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11960476 No.11960476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Kosher Salt

>> No.11960482
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>himalayan salt!

>> No.11960487

My mom uses pink Himalayan salt. What’s wrong with it?

>> No.11960505
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>Kosher for Passover

>> No.11960524

Nothing, it’s just a meme.

>> No.11960538

Really? Himalayan is the one you question what's wrong with but have no problem with kosher, the one that actually serves a fucking practical purpose being mocked? Fucking kill yourself moron.

>> No.11960578

Himalayan salt is going to give all the new age mums high blood pressure.
I understand it can be good for colour but people seem to think it makes salt magically healthier. Yes, I'm British.

>> No.11960648

its pink and costs more.

>> No.11960651

I can tell by the smell of your teeth.

>> No.11960659

Thanks for all the replies.

I had no clue it was just an overpriced meme.
Kosher salt is probably also a big meme based on this thread.

Is there such a thing as “healthy” salt or should I just dump out that almost-empty Himalayan pink salt and replace it with the 50 salt packets I’ve acquired from eating at my old work place?

>> No.11960666

It's salt with impurities that costs more than pure salt, you're being ripped off for dirty salt.

>> No.11960676

>kosher salt
>a meme

The reason its used is that its easy to season with since the Diamond Crystal is rolled into flakes. Thus, easier to control seasoning for meats etc, and quite hard to oversalt with DC Kosher.

>> No.11960679

>Kosher salt is probably also a big meme based on this thread.
Fucking retard.

>> No.11960680

>dismiss salt with iodine
>can't eat shellfish
No wonder Jews look so fucking anemic.

>> No.11960687

Kosher salt is not a meme. It’s actually has a different flavor than iodized salt and because it’s a larger and flakier grain it sticks to food better making it better for seasoning things like meat before they are cooked.

>Is there such a thing as “healthy” salt
Kosher salt is the closest thing to healthier salt because of the lack of iodine. Some higher end salts will also forgo things like anti-caking agents making it more “pure” so to speak.

>should I just dump out that almost-empty Himalayan pink salt and replace it with the 50 salt packets I’ve acquired from eating at my old work place?
Of course not. Even if it is a meme that pink salt is still better quality than the shit in packets.

>> No.11960688

My question is why hasn't the flavocol salt shape been poached yet? Shit is for flavoring movie popcorn like salty butter.
But as far as I can tell, they are the only ones who have managed to produce an open bottom pyramid salt shape that require far less salt for flavor than even kosher.

>> No.11960694

>Kosher salt is the closest thing to healthier salt because of the lack of iodine

actually, it's unhealthier precisely for this reason

>> No.11960698

Maybe it's just my imagination, but kosher salt seems less salty, and I enjoy its larger crystalline structure for the coverage of meat when dry brinijg.

>> No.11960709

Kosher salt tastes better and I don’t care what anyone else says

>> No.11960711

It actually has a smaller structure which was used to draw "blood" (myoglobin) out of meat. The extra surface area is what makes it taste saltier with less, so jot sure where you get the opposite.

>> No.11960718
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>homemade bacon cured with kosher himalayan pink salt

>> No.11960721

Put your dick away, Alton.
Ground Paki pink salt trumps all, and I dislike muslims.

>> No.11960724

>Eating salt from the satans asshole of pakistan.
Enjoy your heavy metals.

>> No.11960729

I... disagree. A teaspoon of table salt is much saltier than a teaspoon of kosher salt.

>> No.11960731

>Maybe it's just my imagination, but kosher salt seems less salty
It’s not your imagination

>> No.11960737

Hey man, that's cool. Taste is subjective. Kosher salt has more of a front loaded "bite" to me.

>> No.11960746

Fair enough. What's your go to salt when cooking? How do you measure it as well?

>> No.11960755

>He doesn't know that a lack of iodine makes you an actual retard.
Enjoy your ashkenazic/semetic garbage salt bro.

>> No.11960759

I honestly use kosher quite a bit. But I mix it up with Morton's and sea salt and Himalayan salt. It comes down to the grain and profile I'm looking for. I don't worry about sodium intake too much.
But the standard conversion is 2 parts kosher in lace of 3 parts table salt. It's more saline tasting with less used.
It's like pickling salt, but not so overwhelming.

>> No.11960763

let me guess, hard water sucks too?

>> No.11960777

>I don't worry about sodium intake too much.
This must be the same poster that alluded to idoine being bad for health. Stop posting and cut off your nuts now.

>> No.11960788

Nigga, what?
I made a comment about Jews looking anemic because they don't eat shellfish or supplement idodine.
Don't be schizo.

>> No.11960790

What's the problem with kosher salt? It's not even kosher in most cases it's just the name for salt with a certain type of flaky strukture.

>> No.11960799

It is almost always kosher if it's called kosher salt, because you know some heeb shyster would be all over that with a lawsuit if it wasn't.

>> No.11960804

The correct term is schizoid you normalfag retard garbage.

>> No.11960806

what type of jews are you thinking of? They get plenty of iodine from many sources, and its totally normal to eat deep sea fish, and even shellfish, for atheistic jews.

>> No.11960817

It's actually schizophrenic, if you want to pick nits. Schizoid would imply a noun, which would be shizophreniac. But I said "don't be", not "don't be a."
Fucking mongoloid.

>> No.11960822

>atheistic Jews
Are they really Jews by that point? They're just Mediterranean diaspora mutts.

>> No.11960831

but im jewish?

>> No.11960834

K, but can I get it halal?

>> No.11960843

>Confusing grammar with actual mental disorder variations.
The absolute state of neurotypical retards.

>> No.11960852

yeah they are jews, jesus christ.

>> No.11960854

Look, man, you're the one buying into modern kike behavioral therapy warped terminology. Don't scream yid sympathizer at me.

>> No.11960855

just another scam pulled by the j*ws to swindle the goyim

>> No.11960858
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>> No.11960859

What would your mother say, Mordecai... Did you ever think of that! Even once!

>> No.11960860

found the jew

>> No.11960865
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>T.assmad kike.

>> No.11960871

I don't know what to tell you man. I'll bad rightfully bad mouth Jews with the best of them, but at least use some logic.

>> No.11960882

Your pandering serves no purpose.

>> No.11960883

The nose knows, mate. And I say this as someone related to a somewhat famous jew. And not the Hollywood kiddy diddling type.

>> No.11960954

>r*ghtoids miss out on good salt because it has kosher in the name
Guess you don't like Brazil nuts either.

>> No.11960969

what purpose does kosher salt have?
why isnt all salt kosher, do they harvest regular salt off the sweaty folds of overweight pigs?

>> No.11960974

A Tibetan monk has rubbed his sweaty ball on it

>> No.11960977

Right winger here. I utilize kosher salt. And don't hate Israel.
Brazil nuts kind of suck, though.

>> No.11960986

the left hates jews now idiot
trump/righties are the party of israel

>> No.11960993

>Kosher salt is the closest thing to healthier salt because of the lack of iodine
That makes it unhealthier, way to literally kill your brain, which needs iodine to function.

>> No.11961004

Shut up and listen, you fucking brainlets. Iodized kosher flake salt. Pitch it to the government and the top level Jewish authority.

>> No.11962087

It's just pandaring for Jews and orthodox Christians. Just like saying halal meat.

>> No.11962089

Should also add
>Vegan lettuce!
Or similar redundant marketing shit because retards genuinely don't know any better.

>> No.11962097

i thought halal meat or whatever was prepared in a special way like blessed by a priest and then killed in the way the religion says to kill them or some shit

>> No.11962102

>why isnt all salt kosher

All salt is Kosher. What we call Kosher salt is actually Koshering salt, used during the process.

>> No.11962141

iodized salt is unironically for jewish niggers
kosher or kys

>> No.11962163

Please don't buy kosher products everyone.

Or anything else produced in occupied Palestine for that matter.

>> No.11962168

Fuck you and the palestinians. I hope Israel wipes them off the map as well as every other muslim on the planet.

>> No.11962177
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it's the best all purpose salt, goy

>> No.11962236

It's illegal to advocate for or engage in boycotts of jew products in the US. Enjoy the FBI breaking down your door.

>> No.11962333

Is this variation of Wojak supposed to be a triggered rationalist or excited nu-male?

Anyway, 99% of the time when the recipe calls for kosher salt, regular would suffice.

In Scandinavia they do the same crap with sea salt; what's the point when it's going to dilute anyway? I don't believe in homeopathy.

>> No.11962341

I'm not in the US lol

>> No.11962641

I don't think anyone here even knows why it's called that.

>> No.11962701

table salt is "saltier" per volumetric measurement because it's grain size is smaller. There's actually more salt in a given teaspoon of table salt than a teaspoon of kosher salt. Also the smaller grain size means more surface area so you get a more intense salt hit up front.

>> No.11962821

Extra umami

>> No.11963068

They just see kosher and sperg out.

>> No.11964253

regular salt is kosher

>> No.11964273

>jokes make me mad >:(
Stop being such a faggot.

>> No.11964279

for koshering meat, to draw out the blood so it becomes kosher since eating blood is forbidden

>> No.11964281

Kosher? I hardly even know her!

>> No.11964300
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That filename

>> No.11964314

Pink = gay color. Duh

>> No.11964329
File: 193 KB, 762x785, 1549337462075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess. You saw your mancrush Babish use kosher salt but still can't accept that you're in love with a man, so now you're projecting your anger onto an inanimate object.
Am I in the ballpark?

>> No.11964738

Thanks for the input, redditor

>> No.11964959

>Kosher salt is the closest thing to healthier salt because of the lack of iodine
what the fuck am I reading? Enjoy your hypothyroidism faggot

>> No.11965018

It only makes sense as a post-cook seasoning on dry foods, or other cases where the salt isn't going to immediately dissolve.