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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11970398 No.11970398 [Reply] [Original]

What foods do you consume during your kinosessions?

>> No.11970399
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>> No.11970400
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>> No.11970401

I'm not American, I can sit through a movie without stuffing my face with a few thousand calories ""light snack"".

>> No.11970402

I find it amusing and a little adorable how euroshits get so angry about Americans, that they feel the need to type out their anger, fill in the captcha, and click the post button just so they can feel superior for the few moments the thread is alive....all on an American website. Stay mad, friends.

>> No.11970403

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number six with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s (one with cheese) and a large soda

>> No.11970404

>look at me, I, the superior euro, don't eat during my movies
wow that's awesome dude

>> No.11970405
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Yeah, keep rationalizing our disdain as "anger" or "obsession" while we laugh at your fat asses.

>> No.11970406
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>> No.11970407

royale with cheese

>> No.11970408
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I usually start with some mac and cheese and a few beers, then about half way through I get some chocolate cake and have some more beer.

>> No.11970409

>beer can chicken
the beer doesn't actually evaporate out of the can. It's a myth. You just have to baste it in beer and it will actually work

>> No.11970410

I did a search on OP's image, and the image comes from reddit's front page today. So OP was browsing reddit, saw a "neat" picture that has fucking nothing to do with /tv/, and decided to post it here because he's a complete and utter faggot.

>> No.11970411
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Hmm... what's the fatty? You like eating like a pig kike fuck? You're a fag as well?

>> No.11970412

Flask of rum.

>> No.11970413


>> No.11970414

all of /tv/ is just
>what's on facebook/reddit/imgur/twitter
then it ends up on /v/

>> No.11970415

>food is bad

t. low-test dyel

>> No.11970416

Welcome to nu4chan

>> No.11970417

I usually don't eat anything all day so I can enjoy a large slushie at the movies. Don't see the problem.

>> No.11970418

i live on a diet of bread, cheese, water, coffee and cigarettes
during a long kinosession i might have a cheeky bag of haribos though

>> No.11970419
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i'm only jewish on my dads side and occasionally wanting to try your own cum does not make you gay!

>> No.11970420

>macaroni in a sandwich

but why

>> No.11970421

based. I eat cheese and crackers for dinner most nights

>> No.11970422

nothing, maybe popcorn.
why not choose to go somewhere actually decent before or after?

>> No.11970423

you eat a hot karl during movies? lmao

>> No.11970424

popcorn gets stuck in my teeth, i just have a water. i agree, i like to get something good after

>> No.11970425

That shit has been happening for the past few months now.

>> No.11970426
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Carb sandwich is the best sandwich

>> No.11970427

If it's a movie night, I'll usually grab some Thai takeout and a 12-pack of beer for me and my gf on my way home from work.

>> No.11970428

Lmao you find every oppurtunity you can to shittalk european countries

>> No.11970429

Popcorn is the only answer. You can munch on it for awhile and it's only 300 calories.

yuropoor mad he can't afford snacks.

>> No.11970430
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>> No.11970431
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Fatties will slap any foods together and pat themselves on the back for feeling like some kind of culinary artist.

>> No.11970432

>something something Americlapcucks really do this something something

>> No.11970433

>300 calories
Jesus dude, you pouring fucking butter on that shit? If not how much god damn popcorn you eat?

>> No.11970434

>bread and noodles
truly an american dish

>> No.11970435
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>> No.11970436
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>on the sandwich
>AND as a side dish
this makes me angry

>> No.11970437


>> No.11970438

I miss being a college kid watching flicks at the local second run diner theater and eating chicken strips and honey mustard and not giving a second thought to weight or anything.

Now I just drink diet soda at the theater. Or more likely hard booze cocktails, because fuck the big public theaters here in DC. Those people are fucking awful to see a movie with.

>> No.11970439
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>This angers the fatties

>> No.11970444

Welcome to /ck/; Thar be single moms on this board.

>> No.11970445

Janny confirmed fatty.

>> No.11970448
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hello ladies

>> No.11970449

wine and cheese is a snack

>> No.11970451

crossposters ruined this site

>> No.11970460
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on sundays i like to slow cook something while I watch a movie, and then eat after! I love the comfy smells coming through the house while I watch some kino

>> No.11970465

Fucking this

>> No.11970468

Anyone who posts on /v/ /int/ or /tv/ shouldn't be allowed to post anywhere else on 4channel

>> No.11970476
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1510679740702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweaty you don't eat while watching a movie because you can't afford it europoor.

>> No.11970588

kill yourself ahmed, pringles salt n vinegar should be banned

>> No.11970662

Terrorism flavour

>> No.11970840

that's some argie wine, and that plug is not european. Hola amigo argentino, como estas?

>> No.11971110

looks like an american socket to me

>> No.11971165


>> No.11971194

Usually popcorn. If I'm at home, I'll drizzle some olive oil and add salt and red pepper flakes on top of it; additional herbage usually includes dried thyme/oregano/basil, and, occasionally, tarragon or rosemary.

>> No.11971220

hummus and goat sex, my favorite flavor

>> No.11971836
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Pretty much these actually.

That is, either kebab pizza, sour cream & onion chips or these soft fruit candies with ammonium chloride punch.

>> No.11971846
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>he watches movies

>> No.11971917

seething af lol

>> No.11971928

I like that the chicken looks like it's disappointed in the rest of the food.

>> No.11971946
File: 107 KB, 722x722, thepokemonthebadandtheugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to eat sour cream>>11970406
but lately I don't eat anything. My chewing sounds are distracting.

>> No.11972006

>purely entertainment distractions are bad in fascist 'murrica
Yeah, we should spend 100% of our tjme focusing on the jew conspiracy to commit white genocide and pollute our precious bodily fluids like /tv/ says.

>> No.11972017

Oh no nonno no no

>> No.11972019

You're on 4chan. Social media is an arguably worse way to kill time.

>> No.11972040

Try years. A lot of top threads on /tv/ and /v/ are images taken from reddit so the OP can have a 4chan style discussion about it. It's not a bad idea, but seeing the same shit is a little tiresome.

>> No.11972057

You have no food to eat.

>> No.11972063

A bag of regular microwave popcorn is 300 calories dude, stop acting like a douchebag.

>> No.11972074
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>not filling your tray with McDonalds

>> No.11972303

I tried this once and Im pretty sure they just made it as a joke to fuck with tourists

The absolute smell
The absolute taste
The absolute texture
Kill me

>> No.11972312


Why is the saturation always turned up so high on these instagram fast food pics? It's so weird.

>> No.11972318

>beercan chicken


>> No.11972321

otherwise it looks like grey mush which is what it is

>> No.11972333

>ruining this with mac n cheese
I'm not a baby, grill some fucking vegetables to go with that.

>> No.11972499
File: 340 KB, 2000x1124, fette-sau-BBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A veritable feast of BBQ.

>> No.11972500

It's the saturated fats

>> No.11972578

this, its an american thing

>> No.11972725
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>> No.11972744
File: 457 KB, 384x962, 500D05C7-4E50-40AD-A1A8-8607F4F3A235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge bitch mountain of pulled pork nachos, cheese sticks with sauce, sour skittles, and this kino drink

>> No.11972746
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the best movie candy

>> No.11972750

Bless your hearts

>> No.11972765

Pizza and ice cream also I forgot to add. I would eat it all with my bf so why not

>> No.11973241

what the literal fuck is a kinosession

>> No.11973246

Best foods you can think of/ favourites in a huge ass sesh

>> No.11973264

please kys

>> No.11973287
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>> No.11974590

holy fucking shit, kill yourself retard

>> No.11974645

>$50.99 plus tip

>> No.11974716


>> No.11974766
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1 bag of popcorn is a little over 300 calories.

>> No.11974771
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English """"""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""" need to be exterminated

>> No.11974829

Poland here and we do eat popcorn and stuff in mainstream cinemas. Only specific cinemas that play art house/nichie movies do not offer food.

What euro countries do not eat food during the movie?

>> No.11974927

As an American, I don’t even get this. He’s got a side of Mac, a side of pulled pork, and a Mac and pulled pork sandwich. It’s bull shot redundancy to make the plate seem more ‘epic’

>> No.11974932

Shit tier wine.