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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11956295 No.11956295 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever eaten chicken feet?

>> No.11956301

Yes. Next question

>> No.11956303


>> No.11956305

How do you eat them, do you just suck the meat off the bones? Or are the bones small enough that you can eat them like sardines?

>> No.11956306

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

>> No.11956307

unlike this faggot >>11956301 I'm not a fuckin schizo entitled bitch who is afraid to have a conversation with another human for fear of having to confront his crippling autism that caused his parents to kick him to the curb

now, about the chicken feet, it tasted like shit

>> No.11956309

Isn't that what niggers eat?

>> No.11956315

When I think of chicken feet I think of chinks
I associate gizzards with blacks though

>> No.11956322

What diet have your girlfriends had? I have never tasted shit that tasted anything like chicken feet.

>> No.11956331

well not so much (((tasted))) like shit
more like felt as if I was eating a pretzel stick with an extra-lubed condom on it
maybe my ching chong skill isn't high enough to appreciate the texture

>> No.11956344

Yes. They are used to make soup in my country. Only the very, very poor actually eat them, nibbling the skin from the bones. Because we boil them to make soup, unlike the Chinese who steam them, they are not very tasty. Most unpoors just toss them after straining from the soup.

>> No.11956357

Chicken feet are unironically the best hot food item at 99 Ranch. I have a couple dollar off coupons and am going to pick up some tomorrow or maybe Tuesday. No chance this thread is still alive then, but if it is I'll post them.

>> No.11956366

the texture of the tendons or whatever in the palm is really nice, they're good as a snack while you drink beer

>> No.11956367
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Sure have. Usually as part of dim sum, so I've never cooked with them. The taste and texture are great, but a bit of a pain when you're spitting out dozens of bones.

>> No.11956373

Yeah, you suckle the cartilage and skin off them. I don't think there's much if any meat there.

>> No.11956459
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Do they know how to cook anything without just fucking straight up torching it?

>> No.11956632

ordered them once. too cold and slimey. couldn't eat more than my first bite

>> No.11956633

Did you consider warming them up?

>> No.11956659

I had some at a Chinese restaurant in SF
They were served cold and cooked in some sort of soup stock I guess. Supposed to be a "poor villager meal"
There's barely anything to eat from the feet and there's no flavor
Weren't great

>> No.11956664

They have more to contribute to soup than they have to take from it. You were served discards.

>> No.11956690

I'm not a chink that makes less than a dollar per hour so no

>> No.11956704

k. But if you make a habit of lifting with the aim of building excess muscle, I suggest you start eating them. Hot tip: most body builders have fucked up joints in the latter part of their lives. They should have consumed more cartilage.

>> No.11957771

No but I make broth with them

>> No.11957800

Yeah, they're nice barbecued or steamed with a nice sauce like in dim sum. They aren't so great boiled in a soup.

It's a cut that seems pointless at first until you research the benefits. Even though they have literally no lean meat, the fat is highly gelatinous and has lots of health benefits. That's why Chinese are obsessed with weird bits of meat. It's not backwardness, it actually shows their education in nutrition. Same with pigs feet, pigs ears, tendons, etc.

>> No.11957865

My wife makes these, and they smell delicious, but I hate chicken skin.

>> No.11957882

I find it really hard to cook them properly. First time I tried, I overcooked them and all the soft tissue slid off the bones like in that Robocop scene. Second time I cooked them less and they were so hard I couldn't eat them.

>> No.11957897

I had chicken feet when i was backpacking in China.
they were a hassle to eat due to all the little bones and cartilage, but it tasted good. like pig feet, it's just messy to eat, but they taste fine.

>> No.11958771

Just looking at this makes me gag

>> No.11958778

I tried a Korean recipe for spicy chicken feet, and it was fantastic. I wish I could get them premade in my neighborhood.

>> No.11958834

Nah. Something about them stepping in shit all day their whole life makes it unappealing.

>> No.11958855
File: 222 KB, 999x1251, prakarola-xtapodi-kotopodaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I use them to catch octopus they work like a charm!

>> No.11958928

That's a great idea. Do the little claws help out in anyway?

>> No.11958935

Yea, you kind of just chew the skin and cartilage off of it. Not really that great

>> No.11958972
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I don't know its some kind of primitive instinct, octopuses are just naturally drawn to the chicken leg, they do have some of the best vision for sea creatures and I guess they mainly hunt using it; this is how we have been fishing them in the Mediterranean Sea since the ancient times. Its usual in conjunction with really shinny metal sheets shaped like the profile of a small fish, you don't even need a hook if you fish them vertically from a boat, they climb your chain and they just don't let go till you get them out of the water...It just works!

>> No.11958993

Not him, but I've used wingtips to catch crab. I'd bet feet would work well, too.
As for octopus, it doesn't even need bait, just some heavy buckets/pots. Put them in the water near a shoal, reef or other craig-y looking area, attached to a floaty thing (not sure what they're called in English) to mark where you dropped them and come back in the early morning. While most are active at night, some are active at dusk and dawn but. Come morning, they all will need somewhere to hide and rest and a bucket is the perfect place. Pull your buckets up and your chances of finding at least one octopus in one of them will be pretty high.

>> No.11958997

No, but I want to try it. I like the little chewy, fatty bits of chicken wings.

>> No.11959481

based and double-dubs checked

>> No.11959488


its like that, but with way too many bones. Not really worth it imo

>> No.11959493

yeah, they're not very good

you basically just eat the skin and connective tissue
it's essentially eating chicken skin and whatever you flavored it with

>> No.11959498
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I got one from a buffet once and I couldn't figure out to eat it. Every time I brought it close to my mouth, my eyes would focus on their little chicken nails and little chicken foot wrinkles and I just couldn't imagine anybody actually ENJOYING this, but rather being in a financial/food situation that was dire.

I ended up pussing out. It was the toe nails that killed it for me. I don't understand how to eat these things. Do I nibble on their nails too? Their little chicken toes? Bleh!

>> No.11960391

yea, they can taste alright but theyre annoying to eat and not that special
for the authentic chinese experience, find the gap/joint where you can bite part off around the bone. now after biting it iff, with that part in your mouth, noisily suck the meat/skin/whatever off the bones
now loudly spit it out onto your plate or the floor

>> No.11960397

I meant spit the bones out not the whole thing

>> No.11960461

Yes, they were good, but the bones were kinda gross. Was pretty much like eating chicken skin off fried chicken, but with a spicy sauce coating it.

>> No.11960575
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It's just skin and bones, fuck man these people eating dead animal flesh on the regular but freaking out when the dead animal part looks like the animal it came from

>> No.11961013

Yeah. Was pretty unimpressed when I was sitting down eating it, texture would have been worth it if the flavour were more intense. But when I left the restaurant the flavour lingered in my mouth and was actually pretty cool. Wouldn't go out of my way to eat them again, but it was a cool experience and I get the appeal.
Fried intestines are legit, though. Tossed in chilli oil and msg. My favourite drinking food.

>> No.11961542

Maybe you could try to eat them standing up

>> No.11961624

You might be onto something, anon. Man who eat chicken foot standing up will find unmatched joy. Ancient Chinese proverb.

>> No.11961628

when did zoomers start using 'legitimately' this way? did the bam margera say it that way or something?

>> No.11961635

Get your dates straight grandpa.

>> No.11961639
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Imagine being this much of a dickhead

>> No.11961909

Normally the toe nails are clipped