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File: 80 KB, 488x488, oculto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11964304 No.11964304 [Reply] [Original]

ITT the worst beer you've ever had. Pic related.

>> No.11964316
File: 334 KB, 900x900, 900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. Not counting bottom of the barrel shit like Colt 45 High Gravity this has got to be the worst.

>> No.11964389

I had the absolute worst hang over of my life off that shit

>> No.11964404
File: 84 KB, 400x600, ci-heineken-lager-6ea7dedfaaced647[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even a contest

>> No.11964405

Not surprisingly considering how ungodly sweet it is.

>> No.11964408

Unless you like your beer to taste like water mixed with skunk spray and piss

>> No.11964411
File: 213 KB, 600x600, desperados-6pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking disgusting

>> No.11964415

Hopped in this thread to post this. I'm a full blown drunk and gavr this shit away

>> No.11964417

The first beer I ever drank was a Heineken when I was underage at a music festival. fucking awful, but i can never hate it

>> No.11964429
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My first beer, drinking at my brother's bachelor party. This shit was awful and I stand by that I'd think it's awful today.
It's sweet, but goddamn it's like drinking blueberry drink. I don't hate it, but I can understand why you wouldn't like it.

>> No.11964455

This beer is ass

>> No.11964465
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Absolutely revolting shit

>> No.11964469
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This looks good, definitely not a "let's get drunk off this" beer.

ANYHOO, don't really think there is much competition for this one, I mean it is so incredibly fucking gross.
But for a more "craft" beer, that Elysian Pumpkin & Coffe (cappucinno?) Stout is HORRENDOUS

>> No.11964483
File: 52 KB, 499x461, 1162_Beer_Ingredients_Kit_Sierra_Nevada_Pale_Ale_Six_Pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care what anyone says otherwise. It tastes like expired bread

>> No.11964490

It's so unbelievably bitter. It'll fuck you up though.

>> No.11964496
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Nasty as hell

>> No.11964501
File: 70 KB, 154x250, Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 10.26.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use to skip school and smash the mini kegs with my bros
use to get fuckin toasted on this deliciously shitty shit, it was so cheap
for me, its pic related

who knows how many metallic asshole tasting independent brews iv had

>> No.11964508

Every Lagunitas I've had was gross as fuck. I'd rather drink malt liquor instead of a Lagunita, and I hate malt liquor

>> No.11964513
File: 296 KB, 840x714, awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far the worst beer I have ever had, bar none

>> No.11964533
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This stuff is godawful. Raw pepper flavor and aroma overwhelms everything up front, and the aftertaste is just ass. It is, as to be expected, gratuitously spicy, but the burn does nothing to distract you from the utterly wretched flavor.

>> No.11964540

How about you eat a dick and dont buy tequila flavored beer when you dont like tequila. I loved that shit with a shot of mezcal in the bottle

>> No.11964547

If Heineken is the worst you've had you're pretty lucky.

>> No.11964554
File: 9 KB, 150x300, 6A1F4302-D808-4B46-987C-01AB6218193E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally piss in a can

>> No.11964556

It scared me off of beer when I was young.

>> No.11964576
File: 10 KB, 259x194, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh this trash, I'm glad they discontinued it. Also pic related is terrible.

>> No.11964616

Same for me. First beer was Corona Light. No likes. Beer pong. It was what we could get. It was awful.

>> No.11964689
File: 29 KB, 380x380, 0003354495053_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what the deal with this recipe is, but it was like drinking a carbonated reduction of Corona in Chicken broth with a burnt to ash bay leaf. I took 2 swigs and dumped the rest out. Corona Premier is OK in a tallboy, but otherwise Corona is second only to Bud Light/Platinum as far as name brands I stay away from.

>> No.11964693
File: 24 KB, 500x500, rollingrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how people drink this shit without getting sick right away, even just to drink at a party. It's like drinking a sprite that sat open on the hood of a car for 3 weeks.

>> No.11964698

I fucking love Rolling Rock. Tastes weird but I like it

>> No.11964729

>It's like drinking a sprite that sat open on the hood of a car for 3 weeks.
Is it weird this sounds strangely good

>> No.11964876

Holy fucking shit that sounds disgusting

>> No.11964898

I thought it tasted like stale peanuts

>> No.11964909
File: 263 KB, 330x485, porter_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the pale ale is fine
This however, has to be the worst I've had from them

>> No.11964925

Ironically, Fosters is actually an American beer.
W.M. Foster was an American who introduced it to Melbourne in 1896, and it only succeeded because it was brewed to be served cold and they gave away free ice to chill it.

>> No.11964929

>drinking a meme beer named after a nigger rapper
Frankly, if it gave you herpes and left you to raise a baby on your own, you’d still deserve every inch of your punishment.

>> No.11964939

I love porters but have never had that so I’m curious. What was so bad about it?

>> No.11964969

It's too carbonated and thin, very unflavorful compared to other porters/stouts I've had
Then again I'm not so sure of the exact difference between a stout and porter, maybe I just don't like porters

>> No.11964979
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I've had 40oz more tolerable than this shit

>> No.11964981
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>This entire thread.
Do you faggots have the life experience of an 18 year old?

>> No.11964989
File: 162 KB, 1067x1600, 2015_01_BMBC-9621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like shampoo.

I've never seen a more polarizing beer. People either adore it or despise.

>> No.11965263

I remember always wanting to try Rolling Rock as a kid because Angry Video Game Nerd would drink them constantly in his videos

>> No.11965405
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>> No.11965468

Came here to post this.

>> No.11965481

Honestly, I based on what I understand about historical porters, it's an authentic porter. I think it's underrated.

Yeah, because stouts are short for "stout porter" and the original porters that were later made stout were pretty thin and carbonated.

>> No.11965485
File: 164 KB, 600x550, 84441d70-2b10-4839-b89e-9bc23e4abb25.tfss-b4536081-fa8e-47a0-9a27-5416375e45a8-BE-SEADGB-6BTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11965489
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>> No.11965492

I haven't had that brand but I do hate blueberry beer. Fuck that shit

>> No.11965501

I liked Voodoo Ranger at first but I drank so much of it that I can't stand it anymore. I miss the original Ranger IPA, I dunno if they still even make it but it was actually balanced appropriately

>> No.11965502

>consuming RR after is was purchased by Budweiser
no thanks

>> No.11965503

Are you kidding? It's like soda, you can drink it piss warm

>> No.11965541
File: 163 KB, 400x600, ci-peroni-53f07a33cdc3cae4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like water. Even moreso than us beer.

>> No.11965827

One of my college roommates would only buy RR. Dutch guy, liked good beer too, but for some reason he'd buy a 30 of RR every other night and inevitability they'd get finished.

>> No.11965846

coors or miller, can't remember which one was the worst. Tried those out on my trip to us, switched to budweiser (shitty but at least it was tasteless) until i found a beer that actually tasted decent.

>> No.11965870

Fosters or Carling, both somehow manage to be incredibly terrible even by macro standards

>> No.11966004

same, it always gives me a headache, even after only 1

>> No.11966011

I had this lychee beer in Japan and it legitimately smelled like stink bugs and tasted like carbonated trash can syrup.
I can usually handle nasty beers, but that one made me pour it down a gutter drain.

This wasn't a chuhai or malt beverage either, it was a fucking beer and I can't find it on Google. It was in some Family Mart in Shibuya.

>> No.11966022

I remember what this looks like too if anyone can find it: it's a normal sized can that's black and silver with a single red lychee on it.

>> No.11966036
File: 38 KB, 308x385, 110237-1.png?impolicy=PROD_MD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the shit they'd buy for engineering BBQs towards the end of the year when they'd run out of budget

>> No.11966145
File: 66 KB, 488x488, GUEST_f30c70e2-fe1f-4039-a55e-94b45972aa39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how this became one of their year-round beers. It tastes like Robitussin.

>> No.11966150

Foster’s. It’s Australian for Crap

>> No.11966167


>> No.11966492

not sure if it tastes more like water than the big us brands but it sure is watery. Then again, what can you expect from a winecountry?

>> No.11967392
File: 44 KB, 320x368, 110265_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin disgusting

>> No.11967426

This isn't so bad. It's really not beer though.

>> No.11967428
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Absolutely fucking fowl

>> No.11967437
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>> No.11967441

Pumpkacino is great go fudge yourself.

>> No.11967479
File: 46 KB, 246x344, 10484473528350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I'm from Wisconsin

>> No.11967482

Midwest beer is pretty mediocre compared to the West Coast, but how can you possibly live in Wisconsin and have Spotted Cow being the worst beer you've ever had?

>> No.11967496

was good until they got bought like 10 years ago

>> No.11967500

Moretti is the superior Italian attempt at beer

>> No.11967506

OK then Natty Light I thought this thread was for supposedly good beers

>> No.11967511

There's also a "good macro lager" thread, which is confusing when you're just scrolling past on the index.

>> No.11967521

I'm saying SC is the worst supposedly good peer I have had, not the best macro lager. It's not even a macro lager

>> No.11967530
File: 93 KB, 640x640, ffb5df6209ddf60b63b01870495076c3_c_675398036_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PB&J berliner weisse. I actually like Stone and a lot of flavored sours but this was absolutely disgusting. Peanut butter beer in general is almost always terrible.

>> No.11967540


>> No.11967541

Rolling Rock reminds me of that scene in Dumb & Dumber where Lloyd pees in a bottle and the cop drinks it.

>> No.11967546

>Peanut butter beer
that's a new one for me

>> No.11967548
File: 36 KB, 600x1200, 2349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peanut butter beer in general is almost always terrible

'the fuck did you just say??

>> No.11967566

fuck you

>> No.11967567

It's usually either in meme beers like that weisse or those "milkshake IPAs" which are getting so popular lately or in horrifically oversweet imperial "dessert stouts". There are some decent ones but in general I'm not impressed. Never had the KKK beer but would try if I ever see it.

I think one issue is that the fat content in peanuts makes it so that the mouthfeel/head is ruined and you can't age the beer or it goes rancid. So most places use peanut extract instead which has a sort of weird artificial flavor. Combine that with how most PB beer is very sweet and it just ends up tasting sickly to me.

>> No.11967577

An english brown ale from a shithole brewery called whistlepig in colorado springs. Tasted like ass and looked like mississippi mud.

>> No.11967579
File: 169 KB, 1024x1280, Budweiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If piss was a beer

>> No.11967582

The Winter Wheat isn't bad.

>> No.11967617
File: 60 KB, 768x384, beer_packaging_is_moving_away_from_refillable_glass_bottles_and_towards_recyclable_aluminium_cans_DEFAULT_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11967627

Well the KKK beer is of the latter category, a meme dessert stout. Though it's delicious if you prefer that sort of thing.

>> No.11967633

I'm talking the apricot one specifically. It's fucking undrinkable. Only beer I hated so much I couldn't finish

>> No.11967694

I can't find it on google because I can't remember what it was but it was a 500ml tall can of what was I think was some kind of double chocolate cherry stout craft beer. It tasted like cough syrup mixed with sour coffee and was the only beer I've ever had in my life that I dumped

>> No.11967702
File: 122 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind I finally remembered what it was. This shit is absolutely vile

>> No.11967709

Wachu know about that? Probly nothing

>> No.11967759


how hard is it to use the word literally correctly

>> No.11967869
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>> No.11967892
File: 76 KB, 200x200, KingCobraJFS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midwest beer is pretty mediocre compared to the west coast

>> No.11967910

Really? There are far worse porters out there.

>> No.11967916

Americans can't drink until their 20's, so it's to be expected.

>> No.11967924

Blue Moon's IPA was a really bad experience for me because it had an awful spoiled aftertaste. The fact that the first few sips were refreshing only accentuated that flaw.

>> No.11967931

'Imperial Pils' are awful in general. The only well-crafted strong lagers are bocks.

>> No.11967932

A banana bread beer. The second worst beer I had was a chocolate stout. Those are the only flavored beers I've had. They're a terrible idea.

>> No.11967983
File: 29 KB, 600x456, 1474436460794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work in liquor store
>People still ask for this shit even though it's discontinued

Store shits out beer at their taproom regardless of quality

>> No.11968013

Used to get 40oz of this for $1.20 out the door. Really not a bad product, all things considered... Especially when gravity is factored in

>> No.11968028

My dad and his buddy would drink this exclusively all my life growing up. As soon as they sold out and started making it in New Jersey instead of Latrobe they quit cold turkey due to the flavor change. Such a shame

>> No.11968034
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>> No.11968042
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This piece of shit

>> No.11968071
File: 62 KB, 572x518, redhook-brewery-long-hammer-ipa-india-pale-ale-beer-washington-usa-10347969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11968146

aw i liked this beer quite a bit

>> No.11968190

it was cheap cos the store couldnt sell it
lager mixed with
>>ginger beer and lime.
yes i kid you not

>> No.11968196
File: 303 KB, 1200x1200, 5010494195125_t1_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even find a picture of it, but the absolute worst was a Chocolate Blue Moon from a tap. Tried to order a regular Blue Moon and when they brought it I just thought they accidentally poured me something else. I am an alcoholic so I didn't mind but when I tried to drink it I was honestly convinced that the keg had gone sour. Absolutely horrid. On my way out I saw the 'chocolate' label and couldn't believe that was the intended flavor

Pic related is the worst scotch I've ever had. Tasted like pure medicine

>> No.11968269
File: 285 KB, 1000x1340, 31568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I poured this one out, couldn't finish a can.

>> No.11968284

Jesus fucking Christ I can only imagine the taste

>> No.11968289

I didn't even know they made chocolate blue moon

>> No.11968294
File: 104 KB, 570x570, Blue-Moon-Dark-Chocolate-Porter-570x570[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chocolate Blue Moon
is this it?

>First hit on Bing images

>> No.11968503
File: 9 KB, 194x259, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this cold Fro T5 and it wasnt so bad

>> No.11968528

I smell mexican

>> No.11968529

How much scotch have you had? Ardbeg is great.

>> No.11968560

Almost all stouts have chocolate notes to them

>> No.11968569
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>> No.11968579

>Pic related is the worst scotch I've ever had. Tasted like pure medicine

You sound like a massive tastelet

>> No.11968686
File: 43 KB, 400x600, ci-milwaukees-best-light-5acff28984fc09e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they sell it everywhere an 18 pack for 9.99 and I used to be tempted into buying it than instantly regretted it and I've sworn off it altogether now.

For me, the worst of the worst is definitely Milwaukees Best. The Walmart by my college was selling 30 packs of it for 9.99 one summer and everyone would show up to parties with this lukewarm pisswater. You got happy when someone showed up with some keystone or bud light.

>> No.11968703
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>happy for Keystone
Sucks to be you man!

>> No.11968705
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stoney light. Never drank one and didn't puke.

>> No.11968736
File: 1.31 MB, 341x200, 147gofuckingkillyourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of shit is up there. Pepper beers are fucking disgusting.
Also, 8 year old barleywines aged in caldalva barrels or whatever the fuck they were. More sediment than beer.

>> No.11968765

was it that horchata bullshit?

>> No.11968771

they were dark days, but long since gone. Keystone at least would come from the beer fridge, while the 30packs would be set up in these big floor displays so they were warm and noone bothered to chill them properly, like warm chemical sludge

>> No.11968814
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>> No.11968845

I think the Burton Baton is nigh undrinkable but I like the Paulo Santo alright

>> No.11968880

Steel reserve pineapple ain't bad. Original is pretty bad. The most popular shitty beer that no sane person should drink is bud light. I can't take anyone seriously that likes bud.

>> No.11968915

ur a fuckin faggot, kid. *sip*

>> No.11969106

Thanks for calling me kid. At my age that's nice. I'm sipping my Evan Williams, cheers.

>> No.11969123

Drank it so much in college because it only cost you 5 bucks to get drunk as fuck. Tasted like piss the first 30 or so times but my taste buds adapted to tolerate it...theres IPAs out there that taste way shittier than this and also give you instant heartburn

>> No.11969154

rolling rock - ON THE ROLLING ROCKER

>> No.11969168

Ugh I did a bunch of blow one night with a stripper I met and she had a whole fridge full of this stuff.

>> No.11969174

This fucking beer. Went to a bar and they had this crap on special for $1 a bottle. Practically giving it away because they ordered so much of it and nobody was buying the shit. Even at the price I drank two and swore it off forever.

Shit. Beer.

>> No.11969175

This honestly. People don't realize it's illegal to drink here until you're 21

>> No.11969320

Unironically loved it to get housed on summer nights.

>> No.11969333

Fuck I hate Corona. I hate Mexican beers. Wtf even are Mexican beers? They taste like shitty lite beer mixed 50/50 with water.

>> No.11969382

never had it, but a shame to hear considering it's aesthetic

>> No.11969424

>flying dog 'in heat wheat' tastes like hotdog water
>and pyramid hefeweizen tastes like a ham n cheese sandwich left in the sun.

>> No.11969458
File: 101 KB, 337x340, baja-blond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the juan you want to try. I haven't had one in a year at least, but they were perfect summer beverages.

>> No.11969480

It's pretty awful and only really popular where I live because of a massive marketing push in the 80's or something. Not too bad hangover wise but is bitter as shit and not in the good way.

>> No.11969492

There is nothing without an aesthetic.

>> No.11969509

wow i totally blocked this out of my memory.

>> No.11969538
File: 31 KB, 400x400, BigFlats_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise you guys this is worse than almost every thing else posted in here. It's a Walgreens exclusive beer.

>> No.11969638

This is my favorite beer from them

>> No.11969666

Not actually bad, generic, mediocre and unimpressive? Sure. It's not adventurous enough to be bad

>> No.11969716

I loved the shit out of RR as soon as I got to drinking age but they got sold a few years after and I immediately noticed and DROPPED it

pissed me the hell off

>> No.11969721


>> No.11969722


>> No.11969731

>I miss the original Ranger IPA
Me too. Is there any way I can find it again or is new Belgium one of those companies that just replaces old products with new ones no matter how much the old ones are enjoyed?

>> No.11969799

Ranger had this aftertaste of lake water that I could not get over.

>> No.11969810

eh. as far as euro macros go, it's better than >>11964404

>> No.11969900

Also came here to post this

>> No.11970162
File: 22 KB, 315x432, 1382343870948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'm the only person who likes these
Plebs, the lot of you

>> No.11970167
File: 27 KB, 480x606, Alus HORN Diesel, 5.3, 0.568L can-480x606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lives up to its name.

>> No.11970203

That and some shit called dogfish head. I had to be smashed and crave more alcohol to drink them.

>> No.11970523

Fuck you

>> No.11970562

It is extremely non-offensive. It doesn't taste much better than any of the mass produced beers around. I expect more flavor out of a beer at that price.

>> No.11970584

What the hell these are great for the price and alc percent

>> No.11970721
File: 142 KB, 640x640, 203095011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tequila beer truly is the worst
>8% fruit beer
thats just insane
you fucking child
my man
>coriander and citrus peel
might be good for cooking
those arent that bad
>finest quality
probably not
hipster garbage
shut the fuck up and never post here again
one of the best beers in the world
its great for getting you black out drunk
you should kill yourself as soon as possible
imagine the smell
what is huckleberry?
this looks fantastic
you probably shop at iceland

>> No.11970724

how hard is it to go back to
>le grammar Nazi Reddit maymay

>> No.11970725

oh come on now. heineken is nothing special but it's far from the worst.

>> No.11970750

I liked the og imperial better I have to admit.

>> No.11970771

>Midwest beer is pretty mediocre compared to the West Coast
Three Floyds
Toppling goliath
Solemn Oath
Pipe works
Dark Horse
Great Lakes

Some of the best breweries in the country
If anyone knows beer its midwesterners

>> No.11970801

fosters is a shit beer, but if youre dehydrated, theres nothing better to slake your thirst

>> No.11970807

Obviously Bud light at #1, but Stella Artois is pretty shit in my book, to.
Tried some imported chinese beer for the fun of it, something called a snake beer.

>> No.11970837

There are about four hundred cases of the original Ranger left in storage in Fort Collins (I worked for New Belgium for quite a while, now at Odell), all cans (no bottles). They stopped producing it after their first Lips of Faith series run (2012, I think?) because they replaced a lot of their old brewing equipment with after that run and weren't satisfied with the Ranger produced using the new equipment, so they scrapped it. Voodoo Ranger is absolutely terrible, and frankly I can hardly recommend any New Belgium beers these days, especially when there are so many great alternatives coming out of Northern Colorado, like Odell, Oscar Blues,, Left Hand, etc. It's a shame how far downhill their quality has gone over the last decade, and I'm not at all disgruntled about my time there or anything

>> No.11970915

Based mass reply retard

>> No.11970941
File: 81 KB, 640x640, yuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuck. I used to drink a ton of Lagunitas cuz they had high abv

but they are usually terrible. and their seasonal specials are terribly hit or miss

>> No.11970949


>> No.11971026
File: 963 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_3795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came into this thread to sperg out at someone posting Land Shark
>no one posted it

What am I supposed to do now?

>> No.11971276

Kill yourself retard

>> No.11971959
File: 152 KB, 768x768, 1548525461327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody posted it yet

>> No.11972098

Is it still $3.99 for a six pack? Bought some for a long drive a few years back. Nasty stuff.

>> No.11972109

>drinking before work
>scrubs make him look like a prisoner
>drinking malt liquor
>is black

>> No.11972121

Lucky Buddah. No different from water and I'm not exaggerating.
The bottle is pretty at least, kept it to put my own sauces.

>> No.11972130

NOT GOOD but not bad I can easily drink one of these.

>> No.11972194
File: 26 KB, 400x600, ci-pabst-blue-ribbon-16cdc21d4cdd2998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad let me have a sip of his and it was yucky and bitter :(

>> No.11972196

HAahahah oh boy.
The first year at Uni, me and my floor mates wanted to get drunk on the water. But we wanted to be classy, so we each bought a "nice" 6pack instead of a 30 rack.
Three of us bought those, three of us got schwasty, and three of us puked blue.

Three of us vowed never to drink wild blue bulldog again.

>> No.11972219

Seems pretty based to me tee bee deh-soo

>> No.11972238
File: 214 KB, 1409x2048, 1526322327266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had one mid way through a night out and immediately vomited

>> No.11972271

i fucking love rolling rock especially on the rolling rocker

>> No.11972281
File: 834 KB, 617x1338, beer_170269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair I was forced to drink it warm and out of the can. Weirdest fucking mouthfeel ever though. Also made me feel like shit the next day even though I wasn't drunk.
I think something's wrong with you, this is the most drinkable beer ever.

>> No.11972292

Heineken?! Fuck that shit!


>> No.11972319

Brown sugga substitute is good

>> No.11972324

That is my favorite root beer by a lot. You can really taste the wintergeen

>> No.11972345

was good until they sold out to Anne Heizer, now it provides a swift headache

>> No.11972368

the imperial one is better and its 9%

>> No.11972403
File: 107 KB, 863x1390, the-2-trappist-beers-from-westmalle-dubbel-tripel-from-abbey-of-our-BR8K2H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to trappists or abbeys in general, this shit has got to be the worst. First time I tried it I thought that it had gone bad, but after I tried it second time, I just realized that it was just shit.

>> No.11972409

Sam Adams

>> No.11972449

I live in Seattle and frequent the Red Hook brewlab. They have a 1/5 ratio of good quality beer to shit tier meme garbage

>> No.11972519

Yeah we sell a lot of the imperial, it's a good abv per dollar value. I don't think we even carry the 7% one anymore.

>> No.11972520

I don't remember the bacon but could be
I've drank probably 30 bottles of other varieties of scotch and that was the only one I've had an issue with

>> No.11972662
File: 148 KB, 750x489, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without a doubt this. Bought a six pack thinking it looked interesting. Tasted like sea water with whale jizz in it

>> No.11972680
File: 17 KB, 150x300, 43481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tastes like cough medicine

>> No.11972685

I still have nightmares over buying and dinking this garbage

>> No.11972700

>it'll fuck you up tho
Ok this made me laugh. Where the fuck are all of my /alc/ niggas at? Why did the mod ruin our club?

>> No.11972722

>Gallahad (shit beer from Aldi).
>Special Brew.

>> No.11972747
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking alcohol

>> No.11972755

Stop crying about beverages on a food board

>> No.11972760

Paulaner. It has high ratings for some reason, but I swear it tastes like fucking ham. It's like drinking a piece of old ham, in a bad way.

>> No.11972808

two things
you need to drink it and basically all german beers out of a glass or it tastes underwhelming and stale
most german beers get damaged by temperature changes on their way to the US and taste way better the closer you get to germany

>> No.11972901

Blue moon...
You saw me standing alone...
Without a dream in my heart...
Without a love of my own...

>> No.11972942

There's a peanut butter porter in northern MN at boomtown that's pretty good. Drink it alomgside their strawberry blonde for a legitimately good pb&j experience

>> No.11972965

bugs bunny's birthday blowout more like BLOW OUT YOUR ASS

>> No.11973152

I actually loved the strawberry PB&J beer from Stone. I thought the way the flavor was able to be layered, instead of a sensory overload was great. It's an impressive beer from a pure brewing execution standpoint at the very least I think

>> No.11973312

Take that back

>> No.11973325


>> No.11973345
File: 179 KB, 652x1281, desktop2x_1454460899_Bottle_samaels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as I love Avery this was HORRIFIC beyond reason

>> No.11973354

Maybe try a radler next time, might be more suitable for your palate.

>> No.11973533

Well's IPA and >>11964501 are the only 2 beers I've ever poured out from sheer disgust. And I regularly drink macros.

>> No.11973927

Holy shit I think I had this same beer sold under a different label, it was called "Good Times" same font and design. It was dirt cheap and I ended up pouring it down the sink. Fucking AWFUL.

>> No.11974010

>on keto diet and drink miller 64 or vodka now

I miss muh craft beer, even the horrible ones, anons.

>> No.11974052

Never drink beer again, it's clearly not for you

>> No.11974217

Nobody cares as much about your opinion as you do, you silly willy.

>> No.11974235
File: 40 KB, 250x652, beer_332972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally old socks, vomit and sewers. Couldn't even drink half. A must have lowest bar on your personal ranking.

>> No.11974594
File: 1.56 MB, 1400x2098, 03976b62079279.5a8425ac6610a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you mess up a basic lager? This one put me off Italian beer for a long time, which sucks because I live there. Most Euro lagers and American macros are garbage but the benefit of the latter is at least there's some nostalgia of when you first started drinking. This Poretti lager somehow manages to be simultaneously bland and offensive. Tastes like a chemical peel and corn with no hops or malt to be found.

>> No.11974636

>haha i replied to all other posts.png

>> No.11975192
File: 84 KB, 600x495, knee-deep-brewing-stoutello-chocolate-hazelnut-stout-beer-california-usa-10882953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst beer I've ever had. Bitter to the max and nauseating sweetness. It was like nutella and sugar on top of hazelnut charcoal.

This be was the only one I've ever tried to return after ordering. The bartender laughed and said that nobody liked it and he was happy that after he gave me the last one he could take it off the beer list.

>> No.11975226

There's a reason why the mediterranean is known for its wine, anons. I heard Italian beer and laughed immediately. Even meds that live in cold climates now like the Quebecois make absolutely shit beer.

>> No.11975247

Look at this wee peatlet and laugh.

>> No.11975257

The French make surprisingly good farmhouse ales, though they're harder to find compared to their more famous Belgian cousins.

>> No.11975499
File: 93 KB, 758x899, euroshopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these fancy beers
Hipsters. All of you.

>> No.11975914

>hating on based burpbro
I want newfies to leave

>> No.11977382
File: 120 KB, 960x1280, ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lcbo.com%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Flcbo%2Fproducts%2F497032.jpg%2Fjcr%3Acontent%2Frenditions%2Fcq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpeg&f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually puke inducing

>> No.11977499

Local breweries variation of their Barleywine on nitro. Tasted like expired Guinness, would've been improved if I pissed in the keg. No flavor at all, just bitterness and alcohol burn.

>> No.11977637
File: 60 KB, 512x512, -thimble-island-island-hopper-cut-in-two-cans--thimble-island-island-hopper-cut-in-two-cans_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's buttery
why the fuck should a beer be buttery?

>> No.11977639

>Don't care what anyone says otherwise. It tastes like expired bread

Apparently expired bread tastes bitter to you? That doesn't make any sense. It's pale ale so it has a more bitter profile

>> No.11977664

>Corona Premier is OK

Premier is even lighter than Corona Light so what is even the point of it? Do you enjoy drinking 10 tall boys?

>> No.11977679

>this is the most drinkable beer ever
Are you fucking high? I could understand if you said "it's not that bad, I like it" or something like that. But "the most drinkable beer ever"? What the fuck are you?

>> No.11977684

The truest babby-mode beer. Fake microbrew for dipshit step-dads and other fools.

>> No.11977702

For some reason if you get in in bottle form you will get some bad ones from time to time. Gets too hot in storage sometimes and gives off flavors? Not sure why it happens. Also they make far superior beers but this one is just the crowd pleaser.

>> No.11977713

Heard it's the original corona recipe and they just starting bringing it over. Can't imagine it's that good if it took this long to come stateside.

>> No.11977718

Baltika is based as fuck

>> No.11977719

Orangeboom is fine in my opinion

>> No.11977727
File: 8 KB, 150x300, 24874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit right here. Tastes like a bad beer with Dole mandarin orange syrup mixed in. I actually had to throw the rest of the cans away. Fucking garbage

>> No.11977730

>I live in Seattle

I'm so sorry, anon

>> No.11977746

>at that stage of drunkness where you feel like you need to vomit and your stomach feels like shit but you don't actually have to vomit yet

help, this is the fucking worst, I would rather have just vomited and gotten it over with

>> No.11977754
File: 28 KB, 704x704, Labatt-Bleue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much like drinking watered down vomit.

>> No.11977909
File: 59 KB, 800x600, boddingtons-pub-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boddingtons Pub Ale; it tasted like a combination of (English) piss and cleaning chemicals.

>> No.11977914
File: 25 KB, 599x320, indian_kale_ale_PCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ain't right.

>> No.11977961
File: 619 KB, 2164x1393, Tennessee Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Elvispilled

>> No.11977973

I live in Louisiana and we have a "Korova Peanut Butter Porter" that is actually VERY good and untappd/beeradvocate agrees
Every other peanut butter beer I've had is absolute trash

>> No.11978019
File: 278 KB, 480x480, 28F24FCB-F4CD-4A8D-849E-62B1116C132D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking nasty

>> No.11978026

My brother got this after work one night when I was coming off of an acid trip. Possibly the most unpleasant beer I've ever had.
Strangely enough Belching Beaver has some decent beers but this one is so bad we barely got through the six pack.

>> No.11978067

b-but.. it has a gold medal..

>> No.11978120

Really? I've heard good things

>> No.11978126

Are you supposed to eat or drink during coming down from acid?

I took shrooms a while ago and was coming down and had an otter pop and I swear to god, it was the most amazing thing in the world to me at the time.

>> No.11978135

Shut the fuck up you pansy-ass nigger

Their porter is the only good thing to ever come out of that company

>> No.11978494

no u

>> No.11978535
File: 232 KB, 1280x1280, d0c5f326d1298ab0deea6bb8e7d12d51_1280x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes exactly like burnt coffee grounds after somebody made 10 pots with them, stirred into old pinto bean cooking liquid.
No hops, no malt, no cream, not even vanilla -- just burnt coffee and pinto beans. The liquid was thin and gritty. Fucking vile.

I live a couple miles down the road from their brewery and I'm tempted to visit. Are they just completely inept and delusional? Was it a harry potter jellybean style practical joke? What the hell

>> No.11978767
File: 77 KB, 600x408, clown-shoes-mango-american-kolsch-beer-massachusetts-usa-10718980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid meme brewery

This tasted like acrid ass

>> No.11978811

It never ceases to amaze me that Americans will buy triple hopped cacao nib mesquite infused cherimoya gose aged in a sherry barrel with sperm whale teeth and strained through a Guadalajara bus driver’s sock then complain that it doesn’t taste like good beer.
Here’s a tip for you faggots: water, malt, hops, yeast. Anything else is just covering up for a lack of actual ability.

>> No.11978841

Threads like these just reinforce my belief that craft beer is meme garbage and that the Reinheitsgebot did nothing wrong.

>> No.11978863
File: 213 KB, 600x600, 22353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm the only Berliner who doesn't like this.

Tastes like water with enthanol.

>> No.11978865


This is especially important with this beer.

>> No.11978867

as a rule of thumb any kind of cream ale is always disappointing. it's a term applied to light hot shit

>> No.11978892 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up niggers. That beer is great and only niggers hate it. Ever see a nigger enjoy peanuts? Yeah no, cause they're niggers you peanut hating NIGGER so shut the nig nog door up.

>> No.11978932
File: 66 KB, 267x400, 9015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely disgusting and overpowering, why would anyone smoke beer?

>> No.11978955

You a bitch. It’s one of the best beers out there, it’s like drinking meat

>> No.11979253
File: 43 KB, 800x447, 18A621E0-1ECC-4BFE-BFDD-91A48B7B12EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.11979812

>yuropoors seething about being too destitute for other ingredients

Sad! Many such cases

>> No.11979819

9 is okay because its 8%, the blue one is piss though.

>> No.11979834

also this

>> No.11980043

This. Its super salty.

>> No.11980207

I remember this shit being pretty gross when i first had it at 16. Even compared to budweiser

>> No.11980226

You're dumb

>> No.11980247
File: 47 KB, 339x537, bios5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I never bought that shit, that was a DnD group session and someone else got those. You're mostly right, in greece there are some local beers that are decent, but too expensive for what they offer. The one and only exception which is far and beyond my favorite warm weather beer is pic related.

>> No.11980550


>> No.11980553

Brewing mistakes. Diacetyl?

>> No.11980568

That beer requires lime, fool.

>> No.11980581
File: 227 KB, 320x480, BlueMoon-BelgianWhite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are worse malt liquors out there. Camo, Earthquake, and St. Ides are truly bottom of the barrel.

I absolutely can't stand Blue Moon, though. It tastes like rotten celery but hipsters act like it's a "good gateway to craft beer." Fuck that. Anything by Sam Adams is infinitely better.

>> No.11980620

Sounds lovely

>> No.11980633

>orange on a beer glass
That shit looks ghetto as fuck

>> No.11981021

This. Glad to know I'm not the only one who detected a 'rotten' or 'spoiled' note from that beer. The strong citrus makes it even worse, like rotten orange juice.

>> No.11981023

it's the only proper way to drink Blue Moon, unless you want to go turbo-faggot and add a lemon slice instead

>> No.11981041
File: 35 KB, 480x325, ncaabloodymary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see the fuckery people get up to with garnishes for gin cocktails and Bloody Marys.

>> No.11981058
File: 471 KB, 589x1500, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. edgelord

Anyway, for me it's unequivocally icehouse "edge." I've had steel reserve and didn't think it was that bad, but this shit is the first and so far only beer i found so offensive that i couldn't finish it. this shit's basically carbonated corn syrup that somehow went extremely stale.

>> No.11981085

No fruit should ever go near a beer unless its a mexican beer and the fruit is a lime. Ive only ever seen the "ratchet" crowd put oranges or lemons in their beer

>> No.11981173
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>> No.11981179

>He doesn't enjoy a cheeky bod

>> No.11981210

literally tasteless, you are

>> No.11981212
File: 1.11 MB, 524x882, steel pill 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and steel pilled

>> No.11981217

alright yoda

>> No.11981230

was having a debate about whether >>11964469 or >>11964554 is worse the other day
I think I would rather drink the steel reserve though

>> No.11981862


>> No.11981948
File: 33 KB, 115x437, 89250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it, but I love beer and salt anyway. Used to jazz up my cheap shit beers with pic related back in the day.

>> No.11981957

How the fuck did you even come into possession of this? Did you purchase it? Every other entry on this list, up until this far, I can at least understand why they would try it. This.. Fucking strawberry shortcake beer. My god. Its like a beer a child would pick out because of the bright colors.

>> No.11981975
File: 32 KB, 664x800, 92766_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Super Premium " Its distilled hobo piss with bubbles. And I don't even mind most hobo beers like OE or Hurricane or Natty Daddy.

>> No.11982003
File: 2.38 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190228_235915981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when steel reserve became too weak, I went to earthquake (10%). when it lost its luster, I moved onto this hell piss. 1.50 after tax for 12.2% 24oz

>> No.11982485

go fuck urself m8

>> No.11982666
File: 61 KB, 499x499, 211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11982714



Glass is as easy or easier to recycle than aluminum though?

>> No.11982926
File: 176 KB, 1920x595, australian-beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fosters isnt Australian but every seppo and euro cunt seem to think otherwise.

I introduce you to the line up of shit beers that must be avoided like the plague.