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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11985061 No.11985061 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck do people mean when they say a meal doesn't have enough acid in it? Some girl I met on tinder said this about my home made lasagna.

>> No.11985066

your food lacked acidity.

>> No.11985075

I don't understand if thats a bad or good thing though?

>> No.11985079

Bad if your food needs acidity.

It's like if your cookies lack sugar.

>> No.11985081

Dumb Op it literally means that it's not enough acidic for a savoury flavor, did you add good tomato sauce or did you put in something very basic ?

>> No.11985089
File: 953 KB, 2400x2400, 711d1153-f23c-4cd9-9245-5b7251c7d217_1.574b136f6d03b95ed15bd09295b3f3f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does food need acidity?

I used pic related but used extra meat

>> No.11985091

I use Contadinas because I'm confident in the sodium content

>> No.11985121

I bet OP didn’t rinse the garlic and onions. Probably what she was talking about.

>> No.11985129

Only a basic bitch would say that.

>> No.11985186
File: 155 KB, 1073x1073, 33DB905A-A172-4D1A-BAF4-B3868A7B2BBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means she probably read “salt, fat, acid, heat” and thinks she’s a good critic now. fuck her

>> No.11985196

Why does Captain America hate black people?

>> No.11985197

They mean please put some LSD in it

>> No.11985205


Because he is the embodiment of America

>> No.11985206

>Why does food need acidity
Depends on the food in question. Some foods don't taste right without the acidic component. Acid (sourness) is one of the fundamental tastes. Acid is commonly added to dishes to offset rich or fatty meats--that's why there's vinegar in BBQ sauce and ketchup, or why roast ducks or geese are commonly served with fruit.

>> No.11985210

The only reason to add acid is to counter foods that are too fatty or sweet. Lasagna doesn't need acid. The girl sounds like a tastelet moron.

>> No.11985309

I don't see how that could be possible for a dish so heavy in tomato.

>> No.11985410

He never said he used fucking tomates guy..

>> No.11985422

Lasagna does need acid you dip. This is why tomato sauce is such a large portion of it. Lasagna has a ton of cheese, which is fatty.

>> No.11985432

>using storebought cheap jar sauce
>offended that someone insulted “your” food
This is your average /ck/ poster

>> No.11985539
File: 55 KB, 600x601, Baiting Pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese isn't fatty
>tomatoes aren't sweet

>Why does food need acidity?
It's a component of food, considered pleasant by many. It's a basic flavor, think of it like a seasoning. In Thailand for instance, there are 5 flavors that need to be balanced; salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and spicy. Vinegar is a sour of course.

>> No.11985615

>Import millions of blacks so you can spend your entire history hating, cursing and obsessing about them 24/7
Why are Americans masochists? Is it the puritan streak?

>> No.11985635

Use better sauce, op. Ragu is meh at best.

>> No.11985655

Acidity cuts fat. You have a dish with a bunch of meat and either cheese or a bechamel, it needs acid to cut it. Usually tomato sauce will do it but Ragu is trash, too sweet to accomplish the task

>> No.11985678
File: 7 KB, 250x201, 250px-LSD_structural_formulae_v.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well obviously they meant why isn't there any ACID in your lasagna. Pic related

>> No.11985695

Ragu is one of the shittiest, if not the shittiest, store bought sauces
you fucked up

>> No.11985712

Chances are it didn't lack acidity and she was just parroting what she heard off cooking shows.

>> No.11985977

>>cheese isn't fatty
>>tomatoes aren't sweet

Are you fucking retarded? I SAID lasagna doesn't need acid. Jesus Christ.

>> No.11985986

I'm glad I don't have to eat your shitty acidic lasagna you mongoloid

>> No.11986377

Those are facetious greentexts you're replying to there buddy