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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 500x257, 129119-004-68F1F761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11939312 No.11939312 [Reply] [Original]

The closer to the equator you get, the better the cuisine. The further you get from it, the worse.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.11939319

In terms of traditional cuisines your'e right on the money. Warmer climate = more things grow, including herbs and spices.

These days it's kinda meaningless though since we have global transportation and any region can get any food from anywhere.

>> No.11939323
File: 99 KB, 1024x681, 1024px-Chicknspag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, everyone knows Somalian cuisine is the best in the world.

>> No.11939327

It's acti-ually the tropic of cacer but thanks for playing morons

>> No.11939330

Yea, you're basically correct. I would say Japan is the only country with good cuisine that is far from the equator. Some Russian food is bretty gud, but overall not that great

>> No.11939332

love that Ethiopian food.

>> No.11939337

Actually you're right. Lets assume I said that.

>> No.11939338
File: 239 KB, 1484x835, GAZC23UQM424FMISJZDPMOK7TE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethiopian food is patrician

>> No.11939348

Word. One of the most head-smackingly retarded moments in my life was when my friend's mom refused to go to an Ethiopian restaurant with us (technically run by Eritreans, but it's basically the same shit, whatever) because they don't give you utensils. She said that was barbaric. Dumb bitch missed a god-tier meal. Also, no utensils? wtf is a hamburger even lol

>> No.11939354

I hope you called her out on how stupid she was.

>> No.11939368

yea I rolled my eyes at her. She got a little heated, but we all had a good laugh at her later

>> No.11939380

"No hamburgers, sandwiches, tacos, crackers, chips, pretzels, or fruit for you, you barbarian"

>> No.11939393

Im on a fast right now, actually

>> No.11939398
File: 48 KB, 720x483, AF498271-8CCF-4006-BF9D-F736DD165AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm well it is true the Scandinavian and Baltic are known for their poor cuisine, but Filipino cuisine is an outlier for your theory. They’re very close to the equator and their food is trash

>> No.11939408
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>> No.11939409

>muh nigger food
Your theory is gay and you should be ashamed. USA USA USA best food in da world

>> No.11939410

huh? OP didn't say all equatorial cuisine is better, I think he was implying in a general sense it's better

>> No.11939413

That would imply that equatorial countries have some of the best cuisine in the world and that's just blatantly false.

>> No.11939424

that is true though. It just doesn't get much better than southeast Asia. And the well-regarded Euro food incorporates ingredients from equatorial regions. There's a reason why Euros valued spices more than gold.

>> No.11939432

Honestly, this really isn't much of a debate. I thought this was generally accepted. OP kind of stating the obvious ITT

>> No.11939440

Maybe you should actually look up which countries lie on the equator...

>> No.11939459

Why would I care about which ones lie exactly on the equator? I'm not a pedantic autist, so I realize we're talking about the tropics in general.

>> No.11939533

most of north Africa (when it has food) is actually amazing when it comes to cuisine, so many different cultural influences, and the spices!

>> No.11939557

North Africa isn't on the equator. The equator goes through Kenya, Somalia, and the Congo. Do you know what they eat in Kenya? No? That's because it's not good.

>> No.11939575

I was talking about north Africa.not just the equatorial region, Ethiopia is just north of the equator but the countries further north have good food too.

>> No.11939582

>The closer to the equator you get, the better the cuisine. The further you get from it, the worse.
>Prove me wrong.

Poutine is better than hot dogs.


>> No.11939611

>styrofoam tray
Yeah, and panda express is chinese fine dining.

>> No.11939619

>wtf is a hamburger even lol
It's definitely not soupy mush and bread. Maybe if the average Ethiopian IQ wasn't 71, they could've invented a spoon in the last 100,000 years of human existence.

>> No.11939628

I too enjoy eating mush stuffed sponges with my bare hands.

>> No.11939655

I think most cuisines were probably shit before the Colombian exchange

>> No.11939673

But the best cuisines are all within the Tropic of Cancer and the top of France.
If anything the equator has some of the worst.

>> No.11939699

Yeah? Like pizza? (Italy), Hamburgers? (well, Hamburg, duh), Hotdogs? (Skandinavia), French fries? (Belgium)

OH wait. Yes, you got sweet potatoes..... Yeah, you can have those.....

>> No.11939710
File: 133 KB, 1081x1200, moNOpoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all just different kinds of dip
>not even really something dippable to eat it with

>> No.11939724

cringe and idiotpilled

>> No.11939726

>fine dining and good cuisine are the same thing
Fucking pleb tastelet

>> No.11939737

Patrician is an ancient Roman term. Ancient Roman aristocrats ate with their hands. Stop posting forever

>> No.11939767
File: 75 KB, 692x530, Garak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're 1 for 3, OP.

>> No.11939790

>The equator passes through 13 countries: Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Sao Tome & Principe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia and Kiribati.
There, proved you wrong

>> No.11939959

Nope, the cuisines around the tropic of cancer are the best.
If you go farther north you have too few resources and spices and if you go further south you have too many.

Mexican cusine, mediterranean, indian, chinese are along that line.
Along the equator you have people eating stewed bats.

>> No.11939994

Think about it. How many exotic and tasty vegetables grow on the north pole compared to Hawaii?

>> No.11940008
File: 286 KB, 500x257, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, pink line is where the optimal food is at.

>> No.11940068

That actually looks good

>> No.11940101

The Mediterranean is the best area in the world cuisine-wise
t. mutt

>> No.11940113
File: 39 KB, 569x508, Crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a line across a globe that's been flattened
Anyways there's a slow arc across the Americas, through Europe, and then Asia. You need to fatten the line though.

>> No.11940162

>line goes through Africa
Any cuisine is better than no cuisine.

>> No.11940178


>> No.11940180

Antarctica serves amazing baby seals.

>> No.11940226

>an arbitrary flat line appealing to brainlets 'cause muh simplicity
Nope. It's based more on ocean currents. Starting in mexico the line curves northward going through the Mediterranean region, swinging back south into india and SEA, then swinging north again through coastal china, Japan and Korea. Really more of a sign wave, but it does confirm northern countries' and their riffraff offshoots, US, Canada and Australia, anglo food will never compete. Northern europe and the slavic wastelands are even worse than anglos.

>> No.11940236

he's not entirely wrong
but it's
>how much saltwater?
>how much freshwater?
>how warm?
>how nutritioned is the ground?

>> No.11940913

and... fried butter on a stick. delicious.

>> No.11941286


For not wanting to use her hands like a nigger for food that's notoriously mushy? Do you eat curry with your hands too like the pakis?

Newsflash dipshits, you're in the wrong here.

>> No.11941407

mmmm... sopa de macaco

>> No.11942034

Those were based on foods from those countries but improved in America

>> No.11942688


>> No.11943857

Western culture is most dominant and created with modern world. We can afford to import you poor people for your food but nothing else. People are happy to be able to eat African food but don’t want any African culture in their life for example. On the other hand, the rest of the world imports our culture.

>> No.11946028

>Mexican food=dysentery
>American food=occasional weight gain

Checkmate, faggot.