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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 980x653, coffee-go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11958809 No.11958809 [Reply] [Original]

>drinking a bitter black sludge that raises your heart rate and blood pressure

That's a big YIKES from me. Why do people pretend to enjoy this crap?

>> No.11958813

oh great it's another one of these fucking retarded threads

>> No.11958815

It tastes good and makes me feel good.

>> No.11958819

You need to be 18 tonpost here.

>> No.11958820

>raises heart rate
what? from 60 bpm to 65 bpm? lmao
>raises blood pressure
what? from 100 mmHg to 110 mmHg? lmao

>> No.11958960

You'll regret making this thread one day.

>> No.11959073
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It improves my cognitive faculties while tasting and smelling great.

>> No.11959626

That's a massive overestimate of the effect. Probably under 3 mmHg. When I cut out caffeine the effect on my blood pressure wasn't measurable. Maybe if you did a huge study and averaged it out you could notice the difference.

>> No.11959660

stopped reading right there

>> No.11959664

i have low blood pressure and my coffee is neither bitter nor sludgy

>> No.11959673

>I don't drink coffee
>I drink soda
these people are the worst

>> No.11959680

If you don't like the taste and smell of coffee then you're a genetically inferior species. My son is 4 and he loves coffee ice cream.

Inb4 I'm gay btw...

>> No.11960201

sorry but your son's gay btw
not sure if that matters

>> No.11960208

I drink coffee every single day, and prefer mine black.

My blood pressure as of today is 120/74.

>> No.11960307


>> No.11960360

that's prehypertension m8. bottom of the threshold

>> No.11960371

Ikr its like ops fucking 89 or something. He probably thinks outside air is too spicy

>> No.11960373

Perfect blood pressure.

>> No.11960381

I drink coffee every day and mine is fucking 96/68 last visit. I'm basically dead.

>> No.11960419

120-139 systolic or 8-89 diastolic falls under prehypertension.

you're going to die

>> No.11960427

>Why do people pretend to enjoy this crap?
Caffeine addiction, or they destroy the drink by mixing in tons of sugars.

>> No.11960439
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>"I NEED my coffee to get up in the morning I FUCKING NEED IT!!!!"
>tfw never even drank a single cup in my life so getting up in the morning is a breeze since i'm not addicted to caffeine

>> No.11960442

inb4 "i can stop any time i just dont want to"

>> No.11960464

helps me shit

>> No.11960474

It's a painkiller so if you want to knock it that's fine but don't pretend you don't indulge in anything that makes life easier.

>> No.11960481

>doesn't state their age
>doesn't even state what job they do and at what time

>> No.11960490

this is why i try to wait at least a few hours before having a cup of tea or coffee. being able to wake up and do stuff without it is a good thing and waiting a while also seems to make the caffeine's effects more noticeable instead of it kicking in while still half asleep.

>> No.11960491

>swallow 200mg caffeine pill and 400mg l-theanine capsules
>drink any hot beverage i want

>> No.11960492

What hot beverage are you trying to drink besides coffee?

>> No.11960493

What’re the alternatives then?

>> No.11960496
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caffeine gave me tachycardia. My resting heart rate with caffeine was 120. Now it's stuck at 65 after 4 weeks no caffeine.
I stopped drinking caffeine when my tachycardia hit 180-200 bpm. Shit was fucking scary. I'm lucky it didn't trigger a fucking stroke. I mean, I did have stroke like symptoms for 1 second but they went away and I survived the whole ordeal.

Caffeine is a stimulant. It's a drug. It's like snorting cocaine. Yes it wakes you up, but it kills you slowly if you're sensitive to stimulants and already have a heart condition you don't know about.

>> No.11960497

Not being a basic bitch.

>> No.11960501

i like ginger tea

>> No.11960504

>Why do people pretend
Why not just delete these threads? It's always the same fucking troll anyway.

>> No.11960506

>Yes it wakes you up

No it doesn't. You went through a legitimate disorder and still don't understand it. It merely keeps you awake further than you would have if you hadn't consumed it. Your doctors were ineffective in educating you on the whole situation.

>> No.11960507

Also, it's not "from 60-65 lmao". A more acurate example would be "from 60-120 lmao" you dingus.

>> No.11960513


>> No.11960516

dont judge me please

>> No.11960518
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I like the taste but I can also handle adrenaline and hypertension unlike you low test plebbit faggots.

>> No.11960517


>> No.11960522

Well it's literally already too late.

>> No.11960527

I never went to any doctors. Doctors are for white people.

I used to drink lots of caffeine. My resting heart rate, I logged myself at 120bpm. constantly. no matter if I was laying down in bed at night and hadn't had caffeine in 48 hours, my resting heart rate was still 120.

Then I had tachycardia partially induced by vitamin deficiency and made worse by drinking 150-300mg of caffeine a day.

Quit drinking caffeine. Started sleeping more. After a few weeks, I self logged my resting bpm as 60-65. I haven't had a resting heart rate that low in 12 years.

Here's the things that led to my almost heart attack: 1) lack of sleep 2) too much caffeine 3) vitamin deficiency and a shit diet, made worse by diabetes, which made me pee out my vitamins faster.

>> No.11960533

Source? Personal experience. My resting heart rate was at 120bpm for the longest time until I quit caffeine. Then it went down to 60-65.

>> No.11960536

> coffee is like cocaine
Ok grandpa

>> No.11960547
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>150-300mg a day.
This is your body on anime and vidya, it is time to quit. Why do shitskins pretend they are hard and can't even handle some hot beans or yeast shit?

>> No.11960560
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What is a tonpost, and how do I check if I am 18 of them?

>> No.11960563
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>I never went to any doctors.

>> No.11960600

You're stunting your son's growth by giving him access to caffeine in his formative years.

>> No.11960631

How much were you having?

>> No.11960634

I don't think coffee ice cream has enough to do that unless he's eating large bowls of it daily, and then the sugar is probably more of a concern at that point.

>> No.11960644

I work at a harbor. My shift is 7-4. I do physical labor the first half of the day and then mundane office work the second half. I never require coffee at any point because im not some drug addict or other shitty diet idiot

>> No.11961037

coffee is more then just caffeine

>> No.11961103

That just means you're a sensitive little bitch. My resting heart rate is 55 and it night go up to 65 if I have a couple cups of coffee.

>> No.11961126

>never drank coffee except for trying a sip once in along while
>still can barely get myself out of bed before noon most days

>> No.11961145

My morning coffee is the best part of my day

>> No.11961151
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I do weed.
I drink before 11 am.
I jackoff to BBC porn daily.

My brain is already a hot mess of really fucked up addictions and...you want to talk about coffee?


>> No.11961152

For me it was unironically an acquired taste
Although to be fair I do like burnt parts on toast so maybe that's just me having bad taste

>> No.11961165
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I didnt drink coffee till i was 30, thought it was dumb, then started drinking it at work one winter when the kitchen was cold af till we could fire up the broilers for service. Now ive had a cup prob every morning since, and i drink tea at night because the coffee will get me jittery at night, but not in the morning really. Anyway, i can pretty much drink it black now, but i use like 1/4 cupmof ground beans for 2 cups of coffee each morning, which i think is 4 cups of water in my little brewer, with a small pot. It makes 2 normal sized mugs either way thats prob alot of grounds but thats the only way i like. Thanks for reading

>> No.11961195

mmHg is a fucking gay way to measure pressure. Why not use pascals or kilopascals?

>> No.11961207

>Haha I am such a fuckup how dare you try to out-fuckup me.

Sit down and keep quiet you fuckup.

>> No.11961221

>These normies have never heard of morning meth
>doesnt taste like shit
>fast and easy to use
>low cost alternative

Why dont you do morning meth /ck/?

>> No.11961276
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>> No.11961293
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I'm 5'5 on a good day and I fucking love these.

>> No.11961488 [DELETED] 
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>"I LOVE COFFEE! *sluuurrrrppppppp* ahhhhhh rich roasted goodness!"

>> No.11961490

you can say 'as fuck' on the internet, underage twitter bitch

>> No.11961520

You have anxiety or some kind of allergy to caffeine. That's absolutely not a normal response to caffeine consumption. Seek psychiatric help.

>> No.11961529

>coffee ice cream
>implying that a bowl of sugar is real coffee

>> No.11961653

>you’re going to die

Bold prediction there sherlock

>> No.11961674

Except all today of us who drink it black for its taste, retard.

>> No.11961675

Or actually liking it, retard.

>> No.11961680

Okay whitey we get it, you go to the ER every time you stub your toe.

>> No.11961684

Leaving your manchild palate aside, coffee is also associated to a bunch of health benefits.
Now go have some candy, faggot.

>> No.11961688


>> No.11961690

>my addiction isn't a problem! it's good for me! I'm not the child, you are!

>> No.11961693

>not taking your morning coffee shit to clear out your bowels from the previous day
Why even live

>> No.11961699

I'm not addicted, you dumb cuck. Also nice dismissal of the health benefits associated to coffee such as lower risk of getting type 2 diabetes or cirrhosis.

>> No.11961700

>lower risk of type 2
Okay I'm on board with some of the other benefits but this is blatantly not true

>> No.11961702


>> No.11961713

What do you mean?

>> No.11961716

They call those simple associated factors. It's like the "health benefits of drinking wine" which are literally the same as eating grapes. It's not the caffeine, addict.

>> No.11961717


>> No.11961720

eat a little bit of rotten meat at night and in 6 hours you completely clean yourself out. It's pretty nice after the fact desu easy way to lose wieght

>> No.11961731

Cope, manchild

>> No.11961736

>coming from a literal addict desperate to justify it
Pure Projection

>> No.11961745

There's nothing in coffee or caffeine that makes your body less resistant to insulin, the correlation is that people who willingly drink coffee usually have diet and exercise habits that are less likely to result in type 2. It's all personality, not chemical

>> No.11961746

You literally have to make up an addiction for someone whose coffee habits you're completely unaware of and who finds coffee out of his own volition. And you can't even offer an explanation for the lower risks on those ailments.
Cope harder, sugary manchild.

>> No.11961761

I don't think coffee is necessarily an addiction but this explains the lower risks

>> No.11961766

See >>11961745
Projection, addict.

>> No.11961773

How about this?

>> No.11961775

Taste contrasts well with breakfast items, and helps to make you more alert. I prefer it in social settings to stimulate the conversation.

I don't drink coffee alone, but will drink tea from time to time.

>> No.11961776

>manchild fattie talks about addiction without knowing anything about my coffee habits
>talks about projection
Stay mad, lardass

>> No.11961777

>has a panic attack from taking a sip of coffee
OP... Coffee drinkers statistically have longer lifespans and lower risk of cancer

>> No.11961778

Oh man you just keep digging that pathetic hole of projection and anger. It's okay addict, they have clinics for this kind of stuff!

>> No.11961789

>I have no idea a about your habits b-but you're an addict, mvm all those health benefits associated to it, I'll still be asshurt!!1
Did a coffee drinker bully you at school?

>> No.11961793

>After the 10-week study period, the researchers isolated islets of Langerhans - which are pancreatic cells that normally produce insulin - from each group of mice.
>The team found that the islets isolated from mice fed cafestol demonstrated a 75 to 87 percent increase in insulin production, compared with islets isolated from the control group
Yeah, that's enough proof for me, I stand corrected. On the flip side, drip coffee produces less cafestol which also raises LDL so it isn't perfect.

>> No.11961809

You may want to check this out too. It references several studies.
Regardless, I just drink it for the taste.

>> No.11961814

Yeah it's hard to use diabetes treatment as a justification for anything when blood sugar is affected by literally everything
I drink it for the flavor too

>> No.11961822

It's a very autistic trait to have this much seething anger over people enjoying something that you yourself don't. You don't see me yelling at you for rocking and staring at a wall or counting the grains of salt in a salt shaker, do you?

>> No.11961831

>didnt read anything and just angrily screeches that normal people are disgusted by addicts

>> No.11961841

Those "addicts" whose habits you know nothing of have statistically longer spans than non-coffee drinkers. Did you get made fun of because you order an orange juice with a quiggly straw at a cafe?

>> No.11961854


>> No.11961869

I started drinking coffee at 7 and am the tallest person in my family

>> No.11961875

I'm pretty sure that mmHg was the traditional way of measuring blood pressure for a while and doctors just stick with it instead of using a more correct unit like kPa.

>> No.11961907

People that hate coffee are worse than global warming shills maybe even worse than trumptards and anti semites

>> No.11961945
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>> No.11961951

Again I would refer to the two previous posts you ignored explaining that phenomenon. You're as bad as winos saying how healthy alcohol is when they could just eat grapes and have the same benefit.

>> No.11961961

Read the studies in the thread

>> No.11961982

>have naturally low blood pressure
>took my blood pressure after 3 cups of coffee and the end of a stressful day at work

Just don't ask me about my alcohol consumption...

>> No.11962111

yes addicts usually like the things they are addicted to
an astute observation

>> No.11962144

based digits

>> No.11962173

>coffee drinkers are actually healthier people overall
Way to undermine your "muh addicts" narrative by yourself, faggot.

>> No.11962192

>still sticking to m-muh addicts cope
Absolute state of coffeephobic manchildren

>> No.11962207

What a wholesome pic, the only thing missing there is my bowl of oatmeal

>> No.11962211
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>> No.11962225

>coffee drinkers are addicts
>actually there are some benefits associated to coffe consumption
>well, that's because coffee drinkers have healthier habits... b-but they're still addicts!!
Imagine being this asshurt that your shitty thread was btfo by your own mental gymnastics.

>> No.11962231


>> No.11962244


>> No.11962288

He just pulled out "5 stages of grief" out of his ass and put it in here, of fucking course he is not able to catch the correct meaning of addicts or addiction.
Nonetheless you are retarded too, what exactly you try to gain in an argument like that, if you can even call that an argument.
It's basically autistic retards screeching at each other.

>> No.11962302
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I literally only drink coffee for the laxative properties. Nothing like a good cuppa joe and a big shit first thing in the morning

>> No.11962316
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>> No.11962324

>Nothing like a good cuppa joe and a big shit first thing in the morning
What about a big shit on the clock

>> No.11962328

>drink one small cup of coffee
>immediately jittery and get anxious
ohnonono how do I fix these shitty genes

>> No.11962342
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Oh that's even better. You're alright in my book, anon

>> No.11962346

>drink my morning cup during my commute to work
>finish as I pull in
>time to shit by the time I walk in the building


>> No.11962377

>diabetes riddled body
>never goes to the doctor

>> No.11962380

>shitting outside home
massive yikes

>> No.11962383

he's obviously in india where it's acceptable there

>> No.11962397

>not dabbing on your coworkers with an extra stinky shit you didn’t flush

Faggot alert

>> No.11962402
File: 21 KB, 1077x344, 1527627450740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the reply you wanted anon, take you're (you) and begone.

>> No.11962409


>> No.11962422

>mental retardation

>> No.11962425


>I don't like thing so it's LE MEME XD

That's some stunning argument indeed

>> No.11962431

coffee drinkers are as bad as vegans lmao

>> No.11962440

Thanks for the memes, retard. ;)

>> No.11962457

>dude weed is like totally good for you bro
>you dont smoke weed? lol what a loser right i smoke it every day
>yea i always smoke a bowl before bed so i can get to sleep, thats a normal thing for people to do why do you think thats weird???
>im not addicted i just like it
t. coffee drinkers

>> No.11962478

In fact kid, post more memes, fuck your homework. Education is overrated anyway.

>> No.11962482

epic argument youve truly persuaded me that coffee drinkers are mature intelligent individuals with no irrational attachment and protectiveness over their habit of drinking a disgusting liquid multiple times every day due to addiction

>> No.11962504

wowwwww totally epikkkkkk comment dude lel XD moar plx :))))))

>> No.11962516

Ive been smoking weed with black coffees for the past week. It feels scary sometimes haha

>> No.11962525

we're done here

>> No.11962532


>> No.11963212
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>being so butthurt that your childlike taste buds can't handle coffee
>coping by calling statistically healthier people "addicts" without a hint of irony

>> No.11963523

Good for you, do you want a trophy?

I could have said the same thing 15 years ago. Bodies age. You won't be superman forever.

>> No.11963531

Coffee is how the rich keep the poor people stressed out, in bad health, and under control.

>> No.11963535

Yes I do have anxiety AND I react badly to caffeine. That's why I don't drink it anymore.

Why should I get help if my problem's been solved? My life is amazing now without caffeine. I feel happy, healthy, not depressed, not stressed out and anxious, AND my sleep cycles are normal.

>> No.11963627

>300k starting

>> No.11963756
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Should be Scooter's damnit, thought we were better than to fall for the mermaid jew.

>> No.11963813

Reacting badly to the caffeine is a symptom of the anxiety. It's not a reaction you would get if the anxiety was properly treated.

>> No.11963829

This anon secretly craves daddy's dick

>> No.11963861

That's heart failure anon

>> No.11963872

You know what? You're a symptom of my anxiety

>> No.11965203



>> No.11965216

coffee drinkers are as bad as vegans lmao

>> No.11965655

this is a low energy attempt to keep this failure of a thread afloat

>> No.11965659

t. fatass

>> No.11965663

That's not how blood pressure is traditionally measued

>> No.11965704

>drinks only once or twice a week bec it tastes great

>> No.11965707

t. faggot

>> No.11965714


>>low energy

>> No.11965728

>coffee two bitta for me!! :(( want orange juicy with colored straw!!
Seething manchild

>> No.11966200


>> No.11966216

i'm gonna take a wild guess where caribou coffee's corporate office is

>> No.11966230

>substance whose "addicts" statistically live longer
really makes me think

>> No.11966510

You've never actually had a good cup of coffee I'd say based on your picture and description. It's not your fault; most people are too dumb to know what is good and what is not and the drip style brewers only make coffee that tastes good when you drown it in cream and sugar.

Good coffee is not bitter.

>> No.11966697

then how can you say it like it's gonna effect everyone like that you titty boy

>> No.11966991

stay mad, manchild

>> No.11967013

Found the Starbucks barista

>> No.11967145

>is put off by a bitter drink
>calls anyone a manchild
Go have some soda, fattie

>> No.11967172

i drink water actually, addict

>> No.11967206

Sure thing fattie

>> No.11967268

>addict literally cant believe that normal humans dont drink unhealthy addictive drinks like them
youre just proving my point

>> No.11967333

>unhealthy addictive drinks
Coffee drinkers statistically live longer and are at a lower risk to get certain diseases. But I'm sure covering your ears and repeating "addicts" like a retard is a convincing argument.

>> No.11967357

heres a study saying the exact opposite
what now, addict?

>> No.11967374

>Drinking drip filter coffee
>Probably an American pleb who has never had a decent, good coffee in his life.
I feel sad for you, while drinking my short black here.

>> No.11967376


There is no better way to prove oneself as a brainlet than to imply that everyone else is only pretending to like things.

Sure, it's true for a not insignificant number of people in basically every scenario, but it's basically never the majority.

>> No.11967385
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It's almost bed time wagies! Hit the hay as soon as you get home or you'll be late for work tomorrow.

>> No.11968038


>> No.11968044

not all coffee is like your mom's maxwell house

>> No.11968056

If you've never had a coffee-fueled turbo-shit following a night of drinking with the lads, you're missing out. It's like a soul cleansing evacuation of the bowels that is unrivaled by anything else in life

>> No.11968063

No it’s not it’s hot liquid burning diarrhea that destroys your stomach liner and leads to intestine cancer.

>> No.11968073


That "research" indicates absolutely nothing new about the consumption of caffeine and its effect on cardiovascular health

>> No.11969456

I had no idea /ck/ hated coffee so much. Makes me wonder about this entire board.

>> No.11970221

>No it’s not it’s hot liquid burning diarrhea that destroys your stomach liner and leads to intestine cancer.

>> No.11970293

Caffeine is a mild pain killer. Don't you know that?

>> No.11970299

It doesn't wake you up dumbass. It just keeps you awake which isn't the same thing.

>> No.11970301

Most posters can't enjoy any spice or bitterness, it's a shit board

>> No.11970628

My coffee is never bitter , what is this meme? Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.11971671

You're brewing it better than OP, that's for sure.
Great coffee has only a pleasant bitter taste, with some sweet notes depending on the origin, freshness and roast level.

>> No.11971690

this comment is more dangerous than caffeine

>> No.11971699


>> No.11971703


Nothing quite as freaky as a cup of coffe right before a nap, some intense dreams right there nigga

>> No.11971709

What am I fucking reading
I went on a 10 hr coke binge and my heart rate hovered around 130 the whole night, you have something wrong with you

>> No.11973328

>it's a shit board

>> No.11973511
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mfw I love the taste of coffee but my body reacts horribly to stimulants so I can't have a single mug without it giving me a very bad time

I'm so fucking jealous of people who can drink it safely. And on top of that I have to listen to these babies like OP complaining it's disgusting. You are

>> No.11973520

how did this anon know?

>> No.11975443


>> No.11975561

Coffee is good. Prove me wrong. "No!" is not an argument.

>> No.11975644

I literally have to in order to shit. Im constipated as fuck

>> No.11975752


>> No.11975784
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>> No.11975793

>Why do people pretend to enjoy this crap?
The same reason as for all other drugs, addiction

>> No.11975796

meth isn't really a thing but morning amphethamine is the perfect poverty breakfast

>> No.11975834

Yeah these people are annoying, I’m 29 and don’t touch the stuff anymore, gave me terrible heartburn and I was way to reliant on it.

>> No.11975868

Another manchild.

>> No.11975869

Made (microwaved) some palak paneer with rice. I couldn't find the top for my rice cooker so I had to make rice on the stove like some kind of caveman.

>> No.11975916

do you know how pathetic you sound lmao

>> No.11976599

How do to i drink it coffee with without having to shit alot

>> No.11976606
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>205 replies
Guys come on...

>> No.11976616

coffee is bitter and tastes like shit you guys are stupid just drink water holy shit.

>> No.11976648

based and healthypilled

>> No.11976685

It's a false dichotomy, I drink both coffee and water. And if I found it disgusting like you child-palated faggots do, I'd not drink it in the first place.

>> No.11976695

>noo its actually not bad for you
>i cant stop anytime i just dont want to
>i just like it
t. every addict ever

>> No.11976763
File: 22 KB, 398x333, coffee-minion-coffee-mornings-morning-coffee-coffee-time-minion-sayings-minions-quotes-coffee-humor-coffee-quotes-minion-meme-coffee-pictures-coffee-minion-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people drink coffee
>it becomes a necessity in their routine
>some only have coffee in the morning because they're too lazy to wake up at a decent time to allow themselves a proper breakfast, will openly admit this and pretend nothing is wrong, then complains about stomach pains
>if they don't get their fix, they become irritable and complain about feeling drained or getting headaches
>they become one of those people who unironically say stupid shit like "don't talk to me, i haven't had my coffee yet", pic related
imagine being this much of a cuck

>> No.11976801


>> No.11977272

i shit so big after coffee

>> No.11977283

get a job, kid

>> No.11977287
File: 666 KB, 924x1500, chino_sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11978017
File: 56 KB, 1000x563, Let+the+cult+wars+begin+_61b2ab0945addb8c03b63446e25c24ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11978887

Semen is my preferred go-to over coffee btw, I'm sure that matters.

>> No.11978890

I bet that's not the only thing you prefer black you fucking faggot.

>> No.11979262

>this is your mind on BLACKED

>> No.11979430

>raises your heart rate and blood pressure
Temporarily, just like aerobic exercise.

you do remember your cardio... r-right anon?

>> No.11979456

I lift weights for 3 hours and my heart rate stays at 100+ for 4 hours afterwards, does that count?

>> No.11979471

close enough imo.