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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 350 KB, 1200x777, Fats-the_skinny_on_fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11912642 No.11912642 [Reply] [Original]

enjoy your heart disease

>> No.11912655


>> No.11912702
File: 3.32 MB, 600x408, nice dubs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument but good try

>> No.11912716

The proper keto diet sources foods primarily from the first category, retard

>> No.11912728

The only essential fats are omega-3 and omega-6. Just because you are consuming unsaturated fats, that does not mean you are getting omega-3 or omega-6.

>> No.11912737

no not really, every ketofag tells you to eat butter and sometimes cheese

>> No.11912740

>every ketofag
I know people who eat lasagna and say they're on keto, doesn't mean it's true

>> No.11912754

There was this dumb bitch in my jiu jitsu class that would post pictures of her ice cream on instagram with messages like "keto is amazing!".

>> No.11912777

But every ketofag I've come across proclaims butter to be handed down from god and they all tout the "saturated fats are good" meme

>> No.11912959

>american heart association
laughing my ass off

>> No.11912999

>Eat more salmon.

Great advice if you're a millionaire, and can afford wild caught salmon every day.

>No red meat on the agit-meme

That kind of says it all doesn't it?


>> No.11913012

lol at the idea that transfat is somehow worse if it is "artificial"

>> No.11913059

>keto btfo
What did he mean by this? You know ketoers eat lots of avocados, olive oil and other fats to meet their macros right? Is this stealth bait?

>> No.11913253

Ketofags eat meat and butter bro. They all look for an escape for their diet. They want to eat the worst shit to deprive themselves of calories.
Look up carbohydrate deficiency. The atkins diet has a lot of science behind it and when it's science was destroyed by test subjects it changed it lts name.

>> No.11913278

Avocado has been repeatedly shown to increase heart disease risk, swapping one huge supplement of fat for another doesn't solve the "huge fucking intake of fat" problem.

>> No.11913404

>that poor brainwashed girl at 5:00

>> No.11913449

You can do low saturated fat keto, but it's not common. Standard keto has fatty meat and dairy galore.

>> No.11913463
File: 18 KB, 282x415, B26E0F09-2817-44EC-839A-E41D2BEC5A01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avocado has been repeatedly shown to increase heart disease risk

>> No.11914514

Seriously I don't know whether to laugh or cry with these vegans...

This vegan has 230,000 adoring subscribers, few or none of whom noticed she is severely emaciated??


>> No.11914564

Olive oil is good for me?

Here I've been thinking that I overuse the shit out of it and that I'd die at 40

>> No.11914569


yes goy load up on those omega 6 oils found in corn and soy! ...fuck off

>> No.11914874

Yes it is.
Also the lower the temperature the oil can stay liquid, the healthier it is, since it will have more double hydrogen bonds (unsaturated)

>> No.11914881

>caring whether you live or die


>> No.11914914

>tfw pretty much all my fat intake is dairy fat and it's a lot

>> No.11915046
File: 182 KB, 1210x2020, oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My doctor gave me a printout which looks a lot like the list up there, except coconut oil was on the left side and not on the right side. The rest was pretty much the same.
Also pic related.

>> No.11915049

>the lower the temperature the oil can stay liquid, the healthier it is

utter nonsense

>> No.11915157

no it's not. In pure lipids the temperature of solidifying is directly related to the amount of double bonds in the lipid molecules.
No double bonds, saturated fats. Think of coconut oil which is solid at room temperature.
One double bond, mono-unsaturated.
Multiple double bonds is poly-unsaturated.
You should go back to chemistry class anon.

>> No.11915287
File: 834 KB, 1214x1239, 1526443945675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat twice a day, beef, pork, rarely chicken, salmon, trout, sardines with a variety of different vegetables each meal. Cook in coconut oil and I put butter on my veggies. Occassionally I have foods like bone broth, kimchi and kefir yogurt. I never consume sweets and rarely I'll grate some cheese over my spinach.

Come at me.

>> No.11915295

The bonding structure has nothing to do with the health effects.

>> No.11915348

The bond structure has lite-fucking-rally everything to do with health effects.
You've heard of omega 3/6/9 fatty acids and how good they are for you?
Well an omega 3/6/9 fatty acid is one where there's a double bond after the third/sixth/ninth carbon atom.
Maybe you've heard of trans fats which are basically cancer?
Well they're the effect of double bonds not cancelling out geometrically, so that the lipid bends and twists like crazy.

>> No.11915359

I don't believe everything I read. You have asserted zero quality evidence that double bonded fats are magically harmful.

>> No.11915362


>> No.11915375

>posting links at me without any explanation proves your point

>> No.11915379
File: 117 KB, 680x528, ...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out. Educate yourself or remain ignorant and toxic.

>> No.11915388

>cant even summarize the research he is presenting in a few sentences

>somehow this is my fault

you are promoting inaccurate pseudoscience

there is a draught of quality evidence that directly causally links saturated fat consumption to poorer health outcomes and you are not presenting anything specific to the contrary

>> No.11915393

>coconut oil the worst for no reason

>> No.11915419

>there is a draught of quality evidence that directly causally links saturated fat consumption to poorer health outcomes and you are not presenting anything specific to the contrary
I'm not fucking arguing the contrary.

>> No.11915746

PUFA industry hates an saturated fat that has health benefits so they shill for their oils to be #1 and coconut oil/butter to be fucked

All in all, never trust what corporations are telling you and yes the AHA/AMA are corporations

>> No.11915901

In the short term long chain saturated fat (except stearic) is hypercholesteric relative to unsaturated fat in humans, also MUFA/PUFA substitution improve insulin response. This is pretty much beyond doubt.

Long term evidence will suffer from the lack of large populations which specifically avoid saturated fat, food questionnaires are a poor substitute. I doubt you will ever be satisfied.

The evidence for Wistar rats and bunnies is pretty good though. Feed them saturated fat for a few months and cut them up and they will have more plaque than if you feed them unsaturated fat.

>> No.11916056

the issue with LCSF only arises in processed foods, it's not an issue in natural foods that have it, ie. virgin coconut oil

>> No.11916169

Virgin coconut oil isn't very useful, everything starts tasting like coconut.

>> No.11916222

I only use it to cook my eggs and apples. Everything else gets olive oil.