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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 1600x1600, Vegan-Symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11932234 No.11932234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My gf became a vegan in December and she stopped eating meat cold turkey (no pun intended) but she still cooks meat for me (I told her that I refuse to eat vegan food and if she tried to make me then I would starve). At first I thought it was just a phase because she always gets these stupid ideas in her head and forgets about them after a while. But this time I think she's serious and actually going to stick with it, she even stopped snacking on chocolate and now munches jalapeños instead all day. But if she still cooks meat for me isn't she just being a massive hypocrite? (I asked her but she started bitching about me being ungrateful but I think I'm right and she simply doesn't want to acknowledge it.)

>> No.11932241

She's cooking meat for you still because she loves you. Stop overthinking this.

>> No.11932250

Count yourself lucky that you even have a wet hole who is willing to put up with your whiny bullshit and didn't turn veganism into a lifestyle.

>> No.11932279

Yeah seriously you're sounding like a really whiny judgmental prick and it's going to ruin your relationship. Also i fucked ur gf with.

>> No.11932303
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>I told her that I refuse to eat vegan food and if she tried to make me then I would starve
>she still cooks meat for me
>still complain like a little bitch

>> No.11932313

But she is making it her lifestyle. She's stopped eating all animal products. She checks whether there's a vegan option whenever we consider going to a restaurant.

Yeah but now it takes her longer because she has to cook her fake meat too every night.

>> No.11932334

Your relationship is going to end if you don't change the way you're thinking about this.

>> No.11932343

>My gf became a vegan
and yet you managed to be the faggot in this situation

>> No.11932346

Okay then. Tell me how I should be thinking about it. Because the way I see it she's just made things worse for herself and for me too.

>> No.11932356

How about trying to understand your significant other and talking to her instead of bitching about it on the internet, you fucking faggot.

>> No.11932375

I talked to her already. I told her I'm not going to eat vegan food and I think she's being hypocritical. I'm not interested in why she decided to become a vegan because it's irrelevant. What else should I say to her?

>> No.11932398

>She's making things worse for herself
Yeah because she has a shitty boyfriend who won't even meet her halfway to eat one plant-based meal together a day, and who still asks her to cook a second meal lol. If she loses you, she won't have a problem anymore.

>> No.11932413
File: 143 KB, 400x300, evenisawthatcoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore OP. Soon his gf will meet some guy who has become vegan because he loves animals and that is going to make her wet as fuck and she won't stop thinking about him.

>> No.11932430

>I told her that I refuse to eat vegan food and if she tried to make me then I would starve

You sound like a real manchild. Why dont you grow up for once and be mature enough to joining her in her quest for a healthier and more ethical life style. Doing the right thing will make you feel better than any drug.

>> No.11932438

>op makes up a fake scenario expecting loads of (you)s

>> No.11932441

"I'm breaking up with you because you take a few minutes longer to cook your fake meat at dinner."

>> No.11932451

>I told her that I refuse to eat vegan food and if she tried to make me then I would starve

You sound like a whiny, immature manchild.

You should just dump her. Sounds like she deserves better anyway.

>> No.11932463

This. OP will lose her to Ethical Chad. Vegans have healthier dicks and more stamina, she'll be swooned by him before she even knows he's vegan.

>> No.11932488

>the way I see it she's just made things worse for herself and for me too.

i'm guessing you probably know this (but probably don't want to acknowledge it) based on the responses you're getting here but the way you see it is incorrect. she's 100% in the right and i'm just gonna give it to you straight: she shouldn't have to deal with your bullshit and the moment she realizes that the inconvenience of breaking up with you is less costly than staying in a shitty relationship, your ass is going to be on the curb. i promise you this: it's going to happen and it will be because some other guy, who's probably more attractive than you and not a shitbird, will start treating her like a person instead of giving her ultimatums and playing mind games with her, because he won't be an insecure faggot like you.

>> No.11932519

>Your relationship is going to end if you don't change the way you're thinking about this.

I don't think changing the way he thinks about is going to keep the relationship from ending. Based on the way OP treats her I'm guessing she probably feels trapped but eventually she's gonna leave him when the opportunity arises.

>> No.11932551

she might be vegan now but it sounds like she's gonna be eating meat again pretty soon if you catch my drift haha ;)

>> No.11932584

What if I told you that you are a vegan already, every waking moment, except for when you are in the act of consuming decaying animal flesh?

>> No.11932640

>and if she tried to make me then I would starve).
LOLOLO fucking cuck. Your answer should have been, “if you try to make me, I’ll fucking rape then kill you”

>> No.11934010
File: 568 KB, 3264x2114, 5c62f82ca0a0930336799f4d_heart challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already has meat in mind :)

>> No.11934095

>he doesn't cook his meat himself
Do you even cook at all?

>> No.11934166
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>I'm a vegetarian but I just love sushi
>I'm a vegan but I still take fish oil supplements

Why are they like this? Why does killing a fish mean less than killing a cow?

>> No.11934193
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1548768484269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starving yourself to emaciation
>Doing the right thing

OP just watch these videos with her and laugh hysterically at the starveling vegans. If she doesn't quit soon she's going to dump you for some black lesbian anyway, leftists are incapable of any kind of love or meaningful relationship.



>> No.11934196
File: 454 KB, 1632x918, 1nhrGb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a terrible person, OP.

>> No.11934307

Lmao novella has also had a fuck ton of makeup and botox

>> No.11934325

You ever met a fish? They are about as dumb as a living creature can be without being a vegetable

>> No.11934332

Just cook for yourself retard

>> No.11934444

>implying botox and makeup would save the Water Hag on the left.

>> No.11934465
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 5e2e35eb2c5f943a89187cdd355e5c61b7df7acda797f7bd318450c7bd7e8c3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11934510

Nice b8, m8.

>> No.11935171


Be grateful she loves you enough to cook for you. You do not control what she puts in her body. If you can move past being a child about it you can both learn how to expand your cooking options and you might even eat somewhat healthier. I doubt you are capable of this though and hope she finds a reasonable person.

>> No.11935205

>Letting a vegan gf destroy your life and health


>> No.11935227

my mom cooked 2 meals every day for 30 years you have some hope

>> No.11936218
File: 73 KB, 768x433, gettyimages-175143960_copy_-_h_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O B S E S S E D proof by example poster
Daily reminder that eating ANY animal products will turn you into pic related

>> No.11936232

Vegans are mentally ill

>> No.11936256
File: 76 KB, 970x538, 1550618559286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Seething rageposting Vegan.

Thanks for being such an easy punching bag. Got any inside information on who will be the next big Vegan to quit?? It's so funny how the butthurt vegan cult/community is raging over tim shieff quitting, and he's starring in an upcoming vegan propaganda movie lol.

>Watching yourself star in pro-vegan propaganda movie
>Eating raw Salmon and raw eggs
(My guess is raw alignment and vegan pains to quit soon)


>> No.11936267
File: 260 KB, 506x899, 1549436873194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11936279

Absence of animal byproducts leave most vegans deficient in multiple areas which can lead to depression and other mental illness. (Same deficiencies can show up in regular people who just eat like shit too)
So yes, literally.

>> No.11936296

You eat vegan food all the time it's called vegetables.

>> No.11936403
File: 1.67 MB, 250x142, TFWnogf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck OP, do you know what I'd give to have a gf who actually loved me and still cooked for me even if it clashes with her belief/lifestyle? She's being a 'hypocrite' because she loves you.
Fuck you I want a chill vegan GF who will cook me steak REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11936455

Are you sure bro?
