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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 944x442, 1549192586286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11872316 No.11872316 [Reply] [Original]

Just became vegan guys 3 months ago guys and my life has done a total 180.

>clear skin
>feel lighter, healthier
>startes going to gym and have lost fat and gained muscle mass
>met 9/10 vegan girl who I'm now dating.
>have realized how off putting women who eat meat are.

Post vegan recipes anons. Taking the vegan pill was the beat move I've ever made.

>> No.11872331 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 435x690, 1547862805188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to post pic of girlfriend

>> No.11872352

Im 100% sure this is bait coz that girl looks like a hobgoblin. At most 1,5/10

>> No.11872523

Ehhhh I don't know, she's probably 9/10 as vegan girls go.

>> No.11872540

She's not a vegan. She's not a she either, though I suppose once your sights are that low then details like that are kind of unimportant.

>> No.11872906
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Good job OP.
Have you noticed that women that are vegan are ten times hotter yet? They are high energy, usually have better bodies, and are higher IQ.
I've never met a vegan that couldn't cook. Vegan women take this to the extreme. I met one girl that invited me over after we agreed that meatcucks are shitty people; she made me a vegan casserole, sucked my dick, and paid for my cab.
I tried to refuse as I'm 6'8, lift religiously, and make $160,000/yr as a part time physicist and business owner. Self made. She was so elegant however. I truly couldn't help myself.
Vegan women also smell better. They smell like sweet, lovely flowers. I sat next to this neckbeard doctor the other day and I could tell that he recently wiped his ass and left shit crust on it.

All meatcucks are disgusting.

>> No.11872964


Agreed. Vegan women are gorgeous.

>> No.11872972

Plot twist; he spent the night alone.

>> No.11873723 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11873779
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>> No.11873788

>not even reading the page
It's a nasty tranny and you should have been able to tell from the pic but it's also literally spelled out.

>> No.11873852

>3 month vegan.

Give it time brother, and remember we are doing this for the animals, not our personal health.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFF30jfTubU [
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HwBtRlyxPs [

>> No.11873872
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>youtube posting, bald, full time fatass

>> No.11873968

>Be vegan starvation diet promoter
>Post images of fat lards online 24/7.

Imagine someone finding your image file folders lol. (Chock-full 0f fatties)

Nigger you are way more obsessed than me lol. Are you really vegan or just normal eater who gets paid to shill for (((Veganism??)))


>> No.11873978
File: 71 KB, 1000x716, ad_165422090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the sceencap where he drunkenly posted his address and claimed to be a pedophile? He said something about eating raw meat and having sex with bald children.
Wouldn't want to be a part of this fat ass's fat people cult.

>> No.11874003

Not tryna troll but that food looks 100% better than anything vegans eat lol.

>> No.11874004

>treasuring your sips so much you memorialize them on a necklace

This man’s commitment is awe-inspiring.

>> No.11874027 [DELETED] 

>youtube posting, bald, full time fatass
Who is this referring to?

>> No.11874039
File: 157 KB, 1698x1028, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not vegan and no intention to becoming it but your thread might be of interest.

What would be a good menu for Valentine's day to eat with your waifu or your gf?
Solid half of the girls you meet on dating apps are vegan, mainly because women are prone to obey any fad that make them feel like they do something for the planet or feel good about themselves.
This being said, I don't mind preparing stuff she will eat and since the heart of a girl is won either through your wallet or her stomach, might as well ask people like you to help for once in your lifetime.

I've prepared the Ramsay's vegetarian ultimate blahblah
and it wasn't that horrible, she actually liked it.
>inb4 it's not vegan it's vegetarian, you fucking retard

Anything worth trying preparing that actually tastes good?
Bonus points for Aphrodisiac ingredients.

>> No.11874043

Are you gay?

>> No.11874067

I didnt think it was important so I didnt mention it

>> No.11874088

Is your husband vegan?

>> No.11874173

As a vegan, I get sceptical when people say they feel amazing after turning vegan. It's what people say after buying into a pseudoscientific hype diet.
The only way you should feel better after going vegan is if you had an unhealthy diet before, in which case, veganism isn't what helped you.

>> No.11874210
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>> No.11874220
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>and remember we are doing this for the animals,

>> No.11874307

Is your masculinity tied to your diet?

>> No.11874356

I don't get why people get so intense over veganism.

It's difficult in a society where meat and animal product are so ubiquitous and it requires a lot of inventivity, especially considering the thinking you have to put on the nutritional side because depletion isn't far away if you aren't careful.

Red meat is bad for your health and nearly all industrial meat has a worse impact on environment than vegetal proteins.so even if you don't care about animal wellbeing there are plenty of reasons to cut down on animal products

>> No.11874369 [DELETED] 

Because incels have no identity other than “bacon xDDDD”. They take no responsibility for their actions and need to blame everyone but themselves for their shriveled limp dicks. When they call veganism a cult it just means they have no innate morality of their own

>> No.11874371

eliminating factory farmed meats from your diet is a great idea. reducing meat consumption is a great idea for many people as well.

However, veganism is ignoring the fact that eliminating meat from your diet is counterproductive to your health. reduce =/= eliminate. and not all meat is industrial garbage. While we're on the subject, we should be avoiding industrial monoculture crops as well. they rape the land just as bad as factory farms do, and sometimes are worse. the real enemy is industrialization in its present form, not "meat".

>> No.11874376 [DELETED] 

>eliminating meat from your diet is counterproductive to your health
In what way?

>> No.11874413

There are no morals at play here faggot, that is simply what you pukes tell yourselves so you can feel smug and arrogant.

>> No.11874421


Just fuck off, you don't want to be informed and that is obvious.

>> No.11874432

>I don't get why people get so intense over veganism.

Because you are shoving shit that is false in peoples faces and expecting them to accept it.

>> No.11874438

>mainly because women are prone to obey any fad that make them feel like they do something for the planet or feel good about themselves

That’s exactly why you don’t need to waste your time making vegan food for them. Cook whatever you want, and they’ll eat it because they’ll like what you do to their emotions more than what pictures of sad cows do to their emotions.

>> No.11874441 [DELETED] 

>ask for support to your claims


Pathetic fat stupid fuck. Don’t lactate too hard, sweetie.

>> No.11874443

What are your food staples?

>> No.11874449 [DELETED] 

You don’t go outside and talk to anyone fatty. If you want a fat incel hugbox go to a subreddit

>> No.11874453

>In what way?
The concentration, and most importantly the bio-availability of many vital nutrients is much higher from meat sources than from plant ones. If you deny yourself that you have to work a lot harder to get those nutrients from plant sources. There is no vegetable on earth which can compete with the nutrition of liver or fish. Pescatarians are proven to live longer and be healthier than vegans and vegetarians alike.

Does the average westerner eat an unhealthy amount of meat, and should they cut back? Absoloutely yes. But eliminating all meat is throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

The best approach is high-vegetable, but small amount of high quality meat diet. That's true from both a health perspective and an environmental perspective. It causes a lot less harm to slaughter a farm-scrap-fed-pig for the winter than it does to truck in that much nutrition from the other side of the planet. And that pigshit is far better for the environment than having an industrial product delivered.

>> No.11874456 [DELETED] 

>There are no morals at play here faggo
This is what you tell yourself to blame anyone but yourself for being a fat worthless sociopath

>> No.11874457

You did not ask for support for claims you are playing game and you can fuck right off and die.

>> No.11874461

NO that is just what you tell yourself.

>> No.11874464

>I don't get why people get so intense over veganism.


The mother fuckers just need to be killed.

>> No.11874470

>why won't people play my childish games where I ignore the FUCKING OBVIOUS?

>> No.11874478

I felt great for the first 2 years then it just went wrong

>> No.11874487

It is as if you CANNOT get everything you need or something.

But but but but but but but muh fake made up bullshit morals.

>> No.11874490

Do you have the guy doing one pullup? He was really likeable I hope he's doing better

>> No.11874497 [DELETED] 

Lactating fat fucks. Stay pressed

>> No.11874500

If you cared about evidence you would not even be here running your shit fuck puke needs to be put down mouth.,

>> No.11874578

What cult like brainwashed vegan pukes REFUSE to accept is that the PURPOSE of live on this planet is to KILL and eat another living thing in order to survive.

They should not be allowed to live, they are just wasting natural resources.

>> No.11874600
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>> No.11874617

Denying realty makes you a feminized faggot that is better at nothing.

>> No.11874624

>The concentration, and most importantly the bio-availability of many vital nutrients is much higher from meat sources than from plant ones
What kind of nutrients are we talking here? Higher bioavailability doesn't mean healthier. You're also ignoring the caveats of carcinogens, saturated fat, and cholesterol which comes with this "higher bioavailability".

>here is no vegetable on earth which can compete with the nutrition of liver or fish
Rice has plenty of arsenic to compete with their mercury

>Pescatarians are proven to live longer and be healthier than vegans and vegetarians alike.
An interesting cohort study, but when talking about heart disease which is one of the absolute biggest determinants of mortality, cohorts simply don't fit. A vegan diet isn't innately healthy that's true. You can find studies like these ranking vegans as the absolute healthiest including above pescatarians

>t causes a lot less harm to slaughter a farm-scrap-fed-pig for the winter than it does to truck in that much nutrition from the other side of the planet.
Animal agriculture literally has higher rates of greenhouse gas emissions than transportation. Methane and nitrous oxide are hundreds of times more potent than CO2. Pigs are only slightly more efficient than chickens in this regard. Carrying capacity for a vegan diet requires about an 8th of the land

>> No.11874630

You have no evidence. You're a seething little fatboy who is in a death cult of all animals including himself because you're a slave to narratives and your tastebuds

>> No.11874643

Classic projection, you are part of a fucking cult so you project onto others that they are slave to a narrative.

>> No.11874647

>Classic projection
Classic deflection of someone who's actually projecting

>> No.11874650

I don't have to deflect anything, I am not the one trying to convince other to join a false cult.

>> No.11874655

Holy fucking bait-thread, Batman!

>> No.11874661

No you're trying to convince people to stay in your false cult. I don't want anymore vegans. No more accepting murderers. I want complete total carnist genocide right now.

>> No.11874671

You just need an ass beating, this is why you use the internet because if you ran your cunt mouth in real life human beings would push your shit in.

DIe in a fuckign fire.

>> No.11874676

You aren't a human being. You're a lactating fatboy carnist. VeGOD revolution begins with you. Then the cuckatarians

>> No.11874694

On absolute term this guy
is right

While it does require some effort to get the proper nutrition it is completely doable to totally eliminate animal product and be every bit as healthy.
Animal products are indeed a simpler source of several essential nutrients, but you just have to work harder to get to the same result without them, it isn't impossible.
On the environment side, there are some counterintuitive thingdy, and indeed eating mass produced soy from deforested Brazilian rainforest that had been transformed industrially is worse than getting an egg from the hen in your garden, but it's a bit of a bad faith argument. Of course there are no absolute, but you can't compare apples and oranges.

Anyhow in the end I kinda agree with your position.
Strongly reducing red meat and animal product in general and focusing on locally sourced and well produced products drastically reduces the environmental impact while not being hard to do. Totally eliminating animal products would only marginally improve that (compared to the previous option) while being very hard and demanding on the people.

So, knowing that, numbers are at play. It's better to convince 80% of the population to reduce red flat and eat better product Than antagonizing everybody and only having 5% of people totally renouncing animal products while the rest gorges on industrial meat

>> No.11874700
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Lmao I laughed so hard from your bantz

>> No.11874703

Oh wow

>> No.11874704

Most Amazon deforestation is for cattle feedlot or modified pasture. I don't disagree with the idea that land gets cleared for grain consumption but on average the amount of land needed and the carrying capacity is far more efficient for a veganic style system. Polycultures would do wonders over the current monoculture system

>> No.11874705


yeah it a fucking joke.

>> No.11874711

Could we not just share nice recipes for once

>> No.11874712
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>> No.11874715

Come get some pussy

>> No.11874719


>> No.11874724

No vegan faggots have to fuck up everything like they always do.

>> No.11874733

You’re not really helping either desu

>> No.11874736

When the carnist purge begins we enslave them on pastures and feedlots. A nice carnist rare steak cooked in their own fat from their thighs.

>> No.11874744

broke: becoming vegan because you care about animals
woke: becoming vegan to improve your health
bespoke: becoming vegan because raising livestock is a huge waste of resources and it takes more work for less food

>> No.11874754


You weak mother fuckers can hardly function, how do you expect to purge anything?

It is not like you clowns are going to have guns since you will ban those too.

>> No.11874761

>it takes more work for less food

Jesus christ, why don't you spend some time on a farm or ranch before you run your mouth in such an ignorant fashion?

>> No.11874768

>v-vegans are libruls!!!

Cult mentality. Need to strawman because you have no actual arguments. Fatty lactating carnists cant even lift their six shooter up watching cuck porn let alone lift their fat ass up to get their rifle

>> No.11874784


Are you actually implying you don't want to ban guns?


The entire crux of you bullshit is your lust to control human behavior, guns will get a pass?

Yeah fucking right.




>> No.11874804

>dont be a psychopath fat carnist


Cultist slave. You get purged first

>> No.11874829

Imagine falling for the late stage capitalist psyop that is veganism. Good slave cattle, eat grass and mosquito patties while toiling for lowered minimum wage in the hellscape that are overpopulated megacities. Meanwhile the elite eat kobe beef, whale steak and lobster, financed by being able to continue anarchocapitalist economics through not having to regulate population growth which would expose modern economics as a pyramid scheme.

What "more efficiently produced and ethical" food will you switch to when the population gets so big even a soybean and insect powder diet isn't sustainable because there are so many people? Pretty ideals and stardust?

>> No.11874855



Dumb filthy carnist

>eat beef, it'll make you look white!!! who cares about your arteries or the environment!!!


>> No.11874859
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>late stage capitalist

Can a single one of you pukes think for yourselves at all?

>> No.11874861
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>Vegan thread #1859446

You know the drill.

>> No.11874893
File: 87 KB, 750x1125, Toum-Lebanese-Garlic-Sauce9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this on purpose as an example of very specific case that isn't representative

You're right

Take a handful of garlic cloves, peel them and take the germ away
Start mixing them with a tablespoon of lemon juice until you get a paste.
Add oil slowly until it turns into an emulsion and start inflating
Add salt or more lemon juice to the taste

It can replace mayonnaise most of the time and it makes a great dip for vegetables

>> No.11874939

>more work for less food

It’s better food, though, so it’s worth it. Vegans don’t seem to have a concept of quality or craftsmanship.

>> No.11875030

>Vegans don’t seem to have a concept of quality or craftsmanship
Where does that assumption come from? The lower end on which you sit would be my best guess

>> No.11875091

why are vegans so stupid

>> No.11875120

Or chuck those ingredients in a blender and blast.

>> No.11875654

>these boiled beans pressed into a cake and doused in liquid smoke taste JUST as good as hand-pressed, aged soppressata!

Why even pretend vegans are as good at making delicious food than actual people?

>> No.11875663
File: 62 KB, 620x618, SG-ortolanAbove-620x618[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you just suck at cooking

>> No.11875762
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>> No.11875880
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I don't even understand that question sorry.
I see others have addressed this steaming pile of cow manure, thanks for saving me the effort lads.

>> No.11875896
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His channel is still up on Jewtube, but it looks like all his videos, except one, are put on private and non viewable. Here is his last video still up


>> No.11875920

Vegans massacre fawns innthe thousands every harvest-time with zero guilt. No carnivore human hunts or kills fawns or ever needs to.

>Be babby fawn in the wild just tryna live
>Gigantic machine for harvesting vegans vegetables grinds you up into sawdust.
>Vegans literally don't give a single fuck.


>> No.11875928
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>Can we just share some vegan recipes??

Sure absolutely!!

Step one- Pour chemical sludge into blender
Step two- Blend the shit out of it because you have no teeth anyway.
Step three- consume the toxic poison
Step four- die

>> No.11875938
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>>Fucking lost it at "mosquito patties"

>> No.11876172

This is of utter bad faith and just done as a gotcha.
It all rest on the assumption that meat only comes from animal eating grass from pastures and that switching to a vegetable based diet implies transforming those pastures into fields. It also rest on the assumption that these fields will be cultivated with intensive not environmentally friendly methods.

This is completely innacurate or grossly false for most meat production in the world, especially in the developed countries which eat more meat, like the US or China.

Also obviously as veganism is about bettering the environment, the idea is not switching to horrible intensive agriculture but to look for a loclaly sourced respectful model

>> No.11876268
File: 432 KB, 1560x924, 1546252133397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I didn't even understand this logic gymnastics. Let's break it down shall we?? I am not "the whole world" and neither are you.

I am one cuckhold anon, and I spend my money on cow food and property taxes for ranchers (so their cows can have loooooot of pastureland and sunshine during their cow life on Earth)

You spend your money on chemical pesticides which massacre small wild animals, and you also direct your money to huge bulldozers to clear forests for the growing demand for avocado and quinoiua.

And you are the one who loves animals??

>> No.11876340

Health reasons for being vegan is acceptable. Being vegan for moral reasons us retarded.

>> No.11876389


Jesus, thanks for proving my point. Where the fuck you tastelets get off pretending a pile of wet grains has even a fraction of the delicacy of ortolan is beyond me.

>> No.11876575

Glad that you agree that everybody should stop eating bacon (porks are not herbivores and cannot live on a sole pastures diet) or any meat that is not grass fed and free range

I personally get my vegetation from a local farmer growing them with permaculture, so they actually increase biodiversity thank you very much

>> No.11876960
File: 291 KB, 1600x1235, obesity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Fatass that doesn't understand logical fallacies

>> No.11876965

Can get some fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh eggs?

>> No.11877122

vegetarians can eat fish

>> No.11877172

perhaps you should have tracked your nutrients for a few days with chronometer. I bet you were not taking a B12 supplement beyond fortified foods.

>> No.11877532

I was taking b12, vitamin D and then vitamin A because I was worried about the bioavailability. But I'd never had a problem with wheat and then suddenly I was shitting blood after eating wheat and told I had a wheat intolerance then I kept getting fractures over nothing. When vegan runner said he had the exact same problem while vegan and it caused him to stop I did the same. Vegetarian atm feeling a little better, not sure what I'm going to do.

>> No.11877621
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>> No.11877670

>Veganbot imbecile typical troll
>Accurately posts an mage of obese children eating VEGAN FAST FOOD

Never thought I would see you make a post that was truthful or honest, I was wrong on that.

>> No.11877690
File: 31 KB, 802x450, 1549227208196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hope is, that we can take all these (retarded) pro-vegan memes, reverse them (edit) and use them to destroy veganism.

For anyone who doesn't know, that screaming idiot in the meme is well known vegan-cringe specialist Jon Saker. Everyone should be editing these memes not just me...

Other ideas are to put freelee into the meme, or other screaming vegans...


>> No.11877770
File: 29 KB, 799x449, 1549232919637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also can anyone tell me how to make GIFs?

>> No.11878532


There’s clearly a spare rib bag there.