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11923077 No.11923077 [Reply] [Original]

Foods for alleviating this feel?

>> No.11923081

Cold water, cold ice. Aloe vera

>> No.11923085


>> No.11923092
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cabbage stir fry with extra garlic

>> No.11923115
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>> No.11923116


>> No.11923133

Not OP but my hemorrhoid came back and I'm worried I'm going to start shitting blood again. How to avoid?

>> No.11923139

eat bread exclusively so you never shit again

>> No.11923152

trust me...boil cabba,.eat the cabbeg if you want its great for you. but drink the water...i know i know, just trust me one this. drink boiled cabbage water

>> No.11923242

i thought about using my finger to try and push "it" back in but that sounded gay

>> No.11923263


Well, exactly what it says on the tin

>> No.11923631

avoid straining, get a stool to lift your legs when you shit, sitting down when you shit makes you strain more and shit less

>> No.11923645

Idk but for gastrointestinal issues I usually go apple cider vinegar. It's hard to keep down but it works better than Tums

>> No.11923678
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Never underestimate the power of cabbage. Nor growing all your own herbs for medicines, enough vegetable foods for you and your family even through the winter, and grapes for your wine and vinegar.

Cato The Elder was a wise man with a pimp name.

>> No.11923687

The only real answer is to change the way you're eating.
Personally - I can't drink orange juice or lots of soda, I can't have tomato sauce on pasta, and I can't have chili or goulash or shakshuka because of all the peppers. I can't eat too much hot sauce or pizza or hot wings and I can't have beer. I also have to watch myself on the red wine.

I struggled for years and years with prescription medications and home remedies but if your stomach doesn't want to eat fast food and highly acidic bullshit all the time, you shouldn't make it. My grandma died of stomach cancer when she was only in her 40s after having a lifetime of indigestion. That was impetus enough for me to decide to watch what I eat and now I have been able to cut a lot of my medicines and get rid of my nausea as well.

>> No.11923718

I suffered with such problems for the longest time but they kinda went away when I stopped worrying about things and started drinking excessively. Now I can eat all the acidic, greasy, horrifying things I want without medication and only have to worry about severe liver scarring by 50.

You might want to just see a therapist, no shame in it, and see if you're just stressed and don't know it. Also, eat yogurt. Real yogurt not that fucking jello in a tub. Noosa used to have 4 different cultures but dumbed it down to 2, but is still good. Siggi's is good but has the texture of chalk and no sweetness (Scandi yogurt). Yoplait release 'Oui' which is real yogurt.

>> No.11923779

Milk of Magnesia

>> No.11923793

It heals with time. Just wait it out and take PPI if it's really bad.

>> No.11923800

Damn son you got a butthole in your stomach.

>> No.11923894

Wheat grass juice is good for digestion. Anything alkaline i guess cabbage is . apple cider vinegar is but not the other kinds. Rice fried in coconut oil is supposed to be one of the best things for gut microbes also why apple vinegar is good. Some raw garlic chop it up put it on a spoon wash it down with water make like its a pill. Anything with starch is bad for inflammation so try to avoid eating a lb of spaghetti at a sitting.

>> No.11923953

I have a stomach ulcer for 2 years now but I just can't stop drinking alcohol ;__;

>> No.11923967

Food doesn't do anything, but if something makes you hurt, obviously avoid that. But what you really need to do is stop taking ibuprofen. It's either NSAID overuse or a bacterial infection, in which case you need to see a doctor.
See a doctor and get that bitch tied up and fixed, either that or take Metamucil every day for the rest of your life like clockwork

>> No.11924000

Most ulcers can be fixed with antibiotics.
Treating symptoms instead of causes is a sucker's game.

>> No.11924080

Extra spicy pizza,

>> No.11924090

>trade H. pylori for C. dificile

>> No.11924168


>> No.11924239 [DELETED] 

You can't spell "esophagus" without "PHAG"

>> No.11924246

My rectum hurts a lot, cant feel any lumbs or anything but its very tender and i startede to wake up coverd in sweat every night. Could it be cancer?

>> No.11924326

Pop it

>> No.11924331

Just see a doctor m8.

>> No.11924391


i have literally thousands of ulcers lining my large intestine. ulcerative colitis. and the link above will get rid of every one of them within 2 months. doctors won't tell you about it because it's not proven to work, but because literally tens of thousands of patients have been using this approach since finding it online then repeatedly insisting to their docs that it works, clinical trials are at FUCKING LAST taking place right now...


>> No.11924406

quinolone smoothie

>> No.11924411
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>> No.11924440

What approach are you talking about? Elimination diets have existed for ages.
Also, if a new approach wants to be taken seriously, they shouldn't start with terms like "detoxifying". That term is reserved for new age healers and other quacks.

>> No.11924443


>> No.11924490

cyanide pills. work everytime

>> No.11925460
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>> No.11925490
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>everyone who takes abx gets C. dif
Kys pseud

>> No.11925509

>everyone with H. pylori is cured with antibiotics
and your risk is increased especially with the kind of antibiotic polypharmacy used first line for H. pylori

>> No.11925514

>case study
>The incidence of Clostridium difficile colitis in patients treated for Helicobacter pylori infection has not been studied.
>21 year old study
>citing an abstract
Fucking YIKES!

>> No.11925517

>recency bias

>> No.11925524

That’s the only thing you get out of that post? Are you in high school?

>> No.11925533 [DELETED] 


>> No.11925538

>posts nothing a brainlet macro selfie reply
>too dumb to follow up citation chain when given originating literature on a topic
Checks out.

>> No.11925544

>d-dont ever criticize me!!!!
Yikesarooni my man

>> No.11925548

Not my fucking problem to dig for information you are attempting to convince me of, kys

>> No.11925554

>not my problem im retarded
I suppose not, your parents are probably encumbered moreso

>> No.11925555

Apple cider vinegar is an acid. It is not alkaline

>> No.11925574
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Top kek, let me know if you ever get into something beyond high school

>> No.11925590
File: 64 KB, 1024x683, B4286C94-0996-4A17-806A-BDF0199A3CD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top kek, let me know if you ever get into something beyond high school

>> No.11927482


>> No.11927516
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>Get hemmerhoid which feels like a reverse tentacle sliding out of my ass
>No pain though
>First doc thinks it's some anal wart that is only caused by STD (I don't do butt stuff), does colonoscopy
>Doc that removes it tells me it isn't pre-cancerous, no bad stuff on the biopsy. But they have no idea what it was since it wasn't quite a hemmerhoid. Just about says "We dunno wtf it was, but it's nothing bad and it's gone so ayy"

I am 99% sure it was a hemmerhoid since it came from a time of poor fiber in my diet and pushing/straining, but that was weird.

Now I got the acid reflux when I lie in bed but elevating the pillows a bit more has helped fix it.

>> No.11927520

you need medicine. 90% of all ulcers are caused by a bacteria. Avoid carbs, alcohol, and acidic shit white taking anti biotics for about a month. Should clear up.

otherwise, you probably have other issues, like a bilary system disease, IBS, or you had an ulcer that went unchecked and fucked your stomach up.


>> No.11927530

Cut out carbs, sugars for a while. A lot of acid reflux is caused by a build up of bacteria in your gut, NOT your stomach. Which causes gas and backs up into your stomach, which in turn causes the reflux. Your symptoms lead to that. Or, it might be a lower intestine issue that is causing a slow digestion issue, IBS is usually the case. Most 'stomach' issues aren't even an issue with the stomach itself, it's a pretty heft organ that can take a massive beating.

Look into it. GL.

>> No.11927535

why is everyone on this board so gross? I have NEVER had an ulcer or hemorrhoid and I eat like shit, wtf are you people doing?

>> No.11927544

Because you're probably like 23.

>> No.11927549

34 actually

>> No.11927564

still rather young. hemorrhoids usually come with age. ulcers are just something that happens to anyone really. Most causes are a bacteria.

>> No.11928825

Don't eat/drink coffee, spicy foods, oily foods

Eat yoghurt, sauerkraut and apples

>> No.11928828

I used to have a heavily oil based diet where i'd eat lots of pasta with oil.
This makes your stool a bit more smooth.
Too bad i quit because now it's back to shitting blood again.

>> No.11928898

I got my first 'roid at 18. Was eating college dining hall food which made me shit solid lead torpedoes. It never bled or anything, was just a little pencil eraser dot like thing that was super itchy and annoying for 3 months.

2nd time I was 25 and shitting constantly due to illness. I guess I was wiping too hard or something. It blew up to the size of a large grape. Even better I was due to go on vacation a week later. I flew to italy and spent two weeks there with a gigantic grape sized lump on my ass, which by the end had started to rupture. It's a solid blood clot so it takes time to dissolve but holyshit that was an uncomfortable two weeks

>> No.11929067

Didn't you watch Flight of Dragons

>> No.11929105

>Anything with starch is bad for inflammation
rice is a starch