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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11909366 No.11909366 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong lads?

>> No.11909379

I assume the business was a front for other shady dealings and he was not thrilled to have extra attention and I guess maybe she was kinda clueless as to the money laundering or just didn't care about that being potentially highlighted?

>> No.11909385

why does almost every restaurant on kitchen nightmares get busted for tax evasion and/or money laundering post show?

>> No.11909390

Because most bad restaurants are money laundering operations for the owner

>> No.11909400

So then the question was did she just know what was going and think somehow the extra attention would be good anyways or was she ignorant of his shady business dealings?

>> No.11909407

going on*

>> No.11909414

Was Amy a good cat mom though?

>> No.11909516

Weird who-ville mafia people

>> No.11909578

I would ram amy like a hammer to a nail..crazy hot..proudly shaved clean as anything goes kinda night..mmmmm

>> No.11909591

Gordon didn't pound Amy into listening to him.

>> No.11909607

this place reopened and did well for a hot month before going back into the same shit they did before

>> No.11909647

Some serious uncanny valley vibes coming from her.

>> No.11909648

so they are still open now?

>> No.11909662

Meow. Mew miao mew meow meaaoouw.

>> No.11909906

I think they saw an opportunity to make even more money and become famous or something

>> No.11909952

No, after the episode aired they tried to capitalize on their notoriety. But they closed a few years ago. I think Remi wound up getting deported but I could be wrong.

>> No.11909975

They are both obvious coke-heads.

>> No.11910013

Why the fuck would you sign up to have your business on a fucking national television show if it's a money laundering front?
I assume you have to sign up for that shit. I'm pretty sure Gordon doesn't just "show up" to random businesses without their consent.

>> No.11910143

In short >>11909975
But most likely they didn't think about the ramifications and just wanted to either be successful or famous or both. Didn't watch the episode but hear about it all the time and the two of them clearly appear to be on serious drugs. I wouldn't be shocked if Amy is a crack whore by now.

>> No.11910901

She is definitely 100% a braindead former trophy wife for Sammy who is blatantly a Miami mobster.

>> No.11910919

reddit trolled them so hard they ran out of business

>> No.11911090

Pictures of her working as a stripper never got leaked

>> No.11911163

Supposedly the dude is pretty wealthy anyway.

>> No.11911194

>Didn't watch the episode
Then why the fuck would you speak about it with any authority? Are you retarded?

>> No.11911204

People who actually believe that old fuck is involved in any kind of crime are gullible. That's exactly what he and other impotent old men want you to think because they have nothing else going on.

>> No.11911219
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>What went wrong lads?
Absolutely nothing

>> No.11911224
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Amy was woke to the JQ. Baked item in picture says JEWS.

>> No.11911232

Is she mentally ill, on drugs, or possibly both?

>> No.11911237

Clearly both.

>> No.11911260


Narcissistic personality disorder + drugs, guarantee it.

>> No.11911265


It says "meow" you absolute retard.

>> No.11911278

Gi back Reddit spacing shill

>> No.11911292

>dumpstering plebbitors back to the fucking stone age
yeah i'm thinking she's based

>> No.11911523

>I don't know anything on the issue
>Here's my expert opinion, however, and anyone who disagrees is a faggot redditor
Welcome to 4chan

>> No.11911692

Was she wrong?

>> No.11912016


No, it's always a good idea for a business owner to publicly insult their customers.

>> No.11912040
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>> No.11912064

I'd honestly fuck the crazy out of Amy. With that leather skinned Italian nigger out of the way, I would have her all to myself. Just cumming repeatedly on that big smile of hers. Giving that white teeth of hers a nice off-white tint courtesy of the long, thick strings of cum that would come from my cock.
Not just crazy, but I'd fuck the bitch out of her. I love the bitchy attitude she puts out. Makes my cock HARDER than the baked goods she buys from whatever guido store she went to. UNF FUCK FUCK

>> No.11912280


I mean if you can make a circus sideshow novelty out of it why not? Aren't there restaurants in NY that are famous for the staff being surly cunts to patrons? They sort of had the right idea marketing themselves as a living meme after the episode, the problem is that it doesn't work if the food is also dogshit.

>> No.11912332

This little hot dog cart in Chicago is one of the most famous for that. My brother was just playing along and was asked to leave when he threw the n word out there. Such bullshit, the bitch called him a peckerwood before he said that.

>> No.11912353

I gamblevd with Samy in Vegas a few times in the 90s, before he got in trouble wherever he lived at the time. He was a calm fellow back then, I don't really know what happened.

>> No.11912354

Your whole post reeks of underage or a horribly naive and clueless adult. Holy shit.

>> No.11912361

that's what I was telling my gran when we watched the episode together. "all she needs is a good, deep dicking"

>> No.11912373

Have you looked at her? She would need a train run on her 12h a day for at least a month.

>> No.11912392

Some crazy cat lady narcissist married an irrational angry Israeli shitskin, pardon my redundancy, who neither can take criticism. Add Gordon who doesn't bullshit and things will fail.

>> No.11912689



>> No.11913244


>> No.11913259


>> No.11913269

they both have the insane, sociopathic smiles of people who live in LA.
So, nothing. They just live in LA.

>> No.11914260

I know cokeheads and those two looks like speed demons so I am an expert in spotting drug users/drunk people. I have to be, considering I work at a liquor store.

>> No.11914266

pretty sure that's a satire page

>> No.11914269

I'm attracted to the SSRI stare

>> No.11914278

ssri doesn't give that kind of stare.

>> No.11914305

>speed demons
if they were on speed their pupils would be dilated like dinner plates so no

>> No.11914319

They exhibited some of the same behavior you'd see in a cokehead but not really the physiological signs such as the dilated pupils mentioned by the anon above.
Some people are just naturally like this. Because they're crazy. Quite possibly an actual shared psychosis in their case. "Folie au deux" if you're nasty.
They fit the bill perfectly. Married couples are a classic in the scenario because they're so close. The idea of being under attack from the Yelpers or whatever they're called feeds the paranoia and if they aren't psychotic already they eventually become so because of it.
The only real surprise is that they asked Ramsay for help, but I guess they might have imagined he'd take their side and sue Yelp or something.
t.RN. Formerly psychiatric, but not anymore because it gets under your skin.

>> No.11914385

Why does that matter? Please dont tell me you are prohibited from selling liquor to drunk people

>> No.11914395

morroccan israelis are known for being in mafia

>> No.11914470

*meow meow meow*

>> No.11914477

>went through dozens of employees in a matter if weeks
>One of whom was fired mid show because she dared question her "genius"
>never let servers keep tips
>husband got mad when ever people conplain ahout the food.

Honestly they werent trolled enough

>> No.11914479

They had a fine thing going on, then Gordy showed up. That's when it went wrong.

>> No.11914494

Very clearly doubling up in his receipts. There's a reason he won't let anyone touch the pos and is OK with trashing plate after plate.

>> No.11914520

Yeah I forgot about the pos system thing and the young waitress complaining about it was lol. I guess he just doesn't give a fuck because he's hiding in plain sight and nobody cares enough to touch him.

>> No.11914534

Absolutely based and redpilled. Amy is /ourgirl/.

>> No.11914544

The more food you trash, the more you need to order. Great system. Just like mattress firm. You think anyone is actually keeping track of how many mattresses they sell?

>> No.11914557

I would be so terrified of getting caught. I can't do stuff like that. Business is above my consciousness grade or something. I know lots of it is shadier than the official story but I have no idea to what extent I suppose.

>> No.11914562

yeah it's an insurance thing
>well they knew i was drunk and sold it to me anyway
can't have self agency when it comes to the law. businesses have to look out for you or they could get sued

>> No.11914579
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nothing went wrong.

everything went very right.

>> No.11915501
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I never got what nationality people like him are supposed to be.

As an Italian, every time I saw these heavily accented individuals on American television I just assumed they were FOB immigrants that couldn't speak English, their Italian accent showing through and filling in the gaps when their English wouldn't suffice.
I thought they probably only spoke Italian amongst themselves, and that was why they just couldn't adapt.

But then I discovered they don't speak Italian either.
Just WHAT is these people's first language?
Are Italo-americans just inbetweeners? Malformed beings who can speak neither Italian OR English, just a mixed mockery of both?

>> No.11915569

He's literally an african jew so he has nothing to do with Italy at all.

>> No.11915573

Still, you know the type I'm talking about.

>> No.11915581

Usually they're some variation of albanians, romanians, turks, or greeks.

It might seem weird to you but America is full of people from countries with weird accents.

>> No.11915586

My misunderstanding is probably born out of the fact that they all open Italian restaurants for some fucking reason.

>> No.11915614

Italian is just the restaurant style you open when you don't know how to cook. If you strip out the absurd locality-focus of real Italian cooking it's just pasta and bread.

>> No.11916441

The restaurant was in Arizona you fucking retard

>> No.11916984

>mattress stores are a front

no, it's just that mattresses have minimum 110% markups and mattress stores can be run on a skeleton crew all day, so you only have to sell a handful a day to stay open.