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11958151 No.11958151 [Reply] [Original]

Local grocery store just started stocking a bunch of different flavors of these "Taste of Asia" Maruchan bowls. There's also a spicy miso and tom yum flavor not pictured (not my pic).
Are these any good?

>> No.11958169

ramen sold at your local grocery store is usually trash. if you have an asian store, it's a step up, but if you want cheap shitty ramen, then go ahead with the ones at your grocery store.

>> No.11958172

Why not just buy good ramen? Are you really so flyover that this "taste of asia" garbage is the best you can get?

>> No.11958175

Why not just make real ramen? Asian foods are generally easy to make.

>> No.11958189

It's not as if they're expensive, why not try them out and report back to /ck.
If you're too lazy for even that then try this https://www.theramenrater.com/

>> No.11958193
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>corn in ramen

>> No.11958194

OP is probably CEO of some huge corporation so can't be bothered making noodles.

>> No.11958199

A good rule of thumb is that if a Ramen package is designed for westerners then it's going to suck. The less english there is on the package the better.

This. Ramen is not difficult to make, it's just time consuming. That time is hands-off as well. You can do something else while the broth is cooking. Make a big batch, portion it up, and freeze. Then when you want ramen just thaw a block.

>> No.11958212
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>A good rule of thumb is that if a Ramen package is designed for westerners then it's going to suck. The less english there is on the package the better.
truth. I swear on happy chink cook ramen.

>> No.11958214

OP probaby tried to make noodles, tied them up around his throat, choaked and died. I bet that we wont be hearing much from OP anymore.

>> No.11958224

I would use store bought noodles and make a large batch of ramen broth that i can freeze and dethaw whenever i need it.

>> No.11958236

Asians love corn, they put it on their pizza a lot too. Not that weird.

>> No.11958250

Isn't that just the japs who do that with the corn on pizza shit? They're a strange lot.

>> No.11958285

Lol my Finnish great grandfather refused to eat corn. "Animal feed" he called it in Fin.

>> No.11958303

I liked the kimchi one

>> No.11958445

I like corn in some context, but not in my fucking Ramen. It's just wrong.

based gramps

>> No.11958647

Grandpas are always cool, especially ones who were in WW II. They never like to talk about it unless asked direct questions. Sometimes one just has to ask because they're older and will die before myself, then that knowledge gets lost.

>> No.11958673

Get a girlfriend who likes eating corn out of your buttholio, good times were had by all!

>> No.11958689

they're okay. Check your local 99cent store first though. Dont pay $5 for 4 when you can get them for a dollar each. They arent really worth a dollar though. Better than the 15cent bags for sure but there are better brands for a dollar.

>> No.11958692

Funny you say that but his family farm was occupied by the nazis when the finns allied with germany.

>> No.11958752

The beef one is actually pretty good
Look for Shin Black, easily the best plebeian ramen

>> No.11958763

The mushrooms in Shin Black are one of the worst offenses in Ramen imo

>> No.11958773

It took a lot of deaths so we can shitpost here and not goosestep to the nazi beat.

>> No.11958774

What's your point?

>> No.11958784

The should be clear but I'll make it more clear, nazis were a bunch of goosestepping faggots they didn't understand human nature and hitler was a wimp sack of shit who killed himself rather then be taken captive then dragged out and hanged like he expected his so called wimp ass followers to do. Just look at the results of what he brought upon Germany, Prussia, and Austria? Is that someone you really want to follow, a fucking loser?

>> No.11958791
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>Is that someone you really want to follow, a fucking loser?
Lol wut? Who suggested anything even remotely close to that? Go virtue signal on reddit you giant faggot.

>> No.11958795

Did I touch a nerve on you? Go have fun goosestepping you fucking closet fag.

>> No.11958806
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>> No.11958818

>hurr why not just fly to some asian shithole for some slightly better bowl of fucking noodles
Not all of us are rich as you are Goldberg.

>> No.11958828

we only have the chicken and spicy miso here. spicy miso was good. i want to try the tonkatsu

>> No.11958846

What a good goy you are. Fuck them nazi's

>> No.11958850

>just fly to some asian shithole
>implying that flyovers even have airports

>> No.11958862
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These Ottogi cold buckwheat noodles are great. Especially if you follow the serving suggestion and add some sliced cucumber, radish and a hardboiled egg.

I generally found that Ottogi > Samyang for instant noodles.

>> No.11958865
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This post screams that you are a Jew.
I suggest suicide kike.

>> No.11958877

Going to look out for these next time I stop at the Asian grocery store. They definitely look familiar. Kind of wish I was autistic enough to keep track of which brands were good or not, as I've tried so many different ones but always feel like I'm mostly choosing blindly.

>> No.11959329

Am I the only one who has had ~*rEaL*~ ramen from authentic Japanese restaurants, but hasn't found it all that impressive?
At this point if I'm going to a Japanese place I'll order anything else. Instant ramen is good enough for me.

>> No.11959354

These are fucking amazing for quick meals
>add in some frozen veggies+mixings(usually cook 1-2 minutes more than it says)
>cook some small chopped steak or chicken
>mix into bowl
>meal all set
>probably cost 2.50 easily

>> No.11959362

Lmfso I think what made me disappointed was the fact I drain the broth and add nothing to the noodles. As you know its a soup when its authentic but Americans kinda ruined that

>> No.11959367

My Chinese coworker gave me some Shin Ramyun, was pretty tasty.
Might pick up some of the Black next time I go to Walmart.

>> No.11959386

I've been to japan multiple times and had actual ramen, it's okay but usually overrated

>> No.11959387
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>> No.11959406
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>anything but maruchan
baka desu

>> No.11959413

I've had the Tom Yum (Purple Container) and Sukiyaki. The Tom Yum was okay, nothing special. I really liked the Sukiyaki. I didn't know they had a Tonkotsu and I wanna try that. Also I think the spicy miso is actually a kimchi flavor. I think, I'm not sure because either way it didn't interest me.

>> No.11959514

Kimchi one is ok Tonkotsu is awesome. Get those little ham cubes and frozen corn to make it really good. Also, don't prep it in the paper bowl because the plastic is full of estrogen.

>> No.11961544

That’s because your stupid gaijin taste buds can’t appreciate real flavour.

>> No.11962073

What's best tonkotsu flavored packaged ramen?

>> No.11962085

My store had those Taste of Asia bowls for a very small while. The sukiyaki one was very good imo

>> No.11962183

I have this in my cupboard. No idea what it is, but it's tite

>> No.11962218

tfw had a grandpa who was in ww2 and didn't ask enough before he passed several years ago

>> No.11962246

Yeah they're using Sapporo ichiban noods out of packets and whipping up a quick broth.

>> No.11962252

Sapporo for sure. Its chicken broth flavored but its choice. I think they label its as 'white tonkotsu'.

>> No.11962253

Nongshim > Maruchan > Nissin

Japanese instant ramen is way overrated, and Korean instant ramen is way underrated.

>> No.11962256

>>hurr why not just fly to some asian shithole
Or just to someplace that has an Asian grocery store.

>> No.11962296

Luckily for me me i live in metro detroit and we have a lot of japanese people here that work for the automotive industries so there are plenty of asian grocery stores. Even my local kroger has a very extensive asian section full of imported foods.

>> No.11962325

they are really bland and completely justified in themselves for the cheap price. they're nothing more than an abysmal meal for what they cost. probably best to get the yakisoba one and use it as a side dish for some actual meat.

also, true story, i bought one of these once and found the veggie packet wasn't inside. didn't really taste the same but dehydrated vegetables aren't good anyway.

>> No.11963139

It's apparently called Master Kong ramen, made by Tingyi corporation.

source: over 9000 hours on jewgle

>> No.11963159
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Holy shit there's actually a happy chink cook restaurant chain. If their instant ramen is glorious, imagine how the restaurant must be. Do fucking want!!!

>> No.11964293
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I got the beef sukiyaki one today. I must say, it was actually pretty good.

>> No.11964391
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I fucking loved the Tonkotsu version but seemingly overnight every local grocery store stopped carrying them, simultaneously.