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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 446x299, gordonramsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11940038 No.11940038 [Reply] [Original]

Final thoughts on him ?

>> No.11940060 [DELETED] 

He's not vegan yet

>> No.11940061

Based but not as based as his mentor

>> No.11940065

He probably cooks food

>> No.11940108

He's a soyboy after all

>> No.11940111

One of the few tv star cooks with a genuine personality. 10/10 would get along with

>> No.11940195

w-what's happening to him?

>> No.11940200

The 2nd most entertaining TV chef behind Keith Floydd.

>> No.11940282

Been fantasizing about his cock and balls recently

>> No.11940295

Completely lost any respect I had for him.

>cucks out by going on le zoomer hotwings show
>gets dabbed on hard by le spicy wings, can barely finish the segment

He's just a TV chef after all.

>> No.11940336

I honestly think he's a supertaster. I'm one as well and sriracha is almost too hot for me, and that's where the show STARTS, on the low end.

I don't think it's 'lel gordon can't handle spicy' I think it's that he's just tasting it so much more sharply than someone like Kyle Kinane who powered through it, but by his own admission fucked over his taste buds with cigarettes all his life.

>> No.11940346

Is that the new euphemism for pussies who can't handle spice?

>> No.11940370

how about use fucking google, it's been a thing for forever, and there's even test strips you can buy to diagnose.

>> No.11940450

Fucking hell. Isn’t that a they might be giants song or something?

>> No.11940638


Not that guy, but there really are people born with an abnormal amount of taste buds and things like sour, spicy, or sweet can be easily detected and can overwhelm them. It's a mark of a "good palate" when you can taste a soup and know that someone used a pinch of cardamom in there or something. Normal people can't really do it.

>> No.11940656

It would've been great if Black Cube killed him instead of Tony.

>> No.11940670

Ignore the gay guy more thoughts on him to come

>> No.11940879

I don't get it, you lost respect because he had a hard time eating something really spicy?

>> No.11940931

It was just a joke but judging from your reaction I must not have been far off the mark.

>> No.11940944


>> No.11941245

Has been. Can't cook to a high standard anymore. Just hires people who can. They should get credit for the stars, not him.

>> No.11941258

Genuinely nice guy and practically average that plays a character that autists on the internet can't see through.

>> No.11941425

Why do people always repeat this untrue assertion? This is when he ran his own restaurant in the 90's and was trying to get a third Michelin star.

>> No.11941434

That's just a bit of good natured banter mate

>> No.11941528

supertasters dont really taste foods more strongly, m8

they can taste PTC which shows up in coffee, grapefruit, brussels sprouts, and many other foods. It’s an astringency and bitterness not everyone can taste.

spice tolerance can be trained, but is also largely due to genetic factors such as the amount, and sensitivity, of your capsaicin receptors

>> No.11941562
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Not particularly interesting a person. Just a star chef with a bad temper.

>> No.11941614

I’m part of the subset of people that respond to his form of motivation. If you’re a chef whose earned his bones and you tell me I’m a fuck up, i double down on my effort. I don’t crack, I don’t cry, I say “yes chef!” and work ten times harder to prove you wrong.

>> No.11943049

based and nedpilled

>> No.11943078

>Grew up to be a football star
>fucked himself up badly to the leg
>Had to give up on his dreams
>Started to learn cooking
>Learnt from and with the best
>Worked hard, climbed fast
>Michelin stars
>Made millions out of it
pretty based desu.

>> No.11943086

He's a little bit too... wait for it... RAW for some people's tastes.

>> No.11943092


He is a psychopath. Fuck him. In his earlier days yeah he was a good chef, nowadays he's just a household name. Probably has his own private chefs. Guy is a fucking joke. Marco Pierre White is a better chef and better human being. But none of them could ever be as great as Escoffier, Jacques Pepin, or even Boulud.

>> No.11943097


>> No.11943301

Those chefs got paid $4000 in 1999. He was competing for a star

>> No.11943967
File: 16 KB, 480x236, 1544708204961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is my idol. A big fucking ball of charisma and dedication.

>> No.11944127

>He is a psychopath
How’s your high school psychology class going anon?

>> No.11944240

Nah, Marco is a dickhead.

>> No.11944257
File: 195 KB, 460x613, 1463972512274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His earlier UK content is way better than his American shit. The US reality TV producers pretty much ruined the american episodes of kichen nightmares.
F word was pretty based.

>> No.11944261

good chef
okay shows
bad husband

>> No.11944276

I feel so bad for Marco, though, he looks so broken everytime I see him in one of those Knorr videos

>> No.11944295

He's cool. He's nice and funny.
Gotta have some respect for someone off of whom so many people made so much money.
Makes me wanna be a chef

>> No.11944304
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>tfw your son wastes $500,000 on hookers and blow, so now you have to sell plastic capsules of meat jelly to support your mediocre restaurant chain

>> No.11944317
File: 106 KB, 1200x1200, 1546560874583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11944321

>leave industry because you want to
>comfortably earn a mid 8-figure net worth
>retards living on ramen and fast food feel sorry for you for not keeping on in the restaurant industry
Are you this retarded on purpose?

>> No.11944326

>bad husband
Is he abusive or a cheater? Not disagreeing, just live under a rock.

>> No.11944364

He has been accused by a women of having an on again, off again affair with her over the years. He always denied it but it seems pretty obvious he did.

>> No.11944469


He is. He derives pleasure from ruining others, the smug Anglo cunt. Fuck him.

>> No.11944544

>John Lee Supertaster
it was a shit song on one of their worst albums

>> No.11944570

>He derives pleasure from ruining others
Everyone does to a certain degree, anon. I also hope you aren't taking his TV persona as representation of his legitimate personality either.

>> No.11944579

He doesn't have a legitimate personality. No actor does. He just performs differently in different spaces. Whatever puts him in a position of best advantage.

>> No.11944628

pretty cool when he's genuine and not playing it up for the camera like in uk kitchen nightmares

>> No.11944646

Genuine question. How long do you think his dick is?

>> No.11944649

You're gay and you should feel bad about it.

>> No.11944660

Not gay, just wanna know if he is real alpha or just a normal britcunt.

>> No.11945428

Diff anon here, just watch his British kitchen nightmares and his kids cooking show and you will see that he isn't a sperg but a really decent guy you can even see it when he is around his kids

>> No.11945475


I literally don't. His American shows are fucking horrible and obviously exaggerated for ratings. But I'm talking about his actual persona. In interviews, UK boiling point, the man is fucking prick. Fuck. Him. Pepin and Escoffier are faaaar better.

>> No.11945581

It depends on who is interviewing and for what. Like most anyone.

For example, look at Blade Runner 2049 interviews that had both Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling present--they would react differently depending who who did the interviewing, sometimes playing like they hated each other whereas other times they showed how they were compatible actors.

Do you think this dude is like this 100% of the time in his every waking moment? No, he is making a farce of local news. Repeatedly.

>> No.11946262

yeah ive thought i was a supertaster as well for a while and i sympathise with gordon.

>> No.11946266

>football star
He made this part up.

>> No.11946288


He's opening the real hell's kitchen

>> No.11946306


I'm gonna press X to doubt on that. Women love to stir controversy to get attention.

>> No.11946995

His face looks like a cheap leather mask

>> No.11947014

RIP in peas.

>> No.11947273

Overhyped cokehead that can't even cook. Pretends that other people's slop is worse than his when he can't even cook a proper burger and thinks a chip butty is a high class meal. Decent entertainer I guess.

>> No.11947291

So you've been told. The real world instances of women actually making things like this up are few and far between, and yet you believe what you've been told.

>> No.11947299

>critizies shitty cooking
>country's cusine is the shittiest in the world

he literally should khs.

>> No.11947322

As if there won't be 1000 more threads about him this month

>> No.11947475

Incredibly underrated post

>> No.11947487

Matress Girl, Duke Lacrosse, Dr. Ford, Ke$ha just off the top of my head all lied about being raped if it's that common with a news crew around I wonder how much more common it is for just he said/she said type incidents that don't garner national attention face it women just lack morals or loyalty of any kind

>> No.11947491

his country's cuisine has nothing to do with his own personal talents, retard

>> No.11947495

>The real world instances of women actually making things like this up are few and far between,

Seriously anon? Asia Argento, the fucking head of the Metoo movement, was a Chimo herself. The whole scene reeks of hypocrisy and lies. And that's fucking horrible for the real victims of assault.

>> No.11947782


>> No.11947874

I met him last week, he is in my town doing a show....he is a nice guy.

>> No.11948362

It's sucks he's gone but plenty of videos online. He'll live on in our hearts desu.


>> No.11948617

F word is awesome

>> No.11948624

R.I.P. you had a good run, Gordy.

>> No.11948644

The best chef to learn English cooking. I know he learnt his craft in France but he is the best.

He's trained Michelin starred chefs. He's passionate and demanding. Great family man. And everyone who meets him always says what a nice guy he is.

Top bloke, top top top chef.

>> No.11948683

Married to someone like this. Whenever there's bitter flavours in food they autism out even though I can barely taste it. Really fucking good at seasoning, though.

>> No.11948783
File: 199 KB, 600x702, 1497957117994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lad

>> No.11948824

"le cuck zoomer"
speak coherently you fucking child.

>> No.11948837

He should do the F word but in America, where he teaches celebrity b-listers and average american joes how to cook real time in a restaurant. I find it kinda silly how there isn't really much of any american media portraying celebs doing something their potential shitty at, like cooking. It's like their obsessed with saving face.

>> No.11948924

>speaking like this even ironically
End your LIFE

>> No.11948943

All aboard le epic soyboy incel defense express!

>> No.11948959

I really wish it was the last word about him on /ck/, but given the e-celeb worship on this site, I doubt it will be.

>> No.11949662
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Marcus Wareing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a good friend

>> No.11951147
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>> No.11951526
File: 85 KB, 583x540, bourdainpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitchen Nightmares UK is amazing. He's not that much of an asshole contrary to popular belief, he just never learned to stop talking like he's on the line and hustling

>> No.11951574

>net worth 40M
You're a fucking retard.

>> No.11951594

Ramsay is a good cook, not a good chef.

>> No.11952268

Delegation - the art of man management.

>> No.11952279

Nice quote faglord

>> No.11952294

>you're just a sheep, you believe what you've been told
>if a woman accuses based Gordon of an affair it's true
Waste of fucking braincells

>> No.11953483

plebbit loves him

>> No.11953504

Did he died?

>> No.11954488

the lamb sauce is fucking raw

>> No.11954495


>> No.11954598

>Has millions
>Nothing to prove
>Still an insecure little girl
Botox everywhere making him look like a Bogdanov, zoomer haircut, hair transplants, etc etc.
No wonder Marco made him cry, Gordon can shout on TV but deep down he's still a little bitch

>> No.11955267

Marcus is top tier on masterchef professionals. Much better than Michel was. Not afraid to be brutally honest

He'll never he a top tier chef though. Can't even get 3 stars in an era where even sour faced Jap tards get them with raw fish and rice.

>> No.11955486

He’s a pretty cool guy. I decided to start cooking because funny angry british man made it look fun

>> No.11955578


>My son Tyler is lactose intolerant
>Oh yeah? Well my daughter Isabel can't have gluten.
>Hmmmff, my son Atticus has nut allergies!
> Well my daughter Alanis is a supertaster!

>> No.11956127
File: 33 KB, 540x720, 1543481281089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you old fuck boomers are pathetic. no wonder youre all so miserable

>> No.11956948

Overcompensating British faggot.

>> No.11957087

Great chef with an amazing personality.

Fans are a bunch of autistic cunts.

>> No.11957089


>> No.11957099

>you believe what you've been told
Oof, the irony.

>> No.11957103

join the marines and eat some crayons, bootlicker.

>> No.11957127

it should have been him not bourdain. to khs.

>> No.11957128

Oh look an honest comment and no response

>> No.11957133

Have you had real, true, in Nagoya Japanese sashimi?

>> No.11957134


>> No.11957298

Should be them both desu

>> No.11957304

that's just what chefs are like

>> No.11957335

what a chad

>> No.11957343

>t. Incel

>> No.11957537


>> No.11957543

Are you all forgetting about the Rouxs?


>> No.11958824

He lost a star this year. State of him.

>> No.11958833

Hes better when he isnt doing american reality TV.
Friendly Gordan >>>> Raging Ramsey

>> No.11958842

absolute legend
would love to work for him

>> No.11958949

>le incel
That's not a rebuttal, reddit.

>> No.11959070
File: 53 KB, 704x396, 347e0bd3-9c61-468f-bb0a-afacf1fe71da_15332713722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11959190

based patrician boomer

>> No.11960769


No stop sucking his balls you idiot. The man is a fucking P R I C K. He took a camera crew to Marco Pierre White's wedding to stir shit up despite the fact he was specifically not invited because Marco and him had a bit of a falling out. White kind of a pompous, narcissistic dickhead does something like that? Fuck Ramsay.

MPW>Gordon Ramsay, any day. Take Ramsay's dick out of your mouth.