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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11950127 No.11950127 [Reply] [Original]

unless you are poor or a gym fag KYS if this is your life

>eating the same shit whole week

>> No.11950148

Why does being a gym fag make it better?

>> No.11950150

I'm a gymfag, but make money with online training programms, so I don't have to suffer through meal prepping and actually have time to cook different stuff.

>> No.11950208

>thinking about what other people do with their free time

sad life

>> No.11950213

food is awful

>> No.11950234

why do they enjoy others things more than i enjoy food

>> No.11950248

They're making them gainz.

>> No.11950258

You can make gains and not be an autist.

>> No.11950261

Your that curry anon that got btfo a few threads ago aren't you?

>> No.11950309

Meal prep is one thing, but being so lazy tat you can only be bothered to calculate a single meal is dangerously stupid, no food has all nutrients by themselves so eating the same thing over and over again will make you deficient in some nutrients

>> No.11950318

>he cant conceive of eating a single meal containing sufficient protein, fat, and micronutrients from things like lean meat, whole grains and legumes, and leafy green vegetables
just how american are you?

>> No.11950371

Yes, it is imposible to do that (micronutrient wise) with food unless you tamper it with suplements or you make an ungodly blend of ingridients that do not go together, in that case you might as well be drinking soylent

>> No.11950380

I sometimes make a bigger meal on Sunday and package some shit for work lunches

Cooking for one person, it rarely makes sense to only make one serving

>> No.11950386

dude, unless you are making months at a time this doesn't matter. A healthy person can be deficient for a week, like thats an extremely short amount of time

>> No.11950398

Food is nutrients and calories, nothing else. I eat the exact same thing for breakfast and lunch, and I enjoy it well enough. It saves a ton of money and is healthy.

>> No.11950757

You can go to the gym without eating like a gay retard.

>> No.11950787


>> No.11950791
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i believe this dish exists, but waiting to hear which it is. i like chicken paprikash on roasted potatoes a lot

>> No.11950821

>implying half isn't frozen
>implying after a couple or few weeks you don't have your choice of multiple homemade meals
kys retard

>> No.11950847

you do know you can make like 2-3 days of food instead of making the entire week right?

>> No.11950870

doesnt rice go bad after like 2 days?

>> No.11950881

Intermittent fasting bitch

>> No.11950930

4-6 days for cooked rice in the fridge

>> No.11952009

/fit/ here actually have a meal prep question, bought a steamer to speed things up is overcooking via steaming possible or am I fine just putting all my meats in the steamer then turning it on for an hour?

>> No.11952068

how do you make money with online training programs?

>> No.11952079

get shredded then offer online training sessions on instagram, if you have a decent number of followers you can even sell cookie cutter workout routines and make a shit ton

>> No.11952107


... You wanna steam your meat?

>> No.11952114

yeah that way I can just load it up turn on the steamer then leave it

>> No.11952140

Are you angry or jealous because adults are able to take care of themselves?

Grow up.

>> No.11952181

>>eating the same shit whole week
It's not even necessary to exist in boredom. Freezer containers. After you 3rd or 4th make ahead idea, you have the ability to have unspoiled food right from the freezer, that is different. Food prep isn't a horrible idea, but eating leftovers from the fridge more than 1-2 days later is stupid.

>> No.11952211

My neighbor does it, he sells 1on1 live skype training sessions.

>> No.11952214

Man I can't cook for shit and that looks pretty good, I'd probably eat half of it in a single day... And no I'm not murican

>> No.11952220

mostly hams

>> No.11952230

>no I'm not murican
just incredibly overweight and have no self control?

>> No.11952240

3-4kg over my ideal weight but no self control, yeah

>> No.11952242

self control is a skill you can build lad, hope you try more in the future you can do it

>> No.11952331

Are you dumb?
Meal prep is to just supplement one meal out of the day usually lunch or dinner. Which ever you dont usually have time to prepare or dont eant to go out and spend money on more food.

For people like me who wake up at 4:30 am everyday for work I dont eat breakfast, and my first meal of the day is at 12pm. I eat a small snack at 9:30 usually. But my main meal is when i get home and i have time to cook that.

Meal prepping my lunches saves me time and money.

>> No.11952338
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>i don't eat breakfast
>ok but i sometimes eat a "small snack" at a regular breakfest time

>> No.11952389

A piece of fruit and a half cup of coffee sometimes is a meal?

>> No.11952394

>>snacks are not a subset of meals
really bro?

>> No.11952431

> 2019, still cooking adhoc

Are you a NEET anon?

>> No.11952464

Notice the word sometimes. Since I actually work for a living and not slam my ass down at a desk I sometimes dont eat at all from when I wake up till lunch.

By your dumb logic a glass of water is a sub set of a meal?

>> No.11952487

>Notice the word sometimes.
Yes. And notice that my comment had nothing to do with it. You "sometimes" eat breakfast.

>By your dumb logic a glass of water is a sub set of a meal?
Not all meals involve beverages, so no.

>> No.11952542

The autism is strong in you.

>> No.11952941
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judging other people is the spice of life and holds society together, you fucking hand holding, kumbaya singing, limp wristed, leddit hippie fag

>> No.11953051

>judging other people is the spice of life

For NPCs maybe. Your focus on others indicates your lack of personal fulfillment and happiness. Fix your priorities.

>> No.11953138

if you're eating at breakfast time you're not skipping breakfast you're eating a small breakfast you brainlet unlike you I actually skip breakfast, wake up at 5am don't eat anything till 4pm

>> No.11953171

Le epic troll

>> No.11953185
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>judging other people is the spice of life
For you I guess

>> No.11953200

I only have a couple of hours of free time during my 4-day work week and I put enough effort in my lunches to still enjoy them at the end of the week. umad

>> No.11953951

There's no 'breakfast' time idiot. Especially people who start work early. Especially since if the person is up at 4:30 AM and first eats something 5 hours later, that's not breakfast.

Also, you must work a shitty office job if you eat one meal in a 24 hour period. Are you scarfing down 2300 calories in one meal a day?

>> No.11953955

I thought variety was the spice of life... never thought of just being a total douchebag was the key to it. Damn.

>> No.11953957

>judging others
just die

>> No.11953959

>you must work a shitty office job if you eat one meal in a 24 hour period.
what does eating one meal a day possibly have to do with being in a shitty office?

>> No.11953987

I'm a retard and spend €6 per meal by buying cooked food from the supermarket and heating it up at home. I can't be fucked to spend 20 minutes boiling rice myself.

>> No.11953994

Burn less calories. Than a trade or someone who is always on the go.

>> No.11954065

How much fucking time do you not have in your day if you wake up at 4:30 AM? Even giving you an hour and a half to get ready to go to work, you should be out of work by like 2 PM.

Meal prepping is still for faggots. Even bringing a lunch is pretty lame if you aren't completely poor or aren't working on a construction site/some place with no access to food. I shake my head at every sad sack who skips their lunch break to do more work for the corporate Jew and eat their meal prep at their desk.

>> No.11954092

break + fast
the act of breaking the fast

>> No.11954094
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I eat and then spend the rest of my lunch painting miniatures.

>> No.11954100

I don't even know how to reply to this, well played anon.

>> No.11954132
File: 165 KB, 1040x780, NSQD6QD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a huge batch of chili every few months or so and eat it for lunch at work, eat shit

>> No.11954138

>Even bringing a lunch is pretty lame
How fucking petty and snobbish can someone be holy shit

>> No.11954140

Start work at 6AM.

Wake up at 4:30, dick around to either get lunch ready, actually wake up, and commute to work.

End work at 4PM, technically the shop opens at 7, but OT does make a massive difference on a pay check. But, I've always worked in that sort of industry, I just wake up naturally at that time, might as well capitalize on it.

>> No.11954154

that autism

>> No.11954156

You clearly aren't a gymbro

>> No.11954180

Congrats on being absolutely fucking bland and so boring you don't even want to bother entertaining yourself.

I guess I just mean it for the people who just end up doing more work instead of using their lunch break. I wouldn't criticize if you took it outside and enjoyed a park or a conversation with coworkers or something. But I see most people just sit at their desk still glued to that next spreadsheet or whatever.

>dick around to either get lunch ready
So you're saying you don't meal prep? I'm confused. Anyways, if you're a poorfag where OT is needed to make ends meet, you get a pass.

>> No.11954191
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>Congrats on being absolutely fucking bland and so boring you don't even want to bother entertaining yourself.
Cunt you've got no idea how much work goes into my chili, it takes over two hours just to prep, blow it out your ass

>> No.11954208

I don't care if it's fucking lobster and filet mignon covered in truffles and caviar, takes 3-4 days to prep, and it makes Gordon Ramsay cry tears of fucking joy when he tastes it, eating the same months old dish is fucking lame and you should neck yourself.

>> No.11954256

>tfw eat a Chipotle-like burrito twice a week
Feels good.

>> No.11954267

>and holds society together,
>being a judgemental cunt and nosy good-for-nothing


>> No.11954268

With veggies they will turn to baby food mush. Meat in a steamer is basically boiling it so you could do that if you want but I don't reccomend it taste-wise.

>> No.11954289
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That looks like chunky diarrhea.

>> No.11954587

Have you never eaten any kind of stew or curry?

>> No.11954727

>food is nutrients and calories
UUUUHHHH it has flavor and texture DUM DUM
What, you don't have taste buds or teeth?

>> No.11954829
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Meal prepping is the patrician's choice. Poor people are poor because they make bad choices, like having fast food or buying lunch. Their essential meals cost at least twice as much as mine. I cook nice meals on the weekend to treat myself but on the weekdays, I'm about working and resting and studying.

>> No.11954888

It's hard to keep up with meals when you work some dead end office job for 40+ hours per week. I used to work outside though and would just eat a few granola bars throughout the day and have a nice big dinner.

>> No.11954893

when i crave lasagna, i'll make a tray and freeze portions and eat for dinner each day...

>> No.11954899

>Poor people are poor because they're not saving $2-$3 a day
K, whatever

>> No.11954908
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>gym diet
>white rice

>> No.11954911

not really, it takes an incredible amount of restriction and work to /look/ like you're in shape
it's no surprise so many guys turn to steroids

>> No.11954924

All you have to do is eat a normal amount of calories. Sure if you want to be the hulk you'll have to pump yourself with steroids. But, if you just want to be lean with some musculature then all you need to do is not eat too much.

>> No.11954964

>Not just taking your lunch out somewhere nice to eat
>Wasting money going out all the time
It's funny because you complain about da jews, but you're just prolonging how long you have to work for the jew.

>> No.11954977

You still need to work out a bit though, just sitting all day at work and coming home to play video games will quickly whittle your muscle mass.

>> No.11954999

Two points here
1. It's not going to be meal prepping and saving $1,000 in a year on lunch that helps me retire sooner. That's barely anything.
2. Odds are I die before I can retire anyways, so oh well. Better to live better in the moment than be how proud I am of saving money when I bleed out in the street or find out I'm going to die of cancer.

>> No.11955028

Yeah but not a whole lot. You don't have to fall for the "hours in the gym" meme. Just do 15 minutes of calisthenics and some general housework and heavy lifting.

>> No.11955046

It's probably more like 10$ a day. 3,650 a year adds up, especially if you reinvest it.

>> No.11955063

90 minutes of weight lifting 5 days a week, minimum

>> No.11955069

On average, young adults spend 173$ on food per week.

52 x 173 is about 9000 dollars. I can feed myself prepping shit on 70-80% a week, which comes out to 3600-4000 dollars a year. Saving 5 grand a year is nothing to scoff at. That's enough to max out a Roth IRA. But fuck saving money and all that shit.

>> No.11955099
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The hero we need.

>> No.11955128

You're not meal prepping for every day of the week, right? Just for an average work week.

Same here, you're not talking about your ENTIRE food intake, are you? Because that's extra specially insane if so.

261 workdays in a year. I absolutely refuse to count a normal hot lunch as anything more than $5-$8. Let's assume your meal prep is about $2 per meal. That's $3-$5 saved per meal, or $783-$1,305 a year. Not life changing money.

>> No.11955238

That's great if you want to, but I'm talking about lazy NEETs. If you are too lazy to do all of that then you really only need a small amount of calisthenics, lean body, and to do work around the home.

>> No.11955276

>unless you are poor or a gym fag KYS if this is your life
I plan on making those in bulk to sell to gym fags, I will probrably be eating a lot of them if I have a surplus.
That said, eat shit and die, no one is forced to eat different food if they do not want to.

>> No.11955357

This is the person who stands outside of the tribe.

>> No.11955377

have you ever eaten steamed meat? if you have I doubt you’d be asking that question

>> No.11955527

I would resort to baking meat over steaming. I still prefer to pan sear or grill meats, but I'd bake before steaming.

>> No.11955530

meant for >>11952009

>> No.11955545

>>dick around to either get lunch ready
>So you're saying you don't meal prep? I'm confused. Anyways, if you're a poorfag where OT is needed to make ends meet, you get a pass

I do meal prep... also I work ot because its extra money. I explained that you idiot. Some people like to be productive with their life. And 1 hour a day is hardly working my ass off. Sorry I lmao living my life the way I like it you seething life hater.

>> No.11955555

why do you care so much about what someone else eats hahahahahha

>> No.11955573

Trying way too hard bro

>> No.11955590

What are some good meal preps for neets? I want to be as efficient as possible while I otherwise jerk off and shutinpost

>> No.11955594

Im buying a huge bag of beans and rice and eating that soon.

>> No.11955603

>Im buying a huge bag of beans and rice
How is that helpful you dumb fuck

>> No.11955629

>asks for meal preps
>recieves idea
>spergs out

I guess autism really is an epidemic

>> No.11955646

Great. first the non help reply now the Jewish response. Kys

>> No.11955657

Oy, why are being such a putz.

>> No.11955683

>5-6 day old chicken
why do /fit/ people say to do this

>> No.11955686

It makes sense pre or post workout to get your glycogen up fast. If you don't lift or do something similar it's pointless.

>> No.11955689

Lifting weights doesn't mean that you have to have the same protein/carb sources for every meal. Nor does it mean that you should adopt a low fat diet while avoiding fiber.
Eating the same meal over and over again throughout the week makes me want to fucking kill myself, while food is essentially macronutrients there's no reason to make it pointlessly bland/boring unless you are poor.

>> No.11955795

Please have sexual intercourse.

>> No.11955826
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>a monotonous, shallow, self-absorbed, derogatory, fleeting silent activity is the spice of life

>> No.11955890

God fucking damnit every thread 209 replies 0 food prep ideas fuck you Jew fast food shilossteins

>> No.11955963

Get into sous and a vacuum sealer. You can cook as much as you want in one go as long as it fits your water bath. Or you can individually seal portions, store them and cook whenever you need to. Cooking straight from frozen isn't much of a problem although it's not ideal.

>> No.11956098

maybe if you have shit tier genetics. I've been doing 3 days a week, maybe 2 hours each session, for 5 years. I sincerely guarantee I look better than you.

>> No.11956211

why do you need ideas? if it can be frozen and reheated without going weird then you can mealprep it

>> No.11956217

0 greens lol

>> No.11956224

OP must be the same angry anti-meal prep guy that appears in slow cooker threads occasionally. what did they do to you to make you hate them so much?

>> No.11956237

>don't need to go out for lunch
>don't need to put lunch break on your time sheet
>can eat at your desk
What's wrong with that?

>> No.11956255

you can eat anything at your desk dood

>> No.11956821

I make normal sized meals, freeze what i wont eat in a day or 2 and then i have an easy meak when im lazy or busy or just dont want to cook etc

>> No.11956824

meal prepping seems like what you do for an animal

>> No.11956831

I don't do this but I am considering doing this in the future. I'd make a roster with 10 different meals and rotate them over weekdays so I'd never have to eat the same meal twice in a fortnight. It's just a matter of having enough freezer space.

>> No.11957147

Sorry but i have better things to be doing than cooking and cleaning for two three hours every day

>> No.11957165

He won didn't he?

>> No.11958145
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>> No.11958191

Because they're college age kids or younger who don't have a lot of money and believe that chicken is the cheapest/healthiest meat and rice is the cheapest/healthiest grain, and both take little time to prepare and make.

>> No.11958196

(X) Doubt

>> No.11958300

Post body I wanna see what shape I have to be in to get people to pay for training. Could start a meme herbalife shake club to make money too. For sure I know some people won't stick to a diet but worst case scenario they keep drinking herbalife in thoughts of losing weight when that's only like 10% of the equation.

>> No.11958318

I genuinely don't understand what kind of person would pay for something like this when there are literally hundreds of books and thousands of free articles online on the matter.

>> No.11958356

There are much simpler ways of confessing that no one loves you

>> No.11958490


>> No.11958684

When I did meal prep it was only for three days at a time since I worked at home the other two. As a single man living alone it made it worth buying a whole roast or chicken to make for Sunday dinner and then pack 3 lunches. I only stopped because the cafeteria at work changed management and started offering healthy choices for a good price.

>> No.11958725

I make big batches to not have to cook every single fucking day but then when i've planned to cook some more food I see the leftovers and man those are some tasty fucking leftovers, I'll cook tomorrow instead.

>> No.11958729

Formerly Chuck.

>> No.11959126


yes. I am sure this is wet sludge by day 6

>> No.11959133


>ha, look at those faggot normies eating fresh food
>what idiots! they could be eating a six day old meatball like me

>> No.11959855

Sad way to live.
Unfortunately it's become necessary to be like this. No one cares about the sustainability of their habits any more.

>> No.11959889

Called sleeping.

>> No.11959955

tacos if you can get tortillas from churches that give out food

>> No.11960649

Funny as fuck

>> No.11960863

What if I prep occasionally because I'd rather spend money on drugs than food?

>> No.11960903


>> No.11960927

Yeah, coherent societies are totally unsustainable.

>> No.11961806

meal prepping is a leddit meme

>> No.11961811
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