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File: 759 KB, 2016x1351, 20190212_184420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11899146 No.11899146 [Reply] [Original]

i'm working on butchering whole chickens and i'm not horrible at it but i'm not great either
the thighs seem to be the most difficult for me
i dislocate the drum from the thigh by hand and then just cut through it
but sometimes i end up with pelvis bones? and these leg bones that always stick out, i assume they're supposed to be there but i feel like i don't see them on comerically prepared thighs

>> No.11899151
File: 463 KB, 1745x1044, 20190212_184433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a shot of the pelvis bone or whatever i'm talking about

>> No.11899160
File: 940 KB, 1849x1283, 20190212_184414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the two thighs from one bird compared
i hate how much bigger the one on the left is i don't know what i'm doing wrong but i'm pretty sure it involves having extra parts

>> No.11899179

look up "pepin debone chicken" and adapt it for parting it out

>> No.11899258

oh that was great
so do commercially prepared thighs normally have that femur part removed? even if they aren't sold as boneless?

>> No.11899310

You're not butchering, you're parting out a butchered chicken. Where the thighs join the body there's a clearly visible spot which will cut through the cartilage cleanly, same between the drum and thigh. The wing where it joins the body is the same. The back with ribs is easily peeled off from the breast. Tricky is the breast. Most just cut down the center cartilage, but you have to have a sharp knife.

>> No.11899439

Parting out a slaughtered carcass is the definition of butchering you pedantic, tryhard, brainlet

>> No.11899545
File: 2.38 MB, 1280x720, chicken breakdown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep at it OP, everyone finds butchery confusing at first, but you're basically becoming a junior chicken surgeon. Pepin's knife wiggling tip is really helpful, and for separating the drum from the thigh, if you pull back the skin there's a Y shape of fat on the surface that shows you where the middle of the joint is.

Once you start picturing the final cuts you want, you'll find it's more like picking from a shelf than navigating a flesh maze. Usually, if it's putting up resistance, it's not the right path.

>> No.11899558

don't forget the oysters

>> No.11899680

is it technically tiddy fucking if you put ur penis between the skin and meat of a chicken breast?

>> No.11899717

yes, the bone-in thighs I get only have one bone segment

>> No.11900236

I don't think it's supposed to be this difficult. If you're just interested in the thighs, watch from 1:45 onwards.


>> No.11900318

I've butchered like 2 chickens and I'm still not really sure if I'm getting it or not. Why is the chicken oyster so great and how do ensure that I don't miss it? (Not OP)

>> No.11901783

It's just really tender, doesn't have any noticeable grain to it. I don't get the hype either though, I'd prefer a crispy wing tip.

Bump for any advice on butchering it out though, it's obvious on a cooked chicken, but it doesn't seem to come away easily raw.

>> No.11901893

chicken oyster is just a chinese meme. it's nice but it's nothing particular special. There's only two types of chicken meat, the difference is big the parts are.
good luck with parting it out, do that enough and you'll be ready to move onto de-boning, which is a bit more of a hassle.

>> No.11901895

Just found a pretty good demonstration of getting the oyster along with the leg.

>> No.11901930

The two major structures in the chicken leg are the hipbone, femur, knee joint, tibia & fibula.
The tibia & fibula are part of a drumstick.
To release the entire thigh + drumstick you make a little slit between the thigh and breast. This will open a view to seeing the femur bone. You then pull the thigh down and it will pop the femur out of the hipbone, or at least let you see where you should cut to remove it.
You cut the knee joint to release the drumstick from the thigh.
You then cut the hipbone to release the thigh from the rest of the body.
A bone in thigh will have the femur
A bone out thigh will have it removed.
The hipbone is waste.
This video is really good, close up shots, the woman knows what she's doing.

>> No.11901933
File: 527 KB, 2040x1530, 67ba1b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11901934
File: 126 KB, 800x521, 800px-Huhn-Pfaffenschnittchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken oyster is just a chinese meme
lolwhut? the French are nuts about it too. And judging by the filename of this pic, the Germans probably are too. I've heard plenty of talk about the "oyster" in Euroland but I've never heard mention of it in respect to Chinese cooking.

>> No.11901962

Fuck that looks like quality, lean chicken op
Hate always seeing that onese factory shit

>> No.11901987
File: 2.58 MB, 640x360, chicken keel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you tried eating the keel?

>> No.11901989
File: 2.80 MB, 640x360, parson's nose prep.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the tail? The tail is pretty good when it's roasted crisp or fried.

>> No.11902011

I've never tried the keel, I save that for stock. The tails are excellent when fried. Same with turkey tails. They are both popular in the US south.

>> No.11902976

In French they're called sot-l'y-laisse which is a portmanteau for dumbass leave them

>> No.11903731

AAWWWWW fuck yeah. One of the best tricks I've learned traveling is that is one of the best parts of the chicken. That + the oyster is the top tier chicken bits if you ask me. In Asia they take bits of the cartridge like this and cut it into squares and put it in between pieces of meat when cooked on skewers. It is so fucking good the soft and crunchy pieces to pull off in between bites. Super underrated over here imho.

>> No.11903738

I didn't read the whole thread and just realized people are talking shit about the oyster. Any southern boy knows it's the best part of the chicken. Akin to the 'heart' of the watermelon people always want to grab it if possible.

>> No.11903765

>Usually, if it's putting up resistance, it's not the right path.
This. And if it hasn't been mentioned before you can dislocate the bones at the joints making the knife slip through super easy. It only takes a matter of seconds because it's a small bird and your fingers are pretty strong.