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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 375 KB, 586x673, B486FAF7-F53A-4BBA-8D8D-A12519D491BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11878448 No.11878448 [Reply] [Original]

How much appliances and gadgets should a kitchen have? What too muchvs too little?

>> No.11878453

The only problem I'd have is taking naps. I don't like napping in recliners.

>> No.11878455

Just a knife, pan and spices.

>> No.11878463

some poor asshole is going to marry that harpy some day. I pray for you, bros

>> No.11878473

Wow he doesn't even have a "live, laugh, love" hand painted sign on the wall fucking barbarian

>> No.11878476

I hate women so fucking much

>> No.11878494

Are you guys for real? You really see no problem living in an apartment like this? It doesn't have to be piled with shit like some white woman's apartment but at least get a couch, two chairs, a coffee table, and a bookshelf. It's called being an adult. That living room just looks fucking depressing, christ. How are you supposed to sit down and have some drinks with your friends?

>> No.11878499
File: 60 KB, 450x302, 1537865178438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having friends

>> No.11878500
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>being an (((adult)))

>> No.11878501

Woman detected

>> No.11878502

>How are you supposed to sit down and have some drinks with your friends?
People with apartments like this don’t have those.

>> No.11878504

fuck off, roastie

>> No.11878505

very bold of you to assume i have friends.

>> No.11878506

When I moved into a new apartment a week before the roommates moved in, it was a couch about 6 inches away from a table. Gaming laptop, TV with xbox, and a bong. Only had to get up to take a piss, grab a drink, or drive 2 minutes to Taco Bell. Probably chronically masturbated 5 times a day. Ahhh, hedonism before it catches up on you is a glorious window.

>> No.11878508


>> No.11878515

>How are you supposed to sit down and have some drinks with your friends?
Can you believe this is the only thing some people worry about?

>> No.11878519


>> No.11878524

my first apartment I only had enough money to buy a cheap sleeping bag and a clock radio. the sleeping bag box was my table to hold the clock. now I have pretty much anything I want and i miss those past days when I think about them.
Stay young, faggots.

>> No.11878525

hi kat.

>> No.11878529

i have a toaster, microwave and a kettle
any more than that and you are a homosexual
i only just bought the kettle today after not having one for years

i don't have any extra chairs because it means my family won't come round to visit me, this is more important than being able to entertain friends

>> No.11878553

My friends used to just lean or sit on the ground while we played halo or Mario kart and got drunk with a couple little Caesars pizzas. God I miss being young

>> No.11878557

Don't worry, you can unrustle those jimmies. I'm a full fledged alcoholic now, since I'm deep in that weed extrapolates the anxiety that booze dependence gives you. (btw getting up for a drink in that last post was beer)

>> No.11878670

>i have a toaster, microwave and a kettle
Why the fuck are you on /ck/?

>> No.11878689

>implying the opinion of a thot matters

>> No.11878700

My first apartment was like that for a little bit luckily me and my gay obese roommate both had no problem taking furniture off the side of the road.

>> No.11878702

>How much appliances and gadgets should a kitchen have
A fork and a knife so you don't have to wash your hands after eating takeout will suffice.
Unless you decide to go through the bothers of cooking food yourself, but I know you know better than to waste your time on such things.

>> No.11878743

Why are you judging the way someone else lives if it makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone?

>> No.11878783

It doesn't. When 200k people think it however

>> No.11878797
File: 136 KB, 800x675, hubris_ofthemeek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you work all the time, every time what the fuck is the point of spending money on decors that you are not even around to utilize.

Useless cunt with fucked up priority - entertaining retards is more important than prudent living within your means. If your friends fret about trivial, superficial shit like sitting on couch and chair instead of the carpet, then maybe they were not your friends after all.

>> No.11878803

200k people are retarded

>> No.11878804


>> No.11878812

A woman can make a house a home with her kitschy bullshit. And what kind of a fucking retard doesn't at least have some folding chairs? They're not your friends if they don't want to come to your shit-hovel that has less than a homeless shelter? Yer deluded, m80.

>> No.11878821

Seat is a little too far back from the TV for its size. Other than that, not bad.

>> No.11878823


A mixer for making your own bread. A blender for sauces, soups and smoothies. A slicer for cutting meat. Quality control and savings.

>> No.11878828

could use a couch and coffee table. then i could live in that room

>> No.11878829


>> No.11878842

I have some unitaskers that get used on special occasions like an oyster knife and cherry pitter, but don't be like my roommate who buys a bagel slicer to just sit on the counter and take up space when we already have a serrated bread knife that fucking double nigger

>> No.11878843

>habitable living spaces are a jewish trick!

>> No.11878850

this is code for "spend money on shit you dont need/want" and social coercion and shaming, kill yourself

>> No.11878856

>having less furniture than a homeless shelter is just to trick you out of yer sheckles
Maybe you should try not living in your parents' basement or if you have moved out, having friends. I know, baby steps first before big ones.

>> No.11878857

>Having a table for you and guests to sit at is social engineering to get you to spend money

Holy Autism, you should see a therapist or at least kill yourself.

>> No.11878868
File: 89 KB, 1080x1247, okretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you roasty cunts, you're not going to get me to waste my money on anything but the essentials

>> No.11878893
File: 80 KB, 753x800, 1524755268756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My home is for me only. Plenty of other places to go to hang out.

>> No.11878914
File: 316 KB, 498x373, 48b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having friends must be a foreign concept to you.

>> No.11878924
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>> No.11878943

If you have to buy stuff for them to be your friends they ain't your friend

>> No.11878959

Like chairs? Are you retarded? Have you ever went to a social function that didn't have chairs? That's literally the most basic amenity.

Nah, stick it to the kikes by being a full spectrum autistic warrior

>> No.11878983

Why would I go to a social function? Have you seen the so called people filling this timeline?

>> No.11878984

>for me only
nice spook, my friend

>> No.11879044

No, I actually talk to people, I'm sorry this is such a foreign concept. Get well soon!

>> No.11879065

You didn’t make this thread to talk about kitchen appliances. You wanted people to get triggered over that roastie thot on Twitter. But honestly, she’s right, that apartment is depressing as fuck. The renter has no taste.

>> No.11879073

You talk to the same person more than once? That seems odd like you don't learn from your mistakes

>> No.11879077

Yeah man, what the hell is wrong with me? I keep perpetuating it by talking to your retarded ass.

>> No.11879097

jesus christ just fuck already

>> No.11879100
File: 275 KB, 503x730, 1537403361109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what women actually think

>> No.11879110

>implying it's that bad
Just add a coffee table, a lamp and a shelf and it's fine

>> No.11879116

>Coffee table
Literally useless

>> No.11879128

/v/irgins in battlestation threads have better taste than you fucking losers.

>> No.11879130

Needs a folding tv dinner tray

>> No.11879144

>taking furniture off the side of the road
Do people actually have problems with this?

>> No.11879151

>browing /v/

>> No.11879155

>being worse than /v/

>> No.11879162

>browsing /v/ then coming to another board to lord /v/ over anyone

>> No.11879171

Why are you napping in your living room? That's what your bed is for.

>> No.11879178

It's useful to put magazines, controller, drinks... Are you gonna put your glass of water on the ground when watching TV?

>> No.11879190

Yeah /v/ is so much worse than /ck/.


>> No.11879230

t. has gotten bed bugs

>> No.11879246

Yeah, here's my counterexample

>> No.11879280

From what furniture? You didn't pick a mattress, at least?

>> No.11879285
File: 984 KB, 2552x1440, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my dining room. I almost never eat there. Don't even have a chair at the table any more. I only have one chair and I needed to put it in the living room so I had something to sit on in front of the television.

I don't believe in unnecessary possessions. I don't need chairs for guests because I don't have guests. The table is nice because I can set things on it sometimes though. I own two pots, one small and one big, a frying pan, a plate, and a bowl. Four kettles and about 25 porcelain mugs.

>> No.11879290




>> No.11879296

>I don't need chairs for guests because I don't have guests.
this goes without saying, anon

>> No.11879322
File: 128 KB, 300x300, gabuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my house is nicer than anything you could ever dream of, you wouldn't deserve to be permitted admittance into my domicile and if I did deign to let the riff-raff roam within, they can sit on the floor.

>> No.11879334

enjoy your empty apartment

>> No.11879348

do you live in Pripyat?

>> No.11879366

How do you talk to them without seeing them?

>> No.11879370


Your house isn't pictured right? Cuz the one one the picture looks like a crackhouse. Whered you steal that trashcan?

>> No.11879374

Are you stupid? Do you think bedbugs only infest beds? I didn't get it from picking up furniture. I got it from sitting on a couch in a lobby. Yes, it's that easy, which is why I wouldn't risk getting roadside shit because I literally threw a couch out for curbside pickup because it wasn't worth getting treated. I ripped it up just so scroungers like you wouldn't take it but I know for a fact some people aren't as courteous.

>> No.11879380

He has a bar-top to eat at. Why the fuck would he need a table? Seems like owning a stool would be nice, but it might be in the kitchen.

Anyone that moves regularly wouldn't want much more shit than this you autistic fucks. I might hang a cheap painting or a clock without batteries to break up the wall but that's just me.

>> No.11879395

Like we're doing now?

>> No.11879396

nobody needs 25 mugs

>> No.11879399


>> No.11879411
File: 471 KB, 1095x1242, 1331258066735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got too much shit.
I recently bought a food processor, even though I knew I'd probably never really need it.
It looked real nice and it was on sale.
I promised myself I wouldn't buy it before hand, but I still did.
It is nice though.

Still, don't buy one unless you've got at least +3 people to cook for. Get pic related instead, it's grate.

Anyway, excluding ingredients, 3 knives, 4 pans, some wooden spoons, an oven and a few bowls is about the minimum you really need.

>> No.11879417

How is shit like this always still so fucking filthy and terrible? You have NO furniture yet you still can't clean up after yourself? What the fuck?

>> No.11879421
File: 15 KB, 236x289, truckgaurd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trash can was here when I moved in like many things that were here since the former occupants stole away in the dead of night to avoid financial obligations.

It may look like a crackhouse, but therein lies it's true beauty. I get to live in a house with many advantages. Since no one wants to live in a rundown house, the rent for it's size is very cheap, and any defects are cosmetic. As well, the landlord wants to demolish my house, and you know what that means? I can do whatever I want. No one else wants this trash heap so once i move out or die, he's going to bulldoze it and erect a residence that doesn't offend the tastes of normies. I can smoke in my study all I want, and i have other schemes ongoing currently that I shouldn't reveal. I have all the benefits of home ownership, with none of the drawbacks, and I can abandon this place in the dead of night if the time ever comes that I have to do that myself. If you have three or four tables, it's harder to run away, you can't carry that many tables. That's one reason I have so few tables.

>> No.11879427

>renting this piece of shit
holy fuck thats terrible

>> No.11879429

that is what it looks like when it's clean. until a few days ago, there was a debris field very tall in the area around the garbage can from all the times I didn't make the throw into the trash can, or simply got too lazy to walk all the way to the trash can and just tossed it on the the floor. It's not real laziness, I guess, it's just that once there's too much trash on the floor, there's no path for me to walk to the trash can even if I wanted to.

>> No.11879430

Why do you have to make it so obvious that you are a roastie?

>> No.11879436

Are you happy with life, anon?

>> No.11879476

Well, I spend less time than the average person worrying about such trivialities like where garbage goes or where I put my ketchup, but the downside is that when I go out in public I have to contend with intolerable fools who criticize me for where I set my ketchup. I could tell him to fuck off or throw the ketchup across the room, but the gain is negligible.

And that's what life is, I'll just deal with pointless discussions about ketchup until I die. Though I got a new job offer today, company car and all. That's a good. There's a free tip for you, even if you think you're working a dead end job, there's always a way to advance. Now I get to teach people how to work dead-end jobs. It should be very rewarding.

>> No.11879478

Only women can have friends? I'm just making fun of bitter, clueless faggots. You think maybe if your shit-hovel seemed more hospitable, then the it might have an avenue for friends that you may have.

>> No.11879483

There's something more satisfying doing it in the living room if it's still daylight.

>> No.11879492

Where do you put your ketchup anon?

>> No.11879737

Your parents really fucked up.

>> No.11879748

only the ones you use

>> No.11879822

that's why you don't pick up anything that has fabric on it, and inspect it before taking it in.

I got a bookshelf and a table from the street, among other things. Bedbugs are a serious concern and should be, but if you're not stupid about picking up furniture then you won't get them.

>> No.11879826

hey, you're the anime mugs guy aren't you?

>> No.11879832
File: 328 KB, 1248x936, P80126-230800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what's so bad.
My place is the same, just a computer instead of a console.
I wouldn't even have a coffee table if I hadn't been given my Grandmothers one.

>> No.11879844

you sit in the fucking floor
or go to your friends house

>> No.11879866

>stop using DDT to treat finished wood and construction materials
>bedbugs everywhere
>some states ban certain chemicals and concentrations for use in residential pesticides
>don't even want to stay in hotels while passing through
Fuck this country. Especially Indiana.

>> No.11879883
File: 40 KB, 500x375, 1533719106282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fluffy blanket
She's absolutely correct

>> No.11879902
File: 401 KB, 600x696, 1476487033952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's called being an adult.

>> No.11879917

daves not here

>> No.11879923

I dunno, I was at a restaurant recently, and this sort of thing happens often, just in other forms, but there was no ketchup at the bar, where I was sitting, at the bar, but every table had ketchup on it, so I just went to an empty table to obtain my ketchup and after the meal some fellow customer admonished me for not returning my ketchup to where I retrieved it from and I told him that he could put the ketchup wherever he likes.

>> No.11879928
File: 168 KB, 423x423, 949i3248709298547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like the world class mugs guy

my mugs are completely unique

>> No.11879933

There’s nothing on the walls, this person has no personality outside of watching TV. Atleast webs have anime posters, it’s a start.

>> No.11879950
File: 29 KB, 543x443, 2n8ndr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my personality is defined by things on my walls!

>> No.11879961

He's right you know.
And some day you'll realize it.

>> No.11879967

You would be surprised!!

>> No.11879968

Wow collecting mugs is not very ascetic and leads you to wanting more. Extremely wasteful. Apply yourself you earthly cunt.

>> No.11879998

This fag who I assume is >>11879478
This fag is so hell bent on shaming people for deciding they don't need to buy stuff to accommodate guests in their home that they'll call it uninhabitable, you're equating living with one seat in your house to living in a lethally mold-infested shithole.
You have the most transparent instinct to shame and ridicule people for expressing disregard for social lives and you equate not having a social life with death so its obvious you're a woman.

>> No.11880001

Grabbed a tv stand from the curb and used it for a few years, then put it back out on the curb when I got a new one. It was gone within a few hours.

>> No.11880004
File: 29 KB, 514x400, Jarlov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you Captain Jarlov?

>> No.11880017

>Asceticism is a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from sensual pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals

it's right there in your little word meaning, my mugs serve a very important spiritual goal. I certainly don't receive sensual pleasure from from mugs.

>> No.11880019

I enjoy the ritual of preparing a meal and eating it at a proper table. Not implying I don't eat in front of a screen or standing up most of the time, but sometimes it feels good

>> No.11880033

if you had the view I had from my table I doubt you'd like sitting there. The age of tables is over anyway, all the old people who used to insist that there be no distractions at the dinner table have installed mini tvs in the kitchen so they can watch stuff. It'd be easier if they gave up the dining room altogether but that's the way it goes.

the only thing i used my table for in the eating department was grapefruits because of how messy they are, but I've found a way to optimize even that and eliminate the mess.

>> No.11880046

Fuck I want to get rid of all my stupid shit now.

>> No.11880056
File: 34 KB, 637x367, kondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it doesn't spark joy get it the fuck out

>> No.11880059

Hey look it's poor and/or mental illness the thread.

>> No.11880065

what if nothing gives me joy

>> No.11880066

Dude fuck cleaning all this shit. But women love shit.

>> No.11880082

Dude if you don't look at this and see how much it sucks to clean all your crap you clearly don't have that much crap. Fucking rugs, kitchen, office, shelves, bathrooms, yards fuck me it never ends.

The nice thing about a small place and no shit is you don't have to deal with the cleaning and annoying work that goes with all that shit.

>> No.11880085

If it wasn't for family visiting almost every weekend I would live like this.

>> No.11880086

Who the fuck buys magazines? I drink at the dinner table.

>> No.11880089

I'm not an egoist but this image slaps

>> No.11880092

I use my coffee table to hold overflow piles of books and a few board games. Also, sometimes a project that I work on while watching television.

>> No.11880099

Mine has a chess board and I eat off it. I think all you really need is a couch, a chair, a coffee table. Breakfast bar built into kitchen. No fucking kitchen table they're pointless. Tv wall mounted and a thing under it for the boxes.

>> No.11880117

That's called depression

>> No.11880126

That isn't real. Simple kikery.

>> No.11881180

one should have as many as the need to make the foods they and their family enjoy
if you eat pasta a lot, get a proper pasta maker to be efficient about it

>> No.11881182
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>> No.11881191
File: 62 KB, 353x229, 07320573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That living room just looks fucking depressing,
Where do you think you are?
>Having things is what makes you an adult

>> No.11881241

where to cop alligator skull

>> No.11881256

Obvious troll.

>> No.11881260

Hurr durr my brain chemicals are broked better take some fucking drugs for it

>> No.11881268
File: 386 KB, 1632x1224, 1507703070919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THIS is a person with personality

>> No.11881269
File: 24 KB, 450x363, space port kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a Joule Sous Vide and a well seasoned cast iron skillet with a two burner stove / oven

All I need to make magic, anon.

>> No.11881307
File: 387 KB, 800x800, reteui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright girls you have to pick one, the desolation dining room or the whatever the hell you call that display.

who do you date. I guess men can play too, just imagine the owner behind both photos is a female.

>> No.11881310

He has a strong identity, and is obviously very intelligent because that's all nerdy stuff.

>> No.11881314

The first thing a woman starts thinking about when she sees your home is how she's going to redecorate. It's one of the many ways they try to control your life. A blank slate to work with must provide a mental orgasm.

>> No.11881320

i dont think women will get to that place, in the first place.

>> No.11881336
File: 468 KB, 1920x1080, 1540252507328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and here's our sons room

>> No.11881337

Why is this thread filled with literal soulless insectoids?

>> No.11881356

>very intelligent because that's all nerdy stuff
Everything in this picture is mainstream pop culture stuff, mostly for children. There's nothing denoting any intelligence here.

>> No.11881496

Oh, I guess that counters the point I was making.

>> No.11881546

>four-burner gas stove
>dual oven
>blender/food processor
>4-slice toaster
>hand mixer
boom, done
any more than that is completely unnecessary
>inb4 rice cooker
use a pot

>> No.11881589

Why the fuck do I need a couch AND chairs? You think I actually have that many friends?

And the fuck do i need a bookshelf for? 90% of my books are on my phone, i have like 3 paperbacks, and one is my fucking textbook from university 4 years ago. Fuck off roastie.

>> No.11881628

Why? I live in a fully furnished apartment but if this specific dude is single who gives a single shit? Let him be. Stop being a fucking nag.

>> No.11881644

outside of a stove, microwave, and fridge i own literally no other furniture
i take a picture with my laptop camera but i do not own any lamps so everything is completely dark

>> No.11881717
File: 136 KB, 754x649, 1530905846233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11881906

Define gadget
Stove, oven, can opener, bottle opener, peeler, immersion blender, meat thermometer, rice cooker, siv, collander.

>> No.11881922

>it’s called being an adult
I was almost with you until this. Furniture doesn’t make you an adult homo it makes you financially stable. What a retard.

>> No.11881928


>> No.11881936

Too much when you don't have enough cabinet space to easily retrieve them.

Not enough when you have empty cabinet space.

>> No.11881941

Good frying pan (cast iron and/or stainless steel/copp)
Three sauce pans or pots of different sizes
Probe thermometer
Metallic bowls, at least three, of different sizes
One metallic spatula
One or two whisks
Three sieves of different sizes
One or two cutting boards, plastic or wooden
Pestle and mortar
One oven-proof tray
Cooling rack

>> No.11881950

>if the place where you live doesn't look like I want it to look like then you are a child a virgin an incel and you are the reincarnation of hitler too.

Sorry most guys don't have an orbiter and a betabux provider.

>> No.11881952

Same anon.
Also an immersion blender, fridge and freezer.
With these things, you can cook pretty much 90% of things you would probably ever need to do, even if some stuff will be overly labour-intensive withoutr using specialized equipment. >Smoke stuff?
Just use hay or soaked wood chips and chuck in one of the pots with the produce and cover.
Fuck that with this equipment list, just use the oven at low temperature.
>Ice cream?
Yeah, freeze custard manually in the freezer but stir it once every 20-30 minutes to avoid ice crystal formation.
Once again, oven at low temp.

>> No.11882019

I got a Chinese cleaver while in China and I use it for fucking everything. It's the most useful tool a kitchen could have.

>> No.11882064

I don't even have blinds

>> No.11882072

This. my kitchen seems unproportionally over-equipped while the rest of the apartment looks fucking sad.
I got some money but hate spending it on useless shit i never use.

>> No.11882082

I used to live in a student apartment (studio-ish), which only had a small fridge, smaller freezer and two stovetop plates for 6 years. It was frustrating, but I actually learned a lot about using heat in minimalistic ways to cook food. That being said, I still think that sous-vide equipment is superior for certain applications, but if we're talking about stuff that should be in every household, my list should be somewhat sufficient. I may have missed a few items though.

>> No.11882117

Nice list. I would add:

1. A high power blender that can make nuts disappear because i'm a smoothie loving faggot.
2. Immersion blender, doubles as hand mixer.
3. A panini grill because I fucking love my toast sandwiches, and it's kind of annoying and slow to get cheese to melt when toasting in a pan or griddle.
4. A teflon pan exclusively for fish and eggs.

>> No.11882122

So at night people can clearly see in your window when your light is on? Where do you live? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11882154

I love me some high-powered blenders, but if we're talking minimum equipment, an immersion blender+sieve does the trick technically. As I mentioned here >>11881952, it is more labour-intensive, but if someone is a cheap fag or poor bastard, then that's the solution.

Panini grill is not a minimum required item, I would say. Fry your toast slices in the pan, assemble, and let heat in the oven until the cheese melts.

Separate pan for fish is a good idea. However, I strictly advice anyone to NOT buy teflon. Those fucking pans do nothing if you know how to properly fry stuff, and they basically become unusable after a couple of years.

>> No.11882184

Ah, crafty bastard.... So you blend whatever can blend, then use a sieve, put some liquid along with remaining solids and re-blend?.

I'm currently living in a flat with a ridiculously small kitchen with no room for a blender. Thank fuck I'm moving out soon. In the meantime I will try that out!

>> No.11882213

You don't have to reblend-basically, what you want is a smooth solution. Using a high-powered blender will get you that, because it manages to pulverize the produce into such fine particles that you can't perceive any thick enough granules. If using an immersion blender+sieve, you basically let any particles "liquid enough" through the sieve, but leaving the granular stuff which you would perceive in your palate in the sieve. Meaning that once you sieved everything, you'd get a lower yield of your resulting puree, but it would be just as fine as if you would have mixed it in the high-powered blender, and you wouldn't have to process it further - it would be liquid enough.

Sauce: I've been attempting molecular gastronomy cooking on an extremely low budget for years, nowadays I have most of high-tech equipment though. I'd be happy to answer any more questions regarding crafty cooking.

>> No.11882245

When i was living in a house with roommates, it was almost as empty like that as well. But alas, if it's your own house, should feel like a home.

>> No.11882246

If I go to a homeless shelter do I get my own recliner?

>> No.11882254

I love spurdo and gondola

>> No.11882268

No male would refuse to hang out in these places. Have you actually ever seen a place where men hang out with other men?

>> No.11882270

I just have a fire pit in the middle and a log to sit on. I'm a primal minimalist.

>> No.11882279

i'll let my future wive furnish it when I get married, now shut the fuck up

>> No.11882282

Just my bedroom. Up to 14 men at a time.

>> No.11882284

It's always some white Instagram thot that has to make a comment about shit like this. If your living in an apartment like this, odds are that person is struggling financially. Naturally women are too stupid to realize this though and assume the guy loves it.

>> No.11882363

Yeah, it usually doesn't look like a Detroit shoothouse. It's not "manly," to live like a fucking crackhead.

>> No.11883808

I have a 650sq ft apartment with furniture. It takes maybe an hour and a half to clean it every few weeks. Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.11883907

>Buying useless shit like coffee tables, and bookshelf.
>Not living a minimalist style in which you buy what you want and disregard everything else.

>> No.11884407
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>> No.11884422

My God I wish Roxanne would sit on my face and squeeze out a goofy

>> No.11884431

>at least get a couch, two chairs, a coffee table
Does the pool furniture I stole from the apartments count?

>> No.11884436
File: 85 KB, 1024x771, FVBPMNUHS61AICX.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your new table bro!

>> No.11884545

>i have other schemes ongoing currently that I shouldn't reveal
Anon, please reveal them to me.

>> No.11884554

I have to buy enough food to keep multiple people alive, but I'm the only person who lives freely in my house. That's all I'm saying, and any conclusions you draw are your own.

>> No.11884568

>Mine has a chess board and I eat off it
Based, I've done that as well, but my mom bought me a set of plates. I just own a computer desk with a wall mounted monitor, and I eat and drink there, no TV, no kitchen table.

>> No.11884576



Add a tatami and eat like the Japs.

>> No.11884591

>molecular gastronomy cooking
Anon, I'd love to hear about your attempts in that, both failed and successful.

>> No.11884593
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honestly I could go without the chair, or the tv stand, or the tv
really all I need is a bed and something with a hard surface like a desk or a table
if I wasn't a big guy and had someplace to shower I'd probably even be okay living in my car

>> No.11884600
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>> No.11884612

Only reason I'm not living in a car is because I can't drink and shitpost comfortably without sitting at a table.

>> No.11884621


>> No.11884715

Godspeed Anon, you've truly figured it out. I really hope y-
Never fucking mind, you're a piece of shit

>> No.11885384


>> No.11885987

that's not me

>> No.11886053

The only piece of furniture I had in my living room at my last apartment was a camp chair

>> No.11886062

How do I into swole homeless philosopher mode?

>> No.11886070

Drink all the time, get capture by pirates, harass Aristotle

>> No.11886157

My apartment walls are plastered with anime posters, concert flyers, and japanese zen gardens. I have one small shelf with half of it dedicated to anime goods and one half japanese pottery. Also have spot for liquor. No kitchen, so the one table I own is all purpose. Is that better than nothing like pic related.

>> No.11886301

>a bookshelf.

literal boomer trash to give off an aura of intellect

>> No.11886306

not if you actually read books

>> No.11886383

Psh i wouldn't even spend that on the living room, all the money id have for furnishing would go to the kitchen, bathroom and my bedroom where I'm sleeping for the first 6 months I'd be living in a place, if i stayed longer then that i might put a motorcycle in the living room and a smart tv on the wall to watch while im in the kitchen, but thats about it for the living room beyond a cheap couch maybe.

>> No.11886406

I've got lots of books I haven't read yet, so it's good to have them all in view when choosing what to read next. Most of what I've actually read can go in a chest or be sold/ given away.

>> No.11886427

He fucking bought a copy of The Croods

>> No.11886449

Damn thats a chunky cat anon

>> No.11886464
File: 192 KB, 1918x1038, Fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Croods is an underrated movie. The post you're replying too is more obvious bait than yours.

>> No.11886502

it guards the hidden cellar under that rug

>> No.11886618
File: 13 KB, 300x285, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are you supposed to sit down and have some drinks with your friends?
stupid materialist roastie

>> No.11886643

he needs others aprroval top beta

>> No.11886689

the thumbnail looks like a mushroom cloud

>> No.11886700

That apartment is sterile and depressing. If one's space says anything about their personality then this screams boring fuck with little ambition or capacity to enjoy life. Everyone here is either at work or at home. Why not make your home somewhat relaxing? If you can't take care of plants at least get some shelves or cool lights.

>> No.11886703


Gotta be Eastern Europe

>> No.11886709

Minimalism and meditation is infinitely more relaxing than any of your materialist ideas of self expression.

>> No.11886839

Personally, I think a fridge, stove/oven, toaster, electric kettle, microwave oven, electric can opener, rice cooker, and a crock pot will handle just about anything you'll need to cook.

>> No.11886885

Agreed, but only partially.
It doesn't take many things to make your desk comfy. A poster, one or two figures, a plant maybe. Might as well put some effort into how your desk looks at least, if you're already wasting your life there.

>> No.11886904

Yeah I bet that guy does a lot of meditation while playing his Xbox.

>> No.11886909

As long as you're not hurting anyone this doesn't offend me. I'd never associate with you anyway and vice versa so enjoy your life you weird fuck.

>> No.11886944
File: 22 KB, 720x368, FB_IMG_1538208069962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, look at all this autism.

>> No.11886969


Holy fuck I hope this is bait. Otherwise you should genuinely kill yourself, you're beyond hope.

>> No.11886972



>> No.11886978

Are you gonna pay for the the second couch/chair, coffee table, and bookshelf that Im not gonna use?

>> No.11886979


No, yours is different. It has some personality and far more utility. It's also clean

>> No.11886984


Kys you dumb subhuman

>> No.11887011


>Furniture and art is a Jewish conspiracy
>Owning a TV is mandatory

You niggers are so fucking cucked it's unbelievable. The sheer thought that the vast majority of you robot polack subhumans will never spread your weak genes fills me with joy. If you own a TV in current year just fucking neck yourself.

If you don't own any books, paintings or plants you need to reevaluate your past decisions.

'My entire life literally revolves around a screen and a chair, that's all there is to it.' Sort yourself out, mouth breather.

>> No.11887109



Hahahaha holy fuck. The word you're looking for isn't minimalism, it's autism, chief. Minimalism is an aesthetic. That room looks like a streaming turd.

>> No.11887293

>If you have three or four tables, it's harder to run away, you can't carry that many tables. That's one reason I have so few tables.
Can't argue with that!

>> No.11887351

W*men were a mistake

>> No.11887362

Your entire post right is predicated on the fact that you're staring at a screen right now you dumb fuck. A tv is just a monitor.

>> No.11887461

Somewhat successful dish I've made was this one from the Alinea cookbook: https://www.allenhemberger.com/alinea/2010/02/verjus-lemon-thyme-beets-olive-oil/
It turned out OK, spherification was my first attempt at doing it, and it actually worked very well (reverse spherification). Though I didn't have a silicone mold of an appropiate size, so the beetroot spheres turned out a bit larger than intended. Still edible though.
I have not really made any inedible fuckups. Worst examples I can think of has to do with trying to approximate a Thermomix by using a blender and hot liquid (as in trying to make emulsified chocolate sauce, or black garlic romesco from one of Wylie Dufresne's recipes).

>> No.11887639

As someone who only tries to replicate his grandma's and mother's cooking, this sounds like some alien shit to me. Good job anon. Ganbatte.

>> No.11888221
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The Diogenes of our time, truly legendary.

>> No.11888251

you have curtains and >1 piece of furniture so no not really

>> No.11888257

It's a slippery slope. I started just wanting to improve my cooking by watching Heston videos on youtube (https://youtu.be/03h5T_tiyx0)), and a couple of years later I'm neck deep into fine dining. Not complaining though!

>> No.11888314

>be watching show home home hunting
>some trophy starts whining
>"space for entertaining"
>"this is a great place to entertain"
>"the whole family could eat here on holidays"
>wife jokes about basement being a potential "man cave"
>they both know the wife will never allow it.
>it's going to be the kid's play room or the "sewing room"
Every. Fucking. Time.

Know what I did? Built my wife a "sewing room" where she watches HBO and Netflix all day so I could then build my own space to get away from her and kids for like 1 hour a day until the bitch shows up asking why the kids are getting into shit like she was super-busy in her "sewing room" and expected me to handle them while she was "sewing"

Yay marriage.

>> No.11888340

>relegated to a single room in the house
>more than likely some bullshit you built in your backyard, aka a cuckshed
>calling your wife a bitch
sucks to be you lol

>> No.11888478

>And what kind of a fucking retard doesn't at least have some folding chairs?
Why spend $20 on a folding chair when you're just going to spend $150 on a real chair a little bit later? It's a waste of $20. They can sit on the floor for a few weeks, or you go somewhere else to hang out. Restaurants and bars have chairs, too.

>> No.11888534

kek well I got the drink all the time thing down

>> No.11888549
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>Spending more than 8€ on a chair

>> No.11888577
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that's very kind of you to say mister

>> No.11888651

>I don't believe in unnecessary possessions.
>four kettles
God damn British.

>> No.11888730

this but unironically

>> No.11888750

based milk crate hoarder

>> No.11888755

these are shit though. at least get folding chairs

>> No.11888761

At least he has a recliner and TV.
I only have a table and chair for my computer and a bed. I only recently got a bedspring for the mattress. all my clothes are hung or in piles in the closet

>> No.11888766

>"Pestle and mortar"
>being this much of a contrarian

>> No.11888770
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>> No.11888786


it's fun being young and poor for a minute and sleeping on the floor in a pile of blankets but it was a real borat moment when i started getting some furniture for myself

>> No.11888798

They are actually the most comfortable chairs

>> No.11888802
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I would rather spend a little more to get something like this

>> No.11888860
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>> No.11888891

Should it be the other way around? "Mortar and pestle"? I'm not a native english speaker.

>> No.11888931
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You are right those are better(though quite a bit more expensive). Have a couple

>> No.11888944

yes it's called a mortar and pestle

>> No.11888947

they are like $25 at harbor freight

>> No.11888989

Says as he posts on 4chan from a computer or a phone

>> No.11889002

camp chairs suck ass and will stretch out and eventually break over time

>> No.11889011

Why do women think living in an austere apartment is bad but also astrology is real?

>> No.11889020

1-you must be very fat. I hear they have extra strength American versions that use titanium instead of aluminu
2-you can just replace the cloth it's literally two strips of canvas

>> No.11889026


>> No.11889028

not wasting money shopping for unnecessary shit makes you "destitute"?

>> No.11889042

>not wasting money shopping for unnecessary shit
>"b-b-but my xbox and telly are necessities!"
manbaby spotted

>> No.11889055

I didn't say what was there is necessary, just that not buying more thing isn't necessarily bad.

Like you don't need to litter your room with candles and other trinkets to be an adult

>> No.11889066

>having additional seating, a table, and other common household furniture is "littering your room"

>> No.11889073

This is almost exactly what my gfs place looks like. Should I be concerned?

>> No.11889079

I am not saying any of those things are bad, just that its fucking dumb to say men are bad because they don't like buying things, but also say astrology is real, like get your own shit together before whining about other groups of people

>> No.11889092

Women have an insecure pack rat mentality and it's why they're vulnerable to the most simplistic marketing ploys. Surrounding themselves with meaningless and worthless "things" is a means of confirming their self worth no matter the debt they accrue to gather them.

>> No.11889226

If the first things you buy for your new apartment are not furniture you're virgin, gay and incel.

>> No.11889249

The OP is a bit of a hyperbolic example but what you are missing is that women are never satisfied when it comes to buying things for the home. No matter how much furniture you buy, it is not enough or not nice enough, and always needs more trinkets to cover surfaces and walls, you always need to spend more

>> No.11889547



>> No.11889711

Get a Kindle, save a tree

>> No.11889909
File: 11 KB, 275x142, 1443178490696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save a renewable tree, kill a fish from the chink cheap factory dumping PCB developer and etcher into the sea, disrupt a habitat from the mining of rare earth minerals for the increasingly small and complex semiconductors and batteries, kill birds from the wind power for the server farms, etc....

>> No.11890184

We won't fall for the same mistake, anon. Hope you can at least enjoy the good parts of your wife.

>> No.11890243
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You only need a knife, spoon, pan, and a pot. Anything more is unnecessary gimmickry that takes up space.

>> No.11890477


yes...just like women

>> No.11890540

ITT: /ck/ becomes /r9k/

>> No.11890561

the only furniture in my apartment besides my bed are 4 folding tables, 2 metal folding chairs, a desk I got from ikea and a swivel chair from staples. I keep all my belongings in 18 gallon plastic boxes. I have 4 for clothes and around 8 more for other stuff.

>> No.11890563
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>she's just like us
>she eats ice cream, drinks beer, picks up a tomato in front of at least 5 cameras, and eerily leans over this woman's shoulder with her front row of teeth down

You might want a cutting board fucker. And bowls. And a whisk. And a scale. And for you to take your head out of your ass.

>> No.11890629
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You are trying to argue a different point. Not having adequate seating and basic shit like end tables, coffee table, barstools, blinds/curtains etc is just pathetic. Same goes for people without a bed frame, kys.

>> No.11890656

What's the best thermos for hot foods? Some of them have lids with plastic in them which I've seen some people complain it melts to the thermos itself due to the hot contents inside, rendering it inaccessible

>> No.11890663


>> No.11890974

those virgins smdh

>> No.11891148

It's not supposed to be taken literally. They call it a sewing room because that's where they go to sew their vaginas shut.

>> No.11891305

all these plebs need to read walden

>> No.11891319

Walden had pies delivered to him via Uber Eats

>> No.11891333

Walden went back to civilization and claimed it was still better to not be in civilization even though he decided to do so.

>> No.11891339

Only as much as you're going to use. I've been considering storing/selling my microwave because I don't use it often enough, except for microwave popcorn which is in fact; the shit.

My girlfriend has a bunch of tea and coffee stuff that I don't use, except for the electric kettle which can knock out some ramen pretty quickly. She loves tea and coffee though.

Stand Mixer, Oven, 4 burner stove minimum, knives, sharpener, and food processor are my minimum

>> No.11891347
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Beware the ones with plastic lids. I had a vacuum mug and fucking broke it using it for coffee.

Then again we live in the generation of Doc Marten for life being gone. Fuck our quality assurance. If you registered an older pair congratulations we will honor it, but we won't because we'll never get back to you.

>> No.11891351

Take better care of your cat anon, they're the only thing that loves you.

>> No.11891353

Sauces dude. You're gonna make so many fucking sauces. Black Bean Jalapeno dip, tomato purees, all kinds of shit. It's the best.

>> No.11891361

You're depressed, anon. Get help.

>> No.11891371

Old Stanley, or new Zojirushi.

>> No.11891375

fucking incels

right sweaty?! xDDDDDD

>> No.11891379

The amount of replies this get is telling of a lot of peoples insecurities

>> No.11891844
File: 409 KB, 498x366, Congratulations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 bait

>> No.11891848
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>> No.11891892

>tells to get help
>doesn't offer
This is why people get depressed these days. Nobody really cares about anyone anymore.

>> No.11891898

No it doesn't. It tells that people are fed up with being told how to live.

>> No.11892303

puree cauliflower with some cream, put salmon on top

>> No.11892337
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x2448, 1549897981142-145414096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Crack pipe
- Cups
- Fork & Spoon
- Bottle opener

>> No.11892393

You at least have a coffee table like an adult complete with a conversational piece.

>> No.11892452

Yeah, because an anonymous image and text board is the correct avenue to provide medical therapy.

>> No.11892534

This, guys will hang out in a garage sitting on boxes and buckets. Or in a room under construction just with plastic and plywood. Women don't understand that it's not about material items at all, those are all transitory. It's only about being around a good friend, people are the only thing that matters

>> No.11892536


>> No.11892688

anyone else disturbed by the fact that the top row has one less funko pop than the other two

>> No.11892749

He lived one mile away from town and had his mother do his laundry on the weekends and had his friends bring him food from time to time

>> No.11893024
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, 1385833313599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Medical therapy
yeah, you're right, this place is ridden with imbeciles like you. Although it's just the lack of empathy that's the problem. And the stupidity of believing that any form of therapy is the answer.

>> No.11893203

So let me get this straight:

The reason you don't have furniture or tables is so that for some unfathomable reason you have to run away during the night and can only carry essentials, you can take a goddamn folding table with you? Not food, or clothes, or maybe even your PC - you're taking a table?

>> No.11893600

what if you are extremely heavy

>> No.11893644

nothing you said made sense

>> No.11894130

I like you anon. Wish more people would act this way.
What boards do you visit / do you like to do in your free time?

>> No.11894277

I have way more shit in the kitchen than the rest of the house.
Also the garage.
Men buy tools. Women waste money.

>> No.11894383

as much as you want as long as you use it but having it is a thing for people not really i am going to use it so it doesn't matter

>> No.11894506

even the cat looks depressed as fuck

>> No.11894549

Not a whole lot. Sit in front of my computer. It is winter though. Might go out in the summertime and walk around at night until the cops stop me again so I can shout at them. They like to stop men walking alone at strange hours and I like to shout at them so it's a nice shared interest me and the police have. maybe take up archery, but I might have to wait until I have my own private forest to engage in that otherwise I have to pay a farmer to let me practice shooting in one of his fields. I'm working on getting money to get a nice little forest where I can spend my days hiding.

>> No.11894560
File: 279 KB, 992x1299, cinder-blocks-C2C6XE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a beautiful couple of nightstands

>> No.11894851


>> No.11895617

Lmao just look at all those triggered comments ITT. You forgetting that 4chin is still a place for failures and manchildren

>> No.11895619
File: 401 KB, 720x1038, 1543199873488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and about 25 porcelain mugs.

>> No.11895628

You can see that you have autism just by walking into your room. Doesn't that bother you?