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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11940289 No.11940289 [Reply] [Original]

How many butter balls can you eat in one go?

>> No.11940314 [DELETED] 
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>eating butter

>> No.11940316

do amerilards really?

>> No.11940348

Hard to believe it, but she is actually eating a chicken leg in this photo.
Absolute Unit

>> No.11940360


>> No.11940753


>> No.11940757

Does Calvin Klein pay you to shill their cologne?

>> No.11940777

what the fuck is a butter ball? that just looking like fucking butter that's shaped into a ball. Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.11940799

It's just whipped butter that's been portioned into equal sizes that give you with the bread. Are you that anon who started the thread about never having been out to a restaurant before?

>> No.11940810

I didn't make that thread but where I'm from they just give butter on a dish.

>> No.11940819

Americans are not fat at all

>> No.11941004

No, just retarded foreigners who see them on the table and think its a snack

>> No.11941007
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A human could eat nothing but butter for months on end and be perfectly healthy depending on its quality

>> No.11941031


>> No.11941047

i'm going to say 50

>> No.11941084

do americans really do this?

>> No.11941940

In America we're all Rick & Morty watching gimmick lovers.

>> No.11942164

Do you people actually eat raw butter alone? I knew americans were stupid but god damn that's something else.

>> No.11942177

you're even fucking dumber for having to ask this question. read the fucking thread, butter balls are a restaurant gimmicky way to butter your bread.

>> No.11942179

I have tried eating just butter and I did not like it.
For me butter is better when it goes on toast or some shit.

I really don't understand how some people just eat raw butter.

>> No.11942184


>> No.11942227

imagine being amerifat and having balls of butter in restaurants instead of normal regular tabs of butter you can easily spread

>> No.11942241

exactly. butter is supposed to be just merely a base or start ingrident at your meal, not meal alone.
NANA PINTA what should i do now?

>> No.11942252

>shifting goal posts after being called out for being an absolute dumbfuck and ignoring where I said it's a gimmicky thing that restaurants do to stick out
another day, kiddo.

>> No.11942322

Yes, they do. They also frie it.

>> No.11942387
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1 post in, like clockwork.

>> No.11942431

dump amerilard is angry because he has not butter balls to eat right now.

>> No.11942719

i limit myself to 20 or so

>> No.11942727
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Imagine getting this triggered by a meme

>> No.11942733

>buttering bread

>> No.11942755

what meme?
you mean because something gets repeated it's a meme? are knock knock jokes memes now instead of jokes?

>> No.11942846

Yes, they are. There is no biological way to understand the format. It needs to be communicated and adopted socially.

>> No.11942851

jokes are an excellent example of a type of meme. they've always been memes, it's just that the average person didn't know what the word meme was until the internet educated them.

>> No.11943253


I didn't know butter had balls

>> No.11944386

The term "butterfingers" comes from people who used to cut off the balls by hand. Today it's done by machine.

>> No.11944412

jokes are LITERALLY memes you fucking idiot

>> No.11944473

The definition of meme is a unit of culture like how a cell is a unit of life. Memes can be images, phrases, gestures, or facial expressions. As long as some community uses these things with consistency or frequently uses modifications of these, they are memes. Meme was popularized through internet culture because it is so easy to disseminate and participate in the creation and use of memes online (as opposed to everyday life where memes may only be spread throughout a friend group or social network).

>are knock knock jokes memes
Yes, the format itself is a meme and many of the jokes are used frequently enough to qualify.
>are jokes memes
No, you actually got this one backwards. Specific jokes may become a meme, or the way in which a joke is told can become a meme, but original jokes are explicitly not memes until they get re-used (since they haven't been culturally passed around).

>> No.11944998

post the chick deep throating the bar of butter so I can jerk off.

>> No.11945007


>> No.11945161

your mom is a meme (since she has been culturally passed around)

>> No.11945216

go back to r.eddit.

>> No.11945236
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>> No.11945290
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>> No.11945350

Zero without bread. What's the point otherwise?

>> No.11945363

>Brando was extremely competitive, and in 1968 he appeared at a private party celebrating Oscar nominations in which Paul Newman was in attendance with his wife Joanne Woodward. Brando approached Newman and began a conversation that eventually became very heated, resulting in Brando shouting and Newman walking away. Later that evening Brando stood on a table and challenged Newman to a butter eating contest, like the one Newman was depicted doing in Cool Hand Luke, however Newman ignored the challenge.

>Brando, undeterred, had somebody from his entourage bring him dozens of soft butter balls, and started the competition without Newman. While eating, he would loudly keep count as he consumed the butter balls saying things like "21 Newman! 21 butter balls already! I'm better than you Newman!", while mocking and insulting Newman the whole time, and calling him a "phony".

>Eventually, Brando consumed 51 butter balls before being removed from the party, 1 more than Newman's character did in Cool Hand Luke. As he was being escorted out, he reportedly said "51 butter balls Newman! I beat you! You couldn't eat 51 butter balls because you're a phony, Newman. I'm better than you, and always will be Newman! Don't ever forget that!"

>> No.11945681

Alpha as fuck

>> No.11945893

I remember being invited to a banquet in like 7th grade and I had never seen or even knew butter balls were a thing. I had assumed they were little pasta balls so I got like 20 of them and a piece of chicken and some salad. I felt like a retard eating these butter balls infront of the people I was sitting next to because after eating about half I realized they were just butter.