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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 678 KB, 3264x2448, rhxof9xkzxvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11955346 No.11955346 [Reply] [Original]

post drunk food

>> No.11955356

Anything you can get at a 7/11, Rutter's or Wawa.
Also 24 hour diners.

>> No.11955361

Excellent contribution to the thread retard

>> No.11955389
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why is diner food so fucking good

>> No.11955425
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>> No.11955450
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>> No.11955467

god tier

>> No.11955755

You sit down at a table. It's covered with a cloth that looks straight out of grandma's house, or made of unashamedly cheap participe board with a fake wooden veneer. When you look at the walls it isn't just the state's sports team paraphernalia and generic folk art. Local newspaper stories mentioning the place, photos taken inside the diner itself, probably a wall written on by customers who have even going there for years, things you wouldn't find in any Applebee's or Ruby Tuesday's in the world. Your waitress comes up; she's not a college girl wearing some slick uniform, she's sporting a well-worn apron and doesn't look a day under 40. If there's a menu, it won't have all the frilly embarrassing names or long descriptions. "Eggs", "Bacon (2 rashers)", "Chicken Parm", "Baklava". No "Our World Famous", "Chef's Special", "Zesty Zurprise" or any superfluous bullshit. There's also a chance there is no menu; just tell Betsy what you want or ask what they've got. After she walks off with your order the owner comes out of the back room; he's old and grey and probably Greek, and he goes up with a smile to greet one of the patrons there, an equally old man wearing a trucker's cap and a plaid shirt. They talk and laugh (probably about how he's bangin' Betsy) while you examine the portly bald black man working the kitchen like he's been doing it his entire life, while groving to music at least three decades old. Then Betsy comes back with your order; the food is making absolutely no effort to impress visually, yet it's appealing nonetheless, and the plate while clean will be impossibly old and thus unable to maintain a shine. The taste is familiar and it reminds you of years gone by, of better times, of your mother or your grandmother or whoever raised you. After you're finished Betsy comes with your coffee as you watch the rain outside the window and asks if you'd like desert. Not today, you're just gonna sit here a while drinking your coffee and doing nothing.

>> No.11957352


MMMM FUCKIN YES. Thats my go to.

>> No.11957366


>> No.11957374
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>> No.11957392

Thanks William

>> No.11957395
File: 1.03 MB, 2401x2401, 7da5fc81-877d-4189-bc8b-46863886f7f4_1.0ec2b3e9b35138d846d92532fc2554e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats these sandwiches while drunk at 12am
The irony of this post is off the charts.

>> No.11957399

That looks like you drained an abscess on top of your pizza.

>> No.11957405
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I love this when I'm drunk

>> No.11957429
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Learn to format text, your diarrhea is unreadable.

Obvious answer is obvious.

>> No.11957454

I was pretty drunk combined with a hangover, at least I didn't burn myself making it.

>> No.11957473

It's obvious that you're a faggot. Look at the name of the thread, of cource there might be a drunk poster here and there. That's fun and to be expected.
Are you just pissed at the world or what?

>> No.11957480

What the fuck anon

>> No.11957487

I don't know, it was drunk food and seemed OK at the time. I used a bunch of leftovers, took a bite and started puking. When one is drunk, you don't think proper.

>> No.11957492

>being drunk make you forget how to use space and tab.
I'm not mad, i'm just stating facts.

>> No.11957495

nissin ramen is indeed the good stuff, but i'm not really into soup when i'm drunk
the salt replacement is good though

>> No.11957534

This was a comfy read

>> No.11957550
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>> No.11957563

Mexicans are usually good cooks

>> No.11957710

Diners serve flavored water.

>> No.11958047


>> No.11958073
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Absolute god tier at 1am during a night out in Brighton

>> No.11958251
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>> No.11958257

undercooked chicken pizza?

>> No.11958357

This is for more than 1 person right

>> No.11958376


>> No.11958412
File: 54 KB, 533x400, super-fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.11958449

whats the orange stuff in the top right

>> No.11958460
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x3024, 20190225_111555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ate this today after my 7th bong rip

>> No.11958476

Your thread was bad enough, no need to shit up the entire board with your dogshit attempts at preparing food.

>> No.11958693

it's normally tandoori chicken and mushroom/chicken/donner pakora

>> No.11958701

It was like 5-6 years ago and I don't quite remember what it was, it was drunk-hangover stuff.

>> No.11958712

Why isn't that place marked as halal, do they want to get attacked by raging mobs of ragheads?

>> No.11958755

Is that the same anonfag that posts toilet paper from his period from that time of the month?

>> No.11959204

3 onion rings what kind of bullshit is that

>> No.11959588


>> No.11959625 [DELETED] 

nigger food

>> No.11959632

We don’t tolerate racism on 4channel pleas take that hate speech back to 4chan where it belongs

>> No.11959643

It's food we eat while drunk what do you expect?

>> No.11959653

sticking the top of the sauce lid or paper whatever you call it to the top of the box is a real pro move

>> No.11959658

I haven't been post drunk in a good 5 years.

>> No.11959685

Look at those onion rings dude. Would you really want more?

>> No.11959688

But many people eat this sober.

>> No.11959691


>> No.11959693

I've seen this place so many times but it looks like a complete shithole, do they care if you go in stoned?

>> No.11959713

Does anyone give a fuck if you go in stoned if you don’t act retarded and your moneys green? Can’t imagine some burger flipper/cashier freaking out cuz your eyes are red and you smell like pot.

>> No.11959724

>Not calling law enforcement when a customer comes in clearly having smoked illicit narcotics.

>> No.11959792

>a narcotic

>> No.11959797

I'm retarded. Sorry.

>> No.11959798

I work at Taco Bell and we only call the police on people with hard drugs or who are driving while drunk in our drive-thru.

>> No.11959808

Not bad, the line about the worn but spotless plate was the most visceral. Remove the explanations of the descriptions and it'd jump two points.

>> No.11959836

How isn't it a narcotic?

>> No.11959840
File: 348 KB, 1024x685, murtabak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murtabak is like something that was designed by polling a committee of cross-eyed drunk people at 3am, it's perfect.
>let's fry bread
>what if we make it egg and bread
>and fill it with meat
>and garlic and onion
>wait, add some curry

>> No.11960294

so much win.

>> No.11960301

i can out cook your faggot ass any day

>> No.11960320

taking this for my blog, thanks

>> No.11960399

im.high as shit rn and making chicken caccitore do better anon

>> No.11960405

damn that look good

>> No.11960426


>> No.11960458

>driving while drunk in our drive-thru.
how often does that happen?