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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 600x450, 1548383498441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11979292 No.11979292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The USDA and health officials consider this to be a “single serving”. Your average American will eat this in one sittting as a “snack” between meals.

>> No.11979296


>> No.11979297
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A burger wife “orders in” dinner for her husband and herself.

>> No.11979301
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Their daughter is provided a “child’s portion”.

>> No.11979310
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An American tot is served “dessert”. Burgers are taught and trained to “make room for dessert” and in the course of their day will eat to excess in order to expand the stomach and intestines in order to “make room for desserts”

>> No.11979320
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A Burger child is served “lunch”. He will consume this meal in one sitting upon punishment lest one “waste food”.

>> No.11979327
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An average burger family displays their daily calorie intake. They are considered “food poor”, and require additional state aid for basic nutrition.

>> No.11979333
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>look mom, I posted it again!

>> No.11979340

No wonder america is full of fat fucks with diabetes.

>> No.11979345
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The burger adolescent courts a typical American female with a “date”, consisting of multiple courses of food among many hours in one sitting. Excess consumption is viewed by burgers as sexually desirable, and coitus with a “thicc” woman is considered the hieght of burger romantic prowess.

>> No.11979347


I'll wait till late at night when they drop the price to offload it

>> No.11979349

me on the left

>> No.11979365

Why do you care?

>> No.11979369

Because it's entertaining to observe how fat and stupid they are. You've never watched monkeys being retarded at the zoo?

>> No.11979380

>The USDA and health officials consider this to be a “single serving”
also, this thread should get you banned for posting spam.
I've seen this exact thread before on /pol/ and other places and shit like this isn't supposed to land on this board.
you're a worthless fucking faggot.

>> No.11979384

Why can't you be nice?

>> No.11979406

Jealous much?

>> No.11979425
File: 189 KB, 1529x1200, sheev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw yuropoors seethe over our ability to waste and overconsume food

The next shipment of Americum is due by Thursday. I'd worry less about starvation and more about cultural enrichment.

>> No.11979428

t.third world resident

>> No.11979462

>the mom isn't white
definitely not average

>> No.11979464

Not going to lie, I am pretty fucking jelly of Americans that they get to eat so many different kinds of delicious food, plus food is so cheap over there
I live in Singapore and cost of living is very high here so I have to make do with overpriced shitty food

>> No.11979465
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>> No.11980115

>The USDA and health officials consider this to be a “single serving”.
The USDA doesn't dictate the serving sizes of prepared foods. They just make sure the nutritional content is reported accurately. This is why you commonly see single packages list the number of servings per package on their nutrition blocks.

>> No.11980126

Who cares what they think. This is America, we don't just sit around and wait for orders from the king.

>> No.11980139
File: 401 KB, 1600x1200, xbox-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Pick n Save deli
Those things are like four meals in one - not bad for $6

>> No.11980146

ahahahaha XBOX for reference. Nice.

>> No.11980147

Looks good but what are you having?

>> No.11980151
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>> No.11981292

This is accurate. Fucking normies would bring up "starving children in africa" in order to fatten up the kiddies.

>> No.11981302
File: 1.18 MB, 480x360, no can do.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo OP. I would love to throw that thing on my pannini press and make a huge fucking mess out of it. I know it would be absolutely delish!

>> No.11981937

These are actually pretty fucking funny. I’m not even mad. Keep going op

>> No.11981960

shit, where do I get it? More food than a typical pricey subway sandwich

>> No.11981979
File: 16 KB, 352x288, Picture 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this like 13 years ago. Its an entire home made onion focaccia with, if I remember correctly, spicy salami, sharp cheddar, tomatoes, lettuce, dill pickles, red onion, tarragon dijon mustard and mayo.

Ahh to be young again.

>> No.11981986

I love how shitty cell phone cameras were back then. Seeing nudes shot by those cameras make me feel nostalgic

>> No.11981989

>i still love those black boobs

>> No.11982019

Imagine just putting a little honeyglaze on top of the ham, hint of melted butter, putting it in the oven just long enough to get that crispy crunch in your hands.

I'd want one. I mean fuck, you can just not eat anything for the next day or two. Three square meals are for underachievers.

>> No.11982026
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>> No.11982147


>> No.11982153
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So much effort for nothing

>> No.11982196

>He will consume this meal in one sitting upon punishment lest one “waste food”.
This is true and any parent that drills this into a kid's head is setting them up for major weight problems down the road.

>> No.11982237
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>I need to make a thread obsessing over Americans because ??????

>> No.11982291

>be kid
>pizza and movie night time
>ask for another slice of pizza
>mom warns me that i better finish it
>get sick and vomit halfway through
>mom yells and i'm turned off pizza for the next decade
six was a tough age. i thought i wanted more, it looked good

>> No.11982328

it's entertaining

>> No.11982504

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11982749

I swore I saw this in a book in elementary school

>> No.11982760

OP is a niggerfaggot.

>> No.11982775

we also consider MIRVs to be a single warhead threat

>> No.11983066

Anon is a mad lard ass ameritard.

>> No.11983080

Oh no the lards are getting upset.

>> No.11983082
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>> No.11983085

Careful, they might stumble off the couch a few feet before they run out of breath and give up.

>> No.11983090

Sure it does, kiddo. Shoo shoo.

>> No.11983176


>> No.11983181

Yes, that's another thing too. Americans are totally ignorant about the world, thinking their little bubble is the only thing that matters.

>> No.11983207
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, Foreigners Jealus of US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because we are the only thing that matters. And if we're deployed somewhere, kicking whoever fucked up, we know about that place until we go back home. Then we forget about your 3rd world ass once again. Because you have no impact on our daily lives. We're fat and happy.

>> No.11983313

I doubt anything you've said is true.

>> No.11983317

Why is the America obsession so much worse on /ck/? I swear it's not even this bad on /pol/

>> No.11983320
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>> No.11983329

Really admire the effort that went into this thread.

>> No.11983339

Because this board is a fucking joke and is just people who don't cook gossiping about which fast food chain is worse.

>> No.11983343

No need to get hostile. If you aren't getting out of this board what you expected, you can go elsewhere.

>> No.11983380
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An American can live their life to the fullest without knowing other countries exist. I think everyone else is jealous of that blissful ignorance.

>> No.11983382

because you morons reply every time

>> No.11983400

>all those triggered butthurt amerimutts

>> No.11983484
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Carbs? Ugh, I only eat organic avocado toast.

>> No.11983487

>TFW you will never deflower a 19 year old boy

>> No.11983496

Because deep inside he is hurting

>> No.11983512

a single meal is about 600~660ish calories.