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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11955514 No.11955514 [Reply] [Original]

>go to store
>no self-checkout lines
>cashier makes negative comments about the food you buy

Is there anything more humiliating and pain inducing than this when food shopping?

>> No.11955524

stop being a pussy and just tell them to shut up

>> No.11955528

What did they say and what were you buying

>> No.11955557
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Having a bad case of stomach turning nausea, while mexicans stand to close to you in line, and the clerk is taking all day because she doesn't care about getting people through before the 15 minute mark. Then, having to excuse your self after telling her to wait a sec on account of horrible poison gas, while having cold sweats, and being faint. After waiting at this state for another 10min until she is done, I could not find a clerk to mind my shit while cut a big sloppy shit of a real sort. Finally I get to the stall, after not being able to use the first because it was full of SHART! Yea, boohoo, sombody said somthing mean about your foood, maybe you did buy nothing but shit.

>> No.11955571

One must control the conversation. A good starter is to ask why there are so many nigger cashiers

>> No.11955576

>cashier makes negative comments about the food you buy

No they don't

>> No.11955615


>> No.11955626

go to a grocery store where you scan things with your phone, then pay with a card linked on the account, then walk out.

>> No.11955642

mmmm hagelslag

>> No.11955739

>his city doesn't have grocery delivery

Those delivery guys didn't even bat an eye even when all I ordered was just a ridiculous amount of alcohol

>> No.11956804

>tfw dutch sprinkles are superior but the store that sells it here in belgium is far away

>> No.11956814

>a shitty version of fairy bread

>> No.11956823

That sounds like something a cuck like devin would do

>> No.11956850
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>be wagie cashier
>negatively comment on NEETs tendies he buys daily
>watch and enjoy his embarrassment written on his face
is here any better feeling than that?

>> No.11956867

whos devin? Skipping lines makes you a cuck?

>> No.11957220
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>being so beta that even the help rips on you

>> No.11957224

This. OP why are you such a pushover?

>> No.11957226
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>go to store
>surly checkout gnome looks me in the eye
>asks me if I know the difference between parsley and cilantro
>if I dont answer it correctly he paddles my ass

>> No.11957295
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>go to supermarket
>buy a truckload of chinese cabbage because it's on sale and i'm a cheap shit
>dis gon be sum good kimchi shit
>meet coworker
>Wow, anon, you sure cook healthy!

>> No.11957300

based schizo poster

>> No.11957303
File: 1.61 MB, 2584x2584, 1551091004264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually feel like a loser nonentity in life, but people don't go out of their way to antagonize me. Am I just less beta than I think?

>> No.11957308
File: 1.96 MB, 306x165, 1538995117675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to store
>no self-checkout lines
>obese cashier silently judges you because you're not obese, buy only buy healthy food

>> No.11957333

Is this what life in burgercountry is really like?

>> No.11957334

>Go to shop
>Buy usual stuff & swipe the card
>Can't even remember gender, age, bodytype of cashier

>> No.11957380

Maybe you shouldn't be buying 3 cases of ramen, 4 packages of bacon, a box of easy mac, and 6 boxes of ring dings

>> No.11957382

I always called those jimmies

>> No.11957386

>"Things that didn't happen" the thread

>> No.11957398

I dont think a cashier has ever said anything other to me than.

how are you?
debit or credit?
would you like bags?
would you like to donate 2$
have a nice day

>> No.11957413
File: 2.92 MB, 768x432, dogrun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to store
>buy fresh turmeric and kingfisher
>qt indian cashier starts blushing

>> No.11957431

you bought a bird?

>> No.11957453

indian beer
the most popular beer in india i think

>> No.11957546

Look if any cashier ever gives you lip just fucking ask to see their manager, it's amazing how much it shuts them up.
>Buying anime titty video game at Target a couple days ago
>Guy behind the counter grins and asks me if I'm looking forward to hanging out with my "girlfriend" tonight
>Ask to see the manager, inform him that his employee was being extremely inappropriate
>Watch as the guy is told to leave work
>Get a call from Target's corporate office a couple days later offering me a gift card as an apology
It's easy as pie

>> No.11957585

bahaha stupid minimum wagers

>> No.11957608

I can't believe that dog fucking drowned

>> No.11957619

>it ran all the way to the water to kill itself

>> No.11957629
File: 46 KB, 325x274, 1501980006664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to [any store]
>don't say a word to anyone
>keep pissed-off look on your face so no one talks to you
>get in line for checkout
>fucking cashier starts flirting with you in front of everyone
>just remain silent or say something stupid and look like a jackass anayway

YOU CAN'T WIN. There's no way for everything to just go smoothly and without someone attempting to socialize with you. Just stay indoors and order everything from Amazon.

>> No.11957649

Hold the hagel please.

>> No.11957669

yep, that's why I have even my groceries delivered, I never have to leave my house anymore.

>> No.11957678

No in fact your existence is just so sickening that people would rather avoid you all together.

>> No.11957709

>Go to grocery store for snacks
>Random person starts ranting about the JQ, whatever that is
>Shouting read 'culture of critique'
>Mfw they shut it down

>> No.11957732

This is why I've been going to the same small local place for years. They know I don't like to talk and so they just say hi and then don't bother me. Fuckin love that place.

>> No.11958025

>"Why are you being so condescending? You work at a grocery store."
There's no recovery from this. It will shut them up every time.

>> No.11958041

Makes sense when its owner straps stupid fucking contraptions to its back.

>> No.11958118

>I win all the arguments I think up in the shower

>> No.11958138
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Why? Easy. You have a bunch of diet magazines and eleventy-seven bags of candy. Did you ever think you might not be so FUCKING FAT if you weren't buying SO MUCH CANDY?

>> No.11958142

Or you and OP could both just not be triggered autists, lol.

>> No.11958144



>> No.11958147

>this happened

>> No.11958159

>implying I don't have comebacks to every situation prepared beforehand

>> No.11958184

Why do you care? You work at a grocery store.

Did I do good, senpai?

>> No.11958226

The cashier made a comment anon's food looking like bachelor food, and he took that as the cashier insulting him. When a cashier is being playful with me they say that kind of stuff. Taking offense to something like that is beta as fuck.

>> No.11958234

>go to a grocery store
>buy salt and vinegar chips and pickles
>the cashier asks when i'm expecting
Apparently pregnant women like salty foods

>> No.11958244

Yes. Getting the autistic kid they hired for tax breaks as a cashier then making direct eye contact at all times until he freaks out.

>> No.11958293

he was calling you fat, fatty

>> No.11958350

Just do what I do and if they make any negative comments at all or act even the least bit incordial cause a scene like a Boomer and get free stuff.

>> No.11958370

>no self checkout
>drop everything in a random isle and leave

>> No.11958375

based and schizopilled

>> No.11958381

Fucking Captain Cook over here.

>> No.11958408

maybe just be nice anon

>> No.11958925
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You got lucky, if I was the manager I would have called you a weeb faggot and told you to go buy it on steam.

>> No.11959199

>influenced by someone in the service industry's opinion

>> No.11959552

>be cashier
>touch the hands of everyone I can while exchanging cash or bags
>make as much skin contact as possible withot being obvious

>> No.11959876
File: 198 KB, 1003x700, 1544074834570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 years old
>finish minimum wage shift at grocery store produce department
>just want to eat something sweet
>grab a box of pop tarts and go through the check out
>middle aged fat woman who looks like her name is Linda says sarcastically "these your dinner?"

I wish I wasn't plagued by social anxiety at that age and had the balls to tell her to fuck herself.

>> No.11960302

>is there any better feeling than that?

yea not working at a grocery store

>> No.11961247


>> No.11961260

Yea some muslim delivery guy, probably isis. Prob gonna put cyanide in your food, i wouldn't trust it, this is why i always take the 3rd or 4th item from the front, and switch it up, these terror scum will never get me

>> No.11961274


>> No.11961275

Why not just laugh politely?

>> No.11961277

wow you americans are such fucking pussies

>> No.11961764

It's fine, I record conversations with managers on my phone so I can report them to corporate if they say anything like that.
Get fucked, bag my video game with a smile

>> No.11961877

in a police state, only idiots don't abuse power

>> No.11962155

If I was corporate I would call you a weeb casual and tell you to download the game on piratebay

>> No.11962178

Good thing all of the managers immediately start kissing ass when I start recording. Sorry this triggers you so much.