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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 774x386, alcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11945520 No.11945520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Friday night, rough week, bought a 12 pack and a liter of wine.
Gonna get pretty drunk alone at home, as usual..

>> No.11945526


>> No.11945528

go easy, man. sober now for over 5 months and anxiety is still kicking my balls.

>> No.11945559
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Same, but not really.
Are you a marathon drinker? That shit is harsh. Me, I'm more of a sprinter. Hit the sauce (spirits) hard for 3 to 4 hours and pass out. Wake up, recover/rehydrate, try to do daily activities... Is this a better strategy? Consume less but in a shorter period of time sort of thing?

>> No.11945571

Hard to go wrong, really

>> No.11945584

these threads are comfy. wish they were still allowed

>> No.11945596

I always try to drink a few cup of water before going to sleep but I am not sure it helps.

I think the worst part is knowing how wrong it is but keep doing it..

>> No.11945608

Since when is it forbidden? I use to post in these threads for a while.

>> No.11945611

That's the last thing I want to hear. If I can't stay occupied I go back to it. I made it three days. I can't figure anything else out. I don't have any hobbies anymore. Shit sucks.

>> No.11945617

it's calling me for sure. I have too many hobbies now but it was nice to start playing guitar again.

>> No.11945650

That's nice. I used to play the piano but it's not something you can take around with you. Maybe I'll get enough money for a high quality digital piano that doesn't need to be tuned and I can plug headphones into. Or maybe I'll just get pancreatitis.

>> No.11945678

I can't bare the thought of losing my dog.

>> No.11945691
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>something you can take around with you

>> No.11945698

Because being a pathetic drunk has nothing to do with food and cooking

>> No.11945712

Most of the pathetic drunks I know would cook circles around you, lass.

>> No.11945716

but the countless "mcdonalds for the xth day in a row" or "do americans really?" threads do right? Alcoholic drinks are still drinks, we're talking about our experiences with them.

What's everyone's favorite bottom shelf liquor? I'm usually a skol or taaka man myself

>> No.11945721

Then get them to come here and make threads about food and cooking, not their pathetic drunkenness.

>> No.11945729

I used to drive a guy home and we would have to stop everyday at the liquor store. However he only bought mini bottles of kentucky delux. Said it was enough for a buzz and helped control his drinking. I dunno may help.

>> No.11945735

Lol I got a guy kicked out of my building because he wouldn't stop playing one of those irritating god damn things after 10pm on weeknights

>> No.11945745

Always at least one raging faggot who comes in here trying to be the fucking police. Just report the thread and ignore it if you're so triggered, you're breaking the fucking rules yourself by posting off-topic

>> No.11945839

You act like this is a bad thing

>> No.11945861

How about a highball, old bean?

>> No.11946039
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Lmao not even r9k wants you

>> No.11946073

Homeless addicts get the fuck out

>> No.11946080

>this fucking thread again
Jannies need to sweep this mess up

>> No.11946097

Alcohol threads have been ck for years you niggertoes need to back off

>> No.11946104

>maybe I'll just get pancreatitis
I just got out of the hospital for that and it's fucking horrible. I want to drink the rest of my alcohol and be done with it but can't because the pain is so severe

>> No.11946109

I have a jug of Popov on hand right now

>> No.11946134
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2 questions, but first, details:
A family friend left a bottle of Johnny Walker Black in my pantry when she visited a year ago. It was opened, and only a few glasses were had. The rest has been sitting there since. My questions are thus:
Would it still be any good? I don't drink whiskey, so I don't know if it goes bad like other liquors.
What would it be good to use in? My plan was barbecue sauce.

>> No.11946138

12 beers?! Jeez, you guys are going to give yourselves alcohol poisoning. 2 beers is more than enough!!

>> No.11946155

it's still fine, it's not going bad any time soon unless you mess with it. Barbecue sauce would work, I like whiskey flavor in sweets as well (frosting, macarons, ice cream). Or just mix it and drink it, you won't use a lot in cooking anyway so you'll still have plenty

>> No.11946170

yeah that's what all the moderate drinkers do is buy airplane bottles

>> No.11946174

yeah i suffered through that one time on my couch, i considered peeing myself pretty much for a week and a half because it hurt too much to even get up to go to the bathroom
i should definitely have been in the hospital

>> No.11946180
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Based thread

>> No.11946211
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On a more positive note, how much water do you guys consume during rounds?

>> No.11946228
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Got about 500 mils of Jim Beam and half a packet of unfiltered cigarettes. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.11946229

About a gallon per day on top of a 1.75L of vodka and however much beer. I piss so much I actually stopped bothering going to the bathroom. My chair is surrounded and covered in piss. Most of the time I don't even pull my dick out and just let go on myself.

>> No.11946234
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>went to a wine tasting today
>didn't spit
>got loaded
>driving home
>get to liquor store because I didn't feel drunk enough
>the alcohol hits my all of the sudden
>I take an embarrassing amount of time to put my card in the chip reader thing
>drive home
>take a nap
>wake up
>watch LIVE PD
Now I'm here. Drinking. Sending absolutely lewd messages on bumble.
I'm such a fucking loser lol.

>> No.11946250

>all of the sudden
it's the drunk idiot thread but come on man

>> No.11946255
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Live PD is pretty based and redpilled, but I find the fact that law enforcement is being used as televised entertainment is somewhat... unsettling.

>> No.11946292

Why? It shows people just how stupid coons are.

>> No.11946319
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Haven't drank in 40 days

About to release my big piece of software on tuesday.

Finna get loaded at work in the morning when it goes live

Just counting down boys

>> No.11946354
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I dunno, it just seems a little too Demolition Man / Brave New World to me.

>> No.11946362
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What are you releasing m8? If I knew you, I'd send you something to celebrate your big deal.

>> No.11946369


>> No.11946371

How the hell is someone like you getting a chance to send messages on bumble? Are you pretending to be a girl?

>> No.11946381

Our main android app.

Theres some parts I really don't like but it's been a long time coming and it's finally prod ready.

Haven't had bourbon in a long time either.

>> No.11946389

thats a good bourbon

>> No.11946409
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Taaka. Half a liter per night plus some of this. Never had gotten a bad hangover in my life, except the first time I got wasted. Got a great well paying job, basically I can function pretty highly while drinking like this. Must be because 3 of my 8 great grandparents were Finnish.

>> No.11946437
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No, they say "Hello" first, and then I send messages. I was banned before, but I used a burner phone to get back on.
>pic related

>> No.11946531
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I legit got a solid chuckle out of that, thanks Anon.

>> No.11946563
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My pleasure, Anon.
"You Faggot Jewish Bitch" is my text notification.

>> No.11946597

Seek help

>> No.11946636

>not posting Jordan "Stop it." .gif

>> No.11946638

I've tried to cut my drinking down. I'm down to a 5th of 100 proof a day on weekends.

>> No.11946641

Try smoking DUDE WEED instead

>> No.11946643

I smoked for about a decade and quit

>> No.11946651
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Maybe it's time to pick it up again, if only to curb your drinking
Out of drinking and the devil's herb, one will definitely kill you faster

>> No.11946654

I know. When I get a new job I plan to smoke and not drink as much. I'm just trying to get reasonable work.

>> No.11946656

just woke up
had the water chugging dream again

>> No.11946658
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I believe in you anon

>> No.11946664

Thanks for real, I just hope things work out. For everybody.

>> No.11946671

Im not getting depressed drunk like OP. But i am getting drunk. I got my girl asleep, mincraft loaded, and its gonna be a fun night :) hows everyone elses night going?

>> No.11946679

i got drunk early and went to bed
now it's 4am i might drink a beer and go for a bike ride before everyone wakes up

>> No.11946697
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Honestly, not an al/ck/ and you guys seems really fucked up generally speaking, but I liked having them and the thread around. It is technically in the realm of /ck/ and it brought some interesting character to the board. Never browse /r9k/

>> No.11946705
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I usually drink tequila, spiced rum (sailor jerry, kreken is really good, but also potent). On an average night ill have 3 shots, and 1 bottle of watter. On a heavy night with friend, I'll have anywhere between 5-7 shots of my choosing. I usually try to drink the same amound (if not more) compared to how much I drank. I have a week bladder too, ao i also soend a lot of time up, after I get home.

>> No.11946712

They're probably also better shots than me. Does that mean alcoholism threads should be on /k/?

>> No.11946713

If we force all of the depressos to /r9k/ we're bound to see an uptick in violent attacks

>> No.11946715
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wageslaves on suicide watch

>> No.11946716

Meant to reply to >>11945712

>> No.11946717
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>weak bladder
i dunno wtf my body does with it all. I can knock down half a cask while having 3 times that in water for the night and only have to take a piss a few hours later, I dont bulge or get bloated, its really weird.

>> No.11946729

Hopefully its not dark where you are. Put on some good music and go for an early morning cruse. Is 1:10am where I am, and I kinda wanna go for a quick skate sesh. But cant till new deck comes in.

Hmmm when you usually drink, do you drink a lot of water? I offten find myself thirsty, and drinking a lot of water, regardless if ive been drinking or not. Like at work ill hqve 3 bottles of watter, and wanting more. And it only gets worse when i drink. Dose that happen to you a lot?

>> No.11946738

what's wrong with dark?

>> No.11946752
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Nothing, I just dont want an anon to get hurt is all mate

>> No.11946758

I just said 3 times the booze is drunk in water.
in other words a fuck ton of liquid goes in and not much goes out.

I got a wormhole in my bladder or something.

>> No.11946762

Because of /alc/ threads Im the bartender at partys. I honestly have no other bosrd to thank but /ck/ for my bartender knowledge. Honestly, i wouldn't be as social as i am now if it wasn't t for 4chan, b, f, and ck.

>> No.11946783
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9 months sober. Almost died the two last times I was on the bottle. First time, I had run out of liquor and became too sick to get out of bed. Was dehydrating and tried reaching the toilet after 3 days with no water. Collapsed on the floor and was found by my doctor a day later. (My doc. has the keys to my appartement due to my alcoholism.) Had injured some nerves and lost my feelings on the right side of the body (mostly recovered). Spent time in rehab.

Second time, I ate one packet of benzodiazepine and managed to down one bottle of vodka. Had another bottle as well but passed out before I could drink it. Had two liters in total. This time, I was found by close friends. Stopped breathing shortly after the ambulance arrived. Survived with kidney damage. Spent weeks "finding myself" again. Have been inn and out of jails, psychiatric hospitals, rehabs and hospitals.

For reasons, I decided to try stop drinking in 2016 - the two episodes above were relapses I had after I "quit" in 2016. Now, I'm 9 months sober. Am damaged from the abuse - liver, nerves.. Found the gym and begun working out, trying to repair what little is left of me. I visit my doctor at least twice per month and he is giving me hope. Love the gym, have changed my diet, am working out as much as I am allowed and am feeling great. Grateful and peaceful.

Played with fire when i had a few beers a little while back - relapse for me, is a death sentence.

>> No.11946796
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thread is off-topic ;)

Hope this thread will be dealt with swiftly.

>> No.11946799

Hmm. If your trying to get drunk on a friday night then try this. It always works for me as a hydrated drunk at the end of my week then.
If you do coke, ill tell you now, stop. If youve been drinking, and do coke, itll only sober you up. If you dont do coke, then dont worry. Youll be fine to drink.
Second, when you first start drinking in a day, dont have your first sip of water untill youve had your 4th or 5th shot of your choice. it sounds like you're more hydrated than you are intoxicated when you do decide to drink. I've done that a lot in the past

>> No.11946800

Apparently, you got no clue how badly chefs are affected by alcoholism. This thread is very much related to /ck/

>> No.11946802

based alcoholics, I find your threads aesthetic I'm not a drunk but I learn a lot from all of you.

>> No.11946808

You absolut summer fag. This is synonymous to /b/... its not porn, its all lost not a gay fur thread, or a porn thread at all. If anything /b/ is full of /alc/ you just dont lime the idea of anyother board merging to yours.

>> No.11946817

Try cooking any meat with a cognac. Drinking is synonymous with both cooking and alcoholics. I hope you learn from this thread that you can both drink and cook with alc. Or an white wine an mushrooms or onions.

>> No.11946847

you mean cocaine or cola?

>> No.11946855

incels rise up!!!! xDDDDD

wanna spam the board again with your greeeeeeaaaaat power?????????????? xDDDDDDDD

>> No.11946863
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Thread related content.


>> No.11946874
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Hello subhumans,

this thread is off-topic. This is a board for food and cooking, not a live blog about how you're a failure at life and a burden to your family and friends. In fact, alcoholism is an illness and as such should not be on this board. Please take it to /adv/ or/r9k/.

>> No.11946882
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ignore this faggot. keep posting on topic.

usually its grog; 1 part rum 2 parts water.

>> No.11946892

Use your brain, anon. You think people who are destroying themselves with cheap vodka worry about the negative properties of cola?

>> No.11946905

Well diabetes is a very serious disease.