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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11971366 No.11971366 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on these things.

>> No.11971367

So box can't crush pizza

>> No.11971372


>> No.11971374

bluepilled af ...

>> No.11971376

That's where roaches eat their family dinners

>> No.11971400

reserves a spot for the birthday candle

>> No.11971411 [DELETED] 

Niggers took jobs as pizza delivery guys and we all know they can't do shit so some white dude invented these so dindu nuffin can't crush the pizza when one of his homies sit on top of the stash

>> No.11971424
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It's where you draw your happy face.

>> No.11971436

What pizza joints even still have these? I remember seeing them a lot when I was a kid but they’ve disappeared from what I’ve seen

>> No.11971439
File: 1.73 MB, 1440x1453, Screenshot_2019-02-28-14-54-26-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cardboard box occasionally bends inwards due to the humidity of the pizza

>> No.11971443

They release estrogen mimicking polymers into your pizza to turn you into low test bitchboy who doesn't rebel against authorities.

>> No.11971452

I used to use them for table with my mini wrestling figures, used to use coffee stirrers from mcdonalds as boat oars.
>tfw tables, ladders and oars matches in the sandbox

>> No.11971456

Literally every place has them even chains. Do you get more than one pizza at a time?

>> No.11971458


>> No.11971461

they're tiny tables for your action figures.

>> No.11971525

They make halfway decent painters trianlges.

>> No.11971532

>Literally every place

You're already full of crap.

>> No.11971547

>be pizza place
>be not have critical product
Its like seven eleven not having cups.

>> No.11971556

Only some places do it. I have gotten pizza from plenty of places that don't.

>> No.11971572

such a waste of money and more garbage since back in my day they just put a ball of cooked pizza dough in the center for the same reason

>> No.11971577

Did you ask? They dont use them unless they need to.

>> No.11971578

end tables for your Barbie houses

>> No.11971586

This is only necessary because Americans order huge ass pizzas on a regular basis.

>> No.11971588
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its another pointless piece of petroleum derivative product that will inevitable end up in a landfill taking thousands of years to degrade or swirling around in the ocean contributing to the death of the largest eco system on earth, but eh, worth it so the top of my pizzabox doesn't absorb a tiny bit of the grease off of my meatlovers extra cheese hotdog crust pizza

hmm, wonder why that thing only exists in America, funny that

>> No.11971599

>back in my day they just put a ball of cooked pizza dough in the center for the same reason

I'm old as fuck and have literally never seen anyone do this.

>> No.11971604

Good idea through.

>> No.11971619

Ask for what? What are they even called?

>> No.11971633

well since social media didnt exist back then it never caught on

plus im in canada so usa just werent smart enough for the idea i guess

>> No.11971646

I have worked for several pizza places that do not even have them. Pizza getting crushed isn't a problem unless the people are handling them are retarded.

>> No.11971856

They are a holdover from when nobody used corrugated cardboard boxes for pizza. The old thinner cardboard boxes crushed more easily.

>> No.11972090

retarded yuropoor
they exist in a lot of countries, dude
t. has eaten pizza all over the world

>> No.11972093

my mom told me that its a little table for the mice to sit down and eat at

>> No.11972136
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triangular pizza saver master race

>> No.11972166
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>he doesn't have the entire outdoor dining set

>> No.11972173

Stupid americans, just pull a ball of cooked pizza dough in the middle.

>> No.11972240

depends on the size of the pizza and the quality of the box. dominoes boxes are near indestructible so they don't need them and costco just doesn't care ;_;

>> No.11972247

Sals pizza does that here. Too bad their pizzas are like $45 each

>> No.11972256

Thank god somebody gets it

>> No.11972268
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Stupid foreigners destroying the best part of the pizza slices. No wonder you make burn loaves of bread with a slice of cheese and a couple of leaves and call it pizza. You have no idea what the fuck you're doing.

Meanwhile Midwesterners have done what they always do, and figured out a way to optimize everything.

>> No.11972280

i havnt seen one in years most pizza places do not use them anymore

>> No.11972497

fucking Obama

>> No.11972505

Place I go to only bothers with them for their giant meme pizzas. You only need them for giant meme pizzas if you're not skimping on boxes.

>> No.11972599

Hormonal birth control so the white goyim can't threaten a certain group anymore.

>> No.11972648

Nah, that pizza is orange. Probably a coordinated psyops between papa johns, russians and orange man.

>> No.11972743

I get a pizza from dominos probably 5 times a week, they always use them, sometimes two in one pizza

>> No.11972752

>5 times a week
You're fuckin' with us

>> No.11972763

I guess they are franchises, I see no point because their boxes don't crush when stacked

>> No.11972789

Im not.
Inb4 obeseity jokes, i weigh 165lbs. I can eat what ever i want and cant gain weight, ive tried.

>> No.11972802

That's really cute

>> No.11972805

I feel so fucking sorry for your toilet.

>> No.11972826
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>> No.11972827
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Anyone play this game with your siblings growing up?

Everyone picks a leg (I had two siblings so guess this only works with that) and rochambeau for who gets to "go". And you smash the pizza table with your fist and whoever's leg/s break of get to pick the first slice.

>> No.11972830

Why? I shit normally.

>> No.11972833

iittle tables for your firends

>> No.11972837


>> No.11972846

please do not be a retard bully

>> No.11972851

you didn't have childhood games?

>> No.11972852

>rochambeu for who gets to "go"

If you did that the south park thats fucking hilarious and retarded at the same time, if youre just saying rochambeu in place of rock paper scissors youre disgusting.

Either way youre retarded

>> No.11972854
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It's supposed to be preventing pic related from happening, but in some cases nothing helps. (when the driver is a woman)

>> No.11972858

why did you eat your pizza in that order?

>> No.11972863

Are you blind or just retarded?

>> No.11972865


>> No.11972867

r u d e
i was just asking a question

>> No.11972874
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The pizza slid around, but that poster is retarded. The table doesn't hold the slices together, it keep the lid of the box from collapsing. Also what a shit soggy pizza.

>> No.11972880

why did you cut your pizza like that? do you not like crusts?

>> No.11972883

Not autism.

>> No.11972891

why are you so retarded?

>> No.11972897

They are typically only used for delivery since most pizza drivers take multiple deliveries at a time, meaning they’ll have to stack them.

>> No.11972899

why are you being so rude to me?
iv never seen people cut slices out of the pizza like this and im curious as to why the fuck they are doing this? i assume its because they dont like the crust
please stop bullying me

>> No.11972900

light-hearted "betting/violent" games with your siblings is autistic...okay. i'm assuming you're an only child.

>> No.11972905
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>> No.11972914

what is pic related me me?
jones on joe yesterday btw..

>> No.11973033

please tell me this is a real thing somewhere

>> No.11973042

Can I have your problem?

>> No.11973053

In doll furniture

>> No.11973581

just pack the pizza flipped so the cheese don't stick to the lid

>> No.11973604

lmao just kill yourself faggot

>> No.11973924
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>> No.11974103

>Redpill me on these things.

Free toy with purchase. Kid loves the free doll table.

>> No.11974105

fuck off reddit

>> No.11974123

I wanted to be mad but hook me up with one of those oblong crust slices bro

>> No.11974136

stool for the noid to sit on at dominoes

>> No.11974153

>everything I don't like is reddit
You shouldn't have come here. Now you're trapped.

>> No.11974159

Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not produced from milk but rather is the final stage in the life cycle of a miniature race of humans known as Chepings.
The Chepings although normally invisible to the human eye are a super intelligent race of beings that have the capacity to grow beyond hundreds of times beyond their normal size. Although this may sound impressive, it merely enables them to reach the size of roughly 3 pieces of pizza topping.
Pizza's themselves are also not a rolled dough complete with sauce and everything else but rather pods. Naturally one pizza pod is what we know as two different pizzas connected by the crust facing inward, similar to a pumpkin seed if it were more circular. What you typically eat as a "pizza" is one half of this pizza pod.
Pizza pods naturally contain sauce, sometimes in different types with a myriad of toppings inside but no cheese.

>> No.11974165

haha great comment, wish I thought of this first

>> No.11974169

Pizza chefs, more aptly known as pizza farmers simply crack the pizza pod in half and re-distributes the toppings and sauce evenly.
The unfortunate effect of this being that they are unable to easily pick out the undesirable toppings for the person that had ordered the pizza.
As such, the Chepings have created a symbiotic relationship with pizza farmers to consume the undesired toppings until the pizza is completely to the liking of the customer. At this point, the Chepings are now at their maximum size and ready to enter the reproductive cycle which requires a fair amount of heat to "melt" into.

>> No.11974177

Ultimately, Pizza farmers then insert the pizza into the oven and allow them to reach the final stage of their life where the many Chepings will meld into each other under the extreme heat which forms the "zygotes," that will be gestated within the consumer of the pizza and eventually sweated out later that night as the newly born Chepings are more than capable of slipping through a human's porous skin to experience their younger stages of life which are generally spent attempting to reach the place in which they were first conceived, a pizza store.
Although many will not survive the journey, crushed underfoot by unsuspecting humans, eaten by other organisms, or simply unable to deal with the extreme journey's length, the amount produced offsets this concern.

>> No.11974180

The table, although not required, generally includes instructions on which toppings to consume which is inscribed along the legs. This ensures ultimate quality of the pizza which is why you find the pizza always tasting better when one is consumed. If not, specks of unwanted toppings may be left behind or your order may be incorrect. The table also prevents the zygotes from being harmed in transit.
So, like most people say "The table prevents the pizza from being ruined," is entirely true, but simply looked at from the perspective of the consumer and not the longterm benefits to the Chepings or the prevention of their extinction.
Some speculate this is because humans are selfish, although many forget that 99% of humans will never see a Cheping in their living form as they will either be too small or already melted into what you know as "cheese."
This is not to say cheese is fake, rather the cheese you consume on pizzas is not cheese.

>> No.11974216 [DELETED] 

i use them as tables for my legos ahahahahahaha >:)

>> No.11974356

I am now enlightened

>> No.11974388
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Oldfags remember.

>> No.11974404

Prevents box from caving in and having the entire top of the pizza stick to the lid. Even more important when stacking multiple boxes.

>> No.11974458

not him>>11974105 or a nigger but I am going to steal this.

>> No.11975924
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>liking stupid silly shit like that is reddit now
I want tourists to leave

>> No.11975930


>> No.11975980

Liking anything at all is Reddit. We are here to express hatred or indifference. Never jubilation.

>> No.11976001

The NES game was great

>> No.11976006

Agreed senpai, even holding an opinion is reddit. We are here to be contrarian and feel bad about our life choices, finding common ground in making fun of the popular, nice, and different. The irony of course of trying to fit in by being different is lost on us.

>> No.11976240

Sorry fren, now that im in my 30s and all my freinds are getting fat ive come to apreaciate my eternalskellingtonitis.

>> No.11976261

underrated and based

>> No.11976387

Someone explain this joke.

>> No.11976430

>explain humour to an autist
Id rather get a girlfriend.

>> No.11976517

Well we both know that's not happening, so explain the joke.

>> No.11976524

I meant I am very strongly averse to explaining humour, because getting a girlfriend is something I am also averse to.

>> No.11976530


>> No.11976546

Miss pipin'. I need it bruhs ;_;

>> No.11976559

That wasn't South Park's joke. They just recycled a very old joke.

>> No.11976682

Fuck off electionfag

>> No.11976690

N I G G E R S3

>> No.11977316

necrobump :)

>> No.11977329

It was shit, and a literal rip-off of another game. Nostalgia factor is a bitch, though.

>> No.11977348

literally brought me back in time to my 9year old self

>> No.11978942



>> No.11978962

How come I'm apparently one of the few who figured out what these are for the first time I saw one?

>> No.11978977
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>missing the centerpiece

>> No.11979024

Eh, I played it with a qt girl next door, now the olympics game with the run pad was shit that couldn't be saved by a nice piece of ass running in place.

>> No.11979047

why is there no full dining set on the mini pizza

>> No.11979078


>> No.11979105

they were really common in the 90s when pizza boxes were shit

>> No.11979114

Holy fucking shit!

>> No.11979170

when would this ever happen? what kind of pizza joints do you go to? cardboard pizza boxes around here are rigid and firm.

>> No.11979269

Here they mostly use these when they're delivering multiple pizza boxes stacked on top of one another.

>> No.11979284

That's what she said. badum tshh

>> No.11979692
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>> No.11979910

Alright Mr. Metabolism now drink a gallon of milk a day and then try to tell us you magically can't gain any weight no matter what.

>> No.11979970
File: 2.33 MB, 1320x742, pizza_on_pizza_on_pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must go further.

>> No.11979973

Wheres the fucking tablecloth?

what backwards pizza restaurant do you order from?

>> No.11980117


>> No.11980159

And I watched nu-Busters while feeling up a 13-year old. I have good memories of the movie, but that doesn't mean it isn't a shit movie.

>> No.11980186

checkmate globecucks.

>> No.11980311
File: 95 KB, 500x500, paradise-restaurant-winnipeg-5764439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A based pizza place in my town deep fries the excess dough from the pie and uses it instead of a table. As a kid my friends and I would have penis measuring competitions and the one with the longest penis would get the dough ball, and the one with the biggest testicles would get the biggest slice haha

>> No.11980315

sounds pretty gay. but the dough ball thing sounds pretty jewish / dutch to me.

>> No.11980323

how did you get hard to measure did you jack each other off? jw haha

>> No.11980325

i'm gay too if that helps

>> No.11980367

Obviously they went by the length at the time of measurement, so the one who got the hardest when measuring would win. If it was just the full length the result would have been the same every time.

>> No.11980375

Why is it gay?

My friends mom had a cactus in the basement that looks like a boob if you look at it from the right angle so we took turns staring while i kissed everyones tip haha

>> No.11981842

i used to do that too, put a garlic roll in the center

>> No.11981859
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>> No.11981865
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>> No.11981866

Did you write it and feel disappointed that nobody paid any heed?

>> No.11981971

That 'Hutza looks so :fire:

>> No.11982010

That is dumb. It would literally be the same winners every time. You guys should have jerked off (preferably onto the pizza) and whoever came first got to eat the dough ball.

>> No.11982110

well it was pre-puberty, so there was a good chance penis sizes were still changing

>> No.11982627
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(sry its shit quality, my first time making something like this)

>> No.11982945

It’s a regional thing

>> No.11982962
File: 138 KB, 626x417, woman-trying-eat-her-friend-s-pizza-home_23-2147894305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11983096

Effort very much appreciated.