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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 616x283, 984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11940528 No.11940528 [Reply] [Original]

>Mention soda on /ck/
Why does nobody bat an eye at all of the unhealthy recipes and foods that get posted on here but flip shit over 100 calories of sugar water? Sorry your metabolism sucks ass and you'll turn into a morbid fatass if you drink a coke but you don't need to remind me about how my choice is bad for me even though I'm in perfect shape. You're worse than fucking vegans.

>> No.11940534

Not your blog, faggot.

>> No.11940537

Big soda don't fuck around

>> No.11940713
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>When you see a grown man drinking the sugary jew

>> No.11940723

>muh sugary childs drink
grow up

>> No.11940726

Because even the shittiest slop at least pretends to have something useful like meat or vegetables, but sugar water is just that - sugar water. If you don't make it yourself, it's irredeemable and inferior to milk, kefir, kvass, etc.

>> No.11940730
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Soda is bad for you, that's why I drink delicious sips instead

>> No.11940732

industrialized sugar is a drug though

>> No.11940744

Fat people are masters of self-deception, and they love focusing on irrelevant details at the expense of addressing the very obvious real problem which is they're eating way too many calories.
>I switched to diet soda and ate a salad, why am I still fat tho :( ???

>> No.11940751

Why is soda so addictive? I thought it was the HFCS, but the sodas made with sugar are like that too. I thought maybe it was because of some other weirdass chemical, so I tried these expensive 'healthy' sodas next and got the same cravings. Finally I said fuck it and tried the shitty diet versions of the healthy sodas that are basically just carbonated water, some sugar replacement like stevia or whatnot, and a few other flavorings, and you know what? They suck, but they're STILL addictive. What the fuck is this sorcery?

>> No.11940755

>Why is soda so addictive?
Because "addictive" is a weasel word meant to imply you have no control over your actions. Substitute the word "enjoyable" and you'll have your answer. It tastes good. You drink it because you like it. Not all that mysterious.

>> No.11940760

it's the mind controlling chemicals and flouride the government puts in them to ensure your docility that make it addictive

>> No.11940763

Perhaps some of them are fatties larping as healthy because they drink water along with their high calorie meals. Healthy people I've met don't go around telling everyone randomly how much they loooove and how healthy they are because of it, in my experience it's mostly been a fattie virtue-signalling thing.

>> No.11940768

how much they love water*

>> No.11940775

Damn she is right I just robbed my neighbor in order to steal their xbox so i could pawn it for some sweet Mt Dew. I need that sweet yellow angel man.

>> No.11940780

^Exactly. A thin guys drinks his soda and doesn't think much of it. A fatty drinks water successfully avoiding a whopping 140 calories per day (out of the 3,140 calories total they'd be having otherwise) and then goes around calling everyone else unhealthy for not doing the same.

>> No.11940789

skinny people can get diabetes too

>> No.11940807

I just do it to trigger Americans who are unironically addicted to it and drink several per day. That said, I can only enjoy it on occasion. I find plain carbonated water much more enjoyable and refreshing.

>> No.11940812

It stimulates your brain to release pleasurable neurotransmitters because it can sense the big energy coming from sugar water, dipshit

It's like asking why a gigantic cheesy burger is good, your body is only thinking about calories and energy to fuel you

>> No.11940861

You have no self control. There is no science to it. Anything tasty is addictive to people like you you fat son of a bitch

>> No.11940903

The proportion of type 2 diabetics who aren't overweight is about the same as the proportion of lung cancer patients who never smoked. Kind of dopey to focus on outlier cases when you know the common risk factor for the remaining 90%.

>> No.11940924 [DELETED] 

>worse than vegans
Vegans are better than you, faggot

>> No.11940932

>skinny people can get diabetes too
My dad's one of those skinny people who has Diabetes. Guess what? He was fat as fuck before he got it. If you have a really severe onset you literally urinate out all your bodyweight super-rapidly because you can't process any sugar at all anymore and you become a creepy walking skeleton.

>> No.11941039

>guy in OP pic is literally already dead
>died from drug overdose
>have drank soda daily for years and still pretty healthy
What did he mean by this

>> No.11941043

>say this
god damn that is beautfiul

>> No.11941062

ah that's why you're a fucking moron
learn how basic nutrition works

>> No.11941168

I posted a home made soda syrup recipe in he dickered thread two nights ago. You're fucking retarded and you get triggered by other retards. Leave us out of that silly business, sir.

>> No.11941178
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Best "Soda" coming through

>> No.11941186

Why didn't you make a home made soda thread instead? It's silly to have a recipe general on a food and cooking board.

>> No.11941202


>> No.11941210


>> No.11941223

>Posted on /ck/
Do you even browse this board?
It's just loosely food-related bait and shitposting.
None ever actually posts recipes or discusses how to cook here, lol.

The only non-shitpost threads we have here are Roommate stories threads.

>> No.11941229
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the GOOD shit coming through

>> No.11941327

I've only tried the strawberry because my work cafe is always giving it out for free. It's some of the fakest, grossest liquid i've ever had. Tastes like a can of splenda.

I hope for your sake you're a shill who doesn't actually like this stuff cuz it won't be around in two years. Pepsico will drop this shit so quick.

>> No.11941368
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Why is it legal to sell diet soda without calling it diet? I'm gonna have to throw the rest of this case away all I can taste is aspartame it's disgusting.

Yeah well I wish I remembered that at the time cause Coke & Pepsi seemed real boring when I was in the aisle.

>> No.11941398

We used to post mspaint recipes, like, five years ago

>> No.11941409

>is about the same as the proportion of lung cancer patients who never smoked
So high enough to be completely significant?

>> No.11941508

90% of type 2 diabetics are overweight. That's about as much of a smoking gun for confirming the fact letting your weight get out of control leads to diabetes as you could ever realistically hope for. Also you seem to be under the impression the minority of type 2 diabetics who aren't overweight caused their diabetes through something they were eating or drinking when in reality maintaining a healthy weight while experiencing blood sugar spikes isn't recognized as a known cause for diabetes. Genetics are what's looked to more in explaining cases where someone isn't overweight.
That's pretty much the entire point of type 2 diabetes: It's the condition where your body is no longer able to effectively manage blood sugar spikes. If you react badly to sudden increases in blood sugar then you're already diabetic or pre-diabetic. It's not normal or healthy to be vulnerable to sugar in that way. If you don't have diabetes the thing you need to watch out for is becoming overweight. If you keep your calorie intake low enough to where you're maintaining a healthy weight then you're already adhering to the mainstream evidence based diabetes prevention advice.
Nobody cares if you drink a soda while staying at 150 lb, while conversely your doctor is looking at you like you're a ticking time bomb if you're 350 lb regardless of how good you are about only ever drinking water. There's a difference between what causes a disease vs. what a disease makes you vulnerable to. Pneumonia doesn't cause AIDS even though AIDS makes you much more vulnerable to pneumonia, and a blood sugar spike doesn't cause type 2 diabetes even though type 2 diabetes makes you much more vulnerable to a blood sugar spike. HIV destroying your immune system causes AIDS and overtaxing your body with massive surpluses of food energy along with a minority of genetic abnormalities are what cause type 2 diabetes.

>> No.11941518
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>> No.11941538

I don't drink soda regularly but sometimes I enjoy one. All things in moderation. Soda is definitely not making me fat as I only drink it maybe once or twice a month. Beer and lack of exercise is what's making me fat.

>> No.11941544

Brand loyalty. It gives you that extra dopamine hit.

>> No.11941713

strawberry is one of the worst flavors. The only flavors that can hold a candle to la croix are cranberry, mango, and orange

>> No.11942022

My dad drinks about a can of coke every day, literally every fucking day, for maybe the past 40 years?

I wouldn't call him the healthiest man ever but he's still pretty fit and doesn't have diabetes or anything. I think i'm good to have a single medium soda whenever I go out to get fast food.

>> No.11942057

This tweet did not age well.

>> No.11942066

Water nazis are the biggest autists.

>> No.11942077

there is literally no sugar any where in that drink

>> No.11942080
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>> No.11942100
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excuse me?

>> No.11942108

those are nice i just prefer something flavored

>> No.11942129

I drink like 1 soda every 5 months. Other than that I’m always sipping on unsweetened iced tea and water. Stop being a Fatass already

>> No.11942344


Who the fuck shit in your cereal this morning? Is what I asked that strange compared to half the other random questions on this board?

>> No.11942359
File: 25 KB, 542x579, 1459177501171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda is bad cause carbonation ruins drinks and actively makes them less refreshing. Instead of a smooth cold beverage I have my throat being tickled by this gay shit. Fuck you and fuck soda.

>> No.11942362

Science states the exact opposite. Acid makes you salivate leaving you less thirsty. This is why lemonade exists.

>> No.11942364

Doesn't that actually end up dehydrating you more though?

>> No.11942370

Reading the posts in this thread proves that a food and cooking board on an anime image board was a collosal mistake. You are all as autistic as chris chan or worse.

>> No.11942373

The fluid loss is insignificant but increased salivation obviously doesn't actually hydrate you, no. It just reduces the feeling of thirst.
It's a good trick to know for patients on fluid restriction or soldiers who are cut off from supplies, etc.

>> No.11942391

He never complained about hydration, he complained about percieved hydration. Acidic substances objectively taste refreshing to a point. Your culprit is actually the sugar.

If you are looking for hydration you shoukd be drinking water. Soda is for pleasure.

>> No.11942397

I thought they were just saying the feeling of carbonation makes it feel less pleasant, making soda not very pleasurable for him.

>> No.11942399

That has nothing to do with the soda making him thirsty, that's him being a little bitch about the bite.

Which is fine, switch to juice.

>> No.11942409
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I'd rather be a little bitch than actually enjoy bubbly sugar syrup.

>> No.11942482

I don't give a fuck what you like, just don't sperg out at every soda thread like an autist.

>> No.11942561

Never, nigga. It's healthy for you to be made fun of.

>> No.11942563

Dude, this is plebbit on PMS: the board. The amount of butthurt-for-no-reason, pseudo-witty, passive-agressive and smug posting here is something you'll have to get used to.

>> No.11942593

>everyone is a fat fuck who eats garbage
>if they're not they must be lying

>> No.11942612

Just drink a premium soda like Ramune or Jones, having those two once in a while made me stopped being a soda junkie since it just made popular products taste off.

>> No.11942630
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that's exactly what he said faggot

>> No.11942742

>Sorry your metabolism sucks ass
Unless a medical condition (rare), most people with low metabolisms are fatasses or lazy people who directly caused their low metaboism by being fatasses and lazy and can easily fix it by lifting weights.

>> No.11942934

You sound gay as fuck.

>> No.11942938

Yeah, nothing like ligament damage to facilitate good health. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.11942955
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*deeply inhales*


>> No.11943008

>p-people who work out are actually the unhealthy ones man
lmao get a load of this fattie

>> No.11943023

You're not fooling anyone. Everybody is aware of a middle ground. But enjoy your repetitive grinding.

>> No.11943028
File: 122 KB, 499x749, A27D9E61-96E7-4596-A420-AEABBFCF1781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comin atcha dogs

>> No.11943031

A middle ground of what?

>> No.11943033

Unbelievably good. Peach too.

>> No.11943150

Exercising enough to not be a fatty, but not so much that you shred your ligaments.
I think.

>> No.11943154

They don't come with that top where I live. What is that?
Some kind of unscrewable cap that you can put back on in between sips?

>> No.11943160

I made the first post you quoted and have no idea why you're freaking out so much over it. All I did was point out how treating your own drinking behavior like it's the involuntary output of a chemical reaction is kind of silly. You're being like that Christine Blasey Ford nutjob when she said "indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter."

>> No.11943179
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I hate fat people and drug addicts

>> No.11943515

lmao care to explain retard?

>> No.11944720

I'll drink diet soda mixed with liquor but otherwise only drink water. Seriously, why do you drink sugar water?

>> No.11944730

Rarely and unless it was some birth defect, it's usually because they used to be fat and/or ate horribly. It's highly unusual to get type 2 diabetes if you've been thin and healthy eating for your entire life.

>> No.11944738

>The proportion of type 2 diabetics who aren't overweight is about the same as the proportion of lung cancer patients who never smoked
My dad died of small cell non-smokers lung cancer :(. But yes it's so ridiculously rare that usually it's some sort of organ issue that started at birth.

>> No.11944785
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>Man drinking literal poison asking why other man drinks something that only becomes harmful without moderation

>> No.11944821

At least I get drunk off liquor rather than... umm nothing from soda?

>> No.11944849
File: 147 KB, 645x729, 1507445348645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least I destroy my body and mind with liquor instead of just my body with soda!

>> No.11945400

Anyone who complaines about drinking pop because it's a childs drink can NEVER eat dessert ever again as it is surely just a childs treat because of the sugar

>> No.11945512


>> No.11946895

Yes, in America a lot of large size energy drinks come with reusable twist caps since most people only have a little of it at a time throughout the day (that's where the sips meme comes from)

>> No.11947436

> Ew, aspartame!
Abstain from soda pop for a few months and return to it. You will be disgusted by the aftertaste of HFCS.

>> No.11948276
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best water coming through

>> No.11948307
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>100 calories of sugar water
kek, you have no clue how much sugar/HFCS is in there do you. enjoy beetus nigger.

>> No.11948322

A man of taste.

>> No.11948436


Do people who say this just meme or do they really have no idea that sugar intake has nothing to do with diabetes?

>> No.11948440

people who casually destroy their body like OP will

>> No.11948655

I eat brownies and cupcakes and candy and drink soda and chocolate milk and I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.11948664


>> No.11948692

Not that guy, but if you're drinking coke every day, your diet is probably shit.

>> No.11948693

I think they get confused by how sugar can harm diabetics and assume the same thing diabetes makes you susceptible to must be what causes diabetes in the first place. It doesn't help that the sensationalist / contrarian news outlets like periodically running a story about how "not all diabetics are fat," creating the false impression weight doesn't matter and diabetes is somehow determined by what kinds of food you eat instead of by a long term history of weight gain from too many calories consumed.

>> No.11949103
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, tuywpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this at my local coca-cola factory
how jealous are you fags

>> No.11949141

I like a nice ice cold can of coke every couple of months, but beyond that, I'm good

>> No.11949145
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>> No.11949155


Me too, but Coke is relly bottom tier. The no- name brand cola from my local supermarket is leagues ahead. Which is why the damn thing is sold out so often.