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11882084 No.11882084 [Reply] [Original]

So when is this "cold brew" coffee meme going to end? Even fucking mcdonalds sells this shit now. I respect the fact that it has a different flavor profile, but the amount of misinformation is down right retard-tier. "It has a richer flavor profile" is objectively bullshit because the colder temperature doesnt allow as many flavonoids to seep from the beans. It has less acidity, which is what I think these clowns are trying to say. And people who claim it has more caffeine are retarded. Unless theyre using 2-3 times more grounds per cup, the lower temperature prevents as much caffeine from being leached as regular coffee.

I think these soy boys are simply averse to the higher acidity of normal hot coffee, or theyre just drinking cold because its the new fad. Id be happy to hear other opinions concerning cold brew coffee.

>> No.11882092

I don't understand that image. I have seen people argue that iced coffee can only be properly made with cold brew coffee. I have never seen anybody argue that cold brew coffee can't be used to make iced coffee.

I like it because it's good to make in the summer. It's nice to wake up on a warm morning and pull a cold coffee out of the fridge. I would never pay for it unless it was being used to make an iced coffee in the middle of a hot day.

>> No.11882103

I don’t like hot beverages whatsoever. Even as a kid I didn’t like hot chocolate. In my experience cold brew tastes a lot better than hot brewed coffee poured over ice which is what a lot of people did at one point. Tbh I knew it’s pretty popular recently but I didn’t know people claimed that the flavor/caffeine level is different I thought people just didn’t want hot coffee in the middle of the day.

I got a cheap infuser pitcher from amazon and it works fine.

>> No.11882151

Im not saying its any better or worse than hot coffee. It does taste a little bit different. I just cant stand these hipster faggots trying to make it the next kale craze.

>> No.11882169

Cold brew coffee affects the acidity but has nothing to do with amt of caffeine, which depends on how much the beans are roasted. Lightly roasted beans have more caffeine than dark roast; the more theyre roasted, the less caffeine.

Of course if you ask 20 ppl abt it youll get 20 differing answers, bc everyone thinks theyre a fucking expert abt everything these days when ppl actually dont know shit abt shit, including me and you, OP.

Hope this helps.

>> No.11882177

Thats true, but the temperature at which the coffee is brewed determines the amount if caffeine in the cup as well.

>> No.11882181

Aren’t hipsters more into pour overs and shit?

>> No.11882187

Surely the time that the ground beans spend soaking in the water of cold brew affects the caffeine level of the end product. And a business is more likely to do it for less time than more time, as that affects turnover.

>> No.11883555

You could also not get a shitty acidy bean either. Just because they use gas station tier bagged coffee doesnt mean you cant find the kind of bean you like and drink it how you enjoy. Regardless I just like cold coffee I don’t care if it’s cold brewed or not.

>> No.11883649

I drink it for the convenience and cheapness desu.

Just get a $10 3lb cannister of nice Kirkland colombian coffee from Costco and make a couple pitcher fulls of cold brew coffee overnight and you're set for a week or two without have to make coffee six times a day

>> No.11883871

>muh flavonoids
fuck off faggot

>> No.11884042

I tried making it and it's actually good as fuck during summer. I just left the ground coffee in water left at the fridge overnight. Then I filtered it during the morning. It's actually great and not a meme. I only tried the one I made myself, so I have no opinion about the one sold at cafés.

>> No.11884495


>> No.11885059

Worst part about this is Costco doing it
They used to have baller iced coffee, now it's "cold brew". There is no difference in flavor, but they charge you double.
Fuck em.

>> No.11885083

I prefer freshly brewed hot coffee poured over a stack of ice. It's perfection.

>> No.11885247

I don't really think you can be that big a hipster with coffee, a lot cultures prepare a lot of different ways with the ene product being different. Who is to say it's pointless and just a trend?

>> No.11885266

it is slightly less acidic so you can drink it black without it tasting bad

>> No.11886504

Is there actually any barista this snobby, or is this some imagine persecution by a shut-in? I've been to at least several dozen high-end, independent (non-chain) coffee places over the years, and baristas were always happy to serve pleb orders.

>> No.11887130

every barista i've worked with doesn't give a fuck
im australian though so maybe that has something to do with it

>> No.11887142

The image is boomer logic distilled into a dated meme macro. Cold brew has been mainstream for decades, apparently op just heard about it frok McDonalds and the slight change in the menu triggers another tism episode where he rails against hollywood kikes and the international feminazi hipster conspiracy

>> No.11887150

If you ever reference the phrase flavor profile again I guarantee you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life.

>> No.11887159

It’s hillbilly anxiety from going to starbucks and seeing the special starbucks-only sizes which are supposed to sound cool and sophisticated if you’re lower middle class but if you’re just trash tier mountain folk you get angry and defensive instead

It has nothing to do with real coffee shops

>> No.11887335

>hating on cold brew because they think its just a meme

legit coldbrew is the only way I can actually drink coffee black

>> No.11888073

I live in Phoenix and pretty much only drink cold brew because it tastes better than nomal iced coffee and normal iced americanos. It tastes far more like a nice dark chocolate bar rather than burned coffee like regulat iced coffee does.

I do not drink hot coffee because I refuse to be a fucking slave to my beverage. Too hot it burns. Too late it's gross. I live on ky fucking schedule not my drinks. Fucking driving with your stupid thermal cup and burn your mouth rather than get to drink it. Fuck hot coffee to death.

Stick some ground in a french press before bed. Wake up and plunge it. Drink fucking IMMEDIATELY.

>> No.11888085

I just call it large and extra large because learning their stupid sizes is stupid. Cold stone is even worse.

>> No.11888165

All fast food restaurants have printed menus above the cash register. Can't you read?

>> No.11888177

I also know that all I'm saying is twenty and thirty as if the Italians use ounces instead of milliliters. Fuck that I want a liter of cola.

>> No.11888183
File: 121 KB, 1462x2046, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting an argument about the metric system with a minimum wage drone because your fast food menu is insufficiently authentic
found the guy from the szechuan sauce freakout videos

>> No.11888339

i'm a barista and i don't give a shit. people like what they like i just make it for them. if i'm not drinking espresso over ice i drink cold brew concentrate without any water added to it because i can chug it and be wired for a few hours and do the same again later in the day if i start to crash

>> No.11888348
File: 198 KB, 397x600, RATMy2kgetty85361917-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me

>> No.11889912

>espresso over ice
Smh. I'm not sure how you passed you bar exam to receive your barista license with such horrible taste.

>> No.11889945

Same here. Hipster as shit, but they're still running a business and you want more than college kids going and using you're place like a library.

>> No.11889960

to be fair, hot coffee is pretty fucking shitty in the summer

>> No.11890004

I like how it tastes. I can drink it black, and some places near me sell it canned and its easy to buy a shitload and just grab it when I leave.

>> No.11891203

No they don't. They have digital screens now, and the items being shown changes every ten seconds making it annoying to try and decide what you want.

>> No.11892700

Well, this was a nice pile of ignorance. Cold brewing exchanges time for temperature to create a highly concentrated coffee. It extracts the flavor compounds that you actually want in a cup of coffee. Because it's done at room/fridge temp you aren't extracting the acidic and bitter flavors you don't want, which is the entire point of
>because the colder temperature doesnt allow as many flavonoids to seep from the beans
Is the entire fucking point, dumbass. The long extraction (12-24 hours) gets all the flavors you want out of the beans while leaving the ones you don't want.

>> No.11893399

>mad online