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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11903135 No.11903135 [Reply] [Original]

What can I eat with my eggs for a relatively fast breakfast that isn't bacon and that's not elaborate cooking?

>> No.11903143

make it an omelette with some sauteed onions, green bell pepper, and tomatoes.

>> No.11903150


>> No.11903151


sardines, sauteed onion and peppers, tortillas, cheese

You have options

>> No.11903154


>> No.11903161

a fellow man of culture

>> No.11903165

Drizzle the sardine olive oil on eggs is fucking tasty

>> No.11903166


>> No.11903172

hash browns

>> No.11903173
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The Gordan Rumsey
Just add toast

>> No.11903177

Ham? Smoked salmon?

>> No.11903190

Low sugar cereal like cheerios, kix, or corn flakes with a sliced banana

>> No.11903201

make it kippers

salmon is for fags

>> No.11903208

I personally like sauteed spinach with mine. Folds into my omelettes nicely.

>> No.11903217
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I get those frozen sausage patties and while I'm pan-frying it, I crack an egg into the side of the pan and give it a light scramble. While that's cooking, I toss an everything bagel into the toaster. Usually less than 8 minutes and I'm assembling a breakfast sandwich that I wrap in tinfoil and toss into my bag with a thermos of coffee and cream.

Perfect quick breakfast.

>> No.11903228

Make a batch of hardboiled eggs ahead of time then just eat one or two for breakfast, maybe put a little hot sauce on them. That's gonna put the fast in breakfast.

>> No.11903236

toast, fruit, cheese

>> No.11903238

>fast in breakfast

My african american....

You can pre-fry sausage and bacon and toss them in a ziplock back to go with your eggs as well as well.

>> No.11903239

It's aluminum foil you tard.

>> No.11903246
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Ain't nobody got time to say "Aluminum". Your European ass knew what I meant and that's why america is superior. You gonna correct me if I call them "fries" instead of "chips" next?

>> No.11903250
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I do that on the bacon side. I fry up a whole batch and put it in a tupperware bowl in my fridge. I save the bacon grease in a grease saver for later, it comes complete with a strainer, that goes in the fridge too.

>> No.11903252

just toast bruh

>> No.11903253

bu... bu... I am American, I've never been to eurotardland.

>> No.11903254

>You gonna correct me
Nope. Still laughing at
>america is superior.

>> No.11903258


>> No.11903267
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Don't bother. They'll try to tell you that ham is bacon and that beans on toast isn't food for hobos but rather a full course meal. Pathetic.

>> No.11903291

Aluminium actually

>> No.11903303

You misspelled "anal lube"

>> No.11903324

What about platinum, landanum, or molybdenum? In 1812, the American scientist who discovered aluminum chose the name with the -um suffix, and it was arbitrarily changed by a brutish scientist who said -ium sounded more classical.

>> No.11903328

ah-lu-mini-um is how you pronounce aluminum.

>> No.11903329

Fuck off brit with your stupid spelling of aluminum.

>> No.11903447

>that ground "pork", molded, saturated with chemical ham style flavoring and sliced into rounds
Your ancestors are literally rolling in their graves, lol!

>> No.11903589

it's bacon

>> No.11903615

Cottage cheese

>> No.11903620

This. Only way to make scrambled eggs.

>> No.11903648

why would you spoil these eggs with those shitty greenhouse Monsanto tomatoes?

>> No.11903722

Make a surly egg fort man sandwich by dipping bread in the eggs after you pour them in. Seriously, it works, you can make an egg sandwich in no time flat.

>> No.11903743

Those scrambled eggs look fucking rancid.
It's not meant to look like sloppy puke.
Undercooked by about 2 minutes.

>> No.11903788

keep some frozen hash browns (shredded) in the freezer and put them in a pan with butter and cover it with a mesh oil guard (frozen so it'll pop)

>> No.11904127
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smoked salmon

>> No.11904139

>based end baconpilled

>> No.11904146


>> No.11904201

The chives ruin the eggs.

>> No.11904431

Bagel. Bread. Toast. Make egg sandwich or egg over hard and slap between bagel halves.

>> No.11904437

Fried egg, soy sauce, rice

>> No.11904469

British scrambled eggs are fucking disgusting and I learned 1 week into my first visit that it wasn't just the nice old lady fucking up the dish, it was an entire culture that thinks you're supposed to dump a gallon of dairy into the eggs.

>> No.11904485

I wanted to add some other meat with my morning eggs that was not bacon so now I just eat a few slices of prosciutto with my eggs. I also started grating a ton of cheese and adding butter to my scrambled eggs. More calories which is great because I need them, and they taste so much better.

>> No.11904491

Cantinese scrambled eggs with bitter melon:

>> No.11905382

Hash brown patties

>> No.11905392

Make a fruit salad

or this

>> No.11905395

toast is the only answer

Eggs = protein
You need a carb in the morning

>> No.11905411

chorizo and tortillas man, make a breakfast taco

>> No.11905445

Tortillas are gross. I agree with the chorizo but make them separately because chorizo con huevo doesn’t taste as good as them separately

>> No.11905458

Chorizo, and top with crumbled fresh cheese, salsa or hot sauce, maybe avocado slices or crema fresca. I'm literally eating this right now, took about 5-7 minutes to make. You can also heat tortillas on the side. Some people like >>11905445 dislike the eggs and chorizo together but I think it is good. The only things you cook are the chorizo and eggs.

I also like eggs with a side of sliced onions sauteed in soy sauce. It doesn't sound like t should work but its delicious. Sliced ham is a good edition too. Makes a good egg sandwich between two slices of toast.

>> No.11906133 [DELETED] 



>> No.11906149

Oh no, a mass reply

How could we ever recover from this LEET TROLL

>> No.11906208

Unironically, oats.
When you bring the oats and milk to a boil, throw in an egg or two. gives creaminess and delicious food and flavor

>> No.11907136
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>> No.11907354

Egg sandwich

>> No.11907397
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>> No.11908115

There are only 2 ways to cook good scrambled eggs

1. is the Heston Blumenthal way. Bain marie and patience

2. the second is as follows:
1) 3 eggs in a bowl with some salt
2) get a big pan.
3) turn up the heat to the max
4) some butter
5) put the egg in the pan and stir

the trip is to keep the egg layer as thin as possible on the pan. that's why getting a bigger pan is better. when its thinner it cooks faster, especially while its hot. as soon as the eggs hit the pan curds will start to form and you'll be finished within 30 seconds.

>> No.11908736

toast is shit without something good to put on it
and no, butter and jam are not good enough on their own
peanut butter is just barely past the threshold
eggs + sausage or bacon works better

>> No.11909547

It's not British, it's French style scrambled eggs and it's 5x better than the chewy dried out American scrambled eggs

>> No.11909553

>that isn't bacon

>> No.11909584

I mix eggs and rice a lot for breakfast. Ive always got like 3 cups cooked and ready though.

>> No.11909615
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This is really the only correct answer.
Hundreds of times better than toast, but you can still make them in a fucking toaster. There really is no excuse.

>> No.11909641

Make some polenta and throw a cold slice in the pan with your eggs. For a top tier version, make the egg sunny side up and put it on top so the yolk runs all over.

>> No.11909658

I grew those tomatoes thank you

>> No.11909661

It's amazing how well just plain old bread goes with eggs
It's one of those tastes that is truly beyond the sum of it's parts
It's like they were basically made for each other

>> No.11909673

>all the breadfags in this thread
Rice is the only answer. Tamago kake gohan is for real men you can scramble it if you’re too pussy to eat raw egg.

>> No.11910925

>all these breads and rices

Only correct answer is potatoes

>> No.11911008

>in a toaster
shit taste
fry that shit in oil bruh

>> No.11911015

Nigga who has time for two pans in the morning
Are you not gainfully employed

>> No.11911018

just use one pan?

>> No.11911021

>Make some form of potato or hash in my cast iron
>Throw the eggs in a small pan after the flip
>Meat in the cast iron while the eggs are finishing

Come on Anon you got two arms

>> No.11911028

>relatively fast

>hash browns

Pick one.

>> No.11911031

Absolutely patrician taste

>> No.11911038

Buy the right hash brown patties. They are already fried in oil before being frozen, all you need to do is heat them crispy and brown, toaster/oven is a nice dry heat that accomplishes the task to perfection. They will be sizzling with tiny bubbles, you can hear them frying themselves. Why would you want more oil, and the additional mess? Stupid.

>> No.11911054

>Tfw I always overoil my spuds and get one crispy side and one soggy SHIT

>> No.11911078
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x800, just crack an egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like pictured product "just crack an egg", you can flavor egg into omelettes or bowls really easily. Having some already cooked veggies helps immensely. Think of planning ahead for breakfast when making your dinner, by having some already cooked potatoes (microbake one on purpose, just to chill it overnight), sliced cold tomatoes, eggplant or peppers on the grill or roasted in the oven, deli ham only needs a warmup. Jarred roasted peppers, handful of baby spinach, sprinkle of feta crumbles and you're done with an enhanced egg.
Microwave an oversized bowl of instant grits 3 minutes, take out, add 2 more minutes with a topping of a raw cracked egg, slice of cheese, a snip of chives and grind of pepper. It can even rest and cool off some while you go shower and get ready or prep your lunch or thermos for the day.
A mock-mc-muffin is easy with a push of the toaster while you nuke a glass ramekin of 1) raw egg, 2) sliced ham, 3) slice of cheese. Prepare the layered ramekin the night before and cover with saran wrap.
Leftover rice? Good. Fried rice is a terrific fast breakfast. Add oil to nonstick on high, dump in your veggie drawer items like shredded carrots/cabbage/kale, frozen sliced peppers and onions, layer on some rice, smashing it flat with a spatula over the veggies, and sprinkle over some low sodium soy or a salad dressing like makoto which is mostly ginger+soy+sesame, and enhance how you want, such as a dose of sesame oil or just wait to sprinkle some japanese topping like furikake or togarashi on top.Curry powder or chili paste kicks up the brain in the morning. Don't get all tossy-stirry with your fried rice and make it complicated or a lot of work, just flip once in quadrants and let it brown well. Crack your egg to the side of the browning rice, blend with a fork right in place...and then chop it up and combine in the rice with your spatula just before plating.
Scandi breakfast is almost like lunch, very easy

>> No.11911083
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This kind, dumbass.
It takes a few seconds to pop them into a toaster oven, making the eggs is more of a hassle.
Its just as easy as toasting bread, easier actually because these wont burn so easily.

>> No.11911106
File: 88 KB, 700x515, MrDeesHashBrownPatties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord.

>> No.11911118

I dont see the problem? Eat two.
How does this compare to two slices of buttered toast? Probably the same thing.

>> No.11911126

>Eat two.
I'll pass, thanks just the same. Leaves more for you, I guess.

>> No.11911770

The ones I buy only have 4.5 grams fat is that still bad?

>> No.11911779

he's bulking

>> No.11911795

Eggs, tomatoes, olives, cucumber, avocado, and hummus

>> No.11911827

Instead of bacon, add cubed prosciutto or cured pancetta to your eggs. Doesn't actually have to be cooked through since it's cured/ready to eat and adds that same kind of meaty flavor.

>Smoked salmon
>Cottage cheese
>hot sauce

potatoes for brekkie are in no way "fast"

>> No.11911838

When I used to eat eggs, I would scramble them but att broccoli and brown rice.

>> No.11911843

Boil-in-bag rice. Just need a pot.

>> No.11912811

Frying mashed potatoes or dicing and frying roasted potatoes are fast.

>> No.11912825

Al ooo min ee um

>> No.11912885

>Sodum, Potassum, Titanum, Helum, ...