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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11962607 No.11962607 [Reply] [Original]

i noticed something odd recently and was wondering if anyone else feels the same
has food in general been getting worse over time?
some examples are i used to enjoy chicken but these days it all seems to taste kinda crap, and leftovers are completely inedible the day after
pieces of fish i get are also very hit or miss with pretty odd tasting pieces getting more common
i considered the problem might be me but i still enjoy other food that i used to e.g. lamb/pork/beef
what are your thoughts /ck/?

>> No.11962614

Not for me, but I'm a vegan so I only eat food that actually tastes good.

>> No.11962617
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I don't know, but /ck/ is definitely getting worse.

>> No.11962631

do you grow your own fruits/vegetables? if not, you haven't noticed any drop in quality of the products you buy over time?

how is talking about quality of food something not relevant in /ck/

>> No.11962640

Where do you shop at?

Yeah because of faggots like this >>11962614 shitposting in every thread

>> No.11962648

lots of places depending what i need
the problem is most noticeable in supermarket poultry/fish but i still notice it in meat i get from butchers

>> No.11962654
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oh you

>> No.11962664

Your sense of taste is experiencing an issue.

>> No.11962671

God I wish that was me

>> No.11962705

I've seen it. Meat, candy, canned goods, produce, fruits and vegetables. It's related to the IQ decline over the last few decades and the browning of America. People are degenerating into cattle and swine. Thanks feminism

>> No.11962710

I don’t doubt it, because they’ll cut costs anywhere. I haven’t noticed myself though. Maybe it’s been gradual enough a pleb like me wouldn’t notice.

>> No.11962736

>Maybe it’s been gradual enough a pleb like me wouldn’t notice.
The ultimate example of this is Wendy's Baconator. I'm old enough to remember the year it came out, it was fantastic, my buddy and I were in the military and ate them often because they were so good, it became our thing, and now it's a shell of what it once was and hardly anyone notices this. Fast food places love to introduce something great and slowly water it down as much as possible for people to keep buying it, unaware of the slow and steady decline in quality. Another example: BK's chicken tendercrisp sandwich.

>> No.11962755

yes everything is now just a visual reminder of what food one was. Meme food at best, made from corn secretions but i'm pretty sure its all test tube protein pressed into familiar looking food items.

>> No.11962787
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There's just too many options in a hyper-connected multi-cultural modern world. To stand out you have to get crazier and crazier, fuse more and more, etc. It's kinda sad honestly. Capitalism and Diversity Fags have created this world.

>> No.11962809

The taco bell chalupa is an excellent example. my friends don't even remember that it used to be twice as thick and came in three different sauce flavors.

>> No.11962841
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>There's [singular] just too many options [plural]
Maybe learn basic grammar before getting up on that "everybody's uncultured but me" high horse, buddy

>> No.11962963

do you smoke cigs?

>> No.11962969


>> No.11962982

Competition has led to markets more saturated with inferior products. It's stocked because it sells, but that it sells is no indication of quality. There's great food to be had but you need to be smart as a consumer. Try and compare different brands of canned or packaged goods, look at the quality of meat and produce at the different markets where you live, and put your shopping list together based on what you have.

When I shop I pick up probably 80% whole foods and the rest are things like condiments, staples, and canned/convenience goods from brands I trust. I don't have any difficulty finding consistent quality.

>> No.11962988

> Nu-male chicken & waffles.

Dumb white liberal wiggers want to be us so bad, but guess what? you can't be black you white pieces of shit. No matter how much you try to appropriate our foods.

>> No.11963003

>implies people actually want to be black
That's adorably naive.

>> No.11963004
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>a chalupa is a small boat in my country!

>> No.11963016

consistency is a bad thing, it means its highly processed or some other nefarious procedure has been done to get inconsistencies to blend together

>> No.11963022

Find a different thread, pumpkin, adults are talking in this one.

>> No.11963030

Vegetable and fruit quality is definitely tanking.

Pretty much have to get heirloom seeds or local produce (hit or miss) for anything good.

>> No.11963060

Our food should barely qualify as food anymore, it's pumped with so many hormones and chemicals that it's more like the toxic mush people in China sometimes eat. Organic/no hormones/no chemical food reigns supreme in taste and quality but also will fuck you over with the price. It sucks, but if you ask /pol/ that's how "they" want it. Mass production has killed the industry and is killing people. Not saying I want to go back to the days where you had to ride 200 miles in your horse-drawn carriage to get a tomato, but there needs to be some deep government change and worldly change, sooner than later. People can shit on hipsters and vegans as much as they want but they are 100% in the right for wanting to focus on local, sustainable food grown without suspicious shit.

>> No.11963063

enjoy your BPA lining and nutrition devoid canned food if that's what you need to feel like an adult
pick one

>> No.11963074

I'm seriously concerned over what the nutritional composition of Walmart/chain grocery store vegetables and fruit is. Logically these fruits and veggies should be packed with nutrients, but most of our food is grown on soil that has not been nutrient replenished. At most it has had phosphorous and oxygen put back into it, but that alone is not enough. There are too many mouths to feed for our soil to handle. They can claim these foods are nutritious all they want but some studies indicate otherwise--not that fruit and veggies aren't nutritional, but that the mass produced ones are essentially like biting into filtered water.

>> No.11963086

You're just filled with retarded assumptions, aren't you? Go back to high school english and learn about fallacies.

>> No.11963087

I think David Bowie put it best. When he spent so much time in New York he enjoyed himself thoroughly for all the different things he could get.

Despite the music video, Afraid of Americans was written about him visiting his favorite rural village and finding a McDonalds after coming there from New York. Bowie was terrified at the power and reach of connecting everyone with the American mentality, even though he had enjoyed its indulgences.

>> No.11963100

the problem with hipsters is they think just because they buy expensive wholesome looking boutique brands thinking because the label says organic that it is any different from store brand.

>> No.11963110

It is different, though. You can't legally label something organic in the USA without it being organic. There's also restrictions on what non-organic things you can put it in, too. I think you should be complaining more about vegans who think their lifestyle is healthy because they don't eat meat and instead eat 5 boxes of doritos in one day; since they're technically vegan.

>> No.11963121

sure just let me grind up 100 coconuts for some curry

>> No.11963128

The way I see it there are two things operating here. First the people who remember when fast food used to be better, claiming now it isn't nearly as good. That's probably just growing up. Fast food is designed to be delicious to kids and teenagers. So it's likely you liked it when you were that age. Adults lucky enough to be exposed to better options often realize the loud, cheap flavors they thought were awesome as a kid really aren't all that great, and kids have shit taste.

But there's another thing operating here as well. Americans don't like paying a lot for their food, and in a lot of cases quality is expensive. So over the 20th Century industrialized agricultural and processing practices have kept food relatively cheap, but also led to a race to the bottom in terms of quality. Chicken is a perfect example. In the early part of the 20th Century chicken was expensive. Now it's cheap. The downside of that cheap chicken is little in the way of flavor and an odd texture compared to heritage breed free range chicken, which you won't find in the supermarket. That bird is not there because customers used to chicken being cheap would not be willing to pay what it costs - it takes twice as long to reach slaughtering weight. Almost all the varieties of livestock and vegetable products (including wheat) have been created to maximize efficiency, not flavor. The flour made from Red Fife wheat common in the earlier part of the 20th Century makes better tasting bread than what you buy in the supermarket today. But people who buy sliced sandwich bread in plastic bags don't give a shit as long as it's cheap and convenient. There has been a general drop in ingredient quality from the early 20th Century until now. But food is much cheaper and more stuff is available. It's a trade off.

>> No.11963132

LOL no one wants to be black.

Also the notion that chicken and waffles is somehow "black" can only come from a low IQ black mind.

>> No.11963160

Organic doesn't automatically mean a product is good. There are plenty of pesticides and food additives that are completely 'naturally occurring'. It may filter out some of them but nothing labeled organic is guaranteed to be unadulterated.

>> No.11963198

organic no longer means what it did now its just a familiar sounding marketing catchphrase. All natural is a even bigger joke because they just replace things like MSG with "yeast extract"

>> No.11963216

This is a reasonable concern. The fruits and vegetables we eat nowadays have undergone decades or even centuries of intense selective breeding. Nutritional value is not something that gets actively selected, while growth speed and other factors like resistance to pests is something very much considered. Then there is the whole industrial agriculture thing, as you mentioned. The topic has even reached mainstream media.


What can we do? Well, compensate by eating more vegetables.

>> No.11963227

the FDA has relaxed many restriction and now certain things don't need to be labeled on the ingredients like aspartame in milk. And good luck figuring out country of origin because "packaged" in USA doesn't mean grown here.

>> No.11963228

tastes good to me
in europe btw

>> No.11963238


>> No.11963364

>organic no longer means what it did
poor retard, it never meant anything before either

>> No.11963378

it's definately getting more dumber

>> No.11963382

what is there and where can I get it?

>> No.11963392

fucking vegan posters man they dont ever calm down

>> No.11963400

hydroponic vegetables and corn-fed meat
you get out what you put in

>> No.11963409

For me i really noticed it moving from east coast to west like 7 years ago, the meat on the wes coast honestly sucks. Take ribs for example, used to so good, now its like no meat between the bones and its all above the ribs, amd has a feral taste. Like its a male pig with his balls intact ruined the meat with testosterone

>> No.11963549

>you get out what you put in
So I get out a 4 inch dick.

>> No.11963594

You have depression.

>> No.11963749

you understood exactly what I meant faggot but great deflection. seriously congrats on that.

>> No.11964067


>> No.11964169

shes worth it

>> No.11964209

Post your weight OP
Keto made all my food taste better

>> No.11964260

Its not just food. We're living in a post quality society.

>> No.11964284 [DELETED] 

Eurofag here, here we are still good. I also like in a pretty rural area....

>> No.11964644
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How so? The fast food industry is booming and this is a fast food board.

>> No.11964647

>brainwashing myself made me delude myself into preconfirmed biases

>> No.11964656

>It is different, though. You can't legally label something organic in the USA without it being organic.
Wew, you are going to be really disappointed when you find out how easy it is to get your product labeled organic.

>> No.11965171

People aren't making entirely new dishes. Rather, they either slap new ingredients on an old one or turn an existing dish into a novelty like those things you just posted.

>> No.11965206
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These look like intelligent individuals

>> No.11965390
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A random (novel) but marketed combo produces quick sales and can then be quietly retired, because it doesn't cost anything to come up with it.
Does adding a different bun or having a soda come in blue this time change anything? No, but it keeps sales from stagnating,and keeps people from abandoning what would otherwise be mediocre products/places, so they'll do it again and again.

The sky's the limit with junk food, bc all you have to do is mix flavor powders, so it's starting to reach cartoonish extremes there.

>> No.11965504

IQs have been rising since the early 20th century and crime has been declining. Countries with good women's rights generally have higher standards of living than shitholes in the middle east, eastern Europe, africa or Latin America.

>> No.11966043

>First the people who remember when fast food used to be better, claiming now it isn't nearly as good. That's probably just growing up.
You are so naive.

>> No.11966059

Shhh, facts have no place in his conservative misogyny.