated.

>> No.11991118

How dumb do you have to be to have this problem

>> No.11991120

The average person has no common sense whatsoever. Which is a paradox because common sense should be common.

A vague old memory from when I was a child when we had a boat drifting off and I wrapped it a couple differed ways across a cleat and then held on. 'Seemed like it was common sense.' 'Most adults would've fallen into the water, was your common sense.'

>> No.11991127

I don't get it. The only reason to buy condoms is if you want a cute cashier to think you're sexually active. Why would you run?

>> No.11991136

she probably thought you shoplifted honestly

>> No.11991174

I love self checkout. I don't have to talk to people and I change the numbers on bulk items

>> No.11991205

This is also true of Hannaford, which I'm pretty sure only exists in Maine and maybe NH/VT. I've stolen hundreds of dollars of random shit from the SAME STORE, not even different outlets, because they somehow have self-checkout without anybody watching customers or apparently giving a shit that you can walk straight through self-checkout straight into the parking lot without passing a soul. I love these damn machines for making shopping cheaper than ever

>> No.11991403

>nobody ever comes

It's usually because there's like 8 low iq troglodytes that break the machine at the same time, and one old lady is trying to fix all the mistakes and bordering on panic attack while a dozen people stare at her and yell at her because SHE DIDN'T GO TO THEEEEEEMM FIRST. Fucking retards. Be patient, or rally and bitch at corporate to hire more cashiers.

>> No.11991445

I love the self checkout. No small talk, nobody eyeballing what I bought. It's much quicker if you're not a complete retard and know how to operate the machines.

You are a creepy little wimp for not understanding the self-checkout. I wish the worst for you and yours.

>> No.11991467


>> No.11991486

>It calls for an assistant
>Not even 10 seconds later she comes by and asks for ID
>She punches in pin then random birthday
>"Today you're 63"
>Both have a giggle m8
>Go on home
At the tiny Walmart store right down the road it's always nice and fast with those things. Never had an issue.

>> No.11991490

It's my jobs to watch people at these machines. They really aren't that hard to use. Also ama losers

>> No.11991494

>ama losers

>> No.11991506

I love it when people boast that they've never had a problem. It's ignorance. There are shit, picky slow ones and there are ones that work. If you've never had a problem it's because you've only encountered the ones that work. Because the shit, picky slow ones will fuck you over no matter what.

>> No.11991526

Managers are tightwad jews.

>> No.11991553

I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna story time to random shit, sorry lad. It's better than a register because you can avoid the weirdos to some degree

>> No.11991628


>> No.11991646

I just don’t like that the machine has to sound disgusted with me as if I’m doing something wrong by spending money in the place of business where it’s located

>> No.11991726

besides a bunch of other engineering fails, weis you can't even fit your fucking basket on the ledge of the self checkout, nor is their a place to tuck it under when you're done.

>> No.11992097

You boomers should be banned from using these. Went to the store yesterday and half the machines were facing problems from people fucking up their own scanning. Finishedy shit easy and as I was leaving no other checkout had finished. All old people who can't comprehend technology. Should be a ban on all 30 and overs from using them.

>> No.11992111

as long as zoomers can't use the human checkout that's fine with me

>> No.11992180

The boomers around here aren't that dumb. They adapt well or won't use it. GenX are a blight on tech and break shit they attempt to use.
Zoomers are hilarious. Block their path and watch them turn 90 degrees and walk up to 25 yards and turn again like it's fucking pacman instead of trying to clear obstructions or asking people to move, or looking up from their device.

>> No.11992215
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They're quite literally retard proof
>scan item
>set on scale
Literally every error these things have are 100% avoidable or can be fixed in seconds.
If you cant wait 30 seconds at most for help, while they're fucking busy, you don't deserve oxygen let alone groceries.

>> No.11992224

I never use self checkout. I don't want to put minimum wage employees out of jobs.

>> No.11992264

I'm pretty sure the machines are the problem. God forbid someone find a solution instead of just whining on forums.

>> No.11992600

How retarded do you have to be to not be able to operate these things?

>> No.11992919

People can't figure out how to use them? They just werk

>> No.11993709

You shut up! The machines are retarded not me, as I’ve said, they should be able to tell how many items I’ve scanned, instead they instruct me to “place item in bagging area” and when I do they think it’s some fucking mystery item and waste my time by freezing up and calling for an associate. Next time that happens I’m just going to yell I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE and leave my groceries behind

>> No.11993723

Are you too stupid to realize how scales work?

Yes, the machine knows how many items you've scanned, but it needs to check the weight of the item to make sure you're not trying to steal from the store. If you bump or otherwise disturb the machine while it's trying to verify the weight of your scanned item then OFC it's going to screw up. How dense do you have to be not to realize this?

>> No.11993733

They are not judging you for the booze, they are judging your my little pony shirt

>> No.11993912

What kind of fucking idiotic idea is this ?
Every fucking id has chip, just check the date of birth.

>> No.11993934

How do people have a problem using these things? Simply don't if you have trouble understanding basic instructions.

>> No.11994642

I’ll admit that my OP was a little overdramatic, but where do you get off assuming stuff? Do you think I’m bodyslamming the damn scale every time I scan an item? Some of them really are just garbage

>> No.11994660

>caring about what a cashier thinks

Grow the fuck up dude

>> No.11994670

>but where do you get off assuming stuff?
Because I'm an engineer who designs industrial machinery. I know that it's rare the machines malfunction and it's far more likely the humans involved are doing something wrong.

Sure, you're not bodyslamming the scale, but you might be leaning against it without realizing it, or your clothes might bump it. You might be moving something or touching the scale and not giving the machine the brief pause it needs to verify the reading before proceeding with what you are doing.

I've never once experienced a self-checkout malfunction. But I've seen them "act up" plenty of times when people don't use them carefully.

My favorite one is when some parent is trying to use the machine completely oblivious to the fact that her little kids are the ones causing all the problems because they keep touching the scale or the items on it.

I don't doubt that sometimes the machines fuck up, especially if the store staff doesn't maintain them. But the vast majority of the time it's operator error.

>> No.11994714

The problem is they fucking suck at registering weight and have a tiny weight limit so if you scan something heavy first you have fucked yourself in the ass for the rest of the items. The best one ma are the ones that don’t detect weight at all and use cameras and rfid to validate the items

>> No.11994749

The ones at walmart are kino because they have no scale so you can move bags around no problem. I just wish tgeyd get rid of that charity thing that pops up 2 or 3 times. I nolonger use manned checkouts because stores inly hire monkeys that can bag at all .
>puts bread in bag, throws a bunch of canned goods in after it.
>gallon of milk on top of eggs
>raw chicken in with bread

>> No.11994766

Where do you live that still sells bulk peanuts? I want ti live in this magical land that hasnt been cucked by moms rights groups.

>> No.11994772

>don't use them carefully
As in go as slow as a grandmother? So you admit they're shit. They're shit, case closed.

>> No.11994776

Your walmart has scales on them? Mine dont and its bliss.

>> No.11994777
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dont take the b8 you retards

>> No.11994811

>As in go as slow as a grandmother?
No. Don't disturb the scale.

>> So you admit they're shit.
Oh, I agree 100% they're shit. But not for the reason that was previously claimed. I don't think they malfunction much. Rather, I think they're poorly designed for how people use them (which is to say, like idiots), and they're also slower than a real cashier because the real cashier doesn't have to slow down to weight-check every item.

>> No.11994817

Weird, I noticed in my local supermarket that they had changed the self-scans to newer models, one with a camera which shows your face as you scan items.
This is very believable. Mark of theBeast when?

>> No.11994825

>one with a camera which shows your face as you scan items.
that's a feature designed to scare you into not shoplifting because you're "on camera".

>> No.11994843

I'm in the UK, you can't even go to the fucking khazi without some cunt wanna film ya.

>> No.11994968

you know it's funny, the machines don't seem to care what weight an item is (if it's not priced per pound). So I could ring up 5 lbs of shit and just put a 1 lb item there, or vice versa

>> No.11994995
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>> No.11994998

That's unusual. The way the machines normally work is that they look up the weight of the item you scanned in an internal database and then they expect to "see" that same weight added to the scale. If the weights don't match then it summons the attendant because it thinks you are stealing.

That's why people think these things malfunction all the time. The person accidentally bumps the scale or moves something, etc, while the machine is doing the weight check. That triggers the machine thinking there is theft occurring.

>> No.11995072

Fuck, I guess I’ve been shown the truth. I’ll be more careful that my clothes don’t bump the scales or some shit in the future

>> No.11995337 [DELETED] 
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>walmart self check out
>purposefully fuck up the scanner gun with my saliva
>act like I don't know what I'm doing
>enter every couple of items item as produce to weigh so the girl has to keep coming back to fix it
>randomly shout how much I love "REE-SEEs PEE-SEEs" while looking her in the eye with a dead serious look on my face
>pick the scanner gun up and point it at the customer next to me and tell them to FREEZE!
>hold it up next to my head like James Bond and start quoting Bond movies with a spot-on accent
>walmart girl finally tells me to stop bothering customers and hurry up and leave
>sigh really loudly
>stealth-cum on her butt on my way out

>> No.11995648

Cute lol

>> No.11995677
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>> No.11997184


In my state kroger is called King Soopers. I love it dearly.

>> No.11997231

Could be worse

>> No.11997250

What is a secret aggravation at your job that a customer should be made aware of?

>> No.11997856

that's my local grocery store, great pic OP

>> No.11999010


>> No.11999201

>There's a liquor store on the way home from my grocery store
>Used to stop almost every time I went shopping to grab some wine or beer
>Bring a 6 pack to the register and start pulling out my ID
>Oh no man, you're a regular I don't need to see that
I never went there again.

>> No.11999207


>> No.11999222

>sister calls me
>tells me she's worried about her husband because he drinks 10+ beers every night after she goes to bed
>ask if it's negatively impacting their finances
>ask if it's taking away from his family time
>ask if he's drunk around the kids
what's the fucking problem then? you fucking met him at a bar - you know he likes to drink

>> No.11999232

which do you hate more?
>puts cans on bread
>puts no more than 2 items per bag

>> No.11999237

That's pretty bad. It could be snowballing some mental issues. Not to mention the liver damage.

>> No.11999243

it's miller fuckin' lite
that's like 4 of those high abv craft beers, at which point she probably wouldn't care
I mean yeah, it makes him put on weight, but talk to him about that instead of bitching to me on the phone about something that doesn't affect either of you except for his evening relaxation time

>> No.11999288

What kind of pisswater is he drinking if 70 beers a week doesn't have any impact on their finances?

>> No.11999296

I'd be seriously concerned about liver damage.

>> No.11999302

filthy baggingses

>> No.11999332


It's definitely a risk in ~20 years, but far from a guarantee

>> No.11999346

>complaining about not being slightly inconvenienced

>> No.11999398

I just didn't like being recognized in a liquor store. Made me feel like I went too often

>> No.11999822

And all those brainlets have better jobs than you.
little compensation for not having an Aldi's here. The only other options are safeway (overpriced for middle age women spending their husband's money) trader joes (overpriced for hipsters) sprouts (overpriced on everything except produce) or whole fools (retarded level overpriced.) king soopers sucks ass, it just sucks less ass than the other grocery stores here.

>> No.12000115

Dude, TJs prices are almost exactly the same as Aldi

>> No.12000996
File: 13 KB, 170x265, Laughing_Fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make more money and shop at sprouts. This is America. If you cant make more money its because youre a douchebag.

>> No.12001472
File: 5 KB, 143x138, bantuball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12001486

Old people like you should just use the "old" check out lines, sometimes it's hard to "get with the program" these days!

>> No.12001498


>> No.12001516


>> No.12001582
