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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 282 KB, 449x443, tonightdough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11932698 No.11932698 [Reply] [Original]

>their favorite flavor isn't the Tonight Dough

what a shame

>> No.11932710

best one is phish food or americone dream imo

>> No.11932715

>americone dream
>phish food

aight you cool

>> No.11932716

I haven't bough ice cream in probably a decade, but Cherry Garcia was always the best B&J flavor.

>> No.11932717
File: 56 KB, 1920x1080, wokebj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making a social statement with your ice cream
ummm sweetie

>> No.11932724
File: 34 KB, 450x450, images.jpeg-61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their Chocolate ice cream is God tier. Literally no other brand does it right, actually tastes like fucking chocolate and not some vanilla fruity bullshit.

Fuck vanilla ice cream.

>> No.11932730

It is the best flavor. Too bad Jimmy Fallon is an unfunny hack.
And I'm not even a republican.

>> No.11932736
File: 83 KB, 750x750, 1524603094197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw did a ne roadtrip with an ex 5 years back
>ended up going to montreal and staying longer than planned
>driving back through vermont later in the day we could either stop and ben and jerry's or one of the couple breweries that were still open at that time, the only one not really out of the way was alchemist
>never heard of alchemist at the time
>went to fucking ben and jerry's instead

>> No.11932739

>unfunny hack

late night show, but for kids

>> No.11932740

>Too bad Jimmy Fallon is an unfunny hack.
>And I'm not even a republican.

>> No.11932742

No borders, no walls, no USA at all

>> No.11932749

I’m gay btw

>> No.11932750

>piss drink
>tasty ice cream

You made the right choice

>> No.11932751

>not even a republican
Fallon is like the one late night show host that's somehow decided to not talk about the daily joke of a president we have. He's still the least funny, but that would be the case even if he did talk about politics. Never tried his or Colbert's ice creams, if that matters.

>> No.11932752

they can never top late night snack

>> No.11932753

>It isn't Half Baked

>> No.11932783
File: 59 KB, 522x522, mint chocolate cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare b+j
I implore you to buy it i you see it

tonight dough sucks

>> No.11932791

you might as well freeze toothpaste

>> No.11932839
File: 168 KB, 500x818, 1421712297676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the worst of all flavors. So fucking overpowering you can't taste almost anything else.

>> No.11932878

I would of bought it yesterday if Fallon's not there. He just turns off my appetite

>> No.11932886

Vanilla in a nutshell

>> No.11933167

High tier flavors
>cherry garcia
>americone dream
>chunky monkey

>> No.11933200
File: 838 KB, 738x1181, 03D2FFA3-0EC4-48AD-A423-941A1F9B03C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reading an icecream website for woke articles

>> No.11933203

The year is 2073. The first ice-cream party candidate is elected president.

>> No.11933288

The peanutbutter dough always tastes spoiled in these. It used to be my favorite flavor but that reason made me switch to brownie batter core

>> No.11933385

get bent faggot

>> No.11933418

>racism never truly went away
Didn't help having king nigger tell the entire country that, definitively, american police are racists targeting innocent black people

>> No.11933444

the only ben and jerry's flavor that's better than the haagen daaz equivalent is americone dream
otherwise everything HD does is higher quality and cheaper, especially their pistachio and coffee derivatives

>> No.11933453

What kind of fat dumb animal eats Ben&Jerrys? You stupid piece of shit. Do they not have Blue Bell or Breyers where you live? Dumb fucker. Ben&Jerry are literally gay lovers too.

>> No.11933470

>blue bell
both not good brands bro
ben and jerry are fags too but come on at least pick something half decent like publix premium

>> No.11933543

>blue bell

Vanilla chugging faggot. Disgusting brands that do chocolate worse than Hershey does

>> No.11933586
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual picture of you

>> No.11933591
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>> No.11933595

ben and jerry's is the sam adams of ice cream
>hurrr it's expensive so it must be good

>> No.11933597

sam adams isn't expensive though

>> No.11933609

A single serving tub of Ben and Jerry’s costs almost ten dollars here in Australia.
Must be awfully nice to be a progressive Frankfurt School crypto-marxist socially and a brutal hyper-capitalist economically.
Or maybe these cunts should stop forcing politics into fucking ICE CREAM.

>> No.11933663

>t. Butthurt vanilla fags

Go slurp on some beaver ass you cavemen

>> No.11933665

although i'm all for minority rights, that artwork is still very unappealing.

>> No.11933685

I actually like chocolate, I just think it's funny how pissed off over it you are.

>> No.11933688

It is. Glad to know someone else enjoys it

>> No.11933695

Because every fucking establishment ONLY has vanilla ice cream. Or says "chocolate desert" with some fucking vanilla in the middle of it that just overpowers the whole fucking thing.

Just fuck vanilla, remove it from the face of earth.

>> No.11933725

I didn't even know Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel were different people until recently.
is that some hollywood in joke? That they seem to be basically clones?

>> No.11933744
File: 118 KB, 1300x1337, foam-finger-banana-ice-cream-in-cone-character-R95EBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, I...

>> No.11933750

GEt your eyes checked dude

>> No.11933751

do they still make coffee coffee buzz buzz?

>> No.11933757

They do, anything that's currently not a "Core" flavor is a bit harder to find.

>> No.11933763
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from them having dark hair/eyes & being white dudes...>>11933750 is right.

>> No.11933765

Fallon's small audience consists of old women and teenage girls. Both of which find him attractive and therefore "funny". Fucken jabroni.

>> No.11933766

People who choose to eat raw cookie dough are very bad.

>> No.11933767

>t. has never tasted real vanilla and thinks he's an expert
It's the queen of sweet flavours for a reason you rampaging asshungry faggot.

>> No.11933775

Oh great. Now we got some fake tough guy vanilla enthusiasts from the depths of Reddit been baddin' up me lady Queen Lizzy! Don't start, bro.

>> No.11933785

>its the queen of sweet flavors

It's a disgusting overpowering taste. Keep it to yourself and FAR FAR FAR away from Chocolate, the superior dessert flavour.

>> No.11933855


>> No.11934585


>> No.11934602
File: 118 KB, 708x1000, kyuko tub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haagen Daazs is the superior ice cream.
My favorite is Cherry Vanilla.
Enjoy you stabilizers and communism in every variety.

>> No.11934609

>Phish Food
Actually the best flavor, correct. My least proud day ever was back in college, teacher cancelled class so I just ate an entire pint of Phish Food as I played video games

>> No.11935710

That's literally the point. This is where we are now, they seriously see aesthetically pleasing as a white thing, and making art ugly to be a rejection/defeat of that. It's like the artist that put a crucifix a jar of urine. The only purpose was to tear down and destroy something good. Progressive my ass. Also been and Jerry's is for fat soyboys

>> No.11935716

Americone dream is god tier, but I'd put Half Baked up there in addition to Phish food

>> No.11935733

You're not even allowed to jack off to small tits in your country, so you don't get to have an opinion.

>> No.11935895

I went to Curveball (curvivor here) and was able to get down on some of the special edition Phish food at the shop there in Watkins Glen

>> No.11935950

>guar gum

no thanks, and enjoy your colon cancer retards

>> No.11935955

One world, one government, zero wars.

>> No.11935985

Chubby Hubby is the best

>> No.11936012


this. haagen daas is the official ice cream of the alt right

>> No.11936022

>no flavor that’s just half chocolate ice cream and half marshmallow cream with some caramel drizzle
I would probably be obese

>> No.11936087

>eating antifa ice cream

>> No.11936109

What's wrong with antifa?

>> No.11936185

They bully innocent garbage cans

>> No.11936198

I used to shoot smack in my asshole and then eat an entire one of these while shit posting. Those were the dark days.

I quit the drugs but still can’t quit u, 4chan

>> No.11936202

*squirt not shoot

Rectal drug use gives a similar rush to IV

>> No.11936220

>alt right

>> No.11936233

>They bully garbage cans
Pretty much sums it up.

>> No.11936248

Reminder that the figurehead of the alt-right is a fag who somehow hates fags and thinks that statutory rape is okay as long as the kid doesn't say no. You're gross.

>> No.11936258


>> No.11936273

This sounded so good but it was fucking trash. Lied to again by the Jews, what a fucking surprise

>> No.11936290
File: 871 KB, 2502x1664, foo10_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats Ben and Jewy's

>> No.11936334

>gives you listeria
Nothing perrssonnel, kid.

>> No.11936343

mah nigga

>> No.11936352


Phish food is objective best.

>> No.11936502

I like Americone Dream, though I honestly prefer the store's brand of ice cream because they got mango sherbert or whatever it's called.

>> No.11936508
File: 156 KB, 1080x1080, 35461475_384685045353917_4944237923043115008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to be all about ben and jerry's then i discovered this line. never looked back. HEB can't be touched

>> No.11936840
File: 27 KB, 720x480, nut3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Banana ice cream + fudge chunks + marshmallow + graham cracker

>> No.11937013


>> No.11937114

Lmao Milo was never truly alt right, only t_d boomers actually took him seriously, fags get the rope. And the alt right hasnt had a figurehead for like 2 year

>> No.11937140
File: 57 KB, 570x512, FlavorTown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only choice

>> No.11937170
File: 31 KB, 210x265, yaogrossedout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11937259
File: 251 KB, 1000x1000, FA0E3D8D-7297-4CC0-93BA-EDC9000737E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking negro! The closest we get to it is phish food which is by far my favorite flavor.

>> No.11937331

You guys have a potato masher in chief though

>> No.11937428

I don't watch either show. I meant more like they seem to be very similar, both host late night talk shows, both seem to have similar humor.

>> No.11937641

Americone dream is great
Fuck Colbert though.

>> No.11937650

>eat the rope

>> No.11937656
File: 59 KB, 374x437, BoomChocolatta_closed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a pleb for liking the Boom! Chocolatta Cookie Core ice cream?

>> No.11937759

Late night snack was taken from this wretched Earth too soon.

>> No.11937763

I miss when it was chocolate potato chips and salted caramel. The new version tastes like an alt version of half baked.

>> No.11937765

Can't have a war when everyone is a slave

>> No.11937769
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 315664-600x600-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so fucking good.
They make a pretty mean pistachio too

>> No.11937776

American police being racists targeting black people probably didn't help either.

>> No.11938273
File: 513 KB, 370x472, 1405743844512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realise that a plank idea from a lunatic fringe party that never got voted in, much less tabled it as a legislative proposition, is not an enforceable instrument under the law, right?
I'll translate that for you as you're clearly retarded:

>> No.11938304
File: 113 KB, 489x632, nysfc_03012014233943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't find this anywhere anymore

I'm so mad and there's not even a similar alternative.

>> No.11938311

Meanwhile white people get discriminated in their country as well.

Wow thanks negro's. I'm glad you took responsibility for your countries and raised the murder count from 200 / year to 25k a year.

>> No.11938325

>I like the ice cream that blasphemes against the greatest President in American history!
He was put in office by GOD, get over it.

>> No.11938332

Back in those days a man could take a 9 mm. on the chin without being a little bitch about it. He'll be fine.

I don't eat ice cream on account of my feat of fatness, but if I did I wouldn't eat B&J's because it's overpriced as fuck.
Every time there's some "get woke, go broke" thing it's a product I wasn't using anyway.
Like with Gillette recently. Who the fuck is buying those ridiculously priced razors to begin with?

>> No.11938479
File: 545 KB, 1412x1059, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got some this morning.

>> No.11938483

That was fucking good shit.

>> No.11938521

Barry O. set back racial relations in America by decades.

>> No.11938610
File: 121 KB, 263x191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, blame it all on Obama

>> No.11938625

Russian hands typed this post

>> No.11938673
File: 79 KB, 488x488, bpbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keep making their best flavors limited edition or just straight up remove them but phish food, peanut butter world, and cinnamon bun are all great. For Haagan dazs though nothing beats this.

>> No.11938680

This shit is fuckin dank.

>> No.11939890

Sad single women eat ice cream.

>> No.11939948
File: 192 KB, 501x445, no further interaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((bernstein & jewy's)))
gonna have to RESIST that shit tbqhwy.

>> No.11939983

the new HD midnight cookies and cream is fucking amazing, they nailed the fudge consistency

>> No.11940548

phish food is terrible.

>> No.11940631

Quiet child. Adults are discussing ice cream.
Best choice.

>> No.11940712

>they seriously see aesthetically pleasing as a white thing, and making art ugly to be a rejection/defeat of that. It's like the artist that put a crucifix a jar of urine. The only purpose was to tear down and destroy something good

You could have just said "they're Jewish".

>> No.11940720

Haagen Dasz is just as Jewish, but they don't advertise it.

t. Alt Right

>> No.11940738

That banana one sounds great, kind of weird that there aren’t many banana ice creams

>> No.11940754
File: 166 KB, 1200x799, dfbiycul7f711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew, why would you even admit that, even anonymously? I didn't even know what alt-right meant (I'm apolitical) until last week and, holy shit, the cringiness of these sad motherfuckers.

>> No.11940769

oat of this swirled

although the original dave matthews band magic bro-nie is the best of all time. but they don't make it anymore

>> No.11940781

no one on the alt right actually uses that label, it's just a larper, same for people on the alt left, it's just manufactured labels used to dehumanize the perceived "enemy",

See: incels, alt right, alt left, millennials, etc

>> No.11940787

how have you avoided the /pol/ containment breaches

>> No.11940824

version I got just seemed like a bunch of geeks who adopted extremnist values in order to feel like they belonged to something, but that makes more sense I guess.
typically I just ignore shit that doesn't interest me, but I had seen where triggered folks around the web were trying to brand Louis CK's new material as "alt-right" so I just did a quick search to see what the fuck that meant.

>> No.11940847
File: 138 KB, 960x960, c0cab63796adcdb7a58fd1d8f87cc808c60aa905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the real best flavor.

>> No.11940869
File: 17 KB, 198x229, half-baked-landing-open.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is autistic. The ONLY flavor is half baked

>> No.11940881
File: 72 KB, 480x480, 13331191[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who "SAFE AND NON-ADVENTUROUS" here? To me, Ben&Jerry's is only chocolate chip cookie dough, it's the only one I've had and it's the only one I want if I'm in the mood for a personal small pint of ice cream.

>> No.11940893

Who the fuck would want that?

>> No.11940908

because I don't like eating things that came spewing out from animal tits?

>> No.11940928

its for the lactose intolerant & people with dairy allergies

>> No.11940958

HA, good one.
Never heard of it, sounds gay.

>> No.11941003

I hope this is bait because this is a 10/10 buttfuck stupid post.

>> No.11941006

>Describing a group with insults
this just further instigates the "me vs. them" cancer that is rampant with modern day politics and grows the people you are "insulting" even more. By insulting the "other team", you're just justifying their views that they are outsiders and don't belong. If everyone would just stop insulting each other and stop promoting a culture of "our team is better than yours" then we wouldn't have the shitty bipartisanship left-right bullshit we have today.

>> No.11941024

Fuck everyone on the left, on the right, outside, and in between, including me. Political situation is FUBAR, not even another world war would clean it up.

>> No.11941025

what flavor is it?

>> No.11941386

>phish food

yeah pretty much this

>> No.11941420

based HEB, their Birthday Cake Creamy Creations is GOAT.

>> No.11941555

Peanut butter fudge core is the goat flavor

>> No.11941558

why hasn't anyone photoshopped it so jimmy is holding a gun instead of the cone

>> No.11941561

Americone Dream was made back when Colbert was funny

>> No.11941575


>> No.11941904

I just want to say that the fact that you consider eating a pint of ice cream while playing video games The thing you are most ashamed of the most wonderfully pure thing I have ever read on this or any board.

>> No.11941926

I hope this is bait because this is 10/10 Russian propaganda post.
Your memes have no power here sperg this isn't /pol/.

>> No.11942011
File: 101 KB, 334x334, Urban_Burbon_1_desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting literal bliss
Besides B&J I really like Tillamook ice cream. It's probably the of the creamist ice cream I've ever had storebought

>> No.11942035

>when Colbert's writers were funny


>> No.11942039

>Muh farmers.
Never happened.

>> No.11942043

It's empty, because it's Democrat promises flavor.

>> No.11942053

That shit has to have some sort of bizarre chemical that is giving me a new kind of cancer because that shit cannot be naturally that soft from my freezer.

>> No.11942090

>Who the fuck is buying those ridiculously priced razors to begin with?
I used to until that bullshit went down. Gillette razors last like 2 months per cartridge if you clean them and let them dry. It's actually a very superior product versus the competition.

>> No.11942293

Not only farmers you know.

>> No.11942294

>buying commie ice cream
kys faggot

>> No.11943263
File: 316 KB, 1280x1280, pro jared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw resist is unironically the best flavor

>> No.11943265
File: 151 KB, 800x450, 1550808348308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically spending money on the resist flavor

>> No.11943268

>using a rage face in 2019

Go back to 2011

>> No.11943283

undeniably based post

>> No.11943284

cant knock it until you tried it

>> No.11943324

Where the fuck else am I suppose to find a flavor like then /pol/fag. No other ice cream brand does that and I'm not gonna try making it myself.

>> No.11943349

It's seething flavored.