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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11986142 No.11986142 [Reply] [Original]

I am going to see Captain Marvel this Saturday, probably the first movie I will see in 5 years and wanted to know the best food items to sneak into a theater that don't have a bad smell? I am diabetic so require to eat often so "just don't eat anything" is not an option. Also do theaters pat you down when you go in?

>> No.11986158
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A bag of soybeans since you're such a soiboi faggot

>> No.11986184

I don't care about the politics surrounding this film. I am above that. I just like the MCU and its stories.

>> No.11986186

>do theaters pat you down when you go in?
Yes, that's why you stash shit in your magwell.

>> No.11986187

IDK why you see that garbage but anyway...
I sneak in my own popcorn from home all the time. The tricky part is getting the microwave through.

>> No.11986218

the ones where I live just do bag checks. People usually just put things in their pockets. Best depends on the person, but some good ones are:

M&Ms/Reeses Pieces/Chocolate Covered Raisins/Gummy Worms

for salty stuff - Nuts/Popcorn/Chips

basically lightweight stuff that's easy to sneak in.

>> No.11986225

>I just like the MCU and its stories
Bag of soybeans.

>> No.11986260

I took a box of wine into the theater to watch A Star Is Born, and it made for a great moviegoing experience. I was only able to get away with it because I went for the matinee, when they don't give a shit if you bring a bag into the theater. So I'd suggest wine, or maybe whiskey if you want to be less conspicuous

>> No.11986267

Whiskey smells. I took a bottle of whiskey into Frozen and all the disney moms were giving me dirty stares

>> No.11986314

When Kill Bill came out, I was Jackson Hole, WY. They have a tiny 2 or 3 screen theater there. I just walked in with a six pack of beer. They didn't say a thing to me. Nice place to visit while you're checking out the Grand Tetons.

>> No.11986326

>capeshit for cat lady feminists and soyboys
>watching anything featuring Brie "Toe Fungus" Larson

Have a sage, soyboy faggot

>> No.11986384
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is your movie theater in the Pentagon? why check bags? why do people carry such large bags to have employees check them?

>> No.11986403

Are you White? A man? Brie Larson has said she doesn't want you at her movie.

>> No.11986405

No, midwest. I guess because it's so conspicuous? I've never seen anyone bring anything bigger than a medium size purse in though, and they don't check those.

>> No.11986416

Both my parents were born in Croatia so I am slavic thus not white.

>> No.11986423

I once saw someone bring in fucking spaghetti. No fucking joke, and it reeked. I heard her slopping that shit up in the row in front of us, too.

>> No.11986441

I've never seen a theatre pat-down. Bring whatever's suitable for your type of diabetes and as long as you don't try to be a little shit about it either no one will try to stop you or they'll leave you alone when you explain you have diabetes. As long as it's not something you can buy in the theatre no employee or manager is paid enough to give you a hard time.

>> No.11986452

if your diabetes is so out of control you need to eat every hour, go to a better doctor.

>> No.11986453

>excuse me ma'am, we have milk duds to purchase at the commissary, so I'm going to have to confiscate your box. it will be returned to you at the end of the movie. thank you.

>> No.11986459

Good point. OP, if you do bring whiskey, sit away from children. Can diabetics drink, anyway? I don't know shit about 'beetus

>> No.11986468

Jesus christ why the fuck do they do this shit in America? In my country you can take your own food to a movie, they even allow alcohol. As long as you're not making noise or throwing stuff at people or making a mess they don't care what you bring to eat or drink.

>> No.11986472

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.11986497

I'm the same way but I can smell a dumpster fire when I see one.

This movie is ging to be over the top 3rd wave feminist crap. Even in some of the articles, the director and actors have stated that this is a "feminist movie"

>> No.11986500

I once brought Chinese food to a theater and it was a mistake because it stunk up the theater but it was ok because the movie was Jason X and no one else was in the theater.

>> No.11986502

But do you have white skin?

>> No.11986507

you faggots nearly ruined /tv/ with your capeshit garbage. dont bring it here. fuck off and die

>> No.11986519
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Let me guess to you this guy is white?

>> No.11986539
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>No, we fucking didn't

It wasn't us who brought race and gender to the forefront of super hero movies because of "muh gender equality"

It was these kind of assholes who made everything about being non-white and non-male and how that was a good thing. We just wanted to enjoy these movies for what they we're but no. We got movies that were highly politicized when nobody asked for it.

>> No.11986570

looks like white privilege to me.

>> No.11986575

Friends and I used to sneak a bong in. It's pretty easy during the winter and you can hide the thing. I'd fill it up on a waterfountain or in the bathroom. Smoking was pretty easy in NYC, nobody cared about that shit as long as you take a quick hit and blow the smoke down. That way it doesn't get in the way of other people or get noticed, when lighting the bong also you have to cover the flash of the lighter. Friends and I knew that and we never got hassled. It made some stupid movies possible to get through.
I don't how the fuck you can get through that capain marvel shit let alone pay for it.

>> No.11986576


>> No.11986582

Those idiots should pay you to see that stupid shit in a theatre.

>> No.11986592

Theres no money in ticket sales for the theater so to turn a profit they sell overpriced snacks and drinks.

>> No.11986597

Just bring your food out in the open, and when they stop you say "I need this for my diabetes" wtf

>> No.11986602

We used to sneak in 22oz beers and drink them with long straws

>> No.11986608

>entire thread
>Russian trolls

>> No.11986632

Thanks captain obvious. None of us would have known that if you hadn't told us.

>> No.11986636

>I just like the MCU and its stories.
>probably the first movie I will see in 5 years
Mhmm. Bogus bait thread

>> No.11986637

I'm not Russian, I was just relating what friends and I used to in NYC in movie theatres. Take that as you will.

>> No.11986640

I don't go to theaters because I have massive social anxiety issues and I am trying to get over it. I own all the previous movies on Blu-ray

>> No.11986653

>this post
>also Russian troll
All me btw

>> No.11986660

I don't see the point of going to a theatre anymore. The shit is easily downloadable or otherwise available online. Plus one can pause it, take a break, watch it later, take a piss, whatever. I makes no sense to be in some fucking theatre unless to impress some dumb bimbo broad that you want to bad and is impressed by that shit.
Some of you people really make no sense.

>> No.11986665

Theatre's suck, it's not about social anxiety. It's simply that it's 2019 and theatres make no sense.

>> No.11986675

I thank you for your concerns. It will be good for me to get out of the home. I haven't left my house in 40 days and I am looking to break that cycle. I am using this movie as a stress test so I can build up the confidence to see Endgame in two months.

>> No.11986678

How do you get food and stuff?

>> No.11986684

Either my mom makes it or occasionally seamless. When I use seamless in the special orders box I tell them leave the food outside and knock and leave to give you perspective on how deep I am.

>> No.11986688

It's almost spring, birds are singing, girls are starting to wear short skirts. Go out and have some fun, or at least try. Everyone gets shot down. It's natural.

Check out the movie fast times at ridgemont high and pretend that you're ramone. Anywhere that you are is the place to be.

>> No.11986690

So your mom is an enabler that doesn't want to lose her kid, at your expense. Punch her and leave. That'll give her some respect from you.

>> No.11986696

That really sounds like something from the Twillight Zone.

>> No.11986697

My mom is by herself. My dad left shortly after I was born. Never met him. Anyway this is irrelevant to the OP I need some food suggestions I was thinking more cooked options I told her I was going to the movies and she said she would cook anything for me so I need suggestions and to fit it in a Tupperware.

>> No.11986704

Single moms really do raise trash humans. At least learn to cook for yourself. It's easy.

>> No.11986727

#1 reason so many males are wandering husks of degeneracy is because they weren't raised by a father worth a fuck. This also applies to women.

>> No.11986742

If you poke around /ck the standard answer will be beans and rice. If you live in a city some such as NYC have a lot of food available from churches and temples even food banks. Been there done that so I'm not full of shit. If you're in the USA you can qualify for SNAP or something.

>> No.11986750

My father died young and my mom as a single mom worked two sometimes three jobs to make sure that my brother and sister were well taken care of. I've been involved in any crimes nor have my siblings. So I say that you're full of fucking shit and don't know what you're talking about. I also suspect that I make more money honesty in a year then you'll probably make in ten years.

>> No.11986760

I usually sneak in candy that you can buy there but from the gas station up the road. Booze is good to, just get a half pint of whatever, easy to keep in your pocket. Also have brought stuff like sandwiches, chinese food etc. Helps if you have a girl bring her biggest purse if you wanna be sneaky about it.

>> No.11986767

Are you Irish?

>> No.11986775
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>> No.11986781

I got to Starbucks and ask for a cup of water. I drink it then go to the pub and ask them to fill half of it with vodka and a little soda. The retards think I am drinking coffee because it's dark and let me in with it.

>> No.11986786

Are you married my man? What do you do for a living?

>> No.11986789

Your mom said I was a superhero last night after drilled her silly. She went downright hysterical but then all chicks do that when I'm done with them.

>> No.11986791

>My father died young
Is that what she told you? Also you have two siblings so are they half siblings because your whore mother couldn't keep her legs closed? Now you're trying the macho man approach saying you earn so much money yet you live at home with your mother, have diabetes and haven't left the house in 40 days? Kid you're not fooling anyone with your bullshit. Your mom made bad life decisions and you're such a trash human raised by a single mom that you refuse to acknowledge what a fuck up she is. You can't even cook decent meals for yourself. The internet is open to you and there are so many excellent diabetic safe food for you to learn how to make.

>> No.11986792

Capeshit is more of a general normalfag thing than it is soy.

>> No.11986797

Almost got married after a very long term relationship, but it just didn't happen. I do systems shit and get paid a lot for it.

>> No.11986803

>systems shit
Sys admin? You do computer shit? That would explain the money and the penchant for shit posting on 4channel

>> No.11986804

>having intercourse out of marriage

>> No.11986805

I was there when it happened. It was a stroke, he almost fell down dead. Not a good thing for a little kid to have to see, but hey, welcome to reality.

>> No.11986811

That means so much from someone that can't follow a thread. You clearly mean someone else. I bet reading comprehension wasn't one of your strong points?

>> No.11986812
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>> No.11986815

>It was a stroke, he almost fell down dead.
>My dad left shortly after I was born. Never met him.
You lying fuck.

>> No.11986818

So what amazing job do you do that's so special? Let me guess, you're in government. Not sys admin, I do dev shit, it pays better and I don't have to be on call like a faggot.

>> No.11986825

Not him but I am production support/devops for software that is not important at all master race so I never get called after hours

>> No.11986827

You fucking moron, your can't keep conversations within a thread straight.
You should seek therapy.

>> No.11986833

Yo homey, I wasn't denigrating your job choice. I bet it's pretty cozy. Don't be such a spaz

>> No.11986834

So you're a mid level manager that I don't report to and is easy to ignore?

>> No.11986841
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These will be completely hidden in that theatre

>> No.11986842

I'm not a manager fuck that. Just a guy who makes $150k a year and gets to go home the latest 5:30 every day and it doesn't get better than that.

>> No.11986844


>> No.11986852

> I am diabetic so require to eat often so "just don't eat anything" is not an option.
Get your shit under control, you shouldn't be idling at hypoglycemia

>> No.11986853
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For me, it's these bad boys. I won't lie. I usually gets stares when I crack them open.

>> No.11986855

The insecurity coming off "I was raised by a single mom and am better than you all" guy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

>> No.11986862
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>> No.11986865

I don't even know owhat this thread is about anymore but since it's cold wear a baggy jacket and you can smuggle in creative stuff like soup or lasagna.

>> No.11986876

said the manchild

>> No.11986886

Nothing cozy about it, if I couldn't write properly I'd have been fired within a week or so. I just think that it's fun and according to others I'm very good at it.

>> No.11986917

Who are you hiding it from?
Some fucking minimum wage usher? They're not looking for that and don't care.

>> No.11986920
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>I am above that.

>> No.11987008

What are you going to do with the oily can, just drop it that'll make a noise and will start to smell over the period of one of these stupid long movies. Maybe you'll stick it into one of your folds of fat to suck on later?

>> No.11987016

Just don't get busted using that oil as lube like pee-wee herman did in a porno theatre.

>> No.11987046
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>> No.11987048

The smell wouldn’t be noticed

>> No.11987075

>Get exposed for his lies
>Goes full misdirection and damage control
Yes you're the exact target demographic for that shit movie. Sneak in mac and cheese you fat fuck.

>> No.11987086

Just switch to an airpopper. Much smaller

>> No.11987098

My mom sneaks shit inside her purse. Nobody goes through a womans purse.

In your case, I suggest something you can fit in your pockets, but isn't loose/doesn't rattle. So like, MM's or nuts would be a bad idea because you'd rattle as you walk. Little jerky strips maybe? Candybar would melt.

>> No.11987100

What the fuck is wrong with mac & cheese especially with some good chili on top. You might want piss off you pedent sack of shit. I was about to logout and go to sleep on this nice and quiet Sunday night but you woke me up.
You still can't get your conversations right within a thread and that means that you're a fucking moron and as I wrote, you should seek therapy. Plus you have issues when called out being a moron, so that's a second reason for you to seek therapy.

Just tell your therapist that anon sent you and give those reasons. I'm sure they'll give you a bunch of drugs, you clearly need them.

>> No.11987107

That's how I used to get stuff inside of concerts. I'd get my GF to put stuff, just water bottles and soda, nothing illegal inside her purse and we'd breeze right through security.

>> No.11987115

What made you so stupid, did your daddy touch you in the nay-nay?

>> No.11987122

Crab legs

>> No.11987150
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This thread reminds me of the time 3 friends and I sneaked some Carl's Jr. burgers inside the theater, if I recall we also brought in fries. I put 4 fucking burgers inside my jacket (it was winter) and since I usually wear thick jackets we managed to get in without notice. We laughed like tards all the time but no one seemed to suspect a thing.

>> No.11987154
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Perhaps a donation to these folk might help you to eliminate your anger and pain.

>> No.11987160

It's all in fun, nobody cares. Some fucking burger police at some fucking movie theatre? hahahaha!

>> No.11987180

Shit, just take a purse yourself these days. You can probably sue them for tranny triggering if they treat you differently.

>> No.11987237

Is Captain Marvel worth watching? There is like nothing else playing this weekend.

>> No.11987318

Crab legs and lobster are overrated. It takes too damn long to get all the meat out of those things

>> No.11987343

>this is the movie that drags anon out of his home to a theater for the first time in 5 years
Good on you for getting out I guess, but of all movies why the hell this one? I'm a capeshit fag and nothing about this movie is exciting to me.

>> No.11987366

just go to the movie tavern

>> No.11987576

What, do you own a massive fucking 4K screen?

>> No.11987928


>> No.11987938

Can't you see a movie unless it's the size of your mother's panties? Put some glasses on if you have trouble seeing, boomer. You'll discover you can see it all just as well on a phone.

>> No.11989951

That is so depressing.

>> No.11990975

I don't watch them. But every normalfag does, and will defend them to the death.

>> No.11991019
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Gee, I wonder what butthurt, entitled, hateful jackass could be behind these posts?

>> No.11992757


>> No.11992761

the manchild insisted

>> No.11992765

that's why every kinoplex needs a robert to get the meat out of crab legs for you

>> No.11992769

Watch Alita

>> No.11993104

Baked beans

>> No.11993109

Just bring the usual crab legs.
The theatre will be stinking of seafood anyway.

>> No.11993194

Why would you watch this shit? Even marveldrones are shitting on it.

>> No.11993223

Maybe that's from his paid off girl that he hired from craigslist?

>> No.11993464

Bring Beans in a can.

>> No.11994919
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>this movie will still make gorillion dollers
>polcucks and GG incels will claim its a failure

>> No.11994972

I stayed at a hotel there that had a well-heated pool half inside and half outside. You'd dive under the divider and come up into it snowing while you were nice and warm in the pool. It was absolutely magical and I'll never forget it.

>> No.11994994

Why make a movie about excluding the Arabic audience?